1,145 research outputs found

    SPEM 2.0 extension for pervasive information systems

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    Pervasive computing is a research field of computing technology that aims to achieve a new computing paradigm. In this paradigm, the physical environment has a high degree of pervasiveness and availability of computers and other information technology (IT) devices, usually with communication capabilities. Pervasive Information Systems (PIS), composed by these kinds of devices, bring issues that challenge software development for them. Model-Driven Development (MDD), strongly focusing and relying on models, has the potential to allow: the use of concepts closer to the domain and the reduction of semantic gaps; higher automation and lower dependency to technological changes; higher capture of expert knowledge and reuse; an overall increased productivity. Along with the focus and use of models, software development processes are fundamental to efficient development efforts of successful software systems. For the description of processes, Software & Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model Specification (SPEM) is the current standard specification published by the Object Management Group (OMG). This paper presents an extension to SPEM (version 2.0) Base Plug-In Profile that includes stereotypes needed to support a suitable structural process organization for MDD approaches aiming to develop software for PIS. A case study is provided to evaluate the applicability of the extension

    Automação do processo de verificação de software para programadores lógicos SIL em aplicações de exploração de petróleo submarina

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    Process Shutdown systems are used for shutting down subsea oil and gas wells and maintaining a safe state for the intervention systems. The safety and reliability of the technology used for process shutdown is one of the major arguments to earn the trust of the customer and consequently one of the main technological reasons to stay ahead of the subsea oil and gas business market. SIL (IEC61508) is the measure of trust. This is where SIL certified logic solvers come into play. For every project using SIL logic solvers specific software has to be made based on applicable standards and customer shutdown philosophies. Before deployment the system has to be verified. The intention is to apply new methods for automating the testing of the software. This will provide run-time improvement of testing, reduction of the needed resources and direct reduced costs in ongoing projects.Sistemas de encerramento do processo são usados para parar a produção dos poços de petróleo e gás e manter em segurança a funcionalidade dos sistemas de intervenção. A segurança e a confiabilidade da tecnologia utilizada para a paragem da produção é um dos principais argumentos para ganhar a confiança do cliente e, consequentemente uma das principais razões tecnológicas para continuar na vanguarda do mercado de exploração submarina de petróleo e gás. É aqui que entram os programadores lógicos com certificação SIL. Para cada projeto que utilize programadores lógicos SIL software específico tem que ser criado com base na normalização aplicável e nas filosofias de encerramento de processo. Antes do fornecimento do equipamento de segurança a funcionalidade do sistema tem que ser verificada. A intenção é aplicar novos métodos para automatizar a verificação do software. Isso permite melhoria no tempo de execução dos testes, redução dos recursos necessários e redução de custos nos projectos em curso.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development framework pattern for pervasive information systems

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    During last decade, the world watched a social acceptance of computing and computers, enhanced information technology devices, wireless networks, and Internet; they gradually became a fundamental resource for individuals. Nowadays, people, organizations, and the environment are empowered by computing devices and systems; they depend on services offered by modern Pervasive Information Systems supported by complex software systems and technology. Research on software development for PIS-delivered information, on issues and challenges on software development for them, and several other contributions have been delivered. Among these contributions are a development framework for PIS, a profiling and framing structure approach, and a SPEM 2.0 extension. This chapter, revisiting these contributions, provides an additional contribution: a pattern to support the use of the development framework and profiling approach on software development for PIS. This contribution completes a first series of contributions for the development of PIS. This chapter also presents a case study that allowed demonstrating the applicability of these contribution

    Model-driven methodologies for pervasive information systems development

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    This paper intends to introduce the concept of pervasive information systems (PIS) and the issues that arise from the software development for pervasive information systems. The model driven approach is generally described and its benefits to the software design are identified. Finally, some future directions for the usage of model driven methodologies within the development of PIS are highlighted, presenting some specific problems that nowadays that kind of methodologies have not yet been able to overcome

    Model-driven development for pervasive information systems

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    This chapter focus on design methodologies for pervasive information systems (PIS). It aims to contribute for the efficiency and effectiveness on software development of ubiquitous services/applications supported on pervasive information systems. Pervasive information systems are composed of conveniently orchestrated embedded or mobile computing devices that offer innovative ways to support existing and new business models. Those systems are characterized as having a potential large number of interactive heterogeneous embedded/mobile computing devices that collect, process, and communicate information. Additionally, they are target of high rates of technological innovations. Therefore, changes on requirements or in technology demands for frequent modifications on software at device and system levels. Software design and evolution for those requires suitable approaches that cope with such demands and characteristics of pervasive information systems. Model-driven development approaches (which essentially centre the focus of development on models, and involves concepts such as Platform-Independent Models, Platform-Specific Models, model transformations, and use of established standards) currently in research at academic and industrial arenas to design of large systems, offer potential benefits that can be applied to design and evolution of these pervasive information systems. In this chapter, we raise issues and propose strategies related to the software development of PIS using a model-driven development perspective

