219 research outputs found

    Tracing the Nature of Dark Energy with Galaxy Distribution

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    Dynamical Dark Energy (DE) is a viable alternative to the cosmological constant. Yet, constructing tests to discriminate between Lambda and dynamical DE models is difficult because the differences are not large. In this paper we explore tests based on the galaxy mass function, the void probability function (VPF), and the number of galaxy clusters. At high z the number density of clusters shows large differences between DE models, but geometrical factors reduce the differences substantially. We find that detecting a model dependence in the cluster redshift distribution is a hard challenge. We show that the galaxy redshift distribution is potentially a more sensitive characteristics. We do so by populating dark matter halos in Nbody simulations with galaxies using well-tested Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD). We also estimate the Void Probability Function and find that, in samples with the same angular surface density of galaxies in different models, the VPF is almost model independent and cannot be used as a test for DE. Once again, geometry and cosmic evolution compensate each other. By comparing VPF's for samples with fixed galaxy mass limits, we find measurable differences.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, dependence on mass-luminosity relation discussed, minor changes to match the accepted version by MNRA

    Radial density profiles of time-delay lensing galaxies

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    We present non-parametric radial mass profiles for ten QSO strong lensing galaxies. Five of the galaxies have profiles close to ρ(r)r2\rho(r)\propto r^{-2}, while the rest are closer to r^{-1}, consistent with an NFW profile. The former are all relatively isolated early-types and dominated by their stellar light. The latter --though the modeling code did not know this-- are either in clusters, or have very high mass-to-light, suggesting dark-matter dominant lenses (one is a actually pair of merging galaxies). The same models give H_0^{-1} = 15.2_{-1.7}^{+2.5}\Gyr (H_0 = 64_{-9}^{+8} \legacy), consistent with a previous determination. When tested on simulated lenses taken from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, our modeling pipeline recovers both H_0 and ρ(r)\rho(r) within estimated uncertainties. Our result is contrary to some recent claims that lensing time delays imply either a low H_0 or galaxy profiles much steeper than r^{-2}. We diagnose these claims as resulting from an invalid modeling approximation: that small deviations from a power-law profile have a small effect on lensing time-delays. In fact, as we show using using both perturbation theory and numerical computation from a galaxy-formation simulation, a first-order perturbation of an isothermal lens can produce a zeroth-order change in the time delays.Comment: Replaced with final version accepted for publication in ApJ; very minor changes to text; high resolution figures may be obtained at justinread.ne

    Star formation in mergers with cosmologically motivated initial conditions

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    We use semi-analytic models and cosmological merger trees to provide the initial conditions for multi-merger numerical hydrodynamic simulations, and exploit these simulations to explore the effect of galaxy interaction and merging on star formation (SF). We compute numerical realisations of twelve merger trees from z=1.5 to z=0. We include the effects of the large hot gaseous halo around all galaxies, following recent obervations and predictions of galaxy formation models. We find that including the hot gaseous halo has a number of important effects. Firstly, as expected, the star formation rate on long timescales is increased due to cooling of the hot halo and refuelling of the cold gas reservoir. Secondly, we find that interactions do not always increase the SF in the long term. This is partially due to the orbiting galaxies transferring gravitational energy to the hot gaseous haloes and raising their temperature. Finally we find that the relative size of the starburst, when including the hot halo, is much smaller than previous studies showed. Our simulations also show that the order and timing of interactions are important for the evolution of a galaxy. When multiple galaxies interact at the same time, the SF enhancement is less than when galaxies interact in series. All these effects show the importance of including hot gas and cosmologically motivated merger trees in galaxy evolution models.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    From Discs to Bulges: effect of mergers on the morphology of galaxies

