1,092 research outputs found

    Defining the Identity of a Human Clone

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    Researchers have successfully created therapeutic cloning, but how advanced will technology become before scientists start replicating the DNA of humans to create a whole human clone? The idea of human cloning has been a big controversy since 1996. In 1996, scientists made it possible to clone the first mammal, which was “Dolly” the sheep. When they finally do replicate their first human clone, will this new clone have its own personal identity or the identity of who it was replicated of? Arguments have come about whether this reproductive cloned human will have a unique new identity, or whether it will just be a mere identical “copy.” Before scientists make reproductive human clones, these questions need to be addressed. My research will attempt to define the essential nature of a human clone, by examining whether this “copy” represents an individual human, or a new species. The project will ultimately define what a clone is, but specifically defining what it means to be a human clone. Will the clone have the same identity or will it be unique? I will propose my own idea’s on why I believe a human clone will have its own unique qualities. In order to answer my research question, I plan to discuss what makes one considered a human; physically and mentally. I will use literature such as Science Fiction & Philosophy, by Susan Schneider, and films such as The Island (2005), to gain the knowledge in order to gather the research to better answer these questions

    Automated documentation generator for advanced protein crystal growth

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    The System Management and Production Laboratory at the Research Institute, the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), was tasked by the Microgravity Experiment Projects (MEP) Office of the Payload Projects Office (PPO) at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) to conduct research in the current methods of written documentation control and retrieval. The goals of this research were to determine the logical interrelationships within selected NASA documentation, and to expand on a previously developed prototype system to deliver a distributable, electronic knowledge-based system. This computer application would then be used to provide a paperless interface between the appropriate parties for the required NASA document

    Structural Analysis of Components of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space Satellite (SEDSAT) for the Small Expendable Deployer System (SEDS) Project Office

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    During the time frame allocated by the delivery order, members of the UAH Applied Research Program, with the cooperation of representatives from NASA investigated and conducted stress analysis of the SEDSAT1 satellite. The main area of concern was with the design of the deployable 10 m antennas. The placement of the holes for the antenna door hinge pin was too close to the edge of the antenna canister. Because of the load placed on the hinge pin, the stress analysis of this area suggested that more space would be needed between the holes and the edge of the material. Due to other conflicts, SEDSATI was removed from flying on the space shuttle and moved to the Delta Launch Vehicle. This changed many of the design requirements for the mounting and deployment of the satellite that forced a new design for the satellite. Once this happened, the stress analysis became obsolete, and the task was concluded

    Experimental Internet Environment Software Development

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    Geographically distributed project teams need an Internet based collaborative work environment or "Intranet." The Virtual Research Center (VRC) is an experimental Intranet server that combines several services such as desktop conferencing, file archives, on-line publishing, and security. Using the World Wide Web (WWW) as a shared space paradigm, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) presents users with images of a lunar colony. Each project has a wing of the colony and each wing has a conference room, library, laboratory, and mail station. In FY95, the VRC development team proved the feasibility of this shared space concept by building a prototype using a Netscape commerce server and several public domain programs. Successful demonstrations of the prototype resulted in approval for a second phase. Phase 2, documented by this report, will produce a seamlessly integrated environment by introducing new technologies such as Java and Adobe Web Links to replace less efficient interface software

    Connections between Relation Algebras and Cylindric Algebras

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    Abstract. We give an informal description of a recursive representability-preserving reduction of relation algebras to cylindric algebras.

    Does Instruction in Computer Programming Improve Problem Solving Ability?

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    Many schools and colleges of business teach computer programming in the introduction to computers course. The rationale for teaching computer programming is that it aids in the development of critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills. This contention is not supported by empirical data. An experimental study was conducted to ascertain if instruction in computer programming improved problem solving ability. The results of the study did not show support of improved problem solving ability from instruction in computer programming. Recommendations for changes in curriculum and teaching strategies are made as possible ways to make instruction in computer programming effective as a means of improving problem solving ability

    Automated documentation generator for advanced protein crystal growth

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    To achieve an environment less dependent on the flow of paper, automated techniques of data storage and retrieval must be utilized. This software system, 'Automated Payload Experiment Tool,' seeks to provide a knowledge-based, hypertext environment for the development of NASA documentation. Once developed, the final system should be able to guide a Principal Investigator through the documentation process in a more timely and efficient manner, while supplying more accurate information to the NASA payload developer. The current system is designed for the development of the Science Requirements Document (SRD), the Experiment Requirements Document (ERD), the Project Plan, and the Safety Requirements Document

    Software engineering and data management for automated payload experiment tool

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    The Microgravity Projects Office identified a need to develop a software package that will lead experiment developers through the development planning process, obtain necessary information, establish an electronic data exchange avenue, and allow easier manipulation/reformatting of the collected information. An MS-DOS compatible software package called the Automated Payload Experiment Tool (APET) has been developed and delivered. The objective of this task is to expand on the results of the APET work previously performed by UAH and provide versions of the software in a Macintosh and Windows compatible format

    The American Psychological Association’s Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations in Family Law Proceedings: Implications for the Courts

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    Whether they directly preside over such matters or not, all judges are aware that child custody cases are among the most contentious, nerve-wracking, and costly proceedings in our entire legal system. The most aggrieved and well-heeled of litigants are likely to up the ante by enlisting psychologists as expert witnesses—even when the Court has already found it necessary to do so on its own. American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines exist to encourage best practices for these witnesses, and to help them to avoid commonly encountered pitfalls. This article addresses how the Court can best access, interpret, and reinforce the latest revision of these Guidelines for the benefit of parties, counsel, and judges alike
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