543 research outputs found

    Mobilization of Cyber Extension Participants to Build Household Food Security

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    Youtuber, Tiktokers and content creater exist on internet who actively showing agricultural information in limited land, hydroponic cultivation also tips for utilization home yard as plantation productive a form public participation in an attempt to increase agricultural in micro scale. The impressions agricultural innovative and creatives from content creators in internet is a phenomenon change occurs paradigm education present that openly also no need to rely on employment of counseling functional with status State Civil Apparatus. Absence content creator information about alternative agricultural can categorize to participant cyber extension in order to build food resilience at the household level. Cyber extension that is conducted on public became concept participative counceling that are relevant developed when limited quantity human resources agricultural counselors, procurement material and support facilities. Purpose: studies on existence participant cyber extension to design programs and strategy mobilize content creator into intensify extension utilization home yard to plant productive to build food resilience household. This study improving concept couceling based society and mobilization power source theory. Method: systematics literatur review with qualitative approach. Result: (1) Need to be given coaching or mentoring for participants especially content creator to produce mater that are educative and solutive for society who want start plating at home yard (2) Giving appreciation or reward to participant who active and creatuve doing cyber extensionKeberadaan YouTuber, Tiktokers dan Content Creator di internet yang giat menayangkan informasi  pertanian di lahan terbatas,  budidaya tanaman hidroponik serta kiat memanfaatkan pekarang rumah sebagai lahan perkebunan produktif merupakan sebuah wujud partisipasi masyarakat dalam  upaya meningkatkan produksi pertanian skala mikro. Tayangan pertanian inovatif dan kreatif dari para pembuat konten di internet adalah fenomena  terjadinya perubahan paradigma penyuluhan masa kini yang terbuka serta tidak harus mengandalkan kerja penyuluh  fungsional dengan status Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN). Kehadiran pencipta konten (content creator) informasi pertanian alternatif dapat dikategorikan sebagai partisipan penyuluhan di ruang siber atau cyber extension dalam rangka membangun ketahanan pangan pada tingkat rumah tangga. Cyber extension yang dilakukan publik menjadi konsep penyuluhan partisipatif yang relevan dikembangkan ketika terbatasnya jumlah Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) penyuluh pertanian, pengadaan materi dan fasilitas pendukungnya. Tujuan:  kajian mengenai eksistensi partisipan cyber extension untuk merancang program maupun strategi memobilisasi pencipta konten dalam menggencarkan penyuluhan pemanfaatan pekarangan untuk tanaman produktif guna membangun ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Kajian ini mengembangkan konsep penyuluhan berbasis masyarakat dan teori mobilisasi sumber daya. Metode: sistematics literatur review dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil: (1) Perlu diberikan pembinaan atau pendampingan bagi partisipan utamanya pencipta konten untuk menghasilkan materi yang bersifat edukatif dan solutif bagi masyarakat yang ingin memulai menanam di pekarangan. (2) Memberikan apresiasi atau reward kepada partisipan yang aktif dan kreatif melakukan cyber extension


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    Penyakit kusta adalah penyakit kronik yang disebabkan oleh kuman Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) yang pertama kali menyerang susunan saraf tepi, selanjutnya dapat menyerang kulit, mukosa traktus respiratorius bagian atas, kemudian dapat ke organ lain kecuali susunan saraf pusat. Stigma pada penyakit kusta merupakan hambatan untuk penemuan kasus dan efektivitas pengobatan penyakit kusta. Stigma bersifat sosial dan dapat menyebabkan penderita kusta dikucilkan dari aktivitas sosialnya. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang berperan dalam terjadinya stigma terhadap penyakit kusta, salah satunya adalah pengetahuan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan masyarakat dengan stigma terhadap penyakit kusta di Kota Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan mengunjungi 4 Puskesmas yang ada di Kota Samarinda dan menyebar kuesioner ke masyarakat dengan menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 100 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dengan rincian; pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 22 responden, pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 49 responden, dan pengetahuan baik sebanyak 29 responden; dan stigma baik sebanyak 24 responden, stigma sedang sebanyak 62 responden, dan stigma buruk sebanyak 14 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji Somer’s d diperoleh nilai p = 0,456; sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan masyarakat dengan stigma terhadap penyakit Kusta di Kota Samarinda. &nbsp

    If the next president wants to put an ideologue on the Supreme Court, they will have to sacrifice their initial domestic policy goals.

