119 research outputs found

    How to deal with reality when we're not built to

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    Philip K. Dick’s writing can be infuriatingly confusing. It feeds readers many ambiguoussignals that convey no real sense of closure—and The Man in the High Castle is no exception. Perhaps bewildering the audience is the intent, not a side-effect. We crave closure for many of the questions we find in Dick’s books, and he consistently denies us any real sense of arriving at definite answers. Lingering confusion and the gnawing feeling that the true nature of reality is just out of our grasp have been the dominant themes of both Dick’s narratives and philosophical and psychological studies for decades. Together, they all attest to how important understanding and embracing confusion can be in the business of dealing with reality

    Borys Zinserling (1890–1961) and his vision of the interior of the Ministry of Justice. Comments on the patronage of Minister Aleksander Meysztowicz and Minister and Senator Czesław Michałowski

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     In the years 1787–1789, the palace of the Raczyński family in Warsaw was rebuilt in the spirit of classicism (designed by Jan Christian Kamsetzer). In 1919, the palace became the seat of the Polish Ministry of Justice. During the term of office of two ministers, Aleksander Meysztowicz (1926–1928) and Czesław Michałowski (1930–1936), works were carried out in the building under the supervision of Marian Lalewicz. Meysztowicz started the renovation, but the final effect of the work was due to Michałowski. Although there is no evidence for it, it was and is in line with common practice that he probably accepted the concepts of conservation works and decorating designs presented to him.The space where the minister worked and rested was carefully created. The first consisted of a waiting room and a secretariat. The second is the minister’s working space: a large office and a library. A ballroom was used for larger meetings. The last zone was the minister’s apartment. Works of art and craft objects stylistically referring to the interior were purchased successively. During the works, the historicising style proposed by Lalewicz and implemented by his team was maintained.It is not known from when exactly Boris Zinserling, a Russian emigrant, architect, stage designer and painter, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, was associated with the works in the described facility. In 1935 he made a series of watercolors and charcoal drawings showing the interior. In 1936, the album Palace of the Ministry of Justice in Warsaw was released, decorated with colorful reproductions of Zinserling’s works. The still-captivating painting documentation brings closer the final effect of the work, which as a result of the war hostilities has not survived to our times.W latach 1787–1789 przebudowano w duchu klasycyzmu pałac rodziny Raczyńskich w Warszawie (projekt Jan Christian Kamsetzer). W 1919 roku pałac stał się siedzibą polskiego Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości. W trakcie urzędowania dwóch ministrów, Aleksandra Meysztowicza (1926–1928) oraz Czesława Michałowskiego (1930–1936), przeprowadzono w budynku prace pod kierunkiem Mariana Lalewicza. Meysztowicz rozpoczął remont, ale końcowy efekt prac był zasługą Michałowskiego. Choć na to nie ma dowodów, ale było i jest zgodne z praktyką, że zapewne akceptował przedstawiane mu koncepcje prac konserwatorskich i projekty dekoratorskie.Starannie wykreowano przestrzeń, w której pracował i odpoczywał minister. Pierwsza składała się z poczekalni i sekretariatu. Druga to wnętrza robocze ministra: duży gabinet i biblioteka. Do większych spotkań wykorzystywano salę balową. Ostatnią strefą było mieszkanie ministra. Sukcesywnie nabywano dzieła sztuki oraz obiekty rzemiosła nawiązujące stylistycznie do wnętrz. W trakcie prac utrzymano historyzującą stylistkę wnętrz zaproponowaną przez Lalewicza i realizowaną przez jego zespół.Nie wiadomo, od kiedy dokładnie z pracami w opisywanym obiekcie był związany Borys Zinserling, rosyjski emigrant, architekt, scenograf i malarz, absolwent Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Petersburgu. W 1935 roku wykonał cykl akwarel i rysunków węglem ukazujących wnętrza. W 1936 roku wydano album Pałac Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości w Warszawie, którego ozdobą stały się barwne reprodukcje prac Zinserlinga. Urzekająca do dziś dokumentacja malarska przybliża finalny efekt prac, który w wyniku działań wojennych nie zachował się do naszych czasów


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    History of commemorate plaque 150 polish senators-victims of the Second World War. The commemorate plaque was unveiled in Senate in 1999. Some Senators don’t have a graves. The commemorate plaques, it’s the one place where we can find name and surname of Senators, which are carved into the stone. People who worked in the Chancellery of the Senate after 1989 tried to get some information about Polish Senators and their life during the wartime. We have interesting documents with biographical info. There are valuable things because the Archive of the Senate doesn’t include materials of the polish Senate (1922-1939). Thanks to senators families we have valuable documents, photos etc. The "virtual memorial plaque" was launched on polish senate’s webside in 2009. The "virtual memorial plaque" complements the "real" memorial plaque. The documents we have are very helpful for publications about history of Senate. The Chancellery of the Senate creates also an exhibitions about polish parliamentarianism.Historia Tablicy pamięci 150 Senatorów-Ofiar II Wojny Światowej. Tablica pamięci została odsłonięta w Senacie w roku 1999. Niektórzy z Senatorów nie mają grobów, zatem Tablica pamięci stanowi jedyne miejsce, w którym ich imiona i nazwiska zostały utrwalone. Osoby pracujące w Kancelarii Senatu po roku 1989 próbowały odszukać informacje dotyczące polskich Senatorów i ich życia w czasach wojny. Mamy w posiadaniu ciekawe dokumenty biograficzne. Są to materiały o dużej wartości ze względu na brak informacji dotyczących polskiego Senatu (1922-1939) w Archiwach Senatu. Dzięki życzliwości rodzin senatorów dysponujemy wartościową dokumantacją uzupełnioną fotografiami. 'Wirtualna Tablica pamięci' została zamieszczona na oficjalnej stronie Senatu w roku 2009 i jest uzupełniniem 'prawdziwej'. Dokumenty będące w naszym posiadaniu są pomocne dla opracowań naukowych i publikacji dotyczących historii Senatu. Kancelaria Senatu organizuje również wystawę poświęconą polskiemu parlamentyzmowi

