310 research outputs found


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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tilaajana toimii YIT Rakennus Oy. Opinnäytetyö on kehittämisprojekti, jonka tavoitteena on tuottaa tilaajalle visuaalinen hallintajärjestelmä tiesuolan materiaalivirtojen seuraamiseen. Työn lähteenä on käytetty Liikenneviraston julkaisemaa materiaalia teiden kunnossapidosta sekä YIT:n eri työmaiden tuottama dataa teiden kunnossapidosta. Kehittämisprojektin lähtötietoina käytetään olemassa olevaa dataa tiesuolasta, lisäksi projektissa kartoitetaan uusia tapoja hyödyntää olemassa olevaa dataa, yhdenmukaistetaan eri työmaiden käytäntöjä kerätä dataa sekä tuodaan mahdollisuus koko organisaatiolle hyödyntää kerättyä dataa. Työssä kerrotaan myös yleisten teiden kunnossapidosta, teiden hoitoluokista, liukkaudentorjunnasta suolaamalla sekä tiesuolan varastoinnista, kuljetuksesta sekä materiaalivirtojen hallinnasta yleisesti. Työn tuloksena on syntynyt uusi hallintajärjestelmä tiesuolan materiaalivirtojen hallintaan sekä uusia toimintatapaehdotuksia liukkaudentorjuntamateriaalien hallinnasta kerättävään dataan.This Bachelor´s thesis was commissioned by YIT Construction Ltd. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a visual control system to follow the materials flow of the ice-control salt. Another aim was to explore new ways to utilize the existing data, standardize the practice of different construction sites to collect data and provide the organization with the possibility to utilize the collected data. The sources used in the thesis were the existing data and studies on the topic including the material published by Finnish Transport Agency and the data provided by YIT´s various construction sites on road maintenance. This thesis also discusses general road maintenance, road maintenance classes, antiskid treatment through ice-control salt, storage of ice-control salt, transportation and general material flow management. As a result of the thesis a new management system for the management of road salt material flows was produced. The thesis also includes suggestions for the control of ice-control salt material

    Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Exhibit Dysregulated Responses to Microbial DNA

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    Background: A critical role for the gut epithelium lies in its ability to discriminate between pathogens and commensals and respond appropriately. Dysfunctional interactions between microbes and epithelia are believed to have a role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study, we analyzed microbiota and gene expression in IBD patients and examined responses of mucosal biopsies to bacterial DNA. Methods: Biopsies were taken from non-inflamed areas of the colon in healthy controls (HC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients in remission. Biopsies were snap-frozen or cultured with DNA from Lactobacillus plantarum (LP) or Salmonella dublin (SD). Gene expression was analyzed under basal conditions and in response to DNA. Gene networks were analyzed using Ingenuity Pathways software. Mucosal-associated microbiota was analyzed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism. Frequency of single nucleotide polymorphisms in NOD2 and TLR9 was assessed. Results: Patients with IBD had altered microbiota, enhanced expression of inflammatory genes, and increased correlations between specific gene expression and microbes. Principle component analysis showed CD and UC patients to cluster independently from healthy controls in both gene expression and microbial analysis. DNA from LP stimulated anti-inflammatory pathways in controls and UC patients, but induced an upregulation of IL17A in CD patients. There were no differences in SNP frequencies of TLR9 or NOD2 in the groups

    L’utilisation des réseaux sociaux (Snapchat, WhatsApp et Instagram) et le cyberbullying