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    One of the first tasks for the new president this January – whoever they may be – could be to nominate a new justice to the Supreme Court. But how should the next president go about this? In new research, Anthony J. Madonna, James E. Monogan III, and Richard L. Vining, Jr. find that the more a president supports a particular Supreme Court nominee, the lower the chance that they can get a major new policy initiative through the Senate. If the new president wishes to focus on achieving their policy goals in their first 150 days, they argue, they should compromise by appointing a moderate to the Supreme Court, rather than an ideologue

    Ideology, Qualifications, and Covert Senate Obstruction of Federal Court Nominations

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    Scholars, policymakers, and journalists have bemoaned the emphasis on ideology over qualifications and party over performance in the judicial appointment process. Though, for years, the acrimony between the two parties and between the Senate and President remained limited to appointments to the United States Supreme Court, the modern era of judicial appointments has seen the so-called “appointments rigor mortis” spread throughout all levels of judicial appointments. A host of studies have examined the causes and consequences of the growing acrimony and obstruction of lower federal court appointments, but few rely on archival data and empirical evidence to examine the underlying friction between the parties and the two branches. In a unique study, the authors examine archival data to determine the conditions under which Senators obstruct judicial nominations to lower federal courts. More specifically, the authors examine one form of Senate obstruction — the blue slip — and find that Senators use their blue slips to block ideologically distant nominees as well as unqualified nominees. More importantly, however, the authors find that among nominations to federal circuit courts, Senators block highly qualified nominees who are ideologically distant from them just as often as they block unqualified nominees who are ideologically distant from them. That is, stellar qualifications do not appear to mitigate the negative effects of ideological distance. The fact that blue slips occur in private, away from public view, allows Senators to block nominees entirely on ideological grounds, without fear of individualized public retribution. Senators, in short, have taken an aggressive role in blocking highly qualified nominees who would otherwise make significant — but opposing — policy and who might one day become credible nominees to the Supreme Court were their nominations to move forward. By killing these nominations in the cradle, and outside the public view, Senators can block or delay the confirmation of judges with whom they disagree ideologically. The authors point out that policymakers and scholars who seek to reform the judicial appointment process must therefore be very clear about their goals. If a reform’s goal is to minimize the role of Senate ideology in the appointment process, then proposals that insulate the process from the public eye are likely to backfire. For, as the data show, Senators take advantage of insulation to achieve ideological goals. On the other hand, if a reform’s goal is to maximize the role of Senate ideology — perhaps to offset the President’s first mover advantage or to recognize and directly address the fact that courts are policymaking bodies — then proposals that insulate the process from the public eye are likely to accomplish that goal

    High prevalence of anti-hepatitis e virus antibodies among blood donors in central Italy, february to march 2014

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    Prevalence of anti-hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies is highly variable in developed countries, which seems partly due to differences in assay sensitivity. Using validated sensitive assays, we tested 313 blood donors attending a hospital transfusion unit in central Italy in January and February 2014 for anti-HEV IgG and IgM and HEV RNA. Data on HEV exposure were collected from all donors. Overall anti-HEV IgG prevalence was 49% (153/313). Eating raw dried pig-liver sausage was the only independent predictor of HEV infection (adjusted prevalence rate ratio = 2.14; 95% confidence interval: 1.23–3.74). Three donors were positive for either anti-HEV IgM (n = 2; 0.6%) or HEV RNA (n = 2; 0.6%); they were completely asymptomatic, without alanine aminotransferase (ALT) abnormalities. Of the two HEV RNA-positive donors (both harbouring genotype 3), one was anti-HEV IgG- and IgM-positive, the other was anti-HEV IgG- and IgM-negative. The third donor was positive for anti-HEV IgG and IgM but HEV RNA-negative. HEV infection is therefore hyperendemic among blood donors (80% men 18–64 years-old) from central Italy and associated with local dietary habits. Nearly 1% of donors have acute or recent infection, implying potential transmission to blood recipients. Neither ALT nor anti-HEV IgM testing seems useful to prevent transfusion-transmitted HEV infection. © 2016, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

