24 research outputs found

    Ibridi città-campagna e dilemmi del progetto

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    Il paesaggio degli oliveti che caratterizza il territorio di corona della città compatta di Sassari è l’occasione per una riflessione sia sulla scomposizione di antiche dicotomie tra città e campagna, sia sulle prospettive che si aprono al futuro territoriale della città. Anche a partire dalle radici ambientali della città che a Sassari sono ben visibili. La città murata si attesta sulle valli, in particolare sulla congiunzione tra il Fosso della Noce e l’Eba Giara, richiamandone oggi una funzione orientata sulle attività dello svago e del tempo libero. La stessa valle dell’Eba Giara rappresenta un elemento di continuità su cui possono ritrovarsi le prospettive di riqualificazione delle aree periferiche settentrionali della città. Le valli come penetrazione del territorio esterno all’interno della città richiamano il legame storico tra città e campagna. La corona olivetata del territorio di Sassari comprende tuttavia le situazioni ibride, che sono proprie dei processi di periurbanizzazione. Gli spazi rururbani, che non sono né campagna né città, hanno problemi che non hanno la stessa soluzione dappertutto. Il tema centrale è il progetto di queste aree di bordo: paesaggio ed ecologia tra città e campagna. A dispetto della loro apparenza queste periferie rururbane rappresentano un complesso di situazioni variegato e complesso che si offre al progetto come un sistema di possibilità, come se in ogni debolezza vi sia latente un campo di potenzialità

    Un Nuovo rapporto tra popolazione e luoghi

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    Questa relazione prende in esame inizialmente alcuni temi e questioni intorno al metodo operativo dell'attività di pianificazione del Parco del Gennargentu; successivamente tenterà di esplorare alcune suggestioni sull'idea di parco discusse nel corso dei seminari fin qui svolti dal gruppo di pianificazione della Provincia di Nuoro. I temi e le questioni riguardano: la definizione di parco; le condizioni formali di avvio dell'attività; l'impostazione culturale del Piano del parco; lo stato della pianificazione nell'area; le costanti culturali di questo territorio e infine i problemi legati al contesto reale del piano. Tra le suggestioni che sono emerse finora dall'attività di pianificazione vengono qui brevemente illustrate quelle relative al campo di relazioni fra le dimensioni locali e "sovralocali" del parco

    The Territory as an intermediate space

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    City, territory, architecture. Three words to supersede a dichotomy: between city and architecture, city and territory, and also architecture and territory. If considered two at a time, these words tend to emphasise their diversity more than their complementarity, as they are also positioned at each end of a range of states of affairs (things). The choice of a title with three words is also a critical reflection as regards antonymous concepts that today have invaded the debate on human settlement. We are thinking, for example, of city and environment or, more in general, nature and artifice. The sequence in which the three words of the title are pronounced is dictated neither by scale nor by a hierarchy, hence the second word, territory, does not follow on but is inserted, as an element common to the others, like a system of relations, an intermediate space, that presses for a reciprocal transformation of the worlds of meaning the three words evoke

    Pianificazione aziendale e programmazione lineare parametrica

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    Con questo lavoro si mira a fornire un ulteriore contributo alla risoluzione dei problemi di pianificazione aziendale in una situazione di breve e medio periodo; contributo la cui utilità specifica è data, per un verso, dal riferimento ad un contesto territoriale - quello sardo - non ancora oggetto di analisi di questo tipo, e, per l'altro, dalle indicazioni generalizzabili sulla validità del metodo di analisi utilizzato che si possono trarre, al di là dei risultati particolari. Tale obiettivo viene perseguito attraverso l'applicazione ad un'azienda della Sardegna settentrionale del modello di PL, sia confrontando il piano ottimale con quello reale, sia analizzando l'«intorno» della soluzione ottlmale ottenuta, sia applicando al modello le tecniche di parametrizzazione dei più importanti elementi in gioco, in modo da costruire un quadro di riferimento dinamico per le scelte di breve e medio periodo, estrapolablle in un ambito determinato, esterno all'azienda considerata

    Urban landscape perspectives

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    Urban Landscape Perspectives explores how landscape terminology can be usefully brought into the urban debate. Articles in this book include theoretical reflections on the landscape as an eminently project-like figure. It argues for attention to be drawn to the landscape as the origin of the sense of man’s home and of the reasons for the city, as well as to the search for the primary elements of city construction, of its public sphere. This role can only be developed with project-oriented intentions reconstructing the bond between city and landscape. We therefore associate the project of the landscape with theproject of the city. The title of this book comes to our aid in that it enables us to limit the field of possible definitions to the sphere of relations existing between the landscape project and the city project. When we state the two terms city and landscape separately, we are implicitly acknowledging a detachment between two entities that tradition has considered inseparable. Other theoretical reflections, applications and best practices explore the involvement of the territory in the organisation of both urban life and landscape; how changes within the city have opened up traditional concepts of centrality towards new forms of centrality, as well as towards more environmental interpretations of centrality. The articles in this volume are by scholars with backgrounds in philosophy, architecture, urban and landscape planning, who have a particular interest in and experience of the city project at various operative scales