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    We study the effect of mergers on the morphology of galaxies by means of the simulated merger tree approach first proposed by Moster et al. This method combines N-body cosmological simulations and semi-analytic techniques to extract realistic initial conditions for galaxy mergers. These are then evolved using high resolution hydrodynamical simulations, which include dark matter, stars, cold gas in the disc and hot gas in the halo. We show that the satellite mass accretion is not as effective as previously thought, as there is substantial stellar stripping before the final merger. The fraction of stellar disc mass transferred to the bulge is quite low, even in the case of a major merger, mainly due to the dispersion of part of the stellar disc mass into the halo. We confirm the findings of Hopkins et al., that a gas rich disc is able to survive major mergers more efficiently. The enhanced star formation associated with the merger is not localised to the bulge of galaxy, but a substantial fraction takes place in the disc too. The inclusion of the hot gas reservoir in the galaxy model contributes to reducing the efficiency of bulge formation. Overall, our findings suggest that mergers are not as efficient as previously thought in transforming discs into bulges. This possibly alleviates some of the tensions between observations of bulgeless galaxies and the hierarchical scenario for structure formation.Comment: MNRAS Accepted, 17 pages, 11 figures, 3 Table

    Non linear predictions from linear theories in models with Dark Energy

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    We study the cluster mass function and its evolution in different models with Dark Energy arising from a self--interacting scalar field, with Ratra-Peebles and SUGRA potentials. Computations are based on a Press & Schechter approximation. The mass functions we obtain are compared with results holding for open models or models with Dark Energy due to a cosmological constant. Evolution results, in the Dark Energy cases, closely approach open models.Comment: 13 pages, 3 new figures included, references added. Accepted for pubblication in New Astronom

    On the dependence of galaxy morphologies on galaxy mergers

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    The distribution of galaxy morphological types is a key test for models of galaxy formation and evolution, providing strong constraints on the relative contribution of different physical processes responsible for the growth of the spheroidal components. In this paper, we make use of a suite of semi-analytic models to study the efficiency of galaxy mergers in disrupting galaxy discs and building galaxy bulges. In particular, we compare standard prescriptions usually adopted in semi-analytic models, with new prescriptions proposed by Kannan et al., based on results from high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations, and we show that these new implementations reduce the efficiency of bulge formation through mergers. In addition, we compare our model results with a variety of observational measurements of the fraction of spheroid-dominated galaxies as a function of stellar and halo mass, showing that the present uncertainties in the data represent an important limitation to our understanding of spheroid formation. Our results indicate that the main tension between theoretical models and observations does not stem from the survival of purely disc structures (i.e. bulgeless galaxies), rather from the distribution of galaxies of different morphological types, as a function of their stellar mass.Comment: MNRAS in press, 11 pages, 5 figure

    Modeling Luminosity-Dependent Galaxy Clustering Through Cosmic Time

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    We employ high-resolution dissipationless simulations of the concordance LCDM cosmology to model the observed luminosity dependence and evolution of galaxy clustering through most of the age of the universe, from z~5 to z~0. We use a simple, non-parametric model which monotonically relates galaxy luminosities to the maximum circular velocity of dark matter halos (V_max) by preserving the observed galaxy luminosity function in order to match the halos in simulations with observed galaxies. The novel feature of the model is the use of the maximum circular velocity at the time of accretion, V_max,acc, for subhalos, the halos located within virial regions of larger halos. We argue that for subhalos in dissipationless simulations, V_max,acc reflects the luminosity and stellar mass of the associated galaxies better than the circular velocity at the epoch of observation, V_max,now. The simulations and our model L-V_max relation predict the shape, amplitude, and luminosity dependence of the two-point correlation function in excellent agreement with the observed galaxy clustering in the SDSS data at z~0 and in the DEEP2 samples at z~1 over the entire probed range of projected separations, 0.1<r_p/(Mpc/h)<10.0. In particular, the small-scale upturn of the correlation function from the power-law form in the SDSS and DEEP2 luminosity-selected samples is reproduced very well. At z~3-5, our predictions also match the observed shape and amplitude of the angular two-point correlation function of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) on both large and small scales, including the small-scale upturn.Comment: 16 pages 11 figures, ApJ in pres