5,168 research outputs found

    Corrections to Universal Fluctuations in Correlated Systems: the 2D XY-model

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    Generalized universality, as recently proposed, postulates a universal non-Gaussian form of the probability density function (PDF) of certain global observables for a wide class of highly correlated systems of finite volume N. Studying the 2D XY -model, we link its validity to renormalization group properties. It would be valid if there were a single dimension 0 operator, but the actual existence of several such operators leads to T-dependent corrections. The PDF is the Fourier transform of the partition function Z(q) of an auxiliary theory which differs by a dimension 0 perturbation with a very small imaginary coefficient iq/N from a theory which is asymptotically free in the infrared. We compute the PDF from a systematic loop expansion of ln Z(q).Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Vortices and confinement at weak coupling

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    We discuss the physical picture of thick vortices as the mechanism responsible for confinement at arbitrarily weak coupling in SU(2) gauge theory. By introducing appropriate variables on the lattice we distinguish between thin, thick and `hybrid' vortices, the latter involving Z(2) monopole loop boundaries. We present numerical lattice simulation results that demonstrate that the full SU(2) string tension at weak coupling arises from the presence of vortices linked to the Wilson loop. Conversely, excluding linked vortices eliminates the confining potential. The numerical results are stable under alternate choice of lattice action as well as a smoothing procedure which removes short distance fluctuations while preserving long distance physics.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Theoretical Analysis of Acceptance Rates in Multigrid Monte Carlo

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    We analyze the kinematics of multigrid Monte Carlo algorithms by investigating acceptance rates for nonlocal Metropolis updates. With the help of a simple criterion we can decide whether or not a multigrid algorithm will have a chance to overcome critial slowing down for a given model. Our method is introduced in the context of spin models. A multigrid Monte Carlo procedure for nonabelian lattice gauge theory is described, and its kinematics is analyzed in detail.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, (talk at LATTICE 92 in Amsterdam

    Effective Field Theories

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    Effective field theories encode the predictions of a quantum field theory at low energy. The effective theory has a fairly low ultraviolet cutoff. As a result, loop corrections are small, at least if the effective action contains a term which is quadratic in the fields, and physical predictions can be read straight from the effective Lagrangean. Methods will be discussed how to compute an effective low energy action from a given fundamental action, either analytically or numerically, or by a combination of both methods. Basically,the idea is to integrate out the high frequency components of fields. This requires the choice of a "blockspin",i.e. the specification of a low frequency field as a function of the fundamental fields. These blockspins will be the fields of the effective field theory. The blockspin need not be a field of the same type as one of the fundamental fields, and it may be composite. Special features of blockspins in nonabelian gauge theories will be discussed in some detail. In analytical work and in multigrid updating schemes one needs interpolation kernels \A from coarse to fine grid in addition to the averaging kernels CC which determines the blockspin. A neural net strategy for finding optimal kernels is presented. Numerical methods are applicable to obtain actions of effective theories on lattices of finite volume. The constraint effective potential) is of particular interest. In a Higgs model it yields the free energy, considered as a function of a gauge covariant magnetization. Its shape determines the phase structure of the theory. Its loop expansion with and without gauge fields can be used to determine finite size corrections to numerical data.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figs., preprint DESY 92-070 (figs. 3-9 added in ps format

    The giant radio galaxy 8C0821+695 and its environment

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    We present new VLA and Effelsberg observations of the radio galaxy 8C0821+695. We have obtained detailed images in total intensity and polarization of this 2 Mpc sized giant. The magnetic field has a configuration predominantly parallel to the source main axis. We observe Faraday rotation at low frequencies, most probably produced by an ionized medium external to the radio source. The spectral index distribution is that typical of FR II radio galaxies, with spectral indices gradually steepening from the source extremes towards the core. Modeling the spectrum in the lobes using standard synchrotron loss models yields the spectral age of the source and the mean velocity of the jet-head with respect to the lobe material. The existence of a possible backflow in the lobe is considered to relate spectral with dynamical determinations of the age and the velocity with respect to the external medium. Through a very simple model, we obtain a physical characterization of the jets and the external medium in which the radio galaxy expands. The results in 8C0821+695 are consistent with a relativistic jet nourishing the lobes which expand in a hot, low density halo. We infer a deceleration of the source expansion velocity which we explain through a progressive increase in the hot-spot size.Comment: 11 pages; 8 figures; accepted in A&

