46 research outputs found

    Toward an Empirically-generated Typology of Weblog Genres

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    In their article Toward an Empirically-generated Typology of Weblog Genres Maciej Maryl, Krzysztof Niewiadomski, and Maciej Kidawa propose a typology of weblog genres based on empirical data, namely on the analysis of metadata and the study of blogs\u27 content. In Study 1 they explore 287 categories used by Polish bloggers to classify their blogs. The analysis shows that most categories are topical, but some could be useful for genre analyses. In Study 2 they analyse syntagma combinations of 2-3 categories assigned to 88 252 blogs on one of the Polish blog platforms. Through quantitative analysis and clustering 3 main groups are identified: public sphere, private sphere, leisure-time activities. And in Study 3 the authors present an alternative take on findings conducting a qualitative, non-topical analysis of 322 Polish blogs aimed at uncovering weblog genres according to their communicative purpose. In consequence, the following genres emerge: diaries, reflection, criticism, information, filter, advice, modelling, and fictionality

    Wielka gra

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    Autor omawia prace zebrane w tym tomie jako przykład użyteczności stosowania narzędzi wypracowanych przez literaturoznawstwo w analizie gier. Zauważa, że groznawstwo polskie walczy obecnie o uznanie jako kierunek i gra toczy się o uświadomienie szerokiej publiczności, że gry (zwłaszcza komputerowe) to nie tylko pełnoprawne teksty kultury, które warto badać, lecz także pewna forma uczestnictwa w kulturze bez znajomości której już wkrótce trudno będzie nam rozumieć współczesne społeczeństwo.Maryl frames the articles collected in this volume as examples of how the tools of literary studies can be applied to game analysis. While Polish Game Studies are aspiring for recognition as a field, the key issue is to make the general public aware that games (especially computer games) are not just fully fledged cultural texts worth exploring, but that they have also become an important way to participate in culture. This form of participation, Maryl suggests, will soon be crucial for understanding modern society

    The web of the senses - Online methods of presenting academic research results

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    Institute of Literary Research, PAS has developed a multimedia website containing several hundred articles on the representations of the senses in Polish culture. This interdisciplinary project is the first of its size within the Polish humanities to employ online presentation of academic research results (“digital” humanities). It must be pointed out, however, that the method does not merely consist in uploading the text, but in applying Internet logic to the arrangement and organization of research data, which facilitates users’ access to the desired content. The website is an outcome of a research and development project entitled Sensuality in Polish Culture: "Representations of the Human Senses in Language, Literature, and Art from the Middle Ages to the Present" (NCBiR No. 17 0005 06/2009), conducted between 2010 and 2012 by the Department of Historical Poetics’ (PAS Institute of Literary Research)

    Convergence and Communication: Genre Analysis of Writers’ Websites

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    This article categorizes new forms of expressions on writers’ websites as means of maintaining communication with readers. The first part is dedicated to inter— and trans-medial analysis of various multimedia materials published on such websites (e.g. biographical notes, photographs, trailers). In the second part the website is analyzed as a hybrid text in which various types of expression are submitted to the main communicative purpose. On both levels of analysis the material is categorized in terms of the communicative function, for, as the author claims, the genre analysis of electronic discourse requires an approach which takes into consideration not only authorial intent and textual features but also the context of online utterance and the role of other partners of communication

    Convergence and Communication: Genre Analysis of the websites of Polish Writers

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    This article categorizes new forms of expressions on writers’ websites as means of maintaining communication with readers. The first part is dedicated to inter- and trans-medial analysis of various multimedia materials published on such websites (e.g. biographical notes, photographs, trailers). In the second part the website is analyzed as a hybrid text in which various types of expression are submitted to the main communicative purpose. On both levels of analysis the material is categorized in terms of the communicative function, for, as the author claims, the genre analysis of electronic discourse requires an approach which takes into consideration not only authorial intent and textual features but also the context of online utterance and the role of other partners of communication.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Electronic Texts in Action: Typology of Weblog Genres

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    This article presents an empirically generated typology of weblog genres based on the analysis of 322 popular Polish blogs. The analysis was informed by Carolyn Miller’s (1994) concept of genre as social action and was focused on three aspects: (1) subject of utterance or exigence; (2) author and communication; (3) genre coherence. Following genres are proposed and discussed: criticism, advice, diaries, modelling, reflection, information, filter, and fictionality.Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu Blog jako nowa forma piśmiennictwa multimedialnego, sfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2011/03/N/ HS2/06232

    Humanistyczne projekty cyfrowe w Polsce

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    Wyniki ankiety przeprowadzonej w czerwcu 2014 wśród polskich humanistów. Opisy blisko 80 projektów z zakresu humanistyki cyfrowej. Results of the survey conducted in June 2014 among Polish reserchers in the humanities. Descriptions of almost 80 digital-humanities projects. ***DOCUMENT IN POLISH **