    Dynamics of concurrent and sequential Central European and Scandinavian heatwaves

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    In both 2003 and 2018 a heatwave in Scandinavia in July was followed by a heatwave in Central Europe in August. Whereas the transition occurred abruptly in 2003, it was gradual in 2018 with a 12-day period of concurrent heatwaves in both regions. This study contrasts these two events in the context of a heatwave climatology to elucidate the dynamics of both concurrent and sequential heatwaves. Central European and, in particular, concurrent heatwaves are climatologically associated with weak pressure gradient (WPG) events over Central Europe, which indicate the absence of synoptic activity over this region. One synoptic pattern associated with such events is Scandinavian blocking. This pattern is at the same time conducive to heatwaves in Scandinavia, thereby providing a mechanism by which Scandinavian and Central European heatwaves can co-occur. Further, the association of WPG events with Scandinavian blocking constitutes a mechanism that allows heatwaves to grow beyond the perimeter of the synoptic system from which they emanated. A trajectory analysis of the source regions of the low-level air incorporated in the heatwaves indicates rapidly changing air mass sources throughout the heatwaves in both regions, but no recycling of heat from one heatwave to the other. This finding is line with a composite analysis indicating that transitions between Scandinavian and Central European heatwaves are merely a random coincidence of heatwave onset and decay

    Evaluating Native American Bird Use and Bird Assemblage Variability along the Oregon Coast

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    Native American use of birds on the Oregon coast is not well known and has never been synthesized to present a regional understanding. We rectify this by analyzing data from 26 zooarchaeological assemblages, including three previously unpublished bird assemblages: Umpqua/Eden (35DO83), Whale Cove (35LNC60), and the Dunes Site (35CLT27). We employ a series of non-parametric randomization tests to directly evaluate patterns of taxonomic diversity, correlations with nearby breeding colonies, and broader procurement strategies discussed in ethnohistorical accounts. We compare the assemblages to contemporary surveys of naturally beached birds as observed by COASST (Coastal Observation Seabird Survey Team) and evaluate whether archaeological specimens were scavenged from the beach. While 71% of the identified bird remains belong to just three families (Anatidae, Alcidae, and Procellariidae), closer analysis reveals the incredible diversity of birds used by Oregon coast Native Americans. The assemblages vary considerably in terms of taxonomic diversity and composition, leading us to conclude that people used birds opportunistically, likely incorporating multiple strategies, including hunting, collecting beached carcasses and targeting cormorant colonies. We hope that the methods and approaches employed here will inspire other archaeologists to devote more attention to bird assemblages, and how their study can inform conservation efforts

    Post-exposure prophylaxis with sotrovimab for Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant during the aplastic phase of autologous stem cell transplantation

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    Background To date, there is no information on the safety and efficacy of the novel anti-sarbecoviruses monoclonal antibody sotrovimab administered, as a post-exposure prophylactic measure, during the aplastic phase of autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). Methods We describe the outcomes of a Multiple Myeloma (MM) patient, who was threateningly exposed to the Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant, two days after having received a myeloablative regimen of high-dose melphalan. The patient fulfilled all CDC criteria for prolonged close contacts with an index patient who tested positive for a molecular nasopharyngeal swab (Omicron; B.1.1.529) soon after admission to the ward. Given the high risks of morbidity and mortality in the case of COVID-19 developing during the aplastic phase of transplantation, we adopted a post-exposure prophylaxis intervention based on intravenous (i.v.) sotrovimab
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