    Model-driven software development for pervasive information systems implementation

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    Model-driven development (MDD) conceptions and techniques essentially centre the focus of development on models. They are subject of current research as they allow enhanced productivity, technological platform independence and longevity of software artifacts. Another area of current research is the ubiquitous/pervasive computing area. This field of computing research focuses on the widespread adoption of embedded or mobile heterogeneous computing devices, which, when properly orchestrated, globally compose pervasive information systems (PIS). This work intends to clarify how should be MDD concepts and techniques structurally consolidated into an approach to software development for PIS. It involves two projects as case studies. From these case studies, it will be proposed methodological insights to design approaches for software development of PIS. While clarifying several issues pertaining to MDD for PIS, it shall promote other research works based on issues needing further study

    Tecendo redes na formação docente: o abandono da espontaneidade e uma (breve) percepção da complexidade do educar em ciências

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    In this essay, personal narrative originated in the autobiography and in docent memories, it is discussed the transformation in the conceptions and actions of a teacher in training, understood as a hybrid of nature and culture under the influence of the broader educational trends and of the objective conditions in which he operates and in which occurred his formation. The teacher in training, an actant, is part of an extensive network with multiple and dynamical space-time connections, interrelating in this web with the authors who influenced him, with students and others teachers, with the subject (a natural science) he seeks to teach and with the amazonic culture, from which he is inseparable. He concludes recognizing himself as in permanent transformation and signaling to the strong evidence of the dynamism of the network in which he was built, denying the existence of definitive and immutable and definitive truthsNeste ensaio, narrativa pessoal originada na autobiografia e na memória docente, discute-se a transformação nas concepções e ações de um professor em formação, entendido como um híbrido de natureza e cultura sob a influência das tendências educacionais mais amplas e das condições objetivas em que atua e nas quais se deu sua formação. O professor em formação, um actante, é parte de uma extensa rede com conexões espaço-temporais múltiplas e dinâmicas, relacionando-se nessa trama com os autores que o influenciaram/influenciam, com estudantes e outros professores, com a disciplina (uma ciência natural) que busca ensinar e com a cultura amazônica, da qual é indissociável. Conclui reconhecendo-se como em permanente transformação e sinalizando para a forte evidência do dinamismo da rede em que se construiu/constrói, negando a existência de verdades imutáveis e definitivas.

    Have we ever been so (un)happy? The lack of innocence and a (brief) perception of the science teaching complexity

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    Neste artigo, relato o percurso de minha formação escolar e profissional, destacando o que me suscitou prazer nos primeiros anos escolares, o que aprendi em termos disciplinares, obedecer e reproduzir sem questionar no ensino médio e, na graduação, a progressiva 'perda da inocência', ao me lançar à docência sem que ela me remetesse ao sentido que gostaria de imprimir em minha vida, o novo encantamento com o 'método das descobertas'  e o 'aprender fazendo', até me perceber fruto dos interesses de um sistema e tomar consciência de que certezas absolutas não existem.In this article I report the course of my school and professional education, highlighting what attracted pleasure in my early school years, what I learned in therms of disciplinary actions, obeying without questioning during high school and graduation, the progressive 'loss of innocence ', as throwing myself as a teacher without conveying the sense I would like to impose in my life, the new fascination with the' method of discovery 'and' learning by doing 'till I see myself as a fruit of the system's interests and realize that there are no absolute certaintie

    Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

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    O objectivo principal deste artigo é exemplificar a utilização de uma metodologia de especificação de sistemas digitais, baseada em Redes de Petri orientadas por objectos, para obter de uma forma rápida e simplificada um protótipo em VHDL do sistema pretendido. É considerado para exemplificação um sistema digital, para o qual se efectua a especificação no modelo RdP-shobi e a geração automática de código VHDL. Este exemplo permite concluir acerca da utilidade desta metodologia no projecto de sistemas digitais, suportado por princípios de orientação por objectos e por uma ferramenta de EDA desenvolvida propositadamente para o efeito

    Inter-organization cooperation for care of the elderly

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    With the growing numbers of the elderly population, the society is face to face with a set of new problems, namely the lack of resources to assist their living in a noble mode. Nevertheless, with the use of new computational technologies and novel methodologies for problem solving, some solutions to these problems are emerging (e.g., remote sensing/assistance/supervision). Therefore, it is our goal to show that under such scenarios, it is possible to bring into play different interconnected virtual organizations, through which will be provided to the population, in general, and the elderly, in particular, a number of services (e.g., healthcare, entertainment, learning), without delocalization or messing up with their routine