525 research outputs found

    Fade Time Statistics of Laser Light Propagating Through Turbulent Atmosphere

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    The average fade time of the fluctuations in the intensity of laser light propagation in the atmosphere is analyzed. Experimental results show that the average fade time for a propagation distance of 208 meters, in the weak turbulence regime, is well described by formulas developed from a Log-Normal distribution. A circuit that calculates real time statistics of fade time is designed, then validated using a sine wave input whose fade time statistics are predetermined. The experimental signal is then tested for stationarity, and the average fade time is measured. A curve fitting is then performed for the experimental data and compared theoretical results

    Keanekaragaman Makrofauna Tanah pada Lahan Polikultur di Desa Pulau Semambu Kecamatan Indralaya Utara

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    Weni L,  Madjid A.  2020. Diversity of soil macrofauna on polyculture land in pulau semambu village north Indralaya district. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Soil macrofauna can improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil, its existence is influenced by the diversity of vegetation. The research aimed to compare the diversity of soil macrofauna. The method used is a survey method. Sampling of soil macrofauna used quadrant method 50 cm x 50 cm and 100 cm x 100 cm by hand sorting in the depth of 0-20 cm. The results showed that keluwing was only found in eggplant fields, mole cricket and white grub were only found in spinach fields, large black ants were only found in the Experimental Field Station of FP UNSRI at 100 cm × 100 cm quadrant. Spiders were found in each land of the research site at 100 cm × 100 cm quadrant. The species diversity index for each quadrant of 50 cm × 50 cm had low criteria. The species diversity index of 100 cm × 100 cm quadrant had low in water spinach, eggplant, post-water spinach cropping, Experimental Field Station of FP UNSRI, with moderate criteria on spinach land. The evenness index of 50 cm × 50 cm quadrant in the fields of water spinach, spinach, eggplant and the Experimental Field Station of FP UNSRI had high criteria, and the post-water spinach cropping had medium criteria. Evenness index of 100 cm × 100 cm quadrant in spinach land with high criteria, medium criteria in water spinach, eggplant, post-water spinach cropping, Experimental Field Station of FP UNSRI

    Analisis Hubungan Antara Leverage, Eps Dan Dps Pada Sektor Retail Trade Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Selama Periode 2003–2006

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    The aim of this research is to test relation between Operating Leverage and Earning BeforeInterest and Tax (EBIT), EBIT and Earning Per Share (EPS), financial leverage with EPS andDividen Per Shares(DPS) , and relation between EPS and DPS. The samples of this research are8 companies at commerce industry of retail trade in Indonesia Stock Exchange (ISX) by selectedbased on purposive sampling. The result shows that positive relationship between EBIT and EPS,and there are no positive relationship between DOL and EBIT, DFL and EPS, DFL and DPS, EPSand DPS

    Combination of Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, and Systolic Blood Pressure in Assessing Patients' Outcomes with Decreased Consciousness

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    Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is commonly used to assess outcomes of patients with loss of consciousness, but it is insufficient in predicting the outcome of some cases. This study aimed to assess the combination of GCS, systolic blood pressure and age to predict the outcome of patients with decreased consciousness. This was a retrospective cohort observational study of 76 loss of consciousness patients that comes into the Emergency Department of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in June-August 2014. Data was obtained from the medical records . GCS, systolic blood pressure and age were recorded when patients were admitted to the triage. Outcome was assessed two weeks after admission in the emergency department. Bivariate analysis on the GCS and age showed significant different between patients with poor outcome group with good outcome group (p<0.05) and no significant different of the systolic blood pressure between both groups (p>0.05). Multivariate analysis on the GCS and age showed good probability equation based on the calibration test and discrimination. The combination of Glasgow Coma Scale and age was accurate in assessing the outcomes of patients with loss of consciousness. &nbsp

    N Absorption in Nontidal Rice Fields Treated with Microalgae and Nitrogen Fertilizer Application

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    Nutrient elements that are needed by plants during its growth and development is nitrogen. Nitrogen deficiency can cause plants to become necrosis so that plants are not able to photosynthesize well, thus result in lack of food needed by plants. Microalgae can provide nitrogen for rice crops due to its activity. The aim of this research was to know the effect of microalgae from nontidal swamp land to reduce the use of inorganic N fertilizer in paddy field. The study was conducted from January to April 2017, using factorial completely randomized design with two factors, namely isolate and dosage of nitrogen fertilizer. The first factor is the type of the isolate (I), consisting of cultures from the area of rice cultivation (I1), the culture originating from the area around the rice fields (I2) and the cultures of area without rice cultivation (I3) area. The second factor is the dose of nitrogen fertilizer (N) consisting of 0%, 50% and 100%. The results showed that the treatment of the isolate (I) or dosage of nitrogen fertilizer had a significant effect on the weight of 1000 filled grains and the weight of empty grains in the generative phase of rice plant. The interaction between both treatments had a significant effect on the generative (production) phase. The microalgae culture from area of rice cultivation (I1) can contribute nitrogen requirement of 16.23% - 48.71% with an abundance of 7.48 cells ml-1, with the requirement of rice plant nitrogen fertilizer of 45-135 kg ha-1

