10 research outputs found

    Effects of Acute Physical Exercise on Mathematical Computation Depending on the Parts of the Training in Young Children

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether acute physical exercise may increase the ability to quickly solve basic mathematical operations in young children. In this way, the children acquired the means to activate a larger area of the brain when necessary. The research sample of 38 preschool and 18 schoolchildren was tested in basic mathematical operations before and after physical exercise. The results showed that childrenā€™s computational performance was enhanced signifi cantly during exercise and remained stable after relaxation part of their physical training

    Correlation between Balance Ability and Speech-Language Development in Children

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    The longitudinal study was conducted in order to establish whether the success rate of refl exes related to maintaining balance at birth is in correlation with the success rate of maintaining balance in early childhood, as well as to examine the correlation of a certain level of speech and language development with the ability of maintaining balance at birth and at the age of 5. The main study group included 54 children of both genders, aged 5.0 to 5.4, whose balance ability and speech and language status were evaluated based on the battery of standardized tests, whereas the group of refl exes related to the function of the vestibular sense was clinically tested on the 3rd day upon birth, within the same sample of children. The data at birth and at the age of 5 were recorded by means of a digital camera, then scored and statistically and descriptively processed. The research results indicated a statistically signifi cant correlation between the achieved level of balance ability in the newborns and fi ve-year-olds, as well as between balance skills and a certain level of speech and language development in children at the age of 5. The importance of this research lies in new knowledge in the domain of maturation of vestubular function immediately after birth, given that this segment of physiology of a newborn has not so far been processed in such a way, as well as in the recognition of function of the vestibular sense as another parametre of a childā€™s maturation

    "One health" ā€“ detection and surveillance of emerging and re-emerging arboviruses in Croatia

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    Posljednjih desetljeća jasno je uočljiv globalni trend porasta učestalosti emergentnih i re-emergentnih zaraznih bolesti koje ugrožavaju čovječanstvo. Najzastupljenije među njima su zoonoze i to ponajprije vektorima prenosive zoonoze. Ovi trendovi pojave novih i Å”irenja postojećih emergentnih i re-emergentnih zoonoza zasigurno će se nastaviti pod utjecajem čimbenika emergencije koji su posljedica danaÅ”njeg modernog načina života. Složenost procesa emergencije zaraznih bolesti, koja je posljedica promjena u međuodnosu ljudi, životinja i okoliÅ”a, naglasila je potrebu za uvođenjem cjelovitog pristupa očuvanju javnog zdravlja pod nazivom "Jedno zdravlje". U posljednjih nekoliko godina dokazane su po prvi put na području Republike Hrvatske infekcije ljudi dengue virusom, virusom Zapadnog Nila i Usutu virusom, Å”to nedvojbeno potvrđuje promjenu epidemioloÅ”ke situacije u naÅ”oj zemlji. Način otkrivanja i uspostave sustava nadzora navedenih bolesti ističe značaj i učinkovitost zajedničkog multidisciplinarnog rada. Nastavak uvođenja pristupa "Jedno zdravlje" u svakodnevni rad, obveza je svih srodnih struka i jedino jamstvo uspjeÅ”nog osiguravanja javnog zdravlja u danaÅ”njem modernom svijetu.Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases have increased in incidence over the last several decades and represent a significant threat to global health. The vast majority of emerging pathogens are zoonotic, especially arthropod-borne ones. Increase in the number of outbreaks and geographical range of emerging and re-emerging zoonoses will continue because their emergence is driven by factors resulting from changes in modern lifestyle. These complex and rapidly changing interactions of humans, animals and environment highlighted the need for integrated approach to public health protection under the "One Health" initiative. Recently confirmed autochthonous human cases of dengue virus, West Nile virus and Usutu virus infections have drawn attention to change of epidemiological situation in our country. Detection and the introduction of surveillance program for these diseases point out the importance and efficiency of multidisciplinary collaboration. Enforcing the introduction of "One Health" approach in the everyday work is the obligation of all involved professions and the warranty of successful prevention and public health protection in modern world

    Screening of mosquitoes for West Nile virus and Usutu virus in Croatia, 2015ā€“2020

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    In the period from 2015 to 2020, an entomological survey for the presence of West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) in mosquitoes was performed in northwestern Croatia. A total of 20,363 mosquitoes were sampled in the City of Zagreb and Međimurje county, grouped in 899 pools and tested by real-time RT-PCR for WNV and USUV RNA. All pools were negative for WNV while one pool each from 2016 (Aedes albopictus), 2017 (Culex pipiens complex), 2018 (Cx. pipiens complex), and 2019 (Cx. pipiens complex), respectively, was positive for USUV. The 2018 and 2019 positive pools shared 99.31% nucleotide homology within the USUV NS5 gene and both clustered within USUV Europe 2 lineage. The next-generation sequencing of one mosquito pool (Cx. pipiens complex) collected in 2018 in Zagreb confirmed the presence of USUV and revealed several dsDNA and ssRNA viruses of insect, bacterial and mammalian origin

    Emerging and Neglected Viruses of Zoonotic Importance in Croatia

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    Several arboviruses have emerged in Croatia in recent years. Tick-borne encephalitis is endemic in continental counties; however, new natural micro-foci have been detected. Two autochthonous dengue cases were reported in 2010. West Nile virus emerged in 2012, followed by emergence of Usutu virus in 2013. Although high seroprevalence rates of Toscana virus have been detected among residents of Croatian littoral, the virus remains neglected, with only a few clinical cases of neuroinvasive infections reported. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus is a neglected neuroinvasive rodent-borne virus. So far, there are no reports on human clinical cases; however, the seroprevalence studies indicate the virus presence in the Croatian mainland. Puumala and Dobrava hantaviruses are widely distributing rodent-borne viruses with sporadic and epidemic occurrence. Hepatitis E virus is an emerging food-borne virus in Croatia. After the emergence in 2012, cases were regularly recorded. Seropositivity varies greatly by region and population group. Rotaviruses represent a significant healthcare burden since rotavirus vaccination is not included in the Croatian national immunization program. Additionally, rotaviruses are widely distributed in the Croatian ecosystem. A novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, emerged in February 2020 and spread rapidly throughout the country. This review focuses on emerging and neglected viruses of zoonotic importance detected in Croatia