15 research outputs found

    Application of the Taguchi method in the androgenesis efficiency enhancment in cereal tissue cultures

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    W zbożowych kulturach in vitro jednym z najtrudniejszych problemów do przezwyciężenia w trakcie produkcji podwojonych haploidów (DH) jest albinizm. Wydaje się, że dość skutecznym sposobem redukowania albinizmu jest dobór odpowiedniego czynnika stresowego w połączeniu ze zbalansowanym składem pożywek. W prezentowanej pracy zastosowano suplementację pożywek jonami miedzi i srebra (CuSO4, AgNO3) oraz modulowano czas kultur na pożywkach indukujących dla trzech gatunków zbóż: jęczmienia (Hordeum vulgare L.), pszenicy (Triticum aestivum L.) oraz pszenżyta (x Triticosecale spp. Wittmack ex A. Camus 1927). Zastosowanie metody Taguchiego pozwoliło na ograniczenie liczby eksperymentów oraz umożliwiło zoptymalizowanie warunków prowadzenia kultur in vitro, co ostatecznie wpłynęło na poprawę ilości zielonych regenerantów u wszystkich zastosowanych gatunków.In cereal tissue cultures, one of the most difficult problems to overcome during the production of doubled haploids (DH) is the albinism. It seems that a quite effective way to reduce albinism is to choose the right stress factor in combination with a balanced composition of medium. In the presented work supplementation of nutrients with copper and silver ions (CuSO4, AgNO3) and modulation of cultures time on induction medium for three cereal species: barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and triticale (x Triticosecale spp. Wittmack ex A. Camus 1927) were used. Application of the Taguchi method enabled to limit the number of experiments and to optimize the conditions for tissue cultures, which enhanced of the amount of green regenerants in all analyzed species

    Understanding In Vitro Tissue Culture-Induced Variation Phenomenon in Microspore System

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    In vitro tissue culture plant regeneration is a complicated process that requires stressful conditions affecting the cell functioning at multiple levels, including signaling pathways, transcriptome functioning, the interaction between cellular organelles (retro-, anterograde), compounds methylation, biochemical cycles, and DNA mutations. Unfortunately, the network linking all these aspects is not well understood, and the available knowledge is not systemized. Moreover, some aspects of the phenomenon are poorly studied. The present review attempts to present a broad range of aspects involved in the tissue culture-induced variation and hopefully would stimulate further investigations allowing a better understanding of the phenomenon and the cell functioning