17 research outputs found

    Diversity management: homosexuality and the labor market

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    The main aim of this article is the study of the relationship between homosexuality and the labor market. Studies on minorities have gained a lot of emphasis; however, about sexual minorities, these are still not very expressive, especially regarding the labor context. Although sexual orientation is not professionally related, homosexual workers still suffer discrimination, the impact of which is reflected in their health, wages, and job opportunities. Thus, workers may decide to limit the disclosure of their sexual orientation at work or to assume it, decisions that vary according to their working environments. Inclusive organizational environments and policies are relevant tools that organizations need to adopt, to create safety and happiness at work. To achieve the study aims, an ethnographic approach was taken. An interview guide was elaborated and interviews conducted with homosexual workers to analyze their realities and professional experiences. The results allow us to conclude that homosexuality not only negatively influences the hiring of workers, who see their access to the labor market restricted, but also influences the daily lives of many of them, affecting their physical and mental wellbeing. Identity management differs according to the found working context. Most of the non-assumed workers are doing so as a form of protection, and those who are assumed do so due to the good environment that surrounds them as well as the friendly relationships created. Although it is a reality still far from desirable, the existence of policies to protect against discrimination and awareness of equal treatment are measures that stand out, manifesting themselves in more genuine labor relations and greater organizational satisfaction and commitment

    Sustainability in the modernization of higher education: curricular transformation and sustainable campus - a literature review

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    Supported by a literature review, the present article looks to address the issue of sustainability in the modernization of higher education. Education for sustainability and the encouragement of a sustainable lifestyle are increasingly present in the academic and professional training of individuals. Progressively more responsible for the environment in which they operate, individuals, in order to preserve their quality of life and, above all, ensure quality of life for future generations, begin to assume new behaviors, such as the rationalization of energy and water consumption, reducing the use of paper, recycling products, and eliminating the use of plastics, among other behavioral changes. In this context, considering higher education institutions as a vital source for the development of sustainability and, consequently, a key lever in the definition and implementation of strategies conducive to sustainable development, it is through the teaching, training, research, and development carried out by them that these behavioral changes occur. Aware of this issue’s relevance, the present article, consisting of a critical review of the literature, seeks to answer a set of questions, such as “What role do academic managers, teachers and students assume in the search for sustainability?”; “What measures/actions have been developed by the HEIs in terms of curricula reform and the promotion of a sustainable campus?”; “What sustainability metrics are used in higher education?”. Giving particular emphasis to some studies about sustainability in different HEIs, the results of the research allow us to conclude that education for sustainability is seen as a tool of crucial importance in the current decade of the 21st century.(undefined

    Higher education for sustainability: a bibliometric approach—what, where and who is doing research in this subject?

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    Contextualization: From a very early age, assuming more prominence over the last decades, issues related to sustainability have been taking on a particular interest in the field of research. Although initially the basic concern was at the level of environmental sustainability, the truth is that, progressively, education for sustainability, deeply linked to the science of sustainability, constitutes, together with the latter, the scientific basis for education for the sustainability in higher education, thus emerging a research niche capable of providing greater openness and interaction between higher education institutions and their surroundings. Main aims of the study: Due to the importance that this issue assumes, this article seeks to address the issue of sustainability in higher education, giving particular focus to the analysis at the level of studies that have been developed, which are the main countries and institutions where this has been most researched, as well as which main researchers have been working on this issue. Methodology: For this purpose, and using information taken from the Scopus Database, a bibliometric analysis was carried out, which based on the items “higher education” and “sustainability” allowed to identify a set of 4410 publications. Main results: The results obtained allow to conclude that the number of publications in this area has been observing a significant increase over the last 30 years, with the United States, UK, Spain, Australia and Germany emerging as the countries which publish the most, and within these the Leuphana Universitat Luneburg, RMIT, Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, Manchester Metropolitan and the Arizona State universities that most publish in this field of research. The five main researchers in the field of higher education for sustainability, were also highlighted. Main contributions: Theoretical and practical contributions were highlighgted, namely, the contribution for government entities and the respective HEIs to reflect on the possible synergies to be developed, as well as to establish strategies and policies promoters of a more efficient and effective investment in research in higher education for sustainabilit