    Dual variables for the SU(2) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature

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    We study the three-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature using an observable which is dual to the Wilson line. This observable displays a behaviour which is the reverse of that seen for the Wilson line. It is non-zero in the confined phase and becomes zero in the deconfined phase. At large distances, it's correlation function falls off exponentially in the deconfined phase and remains non-zero in the confined phase. The dual variable is non-local and has a string attached to it which creates a Z(2) interface in the system. It's correlation function measures the string tension between oppositely oriented Z(2) domains. The construction of this variable can also be made in the four-dimensional theory where it measures the surface tension between oppositely oriented Z(2) domains.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures are included in the latex fil

    Polarization Properties of Extragalactic Radio Sources and Their Contribution to Microwave Polarization Fluctuations

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    We investigate the statistical properties of the polarized emission of extragalactic radio sources and estimate their contribution to the power spectrum of polarization fluctuations in the microwave region. The basic ingredients of our analysis are the NVSS polarization data, the multifrequency study of polarization properties of the B3-VLA sample (Mack et al. 2002) which has allowed us to quantify Faraday depolarization effects, and the 15 GHz survey by Taylor et al. (2001), which has provided strong constraints on the high-frequency spectral indices of sources. The polarization degree of both steep- and flat-spectrum at 1.4 GHz is found to be anti-correlated with the flux density. The median polarization degree at 1.4 GHz of both steep- and flat-spectrum sources brighter than S(1.4GHz)=80S(1.4 \hbox{GHz})=80 mJy is ≃2.2\simeq 2.2%. The data by Mack et al. (2002) indicate a substantial mean Faraday depolarization at 1.4 GHz for steep spectrum sources, while the depolarization is undetermined for most flat/inverted-spectrum sources. Exploiting this complex of information we have estimated the power spectrum of polarization fluctuations due to extragalactic radio sources at microwave frequencies. We confirm that extragalactic sources are expected to be the main contaminant of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization maps on small angular scales. At frequencies <30< 30 GHz the amplitude of their power spectrum is expected to be comparable to that of the EE-mode of the CMB. At higher frequencies, however, the CMB dominates.Comment: 10 pages, A&A in pres

    A three-dimensional scalar field theory model of center vortices and its relation to k-string tensions

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    In d=3 SU(N) gauge theory, we study a scalar field theory model of center vortices that furnishes an approach to the determination of so-called k-string tensions. This model is constructed from string-like quantum solitons introduced previously, and exploits the well-known relation between string partition functions and scalar field theories in d=3. Center vortices corresponding to magnetic flux J (in units of 2\pi /N) are composites of J elementary J=1 constituent vortices that come in N-1 types, with repulsion between like constituents and attraction between unlike constituents. The scalar field theory involves N scalar fields \phi_i (one of which is eliminated) that can merge, dissociate, and recombine while conserving flux mod N. The properties of these fields are deduced directly from the corresponding gauge-theory quantum solitons. Every vacuum Feynman graph of the theory corresponds to a real-space configuration of center vortices. We study qualitatively the problem of k-string tensions at large N, whose solution is far from obvious in center-vortex language. We construct a simplified dynamical picture of constituent-vortex merging, dissociation, and recombination, which allows in principle for the determination of vortex areal densities and k-string tensions. This picture involves point-like "molecules" (cross-sections of center vortices) made of constituent "atoms" that combine and disassociate dynamically in a d=2 test plane . The vortices evolve in a Euclidean "time" which is the location of the test plane along an axis perpendicular to the plane. A simple approximation to the molecular dynamics is compatible with k-string tensions that are linear in k for k<< N, as naively expected.Comment: 21 pages; RevTeX4; 4 .eps figure
