2,197 research outputs found

    Alteration of gene expression in mammary gland tissue of dairy cows in response to dietary unsaturated fatty acids

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of supplementing unprotected dietary unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) from different plant oils on gene expression in the mammary gland of grazing dairy cows. A total of 28 Holstein–Friesian dairy cows in mid-lactation were blocked according to parity, days in milk, milk yield and fat percentage. The cows were then randomly assigned to four UFA sources based on rapeseed, soybean, linseed or a mixture of the three oils for 23 days, after which, all 28 cows were switched to a control diet for an additional 28 days. On the last day of both periods, mammary gland biopsies were taken to study genome-wide differences in gene expression on Affymetrix GeneChip® Bovine Genome Arrays (no. 900493) by ServiceXS (Leiden, The Netherlands). Supplementation with UFAs resulted in increased milk yield but decreased milk fat and protein percentages. Furthermore, the proportion of de novo fatty acids (FAs) in the milk was reduced, whereas that of long-chain FAs increased. Applying a statistical cut-off of false discovery rate of q-value

    Dietary unsaturated fatty acids affect the mammary gland integrity and health in lactating dairy cows

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    Background Information about the effects of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) supplementation on the health and integrity of the mammary gland in lactating dairy cows is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of unprotected dietary UFA on the global expression pattern of genes in the mammary gland tissue of grazing dairy cows, and to translate this information into relevant biological knowledge. Methods Twenty-eight Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were randomly assigned to 4 different concentrated UFA-sources for 23 days after which all cows were switched to a non-UFA-supplemented concentrate for an additional 28 days. On the last day of both periods, mammary gland biopsies were taken to study genome-wide differences in gene expression on Bovine Genome Arrays. Results Supplementation with UFA reduced the concentration of short chain fatty acids (FA), C16 FA and saturated FA in the milk, whereas that of trans-FA increased. One major finding was that canonical pathways associated with remodelling and immune functions of the mammary gland were predominantly down-regulated during UFA supplementation and negatively correlated with the concentration of milk trans-FA. Conclusions Supplementing grazing dairy cows with unprotected dietary UFA can affect the remodelling and immune functions of the mammary gland with potential consequences for its integrity and health, as well as milk quality

    Enhanced time response of 1-in. LaBr3(Ce) crystals by leading edge and constant fraction techniques

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    We have characterized in depth the time response of three detectors equipped with cylindrical LaBr3_{3} (Ce) crystals with dimensions of 1-in. in height and 1-in. in diameter, and having nominal Ce doping concentration of 5%, 8% and 10%. Measurements were performed at 60^{60}Co and 22^{22}Na {\gamma}-ray energies against a fast BaF2_{2} reference detector. The time resolution was optimized by the choice of the photomultiplier bias voltage and the fine tuning of the parameters of the constant fraction discriminator, namely the zero-crossing and the external delay. We report here on the optimal time resolution of the three crystals. It is observed that timing properties are influenced by the amount of Ce doping and the crystal homogeneity. For the crystal with 8% of Ce doping the use of the ORTEC 935 CFD at very shorts delays in addition to the Hamamatsu R9779 PMT has made it possible to improve the LaBr3_{3}(Ce) time resolution from the best literature value at 60Co photon energies to below 100 ps.Comment: Article submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipmen

    The Problem of Inertia in Friedmann Universes

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    In this paper we study the origin of inertia in a curved spacetime, particularly the spatially flat, open and closed Friedmann universes. This is done using Sciama's law of inertial induction, which is based on Mach's principle, and expresses the analogy between the retarded far fields of electrodynamics and those of gravitation. After obtaining covariant expressions for electromagnetic fields due to an accelerating point charge in Friedmann models, we adopt Sciama's law to obtain the inertial force on an accelerating mass mm by integrating over the contributions from all the matter in the universe. The resulting inertial force has the form F=−kmaF = -kma, where k<1k < 1 depends on the choice of the cosmological parameters such as ΩM\Omega_{M}, ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda}, and ΩR\Omega_{R} and is also red-shift dependent.Comment: 10 page

    Phase detection at the quantum limit with multi-photon Mach-Zehnder interferometry

