215 research outputs found

    Comportamiento agronómico de Capsicum annuum L., Lycopersicon esculentum M. y Cucumis melo L. bajo cultivo protegido hidropónico utilizando la solución universal de Steiner

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Agronomía) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Agronomía, 2015Three horticultural crops were grown under greenhouse and hydroponic conditions using Steiner‟s Universal Nutrient Solution (1984) in the humid tropic San Carlos area, Costa Rica, on November 2013 and May 2014. Using the cultivars Nathalie and 4212 of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), JR and Lyro of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum M.), Sol Real and Acclaim of cantaloupe melon (Cucumis melo L.), two treatments per crop were established which corresponded to each cultivar, a completely randomized design with nested array was used having three replications per treatment. Growth, yield and nutrient uptake were measured. Growth expressed as total dry weight per plant of sweet pepper was 744,1g/plant in cv Nathalie and 809,5g/plant in cv 4212, both cultivars reached 50% in the fruits, for tomato crop was reported 703,4g/plant in cv JR, less than cv Lyro which obtained 1180,5g/plant, representing 53,1% y 69,3% of the harvest respectively; for cantaloupe melon 190,8g/plant was reported in cv Sol Real and 159,9g/plant in cv Acclaim. Production in sweet pepper was 4,69kg/plant in cv Nathalie and 4,70kg/plant in cv 4212, for tomato crop the yield was 8,5kg/plant in cv JR and 10,9kg/plant in cv Lyro, no marketable fruits were obtained in both cultivars of cantaloupe melon. Macronutrient uptake order was K>N>Ca>P>Mg in sweet pepper and tomato crops whereas in cantaloupe melon was K>N>Ca>Mg>P, the cv 4212 reported higher uptake of macronutrients regarding to cv Nathalie, the cv Lyro absorbed more quantity of N, Mg, K y P in contrast to the cv JR which obtained greater Ca content, and the cv Sol Real reported more uptake of macronutrients than the cv Acclaim. Micronutrient uptake order was different for each crop studied; in sweet pepper the Mn and Zn were the most absorbed while in tomato were Zn and Fe; in cantaloupe melon the Mn and Fe were the most demanded micronutrients. The use of a limited nutrition regarding to the Steiner‟s Universal Nutrient Solution (1984) represented a different performance in the three horticultural crops under this study.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensió

    Effect of Acid Hydrolysis on Tableting Properties of Chitin Obtained from Shrimp Heads

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    Purpose: To assess the effect of acid hydrolysis on the degree of acetylation, crystallinity, and molecular weight of chitin obtained from shrimp heads as well as to evaluate their tableting properties.Methods: The effect of acid hydrolysis conditions such as reaction temperature (46, 60, 80, 100, 114°C), hydrochloric acid concentration (4.6, 6, 8, 10 and 11.4 M) and reaction time (0.6, 2, 4, 6 and 7.4 h) were examined. The degree of acetylation and molecular weight were found by Fourier transform spectroscopy (FT-IR) and viscometry methods, respectively. The degree of crystallinity degree and its compact tensile strength were determined by x-ray and Fell & Newton methods, respectively.Results: The combined effect of high temperature (> 80 oC), HCl concentration (> 2 M) and reaction time (> 4 h) led to high depolymerization, reduction in degree of acetylation, crystallinity, chitin yield and thus, decreased tensile strength and accelerated compact disintegration time. Optimal reaction conditions were achieved at an acid concentration of 2.2 M, temperature of 60 oC and reaction time of 4 h. These conditions rendered compacts with tensile strength of 25.7 MPa and disintegration time of 25.3 min.Conclusion: The optimal HCl hydrolysis conditions for shrimp heads rendered chitin suitable for the preparation of compacts with good tensile strength and moderate disintegration time.Keywords: Chitin, Compressibility, Deacetylation, Acid Hydrolysis, Tableting Performance, Central Composite Desig


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    Este artículo es resultado de un proyecto de investigación, desarrollado desde el Centro de Evaluación Académica de la Universidad de Costa Rica, que se propuso como uno de sus objetivos realizar una revisión crítica de los criterios utilizados por la agencia acreditadora SINAES Costa Rica, a partir de la comparación con los parámetros construidos por  las agencias SINAES Brasil y COPAES México, para contar con una visión más amplia sobre los procesos de autoevaluación. Abstract This article is result of a project of investigation developed from the Center of Academic Evaluation of the University of Costa Rica, which one proposed as aims realized a critical review of the criteria used by the agency SINAES Costa Rica, from the comparison with the parameters constructed by agencies SINAES Brazil and COPAES Mexico, to possess a more wide vision on the processes of autoevaluation.Keywords: superior education, quality, accreditation, autoevaluation criteria

