92 research outputs found

    On limits of embedded systems in network packet processing

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    The paper deals with a measurement of single-hop one way packet delay on embedded systems used for networking. The single-hop one way packet delay is essential parameter when we need to process packets with strict delivery time constrains. Comparison of different approaches to single-hop one way packet delay measurements is presented in this work along with discussion about strong and weak points in specific measurement approach. The impact of different types of system load and number of CPU cores are also covered by presented results. The presented results of measurement single-hop one way packet delay in embedded Linux system show that for the specific system configuration the packet processing delay depends (in different ways) on system load and network stack load

    Design of Island Electricity Network for UEEN Laboratory

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    Cieľom tejto práce je zoznámenie sa s hybridným energetickým systémom na Ústave elektroenergetiky (UEEN), naštudovanie problematiky pre následné projektovanie a vytvorenie projektovej dokumentácie návrhu. Táto práca sa zaoberá možnosťami zapojenia fotovoltaických systémov a popisom jednotlivých časti hybridného systému, ktorý sa nachádza na UEEN. Ďalej rieši základné poznatky pre návrh a projektovanie, na základe ktorých bola vytvorená projektová dokumentácia a návrh rozšírenia elektroinštalácie napájanej z hybridného systému. Práca obsahuje aj návrh elektroinštalácie, energetické a ekonomické zhodnotenie. Súčasťou práce je aj vytvorená projektová dokumentácie, ktorá obsahuje technickú správu, rozpočet, protokol o určení vonkajších vplyvov, záznam z merania, overovacie výpočty a výkresy navrhovanej elektroinštalácie.The aim of this thesis is acquaintance with hybrid energetic system at Department of electrical power engineering (UEEN), study issues for subsequent design and the creation of project documentation. This thesis deals with options of connecting photovoltaic systems and description of each part of the hybrid system, which is located at UEEN. It also solves the basic knowledge for design and planning, on the basis of which the project documentation and the design of the extension of the electrical installation powered by the hybrid system were created. The thesis also includes the design of electrical installations and energy and economic evaluation. Part of the thesis is also project documentation, which contains a technical report, budget, protocol for determination of external influences, measurement record, verification calculations, and drawings of the electrical installation.

    CER/TER - the new metric for TCP connection robustness evaluation and comparison

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    This article presents new metric for TCP connection robustness evaluation and comparison. This metric is focused on TCP connection and transmission continuity rather then on maximal throughput or minimal RTT. This metric is developed especially for evaluation of narrow band networks. That is why it is very convenient to use this metric for networks such as Internet of Things networks or industrial sensor networks. Our metric is based on observing if connections or transmissions are successfully finished or not. It is possible to optimize this metric for specific situations. This metric can be used in both the real networks and in discrete simulation environments

    FlowPing - the new tool for throughput and stress testing

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    This article presents a new tool for network throughput and stress testing. The FlowPing tool is easy to use, and its basic output is very similar to standard Linux ping application. The FlowPing tool is not limited to reach-ability or round trip time testing but is capable of complex UDP based throughput stress testing with rich reporting capabilities on client and server sides. Our new tool implements features, which allow the user to perform tests with variable packet size and traffic rate. All these features can be used in one single test run. This allows the user to use and develop new methodologies for network throughput and stress testing. With the FlowPing tool, it is easy to perform the test with the slowly increasing the amount of network traffic and monitor the behavior of network when the congestion occurs

    Multipath TCP in LTE networks

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    The results of experiments with Multipath TCP (Multipath Transmission Control Protocol) in LTE (3GPP Long Term Evolution) networks are presented. Our results show increased resiliency and availability of network Multipath TCP connection. Using multiple sub-flows over diverse network paths inside Multipath TCP session results in greatly increased bandwidth and availability. When Multipath TCP is used the behavior of this protocol is consistent in situation of adding new sub-flow or removing flow on a faulty line. Different strategies for path selection are possible with great impact on Multipath TCP session performance. Network structure consisting of few connections with similar parameters is optimal for full mesh Multipath TCP path topology. In this case the behavior of Multipath TCP predictable

    Low cost network emulator with ethernet and E1 interfaces

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    Contemporary Next Generation Networks (NGN) are mainly built on the Internet Protocol (IP) and Ethernet. Major challenge for emerging types of wired and wireless IP-based networks is to provide an adequate Quality of Service (QoS) for different services. The quality of evaluation requires a detailed knowledge of the performance requirements for particular services and applications. The paper is primarily oriented to the end-to-end testing for the Ethernet-based terminal equipment. The low cost Ethernet network emulator was developed on the Department of Telecommunication Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. The extension for emulation network with the E1 interfaces and TDM over IP transmission can be used with external converters

    Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy and Management of the Distal Ureter: A Review of Current Techniques and Outcomes

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    Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy (LNU) is becoming an increasingly common alternative treatment for transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the renal pelvis and ureter due to decreased perioperative morbidity, shorter hospitalization, and comparable oncologic control with open nephroureterectomy (ONU). Mobilization of the kidney and proximal ureter may be performed through a transperitoneal, retroperitoneal, or hand-assisted approach. Each technique is associated with its own benefits and limitations, and the optimal approach is often dictated by surgeon preference. Our analysis of the literature reflects equivalent cancer control between LPN and OPN at intermediate follow-up with significantly improved perioperative morbidity following LPN. Several methods for bladder cuff excision have been advocated, however, no individual technique for management of the distal ureter proved superior. Overall, complete en-bloc resection with minimal disruption of the urinary tract should be optimized to maintain oncologic outcomes. Longer follow-up and prospective studies are needed to fully evaluate these techniques

    Adaptable system increasing the transmission speed and reliability in packet network by optimizing delay

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    There is a great diversity in the transmission technologies in current data networks. Individual technologies are in most cases incompatible at physical and partially also at the link layer of the reference ISO/OSI model. Network compatibility, as the ability to transmit data, is realizable through the third layer, which is able to guarantee the operation of the different devices across their technological differences. The proposed inverse packet multiplexer addresses increase of the speed and reliability of packet transmission to the third layer, and at the same time it increases the stability of the data communication by the regulation of the delay value during the transmission. This article presents implementation of a communication system and its verification in real conditions. The conclusion compares the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed control system

    Simulations of System Wide Disturbances in the Continental Europe Synchronous Area on a Simplified Model

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    The paper deals with frequency stability simulations for system wide disturbances in MODES network simulator. It describes a simplified model for Continental Europe separation from January, 8, 2021 and incident in Rogowiec substation from May, 17, 2021. It shows that the simplified model is suitable for different disturbances after minor modification. The simplified model is based on publicly available data