1,176 research outputs found

    Estimating the Benefits of Electric Vehicle Smart Charging at Non-Residential Locations: A Data-Driven Approach

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    In this paper, we use data collected from over 2000 non-residential electric vehicle supply equipments (EVSEs) located in Northern California for the year of 2013 to estimate the potential benefits of smart electric vehicle (EV) charging. We develop a smart charging framework to identify the benefits of non-residential EV charging to the load aggregators and the distribution grid. Using this extensive dataset, we aim to improve upon past studies focusing on the benefits of smart EV charging by relaxing the assumptions made in these studies regarding: (i) driving patterns, driver behavior and driver types; (ii) the scalability of a limited number of simulated vehicles to represent different load aggregation points in the power system with different customer characteristics; and (iii) the charging profile of EVs. First, we study the benefits of EV aggregations behind-the-meter, where a time-of-use pricing schema is used to understand the benefits to the owner when EV aggregations shift load from high cost periods to lower cost periods. For the year of 2013, we show a reduction of up to 24.8% in the monthly bill is possible. Then, following a similar aggregation strategy, we show that EV aggregations decrease their contribution to the system peak load by approximately 40% when charging is controlled within arrival and departure times. Our results also show that it could be expected to shift approximately 0.25kWh (~2.8%) of energy per non-residential EV charging session from peak periods (12PM-6PM) to off-peak periods (after 6PM) in Northern California for the year of 2013.Comment: Pre-print, under review at Applied Energ

    Microscope 2.0: An Augmented Reality Microscope with Real-time Artificial Intelligence Integration

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    The brightfield microscope is instrumental in the visual examination of both biological and physical samples at sub-millimeter scales. One key clinical application has been in cancer histopathology, where the microscopic assessment of the tissue samples is used for the diagnosis and staging of cancer and thus guides clinical therapy. However, the interpretation of these samples is inherently subjective, resulting in significant diagnostic variability. Moreover, in many regions of the world, access to pathologists is severely limited due to lack of trained personnel. In this regard, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tools promise to improve the access and quality of healthcare. However, despite significant advances in AI research, integration of these tools into real-world cancer diagnosis workflows remains challenging because of the costs of image digitization and difficulties in deploying AI solutions. Here we propose a cost-effective solution to the integration of AI: the Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM). The ARM overlays AI-based information onto the current view of the sample through the optical pathway in real-time, enabling seamless integration of AI into the regular microscopy workflow. We demonstrate the utility of ARM in the detection of lymph node metastases in breast cancer and the identification of prostate cancer with a latency that supports real-time workflows. We anticipate that ARM will remove barriers towards the use of AI in microscopic analysis and thus improve the accuracy and efficiency of cancer diagnosis. This approach is applicable to other microscopy tasks and AI algorithms in the life sciences and beyond

    Comparison between esophageal and intestinal temperature responses to upper-limb exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury

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    Objective: Individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) may present with impaired sympathetic control over thermoregulatory responses to environmental and exercise stressors, which can impact regional core temperature (Tcore) measurement. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether regional differences in Tcore responses exist during exercise in individuals with SCI. Setting: Rehabilitation centre in Wakayama, Japan. Methods: We recruited 12 men with motor-complete SCI (7 tetraplegia, 5 paraplegia) and 5 able-bodied controls to complete a 30-minute bout of arm-cycling exercise at 50% V̇ O2peak. Tcore was estimated using telemetric pills (intestinal temperature; Tint) and esophageal probes (Teso). Heat storage was calculated from baseline to 15 and 30 minutes of exercise. Results: At 15 minutes of exercise, elevations in Teso (Δ0.39±0.22°C; P<0.05), but not Tint (Δ0.04±0.18°C; P=0.09), were observed in able-bodied men. At 30 minutes of exercise, men with paraplegia and able-bodied men both exhibited increases in Teso (paraplegia: Δ0.56±0.30°C, P<0.05; able-bodied men: Δ0.60±0.31°C, P<0.05) and Tint (paraplegia: Δ0.38±0.33°C, P<0.05; able-bodied men: Δ0.30±0.30°C, P<0.05). Teso began rising 7.2 min earlier than Tint (pooled, P<0.01). Heat storage estimated by Teso was greater than heat storage estimated by Tint at 15 minutes (P=0.02) and 30 minutes (P=0.03) in men with paraplegia. No elevations in Teso, Tint, or heat storage were observed in men with tetraplegia. Conclusions: While not interchangeable, both Teso and Tint are sensitive to elevations in Tcore during arm-cycling exercise in men with paraplegia, although Teso may have superior sensitivity to capture temperature information earlier during exercise