    Caracterización y tendencias de las organizaciones microfinancieras de Costa Rica

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Énfasis en Finanzas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2015.Se analiza la caracterización y tendencia de las organizaciones de microfinanzas en Costa Rica, con el fin de identificar los recursos financieros, la metodología para colocación y cobro de créditos que utilizan las microfinancieras, los aspectos que consideran para el cálculo de la tasa de interés y por último determinar el alcance de las organizaciones de crédito comunal. Dentro de la información más relevante de la investigación, obtenida a partir de las entrevistas realizadas a una muestra de 5 microfinancieras, se determinó que las mismas cuentan con tres fuentes de captación de recursos financieros, provenientes de organismos nacionales, internacionales y fondos propios, siendo la principal colocación de FIDERPAC, FUDECOSUR y ASOPRO en el sector productivo y APRODE y Fundación Mujer en el sector comercial. La colación y cobros de los créditos se realizan mediante comités de créditos, en los diferentes poblados rurales, o de forma directa en las oficinas de cada organización. Las garantías exigidas por las organizaciones son fiduciarias, hasta un monto de 2 millones de colones, e hipotecarias, hasta los 10 millones de colones, y las tasas de interés oscilan del 10% al 24% dependiendo de la fuente donde se hayan obtenido los recursos. En el ámbito jurídico, no existe ninguna ley que regule, prohíba o limite el accionar de este tipo de organizaciones. La tendencia del modelo está direccionada a la ampliación de la oferta crediticia para cubrir necesidades que presenten sus clientes, producto del crecimiento de sus negocios. Adicional, a futuro las microfinancieras se quieren expandir hacia zonas desabastecidas para abarcar más mercado.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Administración de Empresa

    Propuesta de plan de negocios para el adecuado manejo del centro de visitantes el jilguero

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Bachillerato en Gestión del Turismo Rural Sostenible) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ciencias y Letras, 2012.El presente trabajo consiste en una investigación para llevar a cabo un negocio turístico por medio de un plan de negocios, el cual permita analizar aspectos como mercadeo, organización, dirección y situación financiera del mismo. Dicho negocio radica en un centro de visitantes ubicado en La Legua de Zarcero, sin embargo el acceso a este es por la comunidad de San José de la Montaña. La idea de llevar a cabo el proyecto surge gracias a la necesidad de proteger el Parque Nacional del Agua Juan Castro Blanco, debido a que éste no cuenta con ningún ente que se encargue de regular el ingreso al mismo. Asimismo, se pretende desarrollar turismo educativo y de investigación, además del turismo rural, aprovechando las riquezas naturales y culturales presentes en el sitio.Parque Nacional del Agua Juan Castro Blanco Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica Sede San Carlos. Escuela de Ciencias y Letra

    Familias: transformaciones históricas y propuestas para el abordaje del Trabajo Social desde la perspectiva de género / Families: historical transformations and proposals for the approach of Social Work from a gender perspective

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    En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de comprender a las familias –en plural–, a partir de sus transformaciones, desde la perspectiva de género y los aportes de las teorías feministas. Se evidencian y cuestionan nociones que obstaculizan el trabajo con las familias, y se proponen algunos puntos de partida para un abordaje crítico desde el Trabajo Social.   In this piece of work, the author reflects on the need to understand families –in plural–, starting with its transformations, from the gender perspective and the contributions of feminist theories. This work calls attention to and questions the concepts that impede the work with families. Furthermore, some starting points are proposed for a critical approach from social work

    Gelatin and non gelatin soft gel capsules: A review

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    Soft gelatin capsules are solid, single-dose dosage forms consisting of a shell, usually made from gelatin, that generally contain liquids. Gelatin is the most widely used film-forming agent, and it is extracted from collagen through hydrolysis. However, it is also possible to use starch and cellulose derivatives, such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, to form the thin ribbons required for the production of soft gel capsules. The most widely used method for making and filling soft gel capsules is using a rotary die process which is known as the first continuous manufacturing process. Due to the nature of soft gelatin capsules, the to-be-encapsulated liquid formulation must be within well-established moisture and pH limits. These liquids can be either hydrophilic or hydrophobic and can be formulated as solutions or suspensions. There are currently many soft capsules patents, some covering formulations and others covering the processes of soft capsules without incorporating gelatin. The main objective of this paper was to review both soft gelatin and non-gelatin capsules as to their general aspects, composition, manufacturing processes, and controls affecting this pharmaceutical dosage form. Additionally, some patents for soft gelatin and non-gelatin capsules are cited.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas (INIFAR