    Loneliness in leadership: a study applied to the Portuguese banking sector

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    In this study, we analyzed the feeling of loneliness in leadership in the Portuguese banking sector, seeking to identify variables that may instigate this feeling, such as gender, age, academic qualifications, function/position, number of working hours per week, and years of work/seniority, and the consequences that it may have, namely in terms of the decision-making process and the motivation of leaders. For this study, a quantitative research tool was used in the form of a questionnaire, which was applied to a group of collaborators, with leadership responsibilities, of the financial institutions authorized to operate in Portugal. We concluded that while some variables influence the feeling of loneliness in leadership (years of work, position, and academic qualifications), others do not (gender, age, and hours of work per week). We also found a relationship between loneliness and demotivation and proved that the feeling of loneliness affects leadership but does not affect decision making. The results are relevant, especially for the banking sector, which has undergone major restructuring in the Portuguese economy and needs guidance to face the country’s financial challenges

    Human resource management in small and medium enterprises in Portugal: rhetoric or reality?

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    This piece of work aims to understand the role of human resource management (HRM) at small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal, as well as to contribute to a better knowledge of this area, still briefly studied. More particularly, it aims to understand the level of implementation of human resource practices in SMEs. This research in centred on the Portuguese best 1,000 SMEs. In what concerns the method, we implemented a questionnaire addressed to the enterprises managers and utterly analysed with the statistical package for social sciences. Although we can not generalise it to the national background, this study allows us to conclude that HRM is not yet a reality in SMEs. Moreover, human resources are not seen as a strategic factor for the organisation. SMEs only apply some human resources parcelled and reactive practices, without any strategic integration. However, we can affirm, even that informally, that there exist HRM in SMEs.(undefined


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    O presente trabalho pretende abordar a importância que os RH têm para as organizações do sector hoteleiro da região do Porto e Norte de Portugal. Pretende-se avaliar a existência / inexistência de práticas efectivas de GRH, bem como as mudanças que os líderes do sector esperam implementar nas organizações futuramente. Estudaram-se cinco áreas chave da GRH: organização / estratégia, recrutamento / selecção, formação / desenvolvimento, desempenho, e remunerações/ incentivos. Foram colocadas duas hipóteses que permitem concluir acerca da consciência que os hoteleiros têm sobre o papel que os RH desempenham, bem como saber se a dimensão da unidade hoteleira explica a existência /inexistência de práticas de GRH.Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Sector hoteleiro, Porto e Norte de Portugal.

    Os recursos humanos no processo de mudança : análise comparativa de modelos no sector bancário

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    Mestrado em GestãoIntegrado num contexto onde as mutações económicas, sociais e tecnológicas assumem proporções cada vez mais acentuadas, o sector bancário tem vindo a sofrer, também ele, profundas alterações que impõem a urgente passagem de um sistema de gestão caracterizado por forte rigidez, para um sistema mais competitivo, onde a flexibilidade e diversificação assumem uma importância crescente. É exactamente neste processo de mudança que se pretende avaliar a importância dos recursos humanos (R.H.) ao serviço da banca, mais concretamente, qual o papel atribuído ao factor humano em todo este contexto. Para tal, após uma resenha das mais significativas contribuições teóricas e estudos mais recentes para a abordagem do tema, na análise empírica, a partir de um conjunto de bancos previamente seleccionados, procura-se avaliar as acções que neste sector e nesta matéria têm vindo a ser implementadas. Sendo múltiplos os esforços desenvolvidos por estes bancos no âmbito de um efectivo acompanhamento das mutações em curso, pode-se todavia constatar a existência de dois modelos distintos. Efectivamente, se por um lado determinadas instituições possuem as "munições" necessárias, outras sofrendo ainda de "pesadas heranças" apresentam inúmeras limitações, essencialmente ao nível da informação e consequente envolvimento no processo de mudança. Mais especificamente, paralelamente a um modelo dinâmico, perfeitamente implantado e evidenciado numa das instituições estudadas, deparamos com um modelo híbrido - presente nas restantes instituições - que estando em forte progressão e proximidade daquele, denota todavia algumas fraquezas e obstáculos que requerem a urgente intervenção dos orgâosIn a context where economic, social and technological changes become more and more important. the banking sector has been enduring profound changes, which impose an urgent transitlon to a more competitive system where flexibility and diversification are paramount. It is exactly in this changing process that we intend to evaluate the role of human resources (H.R.) tn the banking sector. In this sense, after a review of the most important theoretical contributions and the most recent studies on this subject, we proceed to an empirical analysis of a sample of previously selected banks. We look further into the measures which have been implemented by this sector in the H.R area. Besides the multiples efforts implemented by these banks in order to have an eífective attendance of the changes in course, we can establish the existence of two diíferent models. While some institutions have the necessary will, others, suffering of "heavy deadweight" face many limitations, essentially related with information and consequent involvment in the process of change. More exactly, closely a dinamic model, perfectly implemented and evidentiated in one of the studied institutions. we also have a hybrid model - dominant in the other institutions - which expresses some weaknesses and obstacles which apply for an urgent intervention of their respective agents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revealing the moderating impact of spatial context on the relationship between intellectual capital efficiency and the sustained success of family SMEs

