33 research outputs found

    Near-term deployment of carbon capture and sequestration from biorefineries in the United States

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    Capture and permanent geologic sequestration of biogenic CO2 emissions may provide critical flexibility in ambitious climate change mitigation. However, most bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) technologies are technically immature or commercially unavailable. Here, we evaluate low-cost, commercially ready CO2 capture opportunities for existing ethanol biorefineries in the United States. The analysis combines process engineering, spatial optimization, and lifecycle assessment to consider the technical, economic, and institutional feasibility of near-term carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). Our modeling framework evaluates least cost source-sink relationships and aggregation opportunities for pipeline transport, which can cost-effectively transport small CO2 volumes to suitable sequestration sites; 216 existing US biorefineries emit 45 Mt CO2 annually from fermentation, of which 60% could be captured and compressed for pipeline transport for under 25/tCO2Asequestrationcredit,analogoustoexistingCCStaxcredits,of25/tCO2 A sequestration credit, analogous to existing CCS tax credits, of 60/tCO2 could incent 30 Mt of sequestration and 6,900 km of pipeline infrastructure across the United States. Similarly, a carbon abatement credit, analogous to existing tradeable CO2 credits, of $90/tCO2 can incent 38 Mt of abatement. Aggregation of CO2 sources enables cost-effective long-distance pipeline transport to distant sequestration sites. Financial incentives under the low-carbon fuel standard in California and recent revisions to existing federal tax credits suggest a substantial near-term opportunity to permanently sequester biogenic CO2 This financial opportunity could catalyze the growth of carbon capture, transport, and sequestration; improve the lifecycle impacts of conventional biofuels; support development of carbon-negative fuels; and help fulfill the mandates of low-carbon fuel policies across the United States

    Cluster Interpretation of Properties of Alternating Parity Bands in Heavy Nuclei

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    The properties of the states of the alternating parity bands in actinides, Ba, Ce and Nd isotopes are analyzed within a cluster model. The model is based on the assumption that cluster type shapes are produced by the collective motion of the nuclear system in the mass asymmetry coordinate. The calculated spin dependences of the parity splitting and of the electric multipole transition moments are in agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Imaging of inflammatory and infectious lesions after injection of radioiodinated monoclonal anti-granulocytes antibodies.

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    Successful detection of inflammatory lesions by planar scintigraphy and SPECT after injection of iodine-123 labelled monoclonal antibodies directed against human granulocytes (123I-Mabgc) is demonstrated. This new tracer has been compared with indium-111 labelled white blood cells (111In-WBC) in selected patients with proven infectious lesions. Scans were equally positive in all cases, but the methodical advantages of the new marker were obvious, namely, there is no need for cell separation and the images of inflammatory lesions were better defined. In addition, SPECT could be performed with 123I-Mabgc and allowed a better anatomic localization and a three-dimensional description of the lesions. No adverse reactions have been seen. It is concluded, therefore, that 123I-Mabgc is a promising agent for the detection of acute focal inflammatory lesions which may, with advantages, replace 111In-WBC

    Comparison of copper-67- and iodine-125-labeled anti-CEA monoclonal antibody biodistribution in patients with colorectal tumors.

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    Copper-67 has comparable beta-particle emissions to that of 131I, but it displays more favorable gamma emission characteristics for application in radioimmunotherapy (RIT). This study investigates the potential of 67Cu-labeled monoclonal antibody (MAb) 35 for RIT of colorectal carcinoma. METHODS: Biokinetics of simultaneously injected 67Cu- and 125I-labeled MAb35 were studied in six patients scheduled for surgery of primary colorectal cancer. RESULTS: Whole-body clearance (T 1/2) of 67Cu, estimated from sequential anterior and posterior whole-body scans and corrected for decay of 67Cu, was 41 hr. Serum clearance of 67Cu was faster (27.41 hr) than that of 125I (38.33 hr). Mean tumor uptake of the 67Cu-labeled compound (0.0133% ID/g) exceeded that of 125I (0.0095% ID/g), and tumor-to-blood ratios were higher for 67Cu than for 125I, with averages of 6.07 and 2.41, respectively. The average 67Cu/125I ratio was 1.9 for tumor uptake, 0.7 for blood and 2.6 for tumor-to-blood ratios. Nonspecific liver uptake of 67Cu as calculated from whole-body scans was high in four patients, up to 25% of residual whole-body activity at 48 hr, but did not increase with time. We also observed some nonspecific bowel activity, as well as moderate to high uptake in benign polyps. CONCLUSION: Copper-67-labeled MAb35 is more favorable than its radioiodine-labeled counterpart for RIT of colorectal carcinoma due to higher tumor-to-blood ratios, but the problem of nonspecific liver and bowel uptake must first be overcome. The absolute accumulation of activity in tumor remains low, however, so the probability of cure with this compound alone is questionable. The use of 67Cu as one component of a multimodality adjuvant treatment seems to remain the most appropriate application for RIT

    Effects of asynchrony on symmetry perception,Psychologische Forschung

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe effect of temporal image segmentation on symmetry perception was investigated by means of stimuli composed of one part surrounding another. The two parts could be presented synchronously or with a temporal offset (20-100 ms), and each part could be either symmetrical or random. The task was to discriminate completely symmetrical (S) stimuli (in Experiment 1) or completely random (R) stimuli (in Experiment 2) from partially symmetrical (PS) stimuli in which one part was symmetrical and the other random. The R stimuli showed an asynchrony effect but the S stimuli did not. Furthermore, in both experiments, the PS stimuli showed an asynchrony effect when the symmetrical part was presented last but not when the symmetrical part was presented first (independent of whether it was the surrounded part or the surrounding part). Both results suggest that symmetry is strong enough to override this kind of temporal image segmentation.8 p

    Internal representations and operations in the visual comparison oftransformed patterns: Effects ofpattern point-inversion, positional symmetry, and separation

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    Abstract. A scheme for visual pattern recognition is described. It is supposed, amongst other things, that patterns are internally represented by the visual system in terms of local features, spatial-order relations between local features, and global spatial relations specifying approximate pattern position with respect to the point of fixation. It is further supposed that there are two distinct types of internal operation that may be applied to the components of internal representations in the process of pattern comparison: typically a discrete spatial-order-reversal operation and a continuous position-shift operation. Some general predictions of the scheme are tested against data obtained in an experiment using random-dot patterns that were subjected to rigid transformations and presented at various locations along the horizontal meridian. Patterns were presented sequentially, in pairs, to subjects in a "same-different " comparison task. Pattern pairs were to be responded to as "same " if they were identical or related by point-inversion (planar rotation through 180 ~) or responded to as "different". Extending earlier findings, the present results showed that "same"detection performance for identical and point-inverted patterns depended differentially on the distance between the patterns and the symmetry of the pattern positions about the point of fixation in a manner consistent with the predictions of the scheme. * Part of the work reported in this study was carried out while DHF was on leave from the University of Keele in 1983 a