    Modelo de responsabilidad social empresarial para la empresa Laboratorios Retina S.A.S

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    El diagnóstico actual del sistema de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Laboratorios Retina S.A.S., se realizó con la colaboración de los trabajadores de la organización. La investigación consistió en indagar a través de encuestas, la percepción que las personas tenían sobre los temas concernientes al público interno, en base a la estructura de los indicadores ADEC-ETHOS. Los resultados obtenidos, contribuyeron en el diseño del modelo de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial para Laboratorios Retina S.A.S., el cual toma como referencia la visión esquemática de la ISO 26000, buscando impactar de manera transversal cada una de las áreas de la compañía.The current diagnostic system in CSR of Laboratories Retina S.A.S., was conducted with the collaboration of the organization workers. The research explored through surveys, the perception that people had about the issues concerning the workforce, based on the structure of the ADEC-ETHOS indicators. The results contributed to design the model for CSR of Laboratories Retina S.A.S., which draws on the schematic overview of the ISO 26000, looking for impacting transversely each of the areas of the company

    Diagnóstico diferencial de infertilidad femenina: Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico e Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita No Clásica. Revisión Bibliográfica.

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    Female infertility affects globally approximately 13% of women of reproductive age. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequent endocrine cause, which phenotypically overlaps with non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NC-CAH), so the differential diagnosis between these entities is considered mandatory. PCOS, characterized by oligoanovulation, hyperandrogenism, and ovarian cysts in the ultrasound, occurs in up to 90-95% of patients seeking treatment for their infertility condition. Meanwhile, HSC-NC is the most common genetic steroid disorder that affects fertility. Factors such as hyperandrogenism, hormonal anomalies, anatomical alterations and the body mass index play a role in the reproductive abnormalities that are common between these two endocrine disorders. The objective of this review is to discuss the differences and similarities in the mechanisms involved in the development of infertility of both syndromes to make an adequate differential diagnosis.La infertilidad femenina afecta aproximadamente a un 13% de las mujeres en edad reproductiva globalmente. La causa endocrina más frecuente corresponde al síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) el cual se traslapa fenotípicamente con la hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita no clásica (HSC-NC), por lo que el diagnóstico diferencial entre estos entes se considera mandatorio. El SOP, caracterizado por oligoanovulación, hiperandrogenismo y quistes ováricos ultrasonográficos, se presenta hasta en un 90-95% de las pacientes que buscan tratamiento para su condición de infertilidad. Por su parte, la HSC-NC es el trastorno de esteroidogénesis genético más común que afecta la fertilidad. Factores como el hiperandrogenismo,  desórdenes hormonales, alteraciones anatómicas y el índice de masa corporal juegan un papel en las anormalidades reproductivas que son comunes entre estos dos trastornos endocrinos. El objetivo de esta revisión es discutir las diferencias y similitudes en los mecanismos implicados en el desarrollo de infertilidad de ambos síndromes para realizar un adecuado diagnóstico diferencial

    Characterization and Comparison of quality management systems for cosmetic products in the world

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    The quality management systems are tools that can be implemented in different types of industry with the purpose of achieving improved quality standards on the products or services they develop, mainly looking to satisfy the customer and position themselves in the market with an advantage over the products offered. Within the pharmaceutical industry there are numerous regulations and laws that regulate and supervise the production of these products worldwide, ensuring that the industries dedicated to this area have certain regulations and meet minimum quality objectives, because they are products that have a high impact on human life and their improper use can mean major problems for it. This is why, over the years, organizations have been formed. It corresponds to a bibliographic review of international regulations on the manufacture of cosmetic products. Multiple sources are reviewed, from the original standards that contain the minimum requirements for a company that manufactures this type of product, to reviews by auditing and consulting organizations, as well as research on the same subject. It is important to note that basically all regulations, rules and standards specify the same requirements to meet the needs of the customer, and at the same time, meet the safety and quality of a product that will circulate both in domestic and international markets. In this sense, it is clear that the most widely used standard worldwide is ISO 22716:2007, which is widely disseminated across all continents, and is used as the basis for many of the national regulations implemented in countries. The changes made by local regulations are minimal to the content of the standard, adding some clauses to it, but leaving its basic structure intact.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas (INIFAR