30 research outputs found

    Flat Waveguide with a Longitudinal Slot

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    This paper presents an analysis of a flat slotted waveguide by the spectral domain method finalized by a complex root search procedure. Matching of fields from bounded and unbounded regions at the common interface is explained and applied to satisfy the boundary conditions in the spectral domain. New theoretical findings are reported, and the dispersion characteristics of particular modes are shown and discussed with regard to their potential application. The different behaviour of the odd and even modes is pointed out. Their affinity to the modes in a standard rectangular waveguide is noted. A hint is given of a modification of the line cross-section resulting in the propagation of a bound mode besides the propagation of the space leaky modes

    New Space Leaky Wave Spectrum Components on the Slotline

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    Surface and space leakage of power deteriorates the operation of circuits. On the other hand space leaky waves enable the design of specific radiators. In this paper we therefore investigate the potential of the slotline to radiate into space. We confirm the findings of earlier studies and extend them to higher order modes. Leakage into the third and fifth higher order space leaky waves of the second class, with odd symmetry of the electric field within the slot, and leakage into the second higher order space leaky waves of first and also second class, with even symmetry of the electric field within the slot, are interesting new findings. We also present the measured and calculated radiation patterns of a slotline antenna operating with the first higher order space leaky wave of the first class

    Design and Implementation of a Family Photo Management Web Application

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na návrh a vytvoření webové aplikace pro správu rodinných fotografií, s důrazem na bezpečnost a transparentnost v oblasti manipulace s poskytnutými osobními údaji. Aplikace bude použitelná na jakémkoliv zařízení disponujícím obrazovkou, prohlížečem a připojením k internetu, a bude nabízet mj. i automatickou detekci tváře na vložených fotografiích.This thesis focuses on the design and development of a web application that offers help in managing family photographic material, with the emphasis on data integrity and security, and maximum transparency when handling personal information. The application will be usable on any device with a screen, web browser and internet connection. One of its key features will be face detection on uploaded photographs.

    Design of an Information System Part

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    Tato práce má za cíl navrhnout informační systém, který pomůže organizaci TOM 1303 Maracaibo zajistit bezproblémový každodenní chod. Práce obsahuje popis současných podmínek, návrh databáze a relací a také popis jednotlivých funkcionalit budoucího informačního systému. Návrh systému bude následně po domluvě s vedoucími organizace realizován.The main goal of this bachelor's thesis is to design an information system, which should help the TOM 1303 Maracaibo organization with their day-to-day tasks. This thesis contains a description of the current situation and needs, design of the main database and all relations tied to it, and description of its many functions. The designed system will be implemented after a discussion with the organization's supervisors.

    Space Leakage of Power from the Slotline

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    In this paper we present the comprehensive dispersion characteristics of the slotline on thin and low permittivity substrate with a wide slotwidth comprising the bound and space leaky waves with even and odd electric field symmetry. The final design and measurement of the slotline antenna radiation are based on our analysis of this slotline. The antenna and its feeding circuit are designed assuming only the first odd space leaky wave radiation. Measured and calculated return losses and radiation patterns of the antenna are shown. Remarks are made on the applicability of the antenna conclude this treatise

    Performance of the slotline in the mm-wave range

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    This paper deals with an investigation of the dispersion characteristics of the slotline in the mm-wave range. Attention is paid to the possible excitation of the surface leaky waves on the slotline. Higher order leaky waves were identified on the slotline made on a higher permittivity substrate. Their influence on the line characteristics is evaluated from the view point of practice

    Isotropic Epsilon-Negative Particles

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    This paper presents two particles with negative permittivity in some frequency band. The response of a single dipole loaded by an inductance is strongly anisotropic. The response of a spider dipole does not depend on the orientation of the electric field of a wave being incident perpendicular to the particle substrate. These two particles are used in designing an isotropic epsilon-negative metamaterial. A unit cell of the metamaterial consists of a cube bearing the proposed particles on its faces, located with specific orientations. The experiments showed that only the single inductively loaded dipole is suitable for manufacturing of an isotropic epsilon-negative metamaterial. The isotropy of the new particles was checked by measurements

    Serious gaming in flood risk management

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    Serious gaming is increasingly used to explore important real-world problems and a growing number of serious games are addressing flood-related issues. However, there has been limited synthesis of these attempts and their contributions to the ongoing shift toward a more holistic and governance-based flood resilience perspective in flood risk management (FRM). This international review collates and analyses these attempts in order to develop a knowledge base of serious gaming in the field of FRM. It contains 37 games that were developed with different rationales that include engaging players in the topic of FRM, supporting practice by exploring future options through collaboration, improving communication of FRM, as educational tools, and to collect research data. The gameplay countries and player characteristics, game characteristics, relevance to FRM, game rationales, and collection of data are explored in this paper. Identified serious games provided an unconventional and entertaining approach to engage stakeholders on flood-related issues. The review analyzed the serious games in light of the shift toward flood resilience and identified limitations in the documentation of serious games and their potential in understanding the longer-term impacts of gameplay on players. Furthermore, the vast majority of reviewed games were played in a single country and missed out on understanding the cultural production and perspectives of FRM that could support cross-cultural learning and inspiration for future FRM strategies. Overall, the review identified an important role for serious games in the shift toward governance and the adoption of more holistic flood resilience perspectives. This article is categorized under: Human Water > Water Governance Human Water > Methods Science of Water > Water Extremes

    Coplanar Waveguide Transmitting a Left-Handed Wave

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    This paper presents a new version of a coplanar waveguide that transmits a left-handed wave. The equivalent circuit of the line unit cell has been derived from the shape of the layout. The values of its elements were determined by fitting the dispersion characteristic of the equivalent circuit to the dispersion characteristic of the first left-handed mode of the line calculated by the CST Microwave Studio. This dispersion characteristic was checked by an experiment. The measured frequency dependences of S11 and S21 fit well the data predicted by simulation. The line is uniplanar and does not contain any lumped elements or vias

    Mezinárodní rozhodčí smlouva a možnosti uplatnění v mezinárodním obchodě

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (119) práv