    Chosen Organizational Questions about Corrective Swimming and In-Water Corrective Exercises in Case of Scoliosis

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    In-water corrective exercises and corrective swimming are a very important element of prevention and correction of body posture defects. These occupancies are more frequently being used in modern treatment of these conditions. Advantageous influence of corrective exercises in water is predefined with specificity of water environment. The organization of corrective process is highly significant for successful final effects. The main aim of this review was to collect all organizational questions that may become useful for future instructors who want to carry the correction process effectively. The authors, based on literature review, personal knowledge and their experiences assembled most important organizational questions about swimming and in-water corrective exercises in case of multiply-curves scoliosis

    Choosing optimal rapid manufacturing process for thin-walled products using expert algorithm

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    Choosing right Rapid Prototyping technology is not easy, especially for companies inexperienced with that group of manufacturing techniques. Paper summarizes research focused on creating an algorithm for expert system, helping to choose optimal process and determine its parameters for thin-walled products rapid manufacturing. Research was based upon trial manufacturing of different thin-walled items using various RP technologies. Products were categorized, each category was defined by a set of requirements. Basing on research outcome, main algorithm has been created. Next step was developing detailed algorithms for optimizing particular methods. Implementation of these algorithms brings huge benefit for recipients, including cost reduction, supply time decrease and improvements in information flow.Peer Reviewe

    Effects of Physical Exercise on the Motility of Hands in Patients Operated because of Dupuytren's Contracture in Own Material

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of physical exercise on limited locomotion in the hands of patients who underwent surgery to correct Dupuytren's contracture. We studied the hands of 84 patients with Dupuytren's contracture aged from 30 to 84 years. In all patients, the contracture was removed by performing a partial fasciectomy. Physical exercises were carried out a week prior to surgery and during the postoperative period. Patients were divided into group I, in which the exercise was carried out under the supervision of the authors of this study and group II, in which exercises were performed sporadically and without professional supervision. Measurements were performed on all patients one week before surgery (A), 1 week after surgery (B) and 6 weeks after (C). The range of movement of fingers was measured using a goniometer. The average total loss of finger extension was evaluated, taking due account of the extension loss in the MCP, PIP and DIP joints of all fingers of the treated hand. Rehabilitation treatment included active and passive exercises; in more severe cases the treatment of choice was massage and special equipment to help bear flexion contracture. Test results were statistically analyzed. In all patients, there was an increase in mobility of the fingers. Patients taking part in physical exercise had significantly greater range of finger movement

    Influence of Selected Physical Exercises to Improve Outcomes in Patients Operated for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Own Material

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of selected physical exercises on the improved results of treatment of patients operated for carpal tunnel syndrome. Hands were examined in 112 patients treated for carpal tunnel syndrome, aged 33 to 80 years. All individuals underwent open surgery procedure. Patients were divided into group I, in which the exercise was carried out under the supervision of the authors of this study and group II, in which exercises were not performed. Measurements were performed on all patients before surgery (initial) and 6 weeks after (final). Symptoms were studied according to Whitley and Mc Donnell, and they included night pain, sensory disturbance, thenar muscle weakness, Tinel’s sign and Phalen’s maneuver, the bottle syndrome and the opponens pollicis muscle activity. In the treatment of enhancing gliding exercise (automobilization) and neuromobilization. Stabilizing exercises included automobilization (nerve gliding) and neuromobilization. Wrist and hand stabilizing exercises were used and the correct settings in the carpo-metacarpal joints during work and physical activity were taught. The results were statistically analyzed using Chi-squared test. It was found that in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome the best way to eliminate or reduce symptoms of hands mobility disorders comes primarily with surgical treatment, followed by rehabilitation treatment using gliding and neuromobilization exercises

    Lung transplantation as a viable option of treatment for pulmonary veno-occlusive disease

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    Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is a rare form of pulmonary hypertension caused by alteration of pulmonary veins. Many clinical and hemodynamic similarities to idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) may cause diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. This case report is about a patient with PVOD, whose first symptoms of the disease occurred after infectious mononucleosis. Patient was administered with prostacycline (PGI2) mimetic (Treprostinil), what made qualification process and lung transplantation possible. Despite more and more knowledge about causes, ethiopathogenesis and changes in pulmonary veins on molecular level, lung transplantation is the only successful therapeutic option for patients suffering from PVOD