17 research outputs found

    Rhythmicity of mood symptoms in idividuals at risk for psychiatric disorders

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    Despite emerging evidence that disruption in circadian rhythms may contribute to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, there is a significant knowledge gap on the rhythmicity of psychological symptoms. Here, we aimed at investigating the rhythmicity of mood symptoms in individuals at risk for psychiatric disorders. 391 Brazilian and 317 Spanish participants completed the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 for non-psychotic mental disorders; the Mood Rhythm Instrument was used to assess rhythmicity of mood symptoms and the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire to assess sleep patterns. We found that the rhythmicity of specific mood-related symptoms and behaviors, particularly pessimism and motivation to exercise, were associated with being at risk for psychiatric disorders, even after controlling for sleep timing, sleep deficit, and season of data collection. We also found that the peak of some mood symptoms and behaviors were different between individuals at high vs. low risk for psychiatric disorders, with specific differences between countries. These results are consistent with previous research showing that circadian misalignment is associated with higher risk for mental health conditions. These findings also suggest that lifestyle changes preventing circadian misalignment might be useful to reduce the risk of psychiatric disorders, where cultural differences must be taken into account

    Rhythmicity of mood symptoms in individuals at risk for psychiatric disorders

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    Despite emerging evidence that disruption in circadian rhythms may contribute to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, there is a significant knowledge gap on the rhythmicity of psychological symptoms. Here, we aimed at investigating the rhythmicity of mood symptoms in individuals at risk for psychiatric disorders. 391 Brazilian and 317 Spanish participants completed the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 for non-psychotic mental disorders; the Mood Rhythm Instrument was used to assess rhythmicity of mood symptoms and the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire to assess sleep patterns. We found that the rhythmicity of specific mood-related symptoms and behaviors, particularly pessimism and motivation to exercise, were associated with being at risk for psychiatric disorders, even after controlling for sleep timing, sleep deficit, and season of data collection. We also found that the peak of some mood symptoms and behaviors were different between individuals at high vs. low risk for psychiatric disorders, with specific differences between countries. These results are consistent with previous research showing that circadian misalignment is associated with higher risk for mental health conditions. These findings also suggest that lifestyle changes preventing circadian misalignment might be useful to reduce the risk of psychiatric disorders, where cultural differences must be taken into account

    Spanish translation of the mood rhythm instrument : novel approach to mood evaluation

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    Introduction: The Mood Rhythm Instrument (MRI) is a questionnaire developed to assess the circadian rhythm of mood-related behaviors. The aim of this study was to translate this instrument from Brazilian Portuguese into Spanish. Methods: The translation process consisted of forward translation, adjustment, back translation, back translation review and harmonization. Results: Comparing the initial Spanish translation and the final Spanish version, there were no semantic differences and the items were not changed. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the MRI is ready to be tested in a Spanish population. In the future, assessing and comparing mood-related behaviors in transcultural studies will be possible

    Professional profile and practice of psychiatrists in brazil

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    Com o objetivo de identificar o perfil profissional de psiquiatras do Brasil, foram escolhidos para estudo cinco Estados representativos de cada região do País (Bahia, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, além do Distrito Federal). A amostra consistiu de 430 membros da ABP, que responderam a questionário enviado pelo correio. Os dados foram analisados pelo sistema EPIINFO. Veri ficou-se que 76,5% dos psiqui atras estudados fazem ou fizeram supervisão de seu trabalho, 65, I % participam de grupos de estudo, 51,9% submeteram-se a psicoterapia pessoal, 71,2% foram ou são pacientes de psicanálise. Quanto à atividade profissional, 30,2% do tempo são dedicados a instituições públicas, 11 ,6% a instituições privadas e 48,3% ao consultório particular. Neste, predominam as técnicas psicotenápicas

    Sleep and light exposure across different levels of urbanisation in Brazilian communities

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    Quilombos are settlements originally founded by Africans and African descendants (Quilombolas) in remote parts of Brazil to escape slavery. Due to individual histories, Quilombos nowadays exhibit different states of industrialisation, making them ideal for studying the influence of electrification on daily behaviour. In a comparative approach, we aimed to understand whether and how human sleep changes with the introduction of artificial light. We investigated daily rest-activity-rhythms and sleep-patterns in the Quilombolas’ by both wrist actimetry and the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ; the results of these two instruments correlated highly). Seven communities (MCTQ: N = 213/actimetry: N = 125) were compared in this study. Light exposure, phase of activity, sleep timing and duration differ across communities with various levels of urbanisation and histories of access to electricity. People living without electricity and those, who acquired it only very recently on average sleep earlier than those in more urbanised communities (mid-sleep about 1 hour earlier); sleep duration tends to be longer. Our results and those of others show that use of electricity and modern lifestyles have changed sleep behaviour. To understand the consequences of these changes for health, further studies are warranted

    The Mood Rhythm Instrument: development and preliminary report

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    Objective: To describe the initial steps in the development and validation of a new self-reported instrument designed to assess daily rhythms of mood symptoms, namely, the Mood Rhythm Instrument. Methods: A multidisciplinary group of experts took part in systematic meetings to plan the construction of the instrument. Clarity of items, their relevance to evaluation of mood states, and the consistency of findings in relation to the available evidence on the biological basis of mood disorders were investigated. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was evaluated through Cronbach’s alpha. Results: All of the items proposed in a first version were well rated in terms of clarity. The items more frequently rated as “rhythmic” were related to the somatic symptoms of mood. Their peaks in 24 hours were more frequent in the morning. The items associated with affective symptoms of mood were rated as less rhythmic, and their peak in 24 hours occurred more frequently in the afternoon and evening. Males and females behaved more similarly with respect to somatic than behavioral-affective items. The second version of the Mood Rhythm Instrument had a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.73. Conclusion: The proposed Mood Rhythm Instrument may be able to detect individual rhythms of cognitive and behavioral measures associated with mood states. Validation in larger samples and against objective measures of rhythms, such as actigraphy, is warranted