    Penurunan Keluhan Dribbling Pasien Pasca Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Melalui Kegel's Excercise

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    This study aims to see the effect of Kegel's exercise on Dribbling Complaint of Post Transurethral Resection of the Prostate(TURP) patient. The sample was the patients who are hospitalized in X hospital and Y hospital fulfill the inclusion criteria.There were 10 responden each for intervention and control groups. The study results show that dribbling complaint of patientin intervention group stop at day 13, while in control group stop at day 24. Thus, there is a significant difference of the averageof dribbling complaint duration between intervention and control groups (p= 0.007; α= 0.05). In addition, for the respondentsin intervention group who did the exercise regularly, the dribbling complaint stop at day 13 and those who did not do exerciseregularly the complaint stop at day 20. This is shown again that there is a significant difference of the average of dribblingcomplaint duration between those who do the exercise regularly and who do not do it regularly (p= 0.004; α= 0.05). Inconclusion, the Kegel's's exercise is proven can reduce the dribbling complaint of post TURP patient. It is recommended thateach hospital can apply Kegel's excercise for patients with symptoms of post-TURP dribbling

    Poverty, Income Distribution, and Government Policy That Pro-Poor in Indonesia Year 2009-2016

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    This study aims to determine the effect of growth and distribution on poverty change as well as to analyse whether expenditure growth has given the benefits to the poor and non-poor in urban and rural area. The data used are raw data from total household consumption obtained from National Socio-Economic Survey for the period of 2009 to 2016. Poverty decomposition is used to see the effect of income growth and distribution on the poverty change. Furthermore, Poverty Equivalent Growth Rate (PEGR) supported by Growth Incidence Curve (GIC) is used to determine whether the benefit of economic growth is enjoyed more by the poor compared to pro-poor growth or not. The results show that income growth influences the decrease in poverty both in rural and urban area in Indonesia, during 2009-2016, 2009-2014 and 2014-2016. Conversely, the distribution of income increases the poverty in both areas during the periods. Inequality of income seems to give a strong influence so that the economic growth has not been a pro-poor both in rural and urban area of Indonesia during 2009-2016, 2009-2014 and 2009-2016

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny. M. G Di Puskesmas Rewarangga Kabupaten Ende Periode Tanggal 08 April s/d 30 Mei 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan adalah asuhan kebidanan yang dilakukan mulai antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, dan bayi baru lahir pada pasien secara keseluruhan. SDKI mencatat AKI di Indonesia tahun 2016 mengalami penurunan dari 395 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup menjadi 305 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. AKI di NTT pada tahun 2015 meningkatya sebanyak 176 kasus (133 per 100.000 KH). Di Puskesmas Rewarangga tahun 2017 tidak ada kematian ibu dan kematian bayi 6 kasus, kematian neonatal 4 kasus. Tujuan umum: Mampu menerapkan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny.M. G di Puskesmas Rewarangga Kecamatan Ende Timur Kabupaten Ende. Periode tanggal 08 April s/d 30 Mei 2019. Metode:Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi penelaahan kasus dengan unit tunggal. Lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas Rewarangga. Subyek penelitian Ny. M. Gumur 32 tahun, G2P1A0AH1, usia kehamilan 38 minggu. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil: Kehamilan normal. Melahirkan secara spontan di puskesmasRewarangga pada tanggal 20 - 04 – 2019 jam105.40 wita. Keadaan ibu dan bayi baik. Asuhan untuk bayi baru lahir dan ibu nifas dilakukan melalui kunjungan nifas 1-3, dan kunjungan neonatus 1-3. Keadaan ibu selama masa nifas baik. Ibu sudah mengikuti metode kontrasepsi suntik 3 bulan saat 40 hari post partum. Simpulan: Setelah dilakukan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan sejak kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir dan masa nifas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa keadaan ibu dan bayi sehat, bayi mendapat ASI ekslusif, ibu belum menjadi akseptor suntik depoprovera
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