290 research outputs found

    The Meaning of the Phrase "Degrading Act" in the Criminal Offense of Insulting the President or Vice President

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    This study examines Law No 1 of 2023 concerning the Indonesian Criminal Code, mainly focusing on the provision regarding the insult of the President and/or Vice President in Article 218, paragraph 1. The research employs a normative juridical approach, explicitly analyzing the grammatical interpretation of the phrase "Degrading Act". The findings indicate that the "Degrading Act" encompasses actions that disrupt judicial processes, threaten judges, and insult the judiciary. This includes defacement, writing, drawing, or damaging national symbols, even when such actions deviate from their intended form, size, or colour. Notably, the study demonstrates that the categorization of the "Degrading Act" extends beyond mere legal definitions, encompassing considerations of societal propriety. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the legal and societal dimensions of insulting state leaders, this research contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the evolving legal landscape in Indonesia. Furthermore, the study offers a clearer understanding of the legal aspects concerning insults towards state leaders and contributes to the changing legal landscape in Indonesia

    Juridical Overview of the Authority for the Confiscation of Evidence in the Code of Criminal Procedure and Book II of the Technical Guidelines for Administration and Technical Guidelines for General and Special Criminal Court Proceedings of the Indonesia Supreme Court

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    This study aims to conduct a juridical review of the authority to seize evidence as regulated in the Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (KUHAP) and Book II of the Technical Guidelines for the Administration and Technicalities of General and Special Criminal Justice by the Supreme Court. The research involves the analysis of legal texts, namely KUHAP and relevant technical guidelines, and the review of pertinent literature. The research findings reveal that the Supreme Court clearly outlines the authority to seize evidence in the Indonesian criminal procedure in KUHAP and Book II of the Technical Guidelines for the Administration and Technicalities of General and Special Criminal Justice. However, certain ambiguities and variations in interpretation exist in its practical implementation. Therefore, there is a need for harmonisation and refinement of regulations and an enhancement of the understanding and awareness among legal practitioners regarding the authority to seize evidence. This research contributes significantly to understanding the role of evidence seizure in the Indonesian criminal justice system. It could improve legal practices related to the exercise of this authority

    Local Wisdom as the Basis for Determination of Legislation Related to Public Order

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    This paper reviews how the mechanism for absorbing local wisdom values in the formation of criminal sanctions in the process of forming regional regulations in districts, namely Ponorogo, Magetan, and Madiun Regencies, East Java Province. This research is empirical legal research using a juridical-sociological approach. Based on the results of the discussion, local wisdom in the studied districts, which is characterized by sociological studies as a Mataraman cultural character, does not exist in the formation of local regulations on public order. It can be seen that there are differences in the determination of criminal sanctions in regional regulations regarding public order. This is because there is still a need for more specific regulations governing the mechanism for forming regional regulations to accommodate the interests of local wisdom to be contained in norms as sanctions in regional regulations. Thus, in the future, it is necessary to develop national standard parameters for making regional regulations and design a linkage mechanism between these standard mechanisms and the legal values of local life that live in society, which can bridge the two domains. How to cite item: Madjid, Abdul. “Local Wisdom as the Basis for Determination of Legislation Related to Public Order.” Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum 14 no. 2 (2023): 114-125. DOI: 10.26905/idjch.v14i2.10843

    Analysis of the aircraft manufacturer IPTN, an Indonesian state-owned company

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    This thesis deals with Indonesia's state-owned aircraft manufacturer, IPTN. The objective of the thesis is to analyze trends in IPTN's investment. In particular, it analyzes the impact of IPTN's capital formation over the 1976 - 1992 period on Indonesia's GDP. First a brief description of IPTN's background and Indonesia's economic condition is presented. Second, an assessment is made as to why IPTN should have strategic planning to compete in the international market. Third, based on econometric analysis, IPTN's prospects for the future are examined. As is typical with econometrics, the data is incomplete; however, a trend can be identified. The model used shows that the government's investment in IPTN does not appear to have a significant impact on Indonesia's economic growth, as measured by GDP. Finally, recommendations for IPTN are made, including accepting foreign and private investors and utilizing a niche marketing strategy. A strategic planning program for international marketing is also outlined.http://archive.org/details/analysisofircraf1094531339NANAIndonesian Air Force author