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    This study investigates the behavioral patterns of Small and Medium-Sized Family Firms (SMFFs) in terms of translating intellectual capital efficiency into economic performance while considering their geographical location. The findings underscore the paramount importance of effective intellectual capital management in driving business performance, particularly for SMFFs, drawing upon the knowledge-based perspective. In line with behavioral theory, this study also provides empirical evidence demonstrating that SMFFs located in rural areas adeptly navigate locational challenges by effectively translating their Added Value Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) into sustainable performance, thereby outperforming their urban counterparts. This phenomenon, referred to as SMFF heterogeneity, can be attributed to their profound emotional connection and deep-rooted bonds with their local communities, intensifying their commitment to the regional milieu. Consequently, their success becomes intricately linked with the spatial context they inhabit. In this regard, this research offers significant practical and theoretical contributions to the understanding of SMFFs, shedding light on the interplay between intellectual capital, geographic location, and sustainable performance in the intricate landscape of family firm

    Self-Initiated Expatriation: A ‘New’ Management Challenge—An Analysis Based on Bibliometrics

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    The globalization movement, the growing processes of internationalization and opening of markets that have been observed over recent decades have brought with them a significant increase in cross-border movements, with expatriation assuming a prominent role. However, if expatriation is a reality of international markets, over recent years, this concept has taken on different typologies, including self-initiated expatriation. Characterized by the individual initiative that encourages individuals to move beyond their national borders in search of an international work experience, it is critical to understand the phenomena related to SIE. More precisely, we aim to study the problematics of SIE, namely, when it started to be studied and who has published in this area of research, and the identification of the main types/sources of publication used to disseminate these works, as well as the main topics that, within the scope of SIE, have been studied. To answer these questions, using information taken from the Scopus database, a qualitative study of an interpretive nature based on bibliometric analysis was performed. At first, in order to better understand the phenomenon of expatriation in global terms, 1050 publications were obtained using the item “expatriation”. In a second step, in order to answer the questions posed, the key item of the research focused on the concept “self-initiated expatriation”, with 82 publications identified. The obtained results allowed us to conclude, among other observations, that although the phenomenon of expatriation has been studied for many years, the particular case of SIE began to gain greater prominence from 2010 onwards, with the highest peak in the number of publications observed in the period between 2012 and 2014. The top five main authors who are working in this field, the main sources where these publications (mostly scientific articles) are most frequently published, the main countries of origin, and the main approaches developed by the different authors are highlighted here. Theoretical and practical contributions, as well as the political implications of this study, are highlighted in order to encourage the development of more exhaustive studies of SIE, thus contributing to the promotion of policies and practices oriented towards the management of SIE, which can explore the potential skills that these individuals have more deeply and thus contribute to the greater and more effective development of the companies and economies of the countries that host them

    The influence of company size in its capacity for internationalization: an application to the portuguese furniture manufacturing industry

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    In the competitive environment where companies operate nowadays, there is a need to adopt intemationalization strategies to enable consolidation in diversified markets. The internationalization process is pait of a relevant strategy for companies, has several implications and is influenced by many specific issues, namely companies behavior, its culture and stmcture, as well as its leadership. However, it is on the organization structure that we find one ofthe most relevant features: the dimension (size) of companies. With a particular focus in the influence of a company size in its capacity for intemationalization, as well as the interest shown by companies to increase their size, the empirical work carried out during this research had a triangular methodology base, given that we developed and applied qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (questionnaires) nature instruments for data collection and analysis. We have interviewed furniture manufacturing industry managers in order to have a better understanding of this reality. Results allowed us to conclude that companies value increase in size; nevertheless, for cultural reasons that are inherent to the industry, they are still resistant to such an increase. For increasing their size, companies value several instruments, such as: strategic alliances/corporate cooperation; fusions and acquisitions; and risk capital interventions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio