168 research outputs found

    Observation of inverse diproton photodisintegration at intermediate energies

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    The reaction pp->{pp}_s\gamma, where {pp}_s is a proton pair with an excitation energy E_{pp}<3 MeV, has been observed with the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich for proton beam energies of T_p=0.353, 0.500, and 0.550 GeV. This is equivalent to photodisintegration of a free 1S_0 diproton for photon energies E\gamma ~ T_p/2. The differential cross sections measured for c.m. angles 0 deg.<\theta_{pp}<20 deg. exhibit a steep increase with angle that is compatible with E1 and E2 multipole contributions. The ratio of the measured cross sections to those of np->d\gamma is on the 10^{-3}-10^{-2} level. The increase of the pp->{pp}_s\gamma cross section with T_p might reflect the influence of the Delta(1232) excitation.Comment: 4 pages + 4 figure

    Resonance-like coherent production of a pion pair in the reaction pdpdππpd \rightarrow pd\pi\pi in the GeV region

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    The reaction p+dp+d+Xp + d \rightarrow p + d + X was studied at 0.8-2.0 GeV proton beam energies with the ANKE magnetic spectrometer at the COSY synchrotron storage ring. The proton-deuteron pairs emerging with high momenta, 0.6-1.8 GeV/cc, were detected at small angles with respect to the proton beam. Distribution over the reaction missing mass MxM_x reveals a local enhancement near the threshold of the pion pair production specific for the so-called ABC effect. The enhancement has a structure of a narrow bump placed above a smooth continuum. The invariant mass of the dππd\pi\pi system in this enhancement region exhibits a resonance-like peak at Mdππ2.36M_{d\pi\pi} \approx 2.36 GeV/c2c^2 with the width Γ0.10\Gamma \approx 0.10 GeV/c2c^2. A possible interpretation of these features is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A. v2: Added references [42,43] in section IV.A. v3: revised version according to referee remarks v4: revised version according to referee remark

    Toward polarized antiprotons: Machine development for spin-filtering experiments

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    The paper describes the commissioning of the experimental equipment and the machine studies required for the first spin-filtering experiment with protons at a beam kinetic energy of 49.349.3\,MeV in COSY. The implementation of a low-β\beta insertion made it possible to achieve beam lifetimes of τb=8000\tau_{\rm{b}}=8000\,s in the presence of a dense polarized hydrogen storage-cell target of areal density dt=(5.5±0.2)×1013atoms/cm2d_{\rm t}=(5.5\pm 0.2)\times 10^{13}\,\mathrm{atoms/cm^{2}}. The developed techniques can be directly applied to antiproton machines and allow for the determination of the spin-dependent pˉp\bar{p}p cross sections via spin filtering

    Measurement of the Analyzing Power in pd(pp)n\vec{p}d \to (pp)n \\with a Fast Forward 1S0^1S_0--Diproton

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    A measurement of the analyzing power AyA_y of the pd(pp)+n\vec{p}d \to (pp) + n reaction was carried out at beam energies of 0.5 and 0.8 GeV by detection of a fast forward proton pair of small excitation energy Epp<3E_{pp} < 3 MeV. The kinematically complete experiment made use of the ANKE spectrometer at the internal beam of COSY and a deuterium cluster--jet target. For the first time the SS--wave dominance in the fast diproton is experimentally demonstrated in this reaction. While at Tp=0.8T_p=0.8 GeV the measured analyzing power AyA_y vanishes, it reaches almost unity at Tp=0.5T_p=0.5 GeV for neutrons scattered at θnc.m.=167\theta_n^{c.m.}=167^\circ. The results are compared with a model taking into account one--nucleon exchange, single scattering and Δ\Delta (1232) excitation in the intermediate state. The model describes fairly well the unpolarized cross section obtained earlier by us and the analyzing power at 0.8 GeV, it fails to reproduce the angular dependence of AyA_y at 0.5 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Measurement of the analyzing powers in pd elastic and pn quasi-elastic scattering at small angles

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    The analyzing powers in proton-deuteron elastic and proton-neutron quasi-elastic scattering have been measured at small angles using a polarized proton beam at the COSY storage ring incident on an unpolarized deuterium target. The data were taken at 796MeV and five higher energies from 1600MeV to 2400MeV. The analyzing power in pd elastic scattering was studied by detecting the low energy recoil deuteron in telescopes placed symmetrically in the COSY plane to the left and right of the beam whereas for pn quasi-elastic scattering a low energy proton was registered in one of the telescopes in coincidence with a fast scattered proton measured in the ANKE magnetic spectrometer. Though the experiment explores new domains, the results are consistent with the limited published information.Comment: 10 pages with 8 figure

    First measurements of spin correlations in the np -> d pi^0 reaction

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    The transverse spin correlations Axx and Ayy in the np-> d pi^0 reaction have been measured for the first time in quasi-free kinematics at the COSY-ANKE facility using a polarised deuteron beam incident on a polarised hydrogen cell target. The results obtained for neutron energies close to 353 MeV and 600 MeV are in good agreement with the partial wave analysis of data on the isospin-related pp-> d pi^+ reaction, though the present results cover also the small-angle region, which was largely absent from these data

    Measurement of the Spin-Dependence of the pbar-p Interaction at the AD-Ring

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    We propose to use an internal polarized hydrogen storage cell gas target in the AD ring to determine for the first time the two total spin-dependent pbar-p cross sections sigma_1 and sigma_2 at antiproton beam energies in the range from 50 to 450 MeV. The data obtained are of interest by themselves for the general theory of pbar-p interactions since they will provide a first experimental constraint of the spin-spin dependence of the nucleon-antinucleon potential in the energy range of interest. In addition, measurements of the polarization buildup of stored antiprotons are required to define the optimum parameters of a future, dedicated Antiproton Polarizer Ring (APR), intended to feed a double-polarized asymmetric pbar-p collider with polarized antiprotons. Such a machine has recently been proposed by the PAX collaboration for the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. The availability of an intense stored beam of polarized antiprotons will provide access to a wealth of single- and double-spin observables, thereby opening a new window on QCD spin physics.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, proposal submitted to the SPS committee of CER

    Near-threshold production of omega mesons in the pn -> d omega reaction

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    The first measurement of the p n -> d omega total cross section has been achieved at mean excess energies of Q = 28 and 57 MeV by using a deuterium cluster-jet target. The momentum of the fast deuteron was measured in the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich and that of the slow "spectator" proton p(sp) from the p d -> p(sp) d omega reaction in a silicon telescope placed close to the target. The cross sections lie above those measured for p p -> p p omega but seem to be below theoretical predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures; second approach to describe the background has been added; results changed insignificantly, EPJ in pres

    Production of the 1S0 diproton in the pp -> pp pi0 reaction at 0.8 GeV

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    The pp -> pp pi0 differential cross section has been measured with the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich for pion cms angles between 0 and 15.4 degrees at a proton beam energy of 0.8 GeV. The selection of diproton pairs with an excitation energy E_{pp} < 3 MeV ensures that the final pp system is dominantly in the spin-singlet 1S0 state. The kinematics are therefore very similar to those of pp -> d pi+ but with different spin and isospin transitions. The results will thus provide a crucial extra test of pion production models in nucleon-nucleon collisions. The cross sections, which are over two orders of magnitude smaller than those of pp -> d pi+, show a forward dip, even stronger than that seen at lower energies. This behaviour is well reproduced in a theoretical model that includes P-wave Delta-N states.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figures, prepared using elsart.cl