314 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento, Produtividade E Atributos Qualitativos De Cultivares De Cana-de-açúcar Fertirrigadas Por Gotejamento Subsuperficial

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the development, yield and quality of four sugarcane cultivars fertigated by subsurface drip system. The experiment was carried out in Campinas-SP, Brazil, from January 2012 to November 2013, with the cultivars SP79-1011, IACSP94-2101, IACSP94-2094 and IACSP95-5000 subjected to daily irrigations. The irrigations depths were applied to bring soil moisture to field capacity. Soil moisture was monitored using soil moisture probes. Samples were collected along the crop cycle in order to evaluate crop development and yield, at the end of the first and second ratoons. Stalk height showed good correlation for the estimation of crop yield, with R2 equal to or higher than 0.96. The cultivar IACSP95-5000 showed the highest yield in the first ratoon. In the second ratoon the highest yield was observed in IACSP94-2101, followed by IACSP95-5000 and SP79-1011. Considering the yield results associated with the technological analysis, such as soluble solids content and apparent sucrose, the cultivar IACSP95-5000 excelled the others in the cultivation under subsurface drip irrigation. © 2016, Departamento de Engenharia Agricola - UFCG/Cnpq. All rights reserved.20652553

    Expression of E-cadherin, Snail and Hakai in epithelial cells isolated from the primary tumor and from peritumoral tissue of invasive ductal breast carcinomas

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    Epithelial intercellular cohesion, mainly mediated by E-cadherin (CDH1) expression and function, may be deregulated during cancer cell invasion of adjacent tissues and lymphatic and vascular channels. CDH1 expression is down-modulated in invasive lobular breast carcinomas but its regulation in invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC) is less clear. CDH1 expression is repressed by transcription factors such as Snail (SNAI1) and its product is degraded after Hakai ubiquitination. We compared CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression in IDC and paired adjacent normal breast tissue and evaluated its relation with node metastasis and circulating tumor cells. Matched tumor/peritumoral and blood samples were collected from 30 patients with early IDC. Epithelial cells from each compartment (tumor/peritumoral) were recovered by an immunomagnetic method and gene expression was determined by real time RT-PCR. There were no differences in CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression between tumor and corresponding peritumoral samples and no differential tumoral gene expression according to nodal involvement. Another 30 patients with a long-term follow-up (at least 5 years) and a differential prognosis (good or poor, as defined by breast cancer death) had E-cadherin and Snail protein detected by immunohistochemistry in tumor samples. In this group, E-cadherin-positive expression, but not Snail, may be associated with a better prognosis. This is the first report simultaneously analyzing CDH1, SNAI1 and HAKAI mRNA expression in matched tumor and peritumoral samples from patients with IDC. However, no clear pattern of their expression could distinguish the invasive tumor compartment from its adjacent normal tissue.FAPESPCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential in crabwood (Carapa guianensis)

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    Leaf water potential is one of the most important factors affecting stomatal functioning. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of variation in diurnal irradiance and vapour pressure deficit on photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (g s) and leaf water potential (psi) in Carapa guianensis (Aubl.). Data were collected from 07:00 to 17:00 h. Photosynthetic rates reached a maximum (2.5 µmol m-2 s-1) at 10:00 h, thereafter declined to a minimum of 1 µmol m-2 s-1 at 16:00 h. Stomatal conductance oscillated during the day, from 0.04 mol m-2 s-1 (at midday) to 0.02.mol.m-2.s-1 at the end of the afternoon. Leaf water potential was higher early in the morning (-0.3 MPa) and lower (-0.75 MPa) at mid-afternoon (14:30 -15:00 h). After reaching a minimum, psi increased up to -0.64 MPa at sunset. Photosynthetic rates increased linearly as a function of g s (P < 0.01). Also there was a positive relationship between psi and g s (P< 0.01). Photosynthetic rates declined during the day after reaching a peak early in the morning, which makes clear that environmental factors that influence psi greatly affect carbon assimilation of C. guianensis.O potencial hídrico da folha é um dos fatores mais importantes que afetam o funcionamento dos estômatos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da variação diurna na irradiância e déficit de pressão de vapor (DPV) na fotossíntese (A), condutância estomática (g s) e potencial hídrico da folha (psi) em Carapa guianensis (Aubl.). Os dados foram coletados de 07:00 às 17:00 h. A taxa fotossintética atingiu um valor máximo (2,5 µmol m-2 s-1) às 10:00 h, depois declinou até atingir um mínimo de 1 µmolm-2 s-1 às 16:00 h. A condutância estomática oscilou durante o dia, de 0,04 molm-2s-1 (ao meio dia) para 0,02 molm-2s- 1 no final da tarde. O potencial hídrico da folha foi máximo nas primeiras horas do dia (-0,3 MPa) e mínimo (-0,75 MPa) no meio da tarde (14:30 a 15:00 h). Após ter alcançado um mínimo, o psi aumentou até -0,64 MPa no fim da tarde. A taxa fotossintética aumentou linearmente em função do g s (P < 0,01). Também houve uma relação positiva entre psi e g s (P < 0,01). A taxa fotossintética declinou durante o dia após ter alcançado um pico no início da manhã, demonstrando que os fatores ambientais que afetam o psi têm efeito significativo na assimilação do carbono de C. guianensis
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