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    We study a Mach-Zehnder interferometer fed by a coherent state in one input port and vacuum in the other. We explore a Bayesian phase estimation strategy to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve the standard quantum limit independently from the true value of the phase shift and specific assumptions on the noise of the interferometer. We have been able to implement the protocol using parallel operation of two photon-number-resolving detectors and multiphoton coincidence logic electronics at the output ports of a weakly-illuminated Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This protocol is unbiased and saturates the Cramer-Rao phase uncertainty bound and, therefore, is an optimal phase estimation strategy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures replaced fig. 1 to correct graphics bu

    Transplantation of a Human Mammary Carcinoma Cell Line (BT 20) Into Nude Mice

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    Cell suspensions of a human mammary carcinoma cell line (BT 20), when injected subcutaneously into nude athymic mice (BALB/c Nu/Nu), produced tumor nodules at the injection site. Subsequent serial transplantations also gave rise to neoplastic nodules after latency periods averaging 3 weeks. The nodules displayed morphologic and functional characteristics comparable to those of the original tumor cells. Metastases, however, were not observed in any of the tumor-bearing mic

    New insight into cataract formation -- enhanced stability through mutual attraction

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    Small-angle neutron scattering experiments and molecular dynamics simulations combined with an application of concepts from soft matter physics to complex protein mixtures provide new insight into the stability of eye lens protein mixtures. Exploring this colloid-protein analogy we demonstrate that weak attractions between unlike proteins help to maintain lens transparency in an extremely sensitive and non-monotonic manner. These results not only represent an important step towards a better understanding of protein condensation diseases such as cataract formation, but provide general guidelines for tuning the stability of colloid mixtures, a topic relevant for soft matter physics and industrial applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. Let

    NMR implementation of Quantum Delayed-Choice Experiment

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of quantum delayed-choice experiment via nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. An ensemble of molecules each with two spin-1/2 nuclei are used as target and the ancilla qubits to perform the quantum circuit corresponding the delayed-choice setup. As expected in theory, our experiments clearly demonstrate the continuous morphing of the target qubit between particle-like and wave-like behaviors. The experimental visibility of the interference patterns shows good agreement with the theory.Comment: Revised text, more figures adde

    Translocator protein in late stage Alzheimer\u27s disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies brains

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    OBJECTIVE: Increased translocator protein (TSPO), previously known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR), in glial cells of the brain has been used as a neuroinflammation marker in the early and middle stages of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB). In this study, we investigated the changes in TSPO density with respect to late stage AD and DLB. METHODS: TSPO density was measured in multiple regions of postmortem human brains in 20 different cases: seven late stage AD cases (Braak amyloid average: C; Braak tangle average: VI; Aged 74-88, mean: 83 ± 5 years), five DLB cases (Braak amyloid average: C; Braak tangle average: V; Aged 79-91, mean: 84 ± 4 years), and eight age-matched normal control cases (3 males, 5 females: aged 77-92 years; mean: 87 ± 6 years). Measurements were taken by quantitative autoradiography using [ RESULTS: No significant changes were found in TSPO density of the frontal cortex, striatum, thalamus, or red nucleus of the AD and DLB brains. A significant reduction in TSPO density was found in the substantia nigra (SN) of the AD and DLB brains compared to that of age-matched healthy controls. INTERPRETATION: This distinct pattern of TSPO density change in late stage AD and DLB cases may imply the occurrence of microglia dystrophy in late stage neurodegeneration. Furthermore, TSPO may not only be a microglia activation marker in early stage AD and DLB, but TSPO may also be used to monitor microglia dysfunction in the late stage of these diseases

    Jacobi's Principle and the Disappearance of Time

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    Jacobi's action principle is known to lead to a problem of time. For example, the timelessness of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation can be seen as resulting from using Jacobi's principle to define the dynamics of 3-geometries through superspace. In addition, using Jacobi's principle for non-relativistic particles is equivalent classically to Newton's theory but leads to a time-independent Schrodinger equation upon Dirac quantization. In this paper, we study the mechanism for the disappearance of time as a result of using Jacobi's principle in these simple particle models. We find that the path integral quantization very clearly elucidates the physical mechanism for the timeless of the quantum theory as well as the emergence of duration at the classical level. Physically, this is the result of a superposition of clocks which occurs in the quantum theory due to a sum over all histories. Mathematically, the timelessness is related to how the gauge fixing functions impose the boundary conditions in the path integral.Comment: Published version. Significant amendments to presentation. 27 page
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