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    100% des jeunes possèdent un téléphone portable, 99% ont un ordinateur et 97% ont accès à Internet (Waller et al., 2016). Ces nouveaux moyens technologiques font partie de notre quotidien. Depuis l’apparition de ces réseaux, un nouveau mouvement est né : le cyberbullying. Ce harcèlement par Internet consiste à l’utilisation de technologies modernes de communication afin de nuire aux autres de manière délibérée et agressive. Quand les jeunes arrivent en classe, ils apportent avec eux l’entier de leur vécu quotidien, familial ou encore émotionnel. Les problèmes liés à l’utilisation massive de ces réseaux font partie de notre quotidien d’enseignant. Malheureusement, les études faites jusqu’au jour d’aujourd’hui portent en majeure partie sur les élèves entre 13 ans et plus. Mais qu’en est-il des jeunes âgés entre 9 et 12 ans ? Notre travail de recherche porte donc sur l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux (Snapchat, Instagram et WhatsApp) et le cyberbullying. Deux outils différents ont été utilisés lors de cette recherche : des questionnaires afin d’avoir des résultats quantitatifs et deux entretiens afin d’avoir un point de vue qualitatif. Nos résultats montrent que WhatsApp est le réseau social le plus utilisé, suivi d’Instagram en deuxième position et finalement de Snapchat. Les élèves considèrent le nombre de dangers et de conflits sur les réseaux comme très faibles. Ils avouent tout de même donner plus d’informations personnelles sur WhatsApp que sur les autres réseaux choisis dans l’étude. Concernant leur vision du contrôle des parents, ils l’estiment très faible. Cependant, il s’agit uniquement de leur avis, il serait intéressant de savoir la réalité des faits en interrogeant les parents. Les deux sujets interrogés savent définir le cyberbullying et connaissent les différents acteurs agissant au sein de cette forme de harcèlement. Ils sont également conscients des différents risques, conséquences ou sentiments que peut ressentir une cyber-victime mais n’abordent pas du tout ceux concernant le témoin ou le cyber-harceleur. En conclusion, notre recherche montre que les réseaux sociaux font partie intégrante du quotidien d’un grand nombre d’élèves. Il est donc essentiel que les enseignants s’interrogent sur les moyens de gérer les problèmes que ceux-ci peuvent amener en classe mais également les moyens de les éviter

    The NOD2-Smoking Interaction in Crohn's Disease is likely Specific to the 1007fs Mutation and may be Explained by Age at Diagnosis:A Meta-Analysis and Case-Only Study

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    Background: NOD2 and smoking are risk factors for Crohn's disease. We meta-analyzed NOD2-smoking interactions in Crohn's disease (Phase 1), then explored the effect of age at diagnosis on NOD2-smoking interactions (Phase 2). Methods: Phase 1: MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for studies (n = 18) providing data on NOD2 and smoking in Crohn's disease. NOD2-smoking interactions were estimated using odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) calculated using random effects models. Phase 2: A case-only study compared the proportion of smokers and carriers of the 1007 fs variant across ages at diagnosis (≤16, 17–40, >40 years). Findings: Phase 1: Having ever smoked was less common among carriers of the 1007 fs variant of NOD2 (OR 0.74, 95%CI:0.66–0.83). There was no interaction between smoking and the G908R (OR 0.96, 95%CI:0.82–1.13) or the R702W variant (OR 0.89, 95%CI:0.76–1.05). Phase 2: The proportion of patients (n = 627) carrying the 1007 fs variant decreased with age at diagnosis (≤16 years: 15%; 17–40: 12%; >40: 3%; p = 0.003). Smoking was more common in older patients (≤16 years: 4%; 17–40: 48%; >40: 71%; p < 0.001). Interpretation: The negative NOD2-smoking interaction in Crohn's disease is specific to the 1007 fs variant. However, opposing rates of this variant and smoking across age at diagnosis may explain this negative interaction

    cis-Urocanic Acid Attenuates Acute Dextran Sodium Sulphate-Induced Intestinal Inflammation

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    On exposure to sunlight, urocanic acid (UCA) in the skin is converted from trans to the cis form and distributed systemically where it confers systemic immunosuppression. The aim of this study was to determine if administration of cis-UCA would be effective in attenuating colitis and the possible role of IL-10. Colitis was induced in 129/SvEv mice by administering 5% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) for 7 days in drinking water. During this period mice received daily subcutaneously injections of cis-UCA or vehicle. To examine a role for IL-10, 129/SvEv IL-10−/− mice were injected for 24 days with cis-UCA or vehicle. Clinical disease was assessed by measurement of body weight, stool consistency, and presence of blood. At sacrifice, colonic tissue was collected for histology and measurement of myeloperoxidase and cytokines. Splenocytes were analyzed for CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T-regulatory cells via flow cytometry. Murine bone-marrow derived antigen-presenting cells were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ± UCA and cytokine secretion measured. Our results demonstrated that cis-UCA at a dose of 50 µg was effective in ameliorating DSS-induced colitis as evidenced by reduced weight loss and attenuated changes in colon weight/length. This protection was associated with reduced colonic expression of CXCL1, an increased expression of IL-17A and a significant preservation of splenic CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T-regulatory cells. cis-UCA decreased LPS induced CXCL1, but not TNFα secretion, from antigen-presenting cells in vitro. UCA reduced colonic levels of IFNγ in IL-10−/− mice but did not attenuate colitis. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that cis-urocanic acid is effective in reducing the severity of colitis in a chemically-induced mouse model, indicating that pathways induced by ultraviolet radiation to the skin can influence distal sites of inflammation. This provides further evidence for a possible role for sunlight exposure in modulating inflammatory disorders
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