25 research outputs found

    Nitrogen utilization in bacterial isolates from the equine cecum.

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    A total of 114 bacterial isolates were obtained from the cecal contents of two mature cecally fistulated horses on a habitat-simulating medium containing 40% energy-depleted cecal fluid. Of these isolates, 108 were maintained in pure cultures and were tentatively grouped on the basis of cell morphology and physiological characteristics. Gram-negative rods (50.9%), gram-positive rods (22.8%), and gram-positive cocci (21.9%) represented the largest groups isolated from these animals. Fifty isolates were tested for their ability to grow in media containing urea, ammonia, peptones, or amino acids as sole nitrogen sources. None of the isolates had a unique requirement for urea or ammonia since nitrogen derived from peptones, amino acids, or both supported growth as well as did ammonia or urea in a low nitrogen medium. Of the cecal isolates, 18% were able to use urea for growth, and 20.5% were able to grow with ammonia as the sole nitrogen source. All organisms grew in the experimental media containing peptones as the sole nitrogen source. Urease activity was detected in only 2 of 114 isolates tested. The inability of isolates to use urea or ammonia as nitrogen sources may have been a reflection of growth conditions in the habitat-stimulating medium used for isolation, but it could also suggest that many cecal bacteria require nitrogen sources other then ammonia or urea for growth

    Increase in colonic methanogens and total anaerobes in aging rats.

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    Methanogens are present in the colons of our local Wistar rat colony. We studied the changes in concentrations of their fecal methanogenic and nonmethanogenic bacteria with age as a model of the development of these communities in humans. We found that the predominant methanogen in the rats is a Methanobrevibacter species. The log of the concentration of total anaerobes increased from 9.8/g (dry weight) at 3.0 weeks of age (shortly after weaning) to 10.7/g (dry weight) at 96 weeks (shortly before the end of the life span). In contrast, the log concentration of methanogens increased from 5.5 to 9/g (dry weight) during the same time period. Therefore, methanogens increased as a percentage of the total anaerobes from 0.005% at 3.0 weeks to 2.0% at 96 weeks. About 12 doublings of the methanogenic population and 3.3 doublings of the nonmethanogenic population took place from weaning until death. The slow increase in the ratio of methanogens to total anaerobes with age followed the same pattern in cecal contents as found in feces. There were no relationships between animal weights or fecal outputs and the increase in total anaerobe and methanogen concentrations in feces. A possible explanation for the slow increase in the Methanobrevibacter species in Wistar rats with age is a gradual shifting of the use of electrons from the reduction of CO2 to acetate by acetogens to the reduction of CO2 to CH4. The results provide the first evidence for an age-related change in the nonmethanogenic bacteria of the colon and supporting microbiological evidence for physiological studies that have shown age-related increases in colonic methane production in humans

    Modelling of non-premixed turbulent combustion of hydrogen using conditional moment closure method

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    Most of the electricity generation and energy for transport is still generated by the conversion of chemical to mechanical energy by burning the fuels in the combustion chamber. Regulation for pollution and the demand for more fuel economy had driven worldwide researcher to focus on combustion efficiency. In order to reduce experimental cost, accurate modelling and simulation is very critical step. Taylor series expansion was utilised to reduce the error term for the discretization. FORTRAN code was used to execute the discretized partial differential equation. Hydrogen combustion was simulated using Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) model. Combustion of hydrogen with oxygen was successfully simulated and reported in this paper