    Fundamental trends in city development

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    What do phenomena like sprawl, "generic city" or "urban segregation" have in common with the concept of the city? This is not an easy question. It is nevertheless the inquiry this book is based on, mainly because of the bewilderment we feel when faced with these phenomena that are spread throughout the urban world and constitute a tall order for our concepts of the city. Expressions like "discomposed city", "generic city" and "segregated city" refer to entities that share the loss of the city as a space of communication and social interaction and as the space of the public sphere. In order to explore what we call the city adrift, certain positions of scholars of the city are analysed, using the utopia as an analytical category and referring to three kinds – the conservative utopia, liquidatory utopia and resistant utopia – which can perhaps significantly distinguish the different positions on current spatial trends of the city and, more generally, the phenomena emerging in the urban world. This book investigates how the city can be re-established as the space of dialogue and communication, how the spatial conditions of the public sphere can be created and the city retrieved, and what the features might be of a city retrieved and restored to its citizens. The author adopts the concept of externity as an innovative element for the project for the city, a constituent feature of all those situations traditionally considered non-functional, therefore external, to our contemporary post-cities, which are consigned to us adrift through decomposition, genericity and segregatio

    Experiencia en manejo perioperatorio en procedimientos no cardiacos en Cirugía de Fontan en la Fundación CardioInfantil-IC

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es describir la experiencia en un centro especializado en cardiopatías congénitas en manejo de pacientes de cirugía de Fontan llevados a procedimientos no cardíacos bajo anestesia general, así como la identificación de complicaciones relacionadas con los procedimientos anestésicos y la mortalidad relacionada en este grupo de pacientes. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional tipo serie de casos en el que se incluyeron los pacientes que fueron llevados a corrección quirúrgica con cirugía de Fontan en la Fundación CardioInfantil entre enero de 2016 a junio de 2019 que requirieron procedimientos no cardiacos en posoperatorio. La recolección de la información se realizó a través de la revisión de historias clínicas y de los récords de anestesia de cada uno de los pacientes y el análisis estadístico se realizó a través de un análisis multivariado. En nuestro estudio se documentó un total de 32 pacientes llevados a cirugía de Fontan en los últimos 3 años, de los cuales el 62,5% requirieron procedimientos no cardiacos diagnostico o terapéuticos posterior a la corrección. El requerimiento de unidad de cuidado intensivo en posoperatorio en el 65% de los pacientes no se relacionó con el riesgo quirúrgico del procedimiento sino con las características de los pacientes. No se documentaron pacientes con arritmias ni paro cardiorrespiratorio que hayan requerido manejo en posoperatorio, tampoco se documentaron complicaciones hemorrágicas en los procedimientos no cardiacos realizados en pacientes de cirugía de Fontan durante el periodo de estudio en la institución. Como complicación posoperatoria se documentó en tres de los pacientes correspondiente al 15%, diagnóstico de falla cardíaca con hallazgos en ecocardiograma transtorácico posoperatorio compatibles con disfunción ventricular que requirió soporte inotrópico con Milrinone y soporte vasopresor en UCI en el posoperatorio de procedimiento no cardíaco.The objective of the present study is to describe the experience in a center specialized in congenital heart disease in the management of Fontan surgery patients undergoing non-cardiac procedures under general anesthesia, as well as the identification of complications related to anesthetic procedures and related mortality in this patient group. A descriptive observational study of a series of cases was carried out in which the patients who were taken to surgical correction with Fontan surgery at the CardioInfantil Foundation between January 2016 and June 2019 that required post-operative non-cardiac procedures were included. The information was collected through the review of medical records and anesthesia records for each patient and the statistical analysis was carried out through a multivariate analysis. In our study, a total of 32 patients taken to Fontan surgery in the last 3 years were documented, of which 62.5% required diagnostic or therapeutic non-cardiac procedures after correction. The requirement for a postoperative intensive care unit in 65% of patients was not related to the surgical risk of the procedure. No patients with arrhythmias or cardiorespiratory arrest that required postoperative management were documented, norwere hemorrhagic complications documented in non-cardiac procedures performed in Fontan surgery patients during the study period at the institution. As a postoperative complication it was documented in three patients corresponding to 15%, diagnosis of cardiac failure with findings in postoperative transthoracic echocardiography compatible with ventricular dysfunction that required inotropic support with Milrinone and vasopressor support in ICU in the postoperative period of non-cardiac procedure

    Dual MRI-SPECT agent for pH-mapping

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    Up to now MR images report about the body anatomy; the use of currently available contrast agents allows to add relevant physiological information related to perfusion, flow, vascular permeability, etc. The next generation of MR agents will allow to acquire images that represent maps of the physico-chemical/biological parameters of interest. As representative example of the above depicted approach, we looked at pH-mapping as this parameter is known to change in the presence of several important diseases like tumor, stroke, infections. One of the crucial points to be considered designing a ¿smart¿ MR- contrast agent, is the need of knowing its local concentration in order to unambiglusly assign the observed relaxation rate variations to changes in the parameter of interest. In this work we overccame this drawback through a dual MRI/SPECT probe where the SPECT active moiety acts as a reporter of the concentration of the MRI responsive one. By properly designing the structure of the L ligand, the proof of concept acquired with this dual MRI/SPECT pH-responsive agent can be extended to different applications, for instance as responsive to enzymatic activity or metabolites concentration.JRC.DG.I.5-Nanobioscience

    Dual MRI-SPECT agent for pH-mapping

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    A new dual MRI/SPECT pH-responsive agent where the SPECT active moiety acts as reporter of the concentration making it possible to exploit the responsiveness of the MRI probe