    The Submission of Judicial Review by the Public Prosecutor Following the Decision of the Constitutional Court No 20/PUU-XXI/2023 (Indonesia): an Examination of Legal Protection for the Rights of the Convicted

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    This study aims to analyse the essence of the application for reconsideration by convicts and their heirs post the Constitutional Court Decision No 20/PUU-XXI/2023 and to evaluate the reconsideration by the Public Prosecutor from the perspective of the principle of legal protection of the rights of convicts. The research methodology employs a conceptual, legislative, and historical approach. Primary legal materials consist of laws and judgments, while secondary legal materials encompass textbooks, journals, and commentaries on court decisions. The legal materials are analysed qualitatively through content analysis, identifying relevant concepts within the criminal justice system. The research findings indicate that the procedure for convicts to apply for reconsideration is tightly regulated by Article 263 and Article 264 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). Convicts must submit a request for reconsideration that includes the reasons underlying the request. This formal requirement must be fulfilled for the reconsideration request to be accepted. The Constitutional Court Decision No 20/PUU-XXI/2023 has significant implications for legal certainty, particularly regarding the right of the Public Prosecutor to submit a reconsideration request. The decision states that the right to submit a reconsideration request is only held by convicts or their heirs, in line with Constitutional Court Decision No 33/PUU-XIV/2016. This is aimed at preserving legal certainty and avoiding ambiguous interpretations of the provisions in the KUHAP. The principle of legal protection of the rights of convicts through reconsideration is crucial to ensure that convicts have fair and transparent access to the legal process. Although the Constitutional Court's decision has limited the Public Prosecutor's right to submit a reconsideration request, it aligns with the principle of protection of convicts' rights to ensure that the legal process is conducted fairly and according to the applicable law

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Total Physical Response Melalui Blended Learning Untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Bahasa Inggris Peserta Didik Kelas VII SMP Islam Azzhahiriyah

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian penelitian dan pengembangan atau dikenal dengan Research and Development (R&D) bertujuan untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar Bahasa Inggris Peserta didik kelas VII melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran total physical response dengan metode blended learning. Masalah dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: (1) bagaimana rancangan model pembelajaran total physical response melalui blended learning Untuk Mengatasi kesulitan Belajar Bahasa Inggris Peserta didik, (2) bagaimana menguji kelayakan penggunaan model pembelajaran total physical response dengan metode blended learning untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar Peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, dan (3) apakah penggunaan total physical response melalui metode blended learning efektif terhadap peserta didik yang mengalami masalah belajar bahasa Inggris. Model pengembangan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall . Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII yang berjumlah 99 orang, yang terdiri dari ; 3 orang subjek uji awal, 12 orang subjek uji kelompok kecil, 30 orang subjek uji kelompok besar dan 54 orang subjek implementasi lapangan. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil uji kelayakan yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi sebesar 92%, ahli desain instruksional/ media sebesar 88%, pengguna guru 93% dan pengguna peserta didik sebesar 92% secara keseluruhan memperoleh kategori “sangat layak”. Dengan demikian, penggunaan model pembelajaran total physical response melalui blended learning efektif untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar Bahasa Inggri

    The Concept of Proper Wages for Workers Based on Social Justice

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    The phenomenon of worker remuneration systems experiences fluctuating and situational developments. The development of increasingly complicated situations in economic, social, cultural, and political correlation encourages the state (government) to be involved in legal protection of the for workers' welfare including the right of workers to get proper wages. With the involvement of the state in manpower field, as the responsibility of the state, namely determining the interests of the community in order to build prosperity as mandated by the Indonesia Constitution of 1945 in Article 27 (2) and Article 28D (2), which are translated into Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning manpower as applicable rule. This research study is a legal research, which examines laws and regulations in a coherent legal system. The conceptual approach to the regulations (statute approach) is then analyzed using analytical prescriptive. The indicators of worker’s welfare in Indonesia, especially wages, with the provisions of the legislation that regulates "minimum wages" as a the basis for providing proper wages for workers must be heeded by employers who employ person or a group of people in business activities. Wages are important for workers laborers fulfilling their daily needs properly and creating a prosperous society in accordance with the constitutional mandate in Indonesia. Keywords: wages, home base workers, social justice DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/82-1
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