329 research outputs found

    Texts of female desire and of community

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    This study investigated narratives obtained from 45 participants about their watching of EastEnders. The first aim was to understand why people watch this program. The second aim was to identify the kinds of social object dominating their accounts as a way of revealing the forms of cultural debate catalyzed by the show. Material was generated via an open-ended e-mail questionnaire and analyzed qualitatively using grounded theory. Two major themes constituting social objects were identified; female desire and community. These themes were made-up of seven categories each of which helped explain why our participants watched EastEnders; reduced troubles, gender, relaxation, social activity, community, realism, and Britishness. We discuss these results in relation to past research but also argue that, as our findings suggest some participants gained a therapeutic effect from watching EastEnders, there is a fruitful and little explored link between such comfort viewing and research on psychotherapy

    A range of memory possibilities: The challenge of the false memory debate for clinicians and researchers

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    The aim of this article is to present a succinct review and evaluation of the main areas of contention in the false memory debate and, from this basis, to suggest ways in which the best from both sides can be utilised. We examine the potential pitfalls of therapy in terms of the fallibility and suggestibility of autobiographical memory and therapists and therapeutic techniques as the architects of false memories. We then evaluate the case for false memory formation examining if some researchers hold misconceived views of psychotherapy, if experimental studies lack ecological validity, and the effect of trauma on memory. Finally, we explore how the potential pitfalls of therapy can be avoided in practice, reflecting on the usefulness of British Psychological Society guidelines, how clinicians can implement research findings, and how research on the false memory debate can be improved. We conclude that the way forward is researcher-clinician collaboration in the development of ecologically valid research paradigms

    Proposal to the Council of the British Psychological Society for the formation of a new Section of the Society on ‘Qualitative Methods in Psychology’

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    [FIRST PARAGRAPH] In this proposal we argue that qualitative psychology is growing in popularity and that there is a need to support this development within the framework of the British Psychological Society as qualitative psychologists have a set of unique, identifiable, and specific needs. We envisage this support in the form of a Section on Qualitative Methods in Psychology that will provide a focus for researchers interested in qualitative approaches

    Fear of devaluation : understanding the experience of intersexed women with androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Objectives: We aim to provide an understanding of the psychological sequela of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) in phenotypic females in order to begin to inform psychosocial health care services. Design: Eight adult women with AIS were recruited through United Kingdom-Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group (UK-AISSG). Data was collected via two semi-structured interviews with each woman. Methods: Transcripts were analysed using grounded theory and a conceptual model was developed which suggests a way of understanding the AIS DISTRESS experienced by our participants. Results: The pivotal concept is a woman’s FEAR OF DEVALUATION. This is connected to her level of ADAPTATION and perception of having a COMPROMISED WOMANHOOD. These, in turn, are related to her MEDICAL MANAGEMENT and involvement with others (SUPPORT GROUP and TALKING ABOUT AIS). Conclusions: Participants showed a clear preference for open communication about their condition and we recommend sensitive, pacing of information in order to allow young women and their family to make informed decisions about treatment and a realistic adaptation to life with AIS

    Can group work assist independent work? Psychology ‘ReGrouPs’

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    [First Paragraph] The rapidly developing interest in qualitative methods in psychology (defined as interpretative studies of specific issues or problems in which the researcher is central to the sense that is made – Elliott, Fischer, & Rennie, 1999) is currently being paralleled by students’ use of qualitative methods in final year research projects, which is itself a piece of independent research required for programme accreditation by the British Psychological Society. Whilst most students produce qualitative projects of a good standard, there is evidence that both students and supervisors of such research experience demands specific to this methodology

    Men on the market: Feminist analysis of age-stratified male–male romance in Boys’ Love manga

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    Male–male sexuality is the central trope of Boys’ Love (BL) manga with stories tending to revolve around a central uke-seme (‘bottom’–‘top’) pair. Although focused on men, BL is produced and consumed primarily by women. This article presents, from an anglophone British perspective, analysis of age-stratified male–male romance – paederasty – as portrayed in BL. My corpus consists of 234 commercially-translated original Japanese BL manga stories, created by 100 different mangaka (author-artists), published commercially in English between 2003 and 2012. A total of 68 (30%) of these stories were identified as involving agestratified relationships, eight of which were selected for detailed analysis. Seven were selected for typicality: Waru (2007) by Yukari Hashida deemed the most typical. Fangs (2008) by Hiroki Kusumoto was also included in analysis as the most atypical age-stratified story in order to test the robustness of identified patterns. I argue that that, from an anglophone perspective, the characteristic themes of age-stratified BL map surprising well onto the eroticised intra-familial dynamics of Freud and the intra- and inter-familial economics of Lévi-Strauss. The patterns identified are evidenced and discussed under the following headings: the mother identified son, the doubly divested man, the castrated father, men on the market and the mother with the phallus. These themes help build and substantiate my argument that age-stratified BL might work, within an anglophone context at least, as a feminist critique of patriarchy through the mechanism of phallic divestiture

    Let a thousand flowers bloom

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    Alien Registration- Madill, John A. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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