1,017 research outputs found

    Increased lung inflammation with oxygen supplementation in tracheotomized spontaneously breathing rabbits: an experimental prospective randomized study

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    BACKGROUND: Mechanical ventilation is a well-known trigger for lung inflammation. Research focuses on tidal volume reduction to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury. Mechanical ventilation is usually applied with higher than physiological oxygen fractions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the after effect of oxygen supplementation during a spontaneous ventilation set up, in order to avoid the inflammatory response linked to mechanical ventilation. METHODS: A prospective randomised study using New Zealand rabbits in a university research laboratory was carried out. Rabbits (n = 20) were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 5 each group). Groups 1 and 2 were submitted to 0.5 L/min oxygen supplementation, for 20 or 75 minutes, respectively; groups 3 and 4 were left at room air for 20 or 75 minutes. Ketamine/xylazine was administered for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. Lungs were obtained for histological examination in light microscopy. RESULTS: All animals survived the complete experiment. Procedure duration did not influence the degree of inflammatory response. The hyperoxic environment was confirmed by blood gas analyses in animals that were subjected to oxygen supplementation, and was accompanied with lower mean respiratory rates. The non-oxygen supplemented group had lower mean oxygen arterial partial pressures and higher mean respiratory rates during the procedure. All animals showed some inflammatory lung response. However, rabbits submitted to oxygen supplementation showed significant more lung inflammation (Odds ratio = 16), characterized by more infiltrates and with higher cell counts; the acute inflammatory response cells was mainly constituted by eosinophils and neutrophils, with a relative proportion of 80 to 20% respectively. This cellular observation in lung tissue did not correlate with a similar increase in peripheral blood analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen supplementation in spontaneous breathing is associated with an increased inflammatory response when compared to breathing normal room air. This inflammatory response was mainly constituted with polymorphonuclear cells (eosinophils and neutrophils). As confirmed in all animals by peripheral blood analyses, the eosinophilic inflammatory response was a local organ event.The authors would like to thank Centro Hospitalar do Porto for funding regarding the purchase of animals, animal food, and other husbandry expenses. No funding was used to reimburse any of the authors, nor any of the persons who helped and are herein thanked. Funding for open access publication was supported by the Anesthesia Department at Centro Hospitalar do Port

    Estabelecimento de modelo experimental de endometriose peritoneal

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    Endometriose é a presença de endométrio fora da cavidade uterina estimada em afetar 10% das mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Apesar de ser uma doença benigna, muitas vezes se comporta com agressividade de doença maligna. Os medicamentos existentes para o tratamento não são capazes de erradicar por completo os focos ectópicos de tecido endometrial, sendo o tratamento cirúrgico relevante no controle da endometriose. Desta forma, o objetivo geral desse trabalho é o estabelecimento de modelo animal de endometriose para uma melhor compreensão da fisiopatologia das lesões. Foram utilizadas ratas Wistar com 8 semanas de idade, sendo realizada uma incisão na linha alba, ligadura e secção do corno uterino direito. Em placa de Petri, o útero foi aberto longitudinalmente e o endométrio seccionado em fragmentos de 3-4mm2 para posteriormente ser implantado na cavidade peritoneal utilizando fio de Nylon. Em tempos determinados de 10 e 15 dias após os implantes, os animais foram sacrificados para avaliação macroscópica, sendo observado parâmetros de crescimento das lesões. As amostras das lesões endometrióticas foram coletadas, sendo fixadas em formol tamponado e emblocadas em parafina para análise histológica com coloração de hematoxilina-eosina. Com 10 dias, os implantes iniciaram seu estabelecimento na cavidade peritoneal, embora não tenham apresentado uma adesão completa sendo facilmente removidos. Nos animais com 15 dias após os implantes iniciais, as análises macroscópicas mostraram um crescimento e uma adesão completa dos implantes. Observa-se a formação de cistos bem vascularizados, lembrando as lesões de endometriose em humanos. Esses resultados indicam que o modelo experimental utilizado foi empregado com sucesso, uma vez que os implantes apresentaram um crescimento significativo, indicando que 15 dias é o tempo suficiente para o estabelecimento do modelo

    Urinary Hydration Biomarkers and Water Sources in Older Adults with Neurocognitive Disorder

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    The risk of dehydration in older adults with neurocognitive disorder (NCD) is controversial. The purpose of this study was to assess hydration status, its determinants, and water intake sources in older adults with NCD. A sample of 30 participants (>= 60 years) was included. Sociodemographic, clinical data and one 24-h urine sample were collected. Urinary osmolality, sodium, potassium, volume, and creatinine were quantified. Inadequate hydration status corresponded to urine osmolality > 500 mOsm/Kg, or a negative Free Water Reserve (FWR). Two 24-h food recalls were used to assess dietary intake and water sources. The adequacy of total water intake (TWI) was estimated according to EFSA. The contribution of food and beverages to TWI was calculated, and their associations with the urinary osmolality median were tested. Of the total number of participants, 30% were classified as having inadequate hydration status, with no differences between sexes. Regarding TWI, 68.4% of women and 77.8% of men did not reach the reference values. Water (23%), followed by soup (17%), contributed the most to TWI, while vegetables (2%) and alcoholic/other beverages (3%) contributed the least. According to the median urinary osmolality, there was no significant difference in sociodemographic/clinical characteristics. It is critical not to overlook hydration in this vulnerable population

    Eficiência energética e pegada de carbono de sistemas de produção de feijão comum na terceira safra.

