656 research outputs found

    Non-radial pulsations in the Be/X binaries 4U0115+63 and SAXJ2103.5+4545

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    The discovery of non-radial pulsations (NRP) in the Be/X binaries of the Magellanic Clouds (MC, eg. Fabrycky 2005, Coe et al. 2005, Schmidtke & Cowley 2005) provided a new approach to understand these complex systems, and, at the same time, favoured the synergy between two different fields: stellar pulsations and X-ray binaries. This breakthrough was possible thanks to the MACHO and OGLE surveys. However, in our Galaxy, only two Be/X have been reported to show NRP: GROJ2058+42 (Kiziloglu et al. 2007) and LSI+61 235 (Sarty et al. 2009). Our objective is to study the short-term variability of Galactic Be/X binaries, compare them to the Be/X of the MC and to the isolated Galactic Be observed with CoRoT and Kepler. We present preliminary results of two Be/X stars, namely 4U0115+63 and SAXJ2103.5+4545 showing multiperiodicity and periodicity respectively, most probably produced by non-radial pulsations.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, IAUS 272 "Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits" conference, Paris, July 2010, submitte

    The Personal Property Secured Financing System of Venezuela: A Comparative Study and the Case for Harmonization

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    Errores de los estudiantes de magisterio frente a situaciones que implican porcentajes

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    Among the concepts used by mathematicians in the daily life, percentage is one of the most important matter and the teaching of this concept, from a formal point of view, is included in primary and secondary compulsory studies in their mathematic curriculum. For these reasons, in this research study we have wanted to determine which main errors students commit and which are the most difficult percentage situations they have to deal with as training teacher´ students. As an important result, in the development of our research we have discovered three main errors clearly identifiable.Entre los conceptos matemáticos que se utilizan en la vida diaria el porcentaje es uno de los más destacados y su enseñanza, desde el punto de vista formal, está incluida en el currículo de matemáticas de Primaria y Secundaria Obligatoria en España. Por estas razones, en el estudio que presentamos a continuación, hemos querido determinar qué errores cometen y cuáles son las situaciones de porcentaje que les presentan un mayor grado de dificultad a estudiantes de Magisterio, en concreto, hemos podido revelar tres tipos de errores claramente identificable

    Excessive vertical overbite: clinical-epidemiologic characteristics and treatment in children under 19 years of age

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    Introduction: excessive vertical protrusion, vertical overbite, overbite or increased overbite are a frequent finding in maxillomandibular discrepancies.Objective: to update knowledge on overbite or excessive vertical overbite in children under 19 years of age.Methods: in order to carry out this bibliographic review, 50 articles on the subject were consulted, obtained from Pubmed, LILACS, Hinari, SCielo, academic Google, degree theses and texts of the specialty of Orthodontics. Forty-one articles were used as bibliography, with a predominance of articles published during the last five years and others of earlier date to reference the history of the definition of excessive vertical overbite.Development: excessive vertical overbite can manifest in children and adults; it is frequent in class I, II and III malocclusions. Its prevalence increases between five and 12 years of age. The precise identification of these anomalies through clinical and radiographic characteristics is fundamental to achieve a correct diagnosis and timely treatment according to their origin during growth. Orthodontic treatment in these cases aims to conform an adequate vertical protrusion of incisors through the application of various strategies according to etiology, age and facial esthetics. The most severe cases achieve better results when treated during growth and development.Conclusions: Deep bite is a common component of malocclusion in children and adults, its etiology should be considered in order to formulate a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan to achieve optimal skeletal, dentoalveolar, occlusal and esthetic results.Introducción: el resalte vertical excesivo, la sobremordida vertical, overbite o sobrepase aumentado, son un hallazgo frecuente en las discrepancias maxilomandibulares. Objetivo: actualizar los conocimientos sobre overbite o sobremordida vertical excesiva en menores de 19 años.Métodos: para realizar esta revisión bibliográfica se consultaron 50 artículos sobre el tema, obtenidos de Pubmed, LILACS, Hinari, SCielo, Google académico, tesis de grado y textos de la especialidad de Ortodoncia. Fueron utilizados 41 artículos como bibliografía, predominaron los artículos publicados durante los últimos cinco años y otros de anterior data para referenciar la historia de la definición de sobremordida vertical excesiva.Desarrollo: la sobremordida vertical excesiva se puede manifestar en niños y adultos; es frecuente en maloclusiones clase I, II y III. Su prevalencia aumenta entre cinco y 12 años de edad. La identificación precisa de estas anomalías a través de las características clínicas y radiográficas es fundamental para lograr un diagnóstico correcto y tratamiento oportuno según su origen durante el crecimiento. El tratamiento ortodóncico en estos casos persigue conformar un adecuado resalte vertical de incisivos mediante aplicación de varias estrategias según etiología, edad y estética facial. Los casos más severos logran mejores resultados cuando se tratan durante el crecimiento y desarrollo.Conclusiones: la mordida profunda es un componente común de la maloclusión en niños y adultos, se debe considerar su etiología para formular un diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento detallado para alcanzar óptimos resultados esqueléticos, dentoalveolares, oclusales y estéticos

    Theoretical and methodological contribution to the historic study of archaeological palimpsests based on lithics: The example of El Salt Middle Palaeolithic site, Alcoy (Alicante, Spain).

