7 research outputs found

    Comparison of triploid and diploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fine-scale movement, migration and catchability in lowland lakes of western Washington

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    Fisheries managers stock triploid (i.e., infertile, artifcially produced) rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in North American lakes to support sport fsheries while minimizing the risk of genetic introgression between hatchery and wild trout. In Washington State, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) allocates approximately US $3 million annually to stock hatchery-origin rainbow trout in>600 lakes, yet only about 10% of them are triploids. Many lakes in Washington State drain into waters that support wild anadromous steelhead O. mykiss that are listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. As a result, there is a strong interest in understanding the costs and benefts associated with stocking sterile, triploid rainbow trout as an alternative to traditional diploids. The objectives of this study were to compare triploid and diploid rainbow trout in terms of: (1) contribution to the sport fshery catch, (2) fne-scale movements within the study lakes, (3) rate of emigration from the lake, and (4) natural mortality. Our results demonstrated that triploid and diploid trout had similar day-night distribution patterns, but triploid trout exhibited a lower emigration rate from the lake and lower catch rates in some lakes. Overall, triploid rainbow trout represent a viable alternative to stocking of diploids, especially in lakes draining to rivers, because they are sterile, have comparable home ranges, and less often migrat

    Comparison of triploid and diploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fine-scale movement, migration and catchability in lowland lakes of western Washington

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    Abstract Fisheries managers stock triploid (i.e., infertile, artificially produced) rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in North American lakes to support sport fisheries while minimizing the risk of genetic introgression between hatchery and wild trout. In Washington State, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) allocates approximately US $3 million annually to stock hatchery-origin rainbow trout in > 600 lakes, yet only about 10% of them are triploids. Many lakes in Washington State drain into waters that support wild anadromous steelhead O. mykiss that are listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. As a result, there is a strong interest in understanding the costs and benefits associated with stocking sterile, triploid rainbow trout as an alternative to traditional diploids. The objectives of this study were to compare triploid and diploid rainbow trout in terms of: (1) contribution to the sport fishery catch, (2) fine-scale movements within the study lakes, (3) rate of emigration from the lake, and (4) natural mortality. Our results demonstrated that triploid and diploid trout had similar day-night distribution patterns, but triploid trout exhibited a lower emigration rate from the lake and lower catch rates in some lakes. Overall, triploid rainbow trout represent a viable alternative to stocking of diploids, especially in lakes draining to rivers, because they are sterile, have comparable home ranges, and less often migrate

    Johann Christoph Hermann. Auf den Spuren eines vergessenen Malers der Barockzeit aus Reutlingen

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    Der Sammelband vereint Arbeiten zur Revolution von 1918 in Reutlingen und den frühen Jahren der Weimarer Republik. Einen weiteren zeitlichen Horizont eröffnen Aufsätze zu den Reformationsjubiläen ab 1917 sowie zur Geschichte der Straßenbahn in Reutlingen. Hinzu kommen Lebenbilder des Reichsvizekanzlers Friedrich v. Payer und des Reutlinger Landrats Adolf Kommerell

    O espírito das leis e as leis do espírito: a evolução do pensamento legislativo brasileiro em saúde mental He spirit of the law and the laws of the spirit: the evolution of Brazilian legal thought in the realm of mental health

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    Examina a evolução das leis e normas da República brasileira relativas ao padecimento mental, demarcando três períodos. No período inicial (1890-1910), caracterizado pela introdução do tema da patologia mental no campo das preocupações do Estado, o interesse fundamental foi o reconhecimento e a preservação dos direitos dos portadores dessas patologias; nesse período, a alteração mental é entendida em termos de neuropatologia. No período de ampliação da ação estatal (1911-1945) permanecem os interesses observados no período anterior; a interpretação de adoecimento mental não sofre alterações substanciais, a despeito do alargamento de sua abrangência. No período do desenvolvimentismo brasileiro (1946-1982), marcado por uma descontinuidade em relação aos períodos anteriores, prevalece um espírito econômico-desenvolvimentista, expresso na vigorosa ampliação do parque hospitalar e amparado por um pensamento humanista de tons conservadores; mantém-se o interesse na proteção dos portadores de doenças mentais.<br>The article explores the evolution of the Brazilian republic's laws and norms on mental illness during three periods. The first (1890-1910) saw the topic of mental pathology introduced into the State's realm of interest, with the main concern being to recognize and preserve the rights of those displaying such pathologies. During this period, mental alterations were understood in terms of neuropathology. The following period (1911-1945) saw expansion of government initiatives, with the same concerns as the previous period. The interpretation of mental illness did not undergo any major changes, although it broadened in scope. Marked by a discontinuity in relation to previous times, Brazil's developmentalist period (1946-1982) saw an economic developmentalist spirit hold sway, underpinned by humanist thought of conservative propensity. It brought a vigorous growth in the number of Brazilian hospitals, while interest in protecting the mentally ill continued