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    Neste trabalho foi avaliado o sistema de produção convencional e produção integrada do feijão comum na terceira safra sob irrigação por pivô central.Pôster - pós-graduação

    Fractional exhaled nitric oxide in monitoring and therapeutic management of asthma

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    INTRODUCTION: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by hyper-responsiveness and bronchial inflammation. The bronchial inflammation in these patients can be monitored by measuring the fractional exhaled nitric oxide. This study aims to determine fractional exhaled nitric oxide association with peak expiratory flow and with asthma control inferred by the Global Initiative for Asthma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study of children with asthma, 6-12 years-old, followed in the Outpatient Respiratory Pathology of Braga Hospital. Sociodemographic and clinical information were collected through a questionnaire. fractional exhaled nitric oxide and peak expiratory flow were determined by portable analyzer Niox Mino® and flow meter, respectively. RESULTS: The sample is constituted by 101 asthmatic children, 63 (62.4%) of males and 38 (37.6%) females. The mean age of participants in the sample is 9.18 (1.99) years. The logistic regression performed with the cutoff value obtained by ROC curve, revealed that fractional exhaled nitric oxide (b(FENO classes) = 0.85; χ(2)Wald (1) = 8.71; OR = 2.33; p = 0.003) has a statistical significant effect on the probability of changing level of asthma control. The odds ratio of going from "controlled" to "partly controlled/uncontrolled" is 2.33 per each level of fractional exhaled nitric oxide. DISCUSSION: The probability of an asthmatic children change their level of asthma control, from 'controlled' to 'partly controlled/uncontrolled', taking into account a change in their fractional exhaled nitric oxide level, increases 133%

    Influência do substrato e da profundidade de semeadura na germinação de sementes de angico-de-caroço [Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan - Leguminosae].

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    O angico-de-caroço [Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan] é uma árvore de grande distribuição n Nordeste brasileiro, apresentando rápido crescimento e ótimo potencial para reflorestamento e ornamentação

    Synergistic impact of endurance training and intermittent hypobaric hypoxia on cardiac function and mitochondrial energetic and signaling

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    Background Intermittent hypobaric-hypoxia (IHH) and endurance-training (ET) are cardioprotective strategies against stress-stimuli. Mitochondrial modulation appears to be an important step of the process. This study aimed to analyze whether a combination of these approaches provides additive or synergistic effects improving heart-mitochondrial and cardiac-function. Methods Two-sets of rats were divided into normoxic-sedentary (NS), normoxic-exercised (NE, 1 h/day/5 weeks treadmill-running), hypoxic-sedentary (HS, 6000 m, 5 h/day/5 weeks) and hypoxic-exercised (HE) to study overall cardiac and mitochondrial function. In vitro cardiac mitochondrial oxygen consumption and transmembrane potential were evaluated. OXPHOS subunits and ANT protein content were semi-quantified by Western blotting. HIF-1α, VEGF, VEGF-R1 VEGF-R2, BNP, SERCA2a and PLB expressions were measured by qRT-PCR and cardiac function was characterized by echocardiography and hemodynamic parameters. Results Respiratory control ratio (RCR) increased in NE, HS and HE vs. NS. Susceptibility to anoxia/reoxygenation-induced dysfunction decreased in NE, HS and HE vs. NS. HS decreased mitochondrial complex-I and -II subunits; however HE completely reverted the decreased content in complex-II subunits. ANT increased in HE. HE presented normalized ventricular–arterial coupling (Ea) and BNP myocardial levels and significantly improved myocardial performance as evaluated by increased cardiac output and normalization of the Tei index vs. HS. Conclusion Data demonstrates that IHH and ET confer cardiac mitochondria with a more resistant phenotype although without visible addictive effects at least under basal conditions. It is suggested that the combination of both strategies, although not additive, results into improved cardiac function

    Criteria to predict carriers of a novel SCN5A mutation in a large Portuguese family affected by the Brugada syndrome

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    Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a life-threatening arrhythmia disorder associated with autosomal-dominant mutations in the SCN5A gene. We aimed to characterize the diagnostic challenges and clinical manifestations of a novel SCN5A mutation associated with BrS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio