723 research outputs found

    Comparing the Efficacy of Two Affirmation Interventions to Reduce Stereotype Threat Effects on Women’s Math Performance

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    Research demonstrates when math-based gender stereotypes are activated (i.e., men are better at math than women), women display comparatively poorer math performance than men, a phenomenon referred to as stereotype threat. The current thesis project evaluated two self-affirmation interventions designed to reduce the effects of stereotype threat on women’s math performance. Participants completed a math test under one of four conditions: control (no explicit stereotype activation), stereotype threat (activation of gender performance stereotype) or stereotype threat combined with one of two self-affirmation manipulations. Women in the affirmation conditions either read about women’s greater verbal or relational ability and were asked to write about why the trait is important to their self-concept. No omnibus effect of condition emerged, though exploratory analyses revealed several notable findings. First, we were unable to replicate stereotype threat effects; women in the stereotype threat condition performed equivalently to women in the no threat condition. Though all individual comparisons did not reach conventional statistical significance, exploratory contrasts revealed that the combined performance of women in the two affirmation conditions was greater than the combined performance of women in the two no-affirmation conditions. More specifically, the performance of women in the relational affirmation condition was greater than the combined performance of women in the other three conditions. Though performance enhancement in the affirmation conditions was consistent with study hypotheses, the relative greater benefits of relational compared to verbal affirmation ran counter to study hypotheses. No conditional effects emerged for affect, performance regret, or interest in STEM and non-STEM careers. These findings demonstrate how self-affirmation, particularly relational affirmation, facilitates mathematics problem-solving, independent of stereotype threat activation

    Cómo analizar una película: a propósito de La Historia Oficial

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    Due to its powerful influence as a cultural massive industry, the cinema is one of the most important media used by pedagogues and investigators, as an essential tool to rebel the ideology of a society. However, the one who tries to investigate the philosophic roots of a film, will have to ask himself about the different aspects that take place around the movie, such as the film reception context, its influence and the polemics performed. Bearing in mind the genre to which each film belongs to and the investigator’s followed aims, the use of the Critical analysis, as a study system, is appropriate to locate the film between the creator base and the public. In this way, it is possible to discover the meaning that lies behind the cinematographic work, and its effects. The official story is a movie that shows the different ways in which the political and historical reality representation is don

    Apropriação da renda por empreendedores rurais: três experiências na produção de café no Brasil

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    The purpose of this article is to answer the question of whether there are sustainable, economically feasible strategies that can capture agricultural income. To this end, the body of work on why entrepreneurs choose value-capturing and value-adding strategies is analyzed and then a model is built to analyze differentiation in the rural sphere. Four theoretical perspectives are presented: Strategic Positioning Analysis, Resource-Based View, Transaction Cost Economics, and Knight's Profit Theory. Drawing on the model, three strategic experiences from the Brazilian coffee agro-industrial system are examined, divided into three categories: joint interdependence, which presents the strategic focus of value creation through direct exports of good quality coffee, by the Guaxupé Regional Cooperative of Coffee Producers (Cooxupé); sequential interdependence, which examines the quality coffee brand strategy of the roasting company illycaffè; and mutual interdependence, in which the experience of Poço Fundo producers, aimed at adding value to coffee based on the sustainable coffee market, is analyzed. The most successful strategy in terms of representation (number of producers involved) appears to be that which focuses on scale and scope in the marketing of specialty coffees. Another interesting finding regards a new paradigm in the relations between the rural sector and the downstream segment regarding beverage quality and sustainability issues.La pregunta que guía este trabajo es si hay estrategias viables y sostenibles que permitan revertir la caída de los ingresos agrícolas de los pequeños productores. Para responderla, se analizan cuatro diferentes líneas teóricas: Análisis de Posicionamiento Estratégico, Visión Basada en Recursos, Economía de los Costos de Transacción y Teoría del Beneficio de Knight. Con base en un modelo propuesto, se examinan tres experiencias estratégicas adoptadas en el sistema agroindustrial del café: interdependencia conjunta, que presenta la orientación estratégica de creación de valor en exportación directa de café de buena calidad de la Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores de Guaxupé (Cooxupé); interdependencia secuencial, que evalúa la estrategia de la marca de café de calidad de la torrefactora illycaffè; interdependencia recíproca, en que se analiza la experiencia de los productores de Poço Fondo, con el fin de añadir valor al café en el mercado de cafés sostenibles. Como resultado, la estrategia que obtuvo mayor éxito en términos de representación es la que tiene foco en escala y alcance en la comercialización de cafés especiales o diferenciados.A questão que norteia esse trabalho é se existem estratégias factíveis e sustentáveis que possibilitem reverter a queda da renda agrícola dos produtores de pequena escala. Para respondê-la, analisa-se como os empresários escolhem estratégias que criam e capturam valor, com o objetivo de apresentar um modelo de análise de diferenciação no segmento. Quatro perspectivas teóricas são apresentadas: Posicionamento Estratégico, Visão Baseada em Recursos, Economia dos Custos de Transação e Teoria do Lucro de Knight. Baseadas no modelo, três experiências estratégicas do sistema agroindustrial do café brasileiro são examinadas, divididas em três categorias: interdependência conjunta, que apresenta o foco estratégico de criação de valor por meio da exportação direta de café de boa qualidade adotado pela Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Café (Cooxupé); interdependência sequencial, que examina a estratégia de marca de qualidade da torrefadora illycaffè; interdependência mútua, na qual a experiência dos produtores de Poço Fundo é analisada, visando agregar valor ao café com base no mercado de café sustentável. Observa-se que a estratégia mais bem-sucedida em termos de representação (número de produtores envolvidos) é aquela que enfoca escala e escopo na comercialização de cafés especiais. Outro achado interessante diz respeito ao novo paradigma na relação entre o setor rural e o segmento à jusante, em relação à qualidade da bebida e às questões de sustentabilidade


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    Apropriação da renda por empreendedores rurais: três experiências na produção de café no Brasil

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    The purpose of this article is to answer the question of whether there are sustainable, economically feasible strategies that can capture agricultural income. To this end, the body of work on why entrepreneurs choose value-capturing and value-adding strategies is analyzed and then a model is built to analyze differentiation in the rural sphere. Four theoretical perspectives are presented: Strategic Positioning Analysis, Resource-Based View, Transaction Cost Economics, and Knight's Profit Theory. Drawing on the model, three strategic experiences from the Brazilian coffee agro-industrial system are examined, divided into three categories: joint interdependence, which presents the strategic focus of value creation through direct exports of good quality coffee, by the Guaxupé Regional Cooperative of Coffee Producers (Cooxupé); sequential interdependence, which examines the quality coffee brand strategy of the roasting company illycaffè; and mutual interdependence, in which the experience of Poço Fundo producers, aimed at adding value to coffee based on the sustainable coffee market, is analyzed. The most successful strategy in terms of representation (number of producers involved) appears to be that which focuses on scale and scope in the marketing of specialty coffees. Another interesting finding regards a new paradigm in the relations between the rural sector and the downstream segment regarding beverage quality and sustainability issues.La pregunta que guía este trabajo es si hay estrategias viables y sostenibles que permitan revertir la caída de los ingresos agrícolas de los pequeños productores. Para responderla, se analizan cuatro diferentes líneas teóricas: Análisis de Posicionamiento Estratégico, Visión Basada en Recursos, Economía de los Costos de Transacción y Teoría del Beneficio de Knight. Con base en un modelo propuesto, se examinan tres experiencias estratégicas adoptadas en el sistema agroindustrial del café: interdependencia conjunta, que presenta la orientación estratégica de creación de valor en exportación directa de café de buena calidad de la Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores de Guaxupé (Cooxupé); interdependencia secuencial, que evalúa la estrategia de la marca de café de calidad de la torrefactora illycaffè; interdependencia recíproca, en que se analiza la experiencia de los productores de Poço Fondo, con el fin de añadir valor al café en el mercado de cafés sostenibles. Como resultado, la estrategia que obtuvo mayor éxito en términos de representación es la que tiene foco en escala y alcance en la comercialización de cafés especiales o diferenciados.A questão que norteia esse trabalho é se existem estratégias factíveis e sustentáveis que possibilitem reverter a queda da renda agrícola dos produtores de pequena escala. Para respondê-la, analisa-se como os empresários escolhem estratégias que criam e capturam valor, com o objetivo de apresentar um modelo de análise de diferenciação no segmento. Quatro perspectivas teóricas são apresentadas: Posicionamento Estratégico, Visão Baseada em Recursos, Economia dos Custos de Transação e Teoria do Lucro de Knight. Baseadas no modelo, três experiências estratégicas do sistema agroindustrial do café brasileiro são examinadas, divididas em três categorias: interdependência conjunta, que apresenta o foco estratégico de criação de valor por meio da exportação direta de café de boa qualidade adotado pela Cooperativa Regional de Produtores de Café (Cooxupé); interdependência sequencial, que examina a estratégia de marca de qualidade da torrefadora illycaffè; interdependência mútua, na qual a experiência dos produtores de Poço Fundo é analisada, visando agregar valor ao café com base no mercado de café sustentável. Observa-se que a estratégia mais bem-sucedida em termos de representação (número de produtores envolvidos) é aquela que enfoca escala e escopo na comercialização de cafés especiais. Outro achado interessante diz respeito ao novo paradigma na relação entre o setor rural e o segmento à jusante, em relação à qualidade da bebida e às questões de sustentabilidade

    Neuroadaptive events in the offspring induced by maternal voluntary ingestion of hypertonic sodium solution: brain neurochemical system programming

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    Fil: Vivas, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentina.Fil: Macchione, Ana Fabiola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentina.Osmoregulatory mechanisms can be vulnerable to electrolyte and/or endocrine environmental changes during the perinatal period, differentially programming the developing offspring and affecting them even in adulthood. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether the perinatal availability of hypertonic sodium solution [PM-Na] from the pregnancy until one month old of the offspring may induce a differential programming of osmoregulatory mechanisms in adult offspring. We have studied the perinatal manipulation [PM] effects on adult water and sodium intake, brain cell activity and gene expression changes induced by different osmotic challenges: acute sodium depletion (ASD) and systemic sodium overload (SSO).Fil: Vivas, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentina.Fil: Macchione, Ana Fabiola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigación Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra; Argentina.Biología del Desarroll

    Tariff discrimination on Brazil's soluble coffee: an economic analysis

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    This article evaluates the impacts of the imposition of tariffs on the Brazilian soluble coffee mainly by European countries as of the 1990s. More particularly, it verifies whether the imposition of discriminatory trade tariffs by the European Union and of non-discriminatory ones by some Eastern European countries reflects on the international demand for this commodity. For this purpose, dynamic models of global demand for Brazilian soluble coffee were estimated for the 1995-2003 period using data from the International Coffee Organization. Findings suggest that existing tariffs significantly account for the reduction of Brazilian share of soluble in the world market