406 research outputs found

    Discussion of off-target and tentative genomic findings may sometimes be necessary to allow evaluation of their clinical significance

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    We discuss a case where clinical genomic investigation of muscle weakness unexpectedly found a genetic variant that might (or might not) predispose to kidney cancer. We argue that despite its off-target and uncertain nature, this variant should be discussed with the man who had the test, not because it is medical information, but because this discussion would allow the further clinical evaluation that might lead it to becoming so. We argue that while prominent ethical debates around genomics often take 'results' as a starting point and ask questions as to whether to look for and how to react to them, the construction of genomic results is fraught with ethical complexity, although often couched as a primarily technical problem. We highlight the need for greater focus on, and appreciation of, the ethical work undertaken daily by scientists and clinicians working in genomic medicine and discuss how public conversations around genomics need to adapt to prepare future patients for potentially uncertain and unexpected outcomes from clinical genomic tests

    The Maine Annex, vol. 2, no. 12

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    The Maine Annex announced the scheduled presentation by Margaret Chase Smith and reports the Brunswick campus would become co-educational

    The Maine Annex, vol. 2, no. 20

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    The Maine Annex, published by the students of the University of Maine at the Brunswick Campus, was launched January 10, 1947. Editors introduced the publication as the product of a group of progressive students attending the Brunswick Campus. The goal of the publication, according to editors, was to tell the story of our life on this campus. The four-page, tabloid-sized paper included display advertising from area businesses

    The Maine Annex, vol. 2, no. 9

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    The Maine Annex Editor-in-Chief, Roy W. Nickerson investigates rising costs at the Annex campus bookstore including the price of Coca-Cola increasing from 5 to 7-cents

    The Maine Annex, vol. 2, no. 15

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    Following World War II, the federal G.I. Bill enabled approximately 2.3 million, predominantly white male Veterans to receive a post-secondary education. To accommodate increased enrollment in 1946, the University of Maine established the Brunswick Campus at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station. The remote campus operated until spring 1949, when Veteran registrations waned

    The Maine Annex, vol. 2, no. 3

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    The Maine Annex covered a campus visit and presentation by Comander Donald B. MacMillan featuring his Kodachrome motion pictures

    The Maine Annex, vol. 2, no. 7

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    The Maine Annex, covers pre-holiday celebrations and events including the Maine Masque production of the play State of the Union featuring Carol Besse, Bob Townsend, Beatrice Hanson, George Morse, Emile Genest, and George Phocas