    COPI mediates recycling of an exocytic SNARE by recognition of a ubiquitin sorting signal

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    The COPI coat forms transport vesicles from the Golgi complex and plays a poorly defined role in endocytic trafficking. Here we show that COPI binds K63-linked polyubiquitin and this interaction is crucial for trafficking of a ubiquitinated yeast SNARE (Snc1). Snc1 is a v-SNARE that drives fusion of exocytic vesicles with the plasma membrane, and then recycles through the endocytic pathway to the Golgi for reuse in exocytosis. Removal of ubiquitin from Snc1, or deletion of a β’-COP subunit propeller domain that binds K63-linked polyubiquitin, disrupts Snc1 recycling causing aberrant accumulation in internal compartments. Moreover, replacement of the β’-COP propeller domain with unrelated ubiquitin-binding domains restores Snc1 recycling. These results indicate that ubiquitination, a modification well known to target membrane proteins to the lysosome or vacuole for degradation, can also function as recycling signal to sort a SNARE into COPI vesicles in a non-degradative pathway

    Lower Extremity Kinematics of the Y-Balance Test in Healthy and ACL Injured Adolescent Females

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    # Background Adolescent females are at significant risk for sustaining an ACL injury. The Y-Balance Test (YBT) is frequently used to evaluate neuromuscular control and lower extremity function. However, few studies have quantified 2D lower extremity kinematics during performance of the YBT, and there is an absence of kinematic data specific to at-risk adolescent females. # Purpose To examine lower extremity joint kinematics during execution of the YBT by healthy and ACL-injured adolescent females. # Study Design Prospective cohort. # Methods Twenty-five healthy and ten ACL-injured (mean time from injury 143 days) adolescent females were assessed using the YBT. Sagittal and frontal plane knee and ankle motion was video recorded during execution of the YBT anterior reach movement. Ankle dorsi-flexion, knee flexion, and knee valgus angles were quantified via kinematic analysis. ANOVAs with a post hoc Bonferroni correction were used to compare YBT scoring (%LL) and kinematic data between groups. Pearson product-moment correlations determined the relationship between kinematic data and YBT scoring. # Results Healthy and ACL-injured subjects demonstrated similar YBT scores and lower extremity kinematic data. Healthy subjects demonstrated a weak positive correlation between ankle dorsiflexion and YBT scoring, and a weak negative correlation between knee valgus and YBT scoring. These relationships did not exist for ACL-injured subjects. Kinematic data for both groups also demonstrated a large degree of variability, regardless of YBT score. # Conclusions Adolescent females frequently utilize a variety of lower extremity movement strategies when performing a functional movement task, and scoring on the YBT offers limited insight regarding lower extremity joint kinematics and ACL-injury risk in a physically active adolescent female population. # Level of Evidence Level 3

    A Green Bank Telescope search for narrowband technosignatures between 1.1-1.9 GHz during 12 Kepler planetary transits

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    A growing avenue for determining the prevalence of life beyond Earth is to search for "technosignatures" from extraterrestrial intelligences/agents. Technosignatures require significant energy to be visible across interstellar space and thus intentional signals might be concentrated in frequency, in time, or in space, to be found in mutually obvious places. Therefore, it could be advantageous to search for technosignatures in parts of parameter space that are mutually-derivable to an observer on Earth and a distant transmitter. In this work, we used the L-band (1.1-1.9 GHz) receiver on the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) to perform the first technosignature search pre-synchronized with exoplanet transits, covering 12 Kepler systems. We used the Breakthrough Listen turboSETI pipeline to flag narrowband hits (\sim3 Hz) using a maximum drift rate of ±\pm614.4 Hz/s and a signal-to-noise threshold of 5 - the pipeline returned 3.4×105\sim 3.4 \times 10^5 apparently-localized features. Visual inspection by a team of citizen scientists ruled out 99.6% of them. Further analysis found 2 signals-of-interest that warrant follow-up, but no technosignatures. If the signals-of-interest are not re-detected in future work, it will imply that the 12 targets in the search are not producing transit-aligned signals from 1.1-1.9 GHz with transmitter powers >>60 times that of the former Arecibo radar. This search debuts a range of innovative technosignature techniques: citizen science vetting of potential signals-of-interest, a sensitivity-aware search out to extremely high drift rates, a more flexible method of analyzing on-off cadences, and an extremely low signal-to-noise threshold.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure