10 research outputs found

    Study of the effectiveness of training Malian social and health agents in female genital cutting issues and in educating their clients

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    This report documents findings of a study to assess the education and training of social and healthcare workers in Mali regarding female genital cutting (FGC). After two decades of campaigning against FGC in Mali, the results are not satisfactory when compared to the levels of human and financial investment. The Mali Division of Family and Community Health, with technical support from the Population Council, conducted this research to highlight certain issues related to the practice of FGC in Mali, in particular health consequences and the role health personnel can play in eradicating the practice. The continued prevalence of FGC among dominant ethnic groups and the risk of its spreading to minority ethnic groups which do not traditionally circumcise females justify the continuation and extension of the campaign. Future research avenues, such as ways to improve IEC tools and training in health facilities, and improving outreach programs particularly among youths, should be explored

    Agénésie pulmonaire unilatérale: premier cas Burkinabé de détresse respiratoire néonatale: Unilateral pulmonary agenesis: first case of neonatal respiratory distress in Burkina Faso

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    Unilateral pulmonary agenesis with absence of pulmonary artery is an unusual congenital malformation, in Burkina Faso. We report hereby the first case having experienced respiratory distress due to unilateral pulmonary agenesis associated with a heart malformation (inter-auricular and inter-ventricular communications). Difficulties of diagnostic and therapeutic management in the context of limited access explain the fatal issue. L’agénésie pulmonaire unilatérale avec absence d’une artère pulmonaire est une malformation congénitale exceptionnelle, au Burkina Faso. Nous rapportons le premier cas Burkinabé ayant présenté une détresse respiratoire secondaire à une association complexe d’agénésie pulmonaire unilatérale et une malformation cardiaque (communications inter auriculaire et inter ventriculaire). Les difficultés de prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique, dans un contexte de ressourcée très limitée expliquent l’issue fatale

    The cocrystal μ-oxalato-κ4O1,O2:O1′,O2′-bis(aqua(nitrato-κO){[1-(2-pyridyl-κN)ethylidene]hydrazine-κN}copper(II)) μ-oxalato-κ4O1,O2:O1′,O2′-bis((methanol-κO)(nitrato-κO){[1-(2-pyridyl-κN)ethylidene]hydrazine-κN}copper(II)) (1/1)

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    The title cocrystal, [Cu2(C2O4)(NO3)2(C7H9N3)2(H2O)2][Cu2(C2O4)(NO3)2(C7H9N3)2(CH4O)2], is a 1:1 cocrystal of two centrosymmetric CuII complexes with oxalate dianions and Schiff base ligands. In each molecule, the CuII centre is in a distorted octahedral cis-CuN2O4 environment, the donor atoms of the N,N′-bidentate Schiff base ligand and the bridging O,O′-bidentate oxalate group lying in the equatorial plane. In one molecule, a monodentate nitrate anion and a water molecule occupy the axial sites, and in the other, a monodentate nitrate anion and a methanol molecule occupy these sites. In the crystal structure, intermolecular N—H...O, O—H...O and N—H...N hydrogen bonds link the molecules into a network. Weak intramolecular N—H...O interactions are also observed

    Effect of the African greenbelt position on West African summer climate: a regional climate modeling study

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    International audienceThis modeling study is conducted to examine the potential impact of the reforestation (greenbelt) location (either in Sahel or in Guinean region) on West African summer climate system. To this end, three simulations using the regional climate model RegCM4 driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis were performed at 50 km horizontal resolution over a West African domain for the period 2000-2011. The first experiment, namely the control (CTRL), uses the standard vegetation cover, while the two others incorporate throughout the model integration, a zonal reforestation band of evergreen broadleaf over different locations: (i) over a 13° N-17° N band latitudes in a Sahel-Sahara region (experiment hereafter referred to as GB15N) and (ii) between 8.5° N-11.5° N in the Guinea Coast region (experiment hereafter referred to as GB10N). A comparison of the CTRL experiment with observation reveals a faithful reproduction of the mean boreal and summer seasonal precipitation pattern, though substantial dry/wet biases remain, especially in the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, the seasonal cycle over sub-regions matches satisfactory the observed pattern. The GB15N reforestation leads to a precipitation increase in the range of 2-4 mm/day over the forested areas, whereas in the GB10N reforestation, precipitation increase is weaker and not necessarily located in the forested areas. Temperature cooling is observed over the reforested area and may be explained by a decrease of ground heat flux related to a reduction of the surface albedo

    Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: A Complication of Acute Renal Failure in a Child

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    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinico-radiological entity occurring during several conditions and more frequently in those associated with severe hypertension. The diagnostic approach is possible by considering the clinical context and MRI data, where white matter abnormalities are observed predominantly in the parietal and occipital territories secondary to the formation of a vasogenic edema. The evolution is characterized by a reversibility of the lesions in case of early diagnosis and management. The authors report a case of reversible posterior encephalopathy in a 12-year-old child who presented with a status epilepticus, revealing an acute renal failure


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    BUT  Rapporter deux cas familiaux de persistance du vitré primitif (PVP) bilatéral et d’évoquer la problématique de la prise en charge.OBSERVATIONS Il s’agissait de deux frères ( Cas 1 âgé de 09 ans  et Cas 2 âgé de 11 ans), issus d’un mariage consanguin de premier degré. Ils présentaient une malvoyance depuis la naissance. L’examen ophtalmologique montrait:pour le Cas1, une acuité visuelle limitée à « compte les doigts à 3m » à droite et une perception lumineuse à gauche; un nystagmus horizontal bilatéral , un cordon fibroglial vasculaire, une séclusion pupillaire et une leucocorie, aux deux yeux. L’échographie oculaire mode B 10 Hertz montrait un reliquat hyaloïdien postérieur à l’oeil droit. et un cordon papillo-capsulaire dense à l’oeil gauche; et pour le Cas 2, une acuité visuelle chiffrée à une perception lumineuse à droite et « compte les doigts à 1m » à gauche. Aux deux yeux, nous retrouvions un nystagmus pendulaire, un strabisme, et au fond d’œil : un cordon fibro-vasculaire et des calcifications. L’échographie mode B avait permis d’objectiver un cordon allant de la papille à la face postérieure du cristallin aux deux yeux.La prise en charge chez nos deux Cas consistait en une rééducation basse vision ainsi qu’un conseil génétique.CONCLUSIONLa persistance du vitré primitif, pathologie rare, avec un pronostic fonctionnel souvent réservé. La prévention de l’amblyopie et le conseil génétique sont une part importante de la prise charge.Mots clés : vitré, nystagmus, rééducation, génétique