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    Es presenta a manera de contribució teoricometodològica, una sèrie de consideracions i exemples empírics del Paleolític Mitjà per a l’estudi històric de palimpsests arqueològics, a partir del registre lític. Partint de la concepció de l’ocupació concreta com a unitat mínima d’anàlisi identificable en la unitat estratigràfica, es reflexiona sobre els problemes operatius que comporta la seua delimitació. Paraules clau: Producció lítica. Unitat de primera matèria. Unitat mínima d’anàlisi històrica. Palimpsests. El Salt.Se presenta a modo de contribución teórico-metodológica, una serie de consideraciones y ejemplos empíricos del Paleolítico medio para el estudio histórico de palimpsestos arqueológicos, a partir del registro lítico. Partiendo de la concepción de la ocupación concreta como unidad mínima de análisis identificable en la unidad estratigráfica, se reflexiona acerca de los problemas operativos que conlleva su delimitación. Palabras clave: Producción lítica. Unidad de materia prima. Unidad mínima de análisis histórico. Palimpsestos. El Salt.In this paper we present a theoretical and methodological contribution consisting of a series of considerations and empirical examples for the study of Middle Palaeolithic archaeological palimpsests using the lithic record. Our starting point is the concept of human occupation episode as the minimum unit of analysis that can be identified stratigraphically. We reflect upon the operational problems involved in its identification. Key words: Lithic production. Raw material unit. Minimum unit of historical analysis. Palimpsest. El Salt

    Preservation of the antioxidant capacity of resveratrol via encapsulation in niosomes

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    Resveratrol (RSV) is a natural polyphenol which produces several benefits to human health, being the trans-isomer the most bioactive. However, its systemic absorption is limited due to its low water solubility, that reduces the oral bioavailability, and its chemical instability (owing to the trans-cis RSV isomer conversion upon light irradiation). Thus, encapsulation of this bioactive compound is required to protect it from destructive environmental conditions. Here, trans-RSV was encapsulated in food grade nanovesicles formed by Tween 80 and Span 80, with or without the addition of dodecanol (Dod) as membrane stabilizer. The size and shape of niosomes were evaluated by microscopy (TEM) and light scattering. RSV was successfully encapsulated in the vesicular systems (49– 57%). The effect of Dod in the membrane bilayer was evaluated on the RSV in vitro release experiments under simulated gastrointestinal conditions. The total antioxidant capacity of the encapsulated polyphenol was measured using radicals’ assays (DPPH and ABTS). The niosomes were able to maintain almost the total antioxidant capacity of encapsulated RSV, also preserved the ~85% of trans-RSV, thus offering considerable protection against high energy irradiation. These results make these systems suitable for different applications, particularly for photosensitive compounds.Fil: Machado, Noelia Daiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Orgánica; ArgentinaFil: Gutiérrez, Gemma. Universidad de Oviedo; EspañaFil: Matos, María. Universidad de Oviedo; EspañaFil: Fernández, Mariana Adela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentin

    A PLS multigroup analysis of the role of businesswomen in the tourism sector in Andalusia

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    The objective of this study is to determine the factors that influ-ence “business performance” or the “role of entrepreneurs”, as well as to analyse whether gender functions as a moderating variable, based on a survey conducted on a sample of 127 com-panies. Most of the literature in the tourism sector only considers hotel accommodation; thus, it is still limited in the case of non-hotel accommodation. Our research fills this gap by focusing on both types of establishments. An explanatory and confirmatory model has been carried out based on a PLS-SEM approach, taking the factors that determine business performance into ac-count. Moreover, a MICOM and a multi-group analysis have been undertaken in order to check whether gender acts as a modera-tor. Our findings reveal that there are no significant differences between tourist accommodation companies run by women and men in Andalusia; hence, gender is not a moderating variable regarding business performance. Furthermore, as full measure-ment invariance has been established, a comparison between groups emphasises that the influence of the environment, and the resources and capabilities of the entrepreneur, are factors that affect women more than men, and the number of employ-ees, work experience, and the occupancy rate are more impor-tant for businesswomen, whereas the distance to the nearest airport, check-in, and the occupancy rate are more important for businessmen. This empirical study has practical implications for hospitality industry professionals and concerned authorities which are responsible for designing strategies and policies related to this sector in Andalusia


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    Patterns of Authorship and Scientific Collaboration in Education: The Production of Colombia in ESCI

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    This paper aims to carry out a bibliometric study on the scientific production on Education that occurs in Colombia and it is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) database. To carry out this study, the data related to the documents indexed in the ESCI database of WoS were downloaded and, by counting frequencies, the patterns of document production by journal and by year, the most productive institutions, the indicators of collaboration in authorship and the type of collaboration were identified. An increase in co-authorship and collaboration rates, as well as in international collaboration was detected for the examined period. The public universities were identified as the leading generators of scientific production in Education in Colombia. Likewise, the Bradford’s core of zones of dispersion of literature in the topic was identified, and it was found that more than 90% of these are journals edited by universities. The production of Colombia in Education has experienced a considerable increase in the period from 2005 to 2019. Although the collaboration rates have increased and are similar to those observed for example in Education in Spain, they are still lower than those of Social Sciences in Colombia

    Presence of women on the editorial boards of the language and linguistics journals in Spain

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    Many international studies have pointed out the under-representation of women on Editorial Boards of both Science and Social Science journals. Their presence as Editorial Board members is relevant as they influence and reflect the policies of the journal itself. This study analyses the participation of women on the Editorial Boards of the Spanish Language and Linguistics journals in SCOPUS. To this end, 54 journals indexed in SCOPUS were analysed, thus discriminating the gender of all members and the role that each member plays on the Editorial Board. The results show no significant differences in the participation of men and women in these Editorial Boards. It was not found any evidence of gender bias in these journals