683 research outputs found

    The Extended GMRT Radio Halo Survey I: New upper limits on radio halos and mini-halos

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    A fraction of galaxy clusters host diffuse radio sources called radio halos, radio relics and mini-halos. We present the sample and first results from the Extended GMRT Radio Halo Survey (EGRHS)- an extension of the GMRT Radio Halo Survey (GRHS, Venturi et al. 2007, 2008). It is a systematic radio survey of galaxy clusters selected from the REFLEX and eBCS X-ray catalogs . Analysis of GMRT data at 610/ 235/ 325 MHz on 12 galaxy clusters are presented. We report the detection of a newly discovered mini-halo in the cluster RXJ1532.9+3021 at 610 MHz. A small scale relic (~200 kpc) is suspected in the cluster Z348. We do not detect cluster-scale diffuse emission in 11 clusters. Robust upper limits on the detection of radio halo of size of 1 Mpc are determined. We also present upper limits on the detections of mini-halos in a sub-sample of cool-core clusters. The upper limits for radio halos and mini-halos are plotted in the radio power- X-ray luminosity plane and the correlations are discussed. Diffuse extended emission, not related to the target clusters, but detected as by-products in the sensitive images of two of the cluster fields (A689 and RXJ0439.0+0715) are reported. Based on the information about the presence of radio halos (or upper limits), available on 48 clusters out of the total sample of 67 clusters (EGRHS+GRHS), we find that ~23% of the clusters host radio halos. The radio halo fraction rises to ~31%, when only the clusters with X-ray luminosities >8x10^44 erg/s are considered. Mini-halos are found in ~50 % of cool-core clusters. A qualitative examination of the X-ray images of the clusters with no diffuse radio emission indicates that a majority of these clusters do not show extreme dynamical disturbances and supports the idea that mergers play an important role in the generation of radio halos/relics.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The Extended GMRT Radio Halo Survey II: Further results and analysis of the full sample

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    The intra-cluster medium contains cosmic rays and magnetic fields that are manifested through the large scale synchrotron sources, termed as radio halos, relics and mini-halos. The Extended Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) Radio Halo Survey (EGRHS) is an extension of the GMRT Radio Halo Survey (GRHS) designed to search for radio halos using GMRT 610/235 MHz observations. The GRHS+EGRHS consists of 64 clusters in the redshift range 0.2 -- 0.4 that have an X-ray luminosity larger than 5x10^44 erg/s in the 0.1 -- 2.4 keV band and with declinations > -31 deg in the REFLEX and eBCS X-ray cluster catalogues. In this second paper in the series, GMRT 610/235 MHz data on the last batch of 11 galaxy clusters and the statistical analysis of the full sample are presented. A new mini-halo in RXJ2129.6+0005 and candidate diffuse sources in Z5247, A2552 and Z1953 are discovered. A unique feature of this survey are the upper limits on the detections of 1 Mpc sized radio halos; 4 new are presented here making a total of 31 in the survey. Of the sample, 58 clusters that have adequately sensitive radio information were used to obtain the most accurate occurrence fractions so far. The occurrence of radio halos in our X-ray selected sample is ~22%, that of mini-halos is 13% and that of relics is ~5%. The radio power - X-ray luminosity diagrams for the radio halos and mini-halos with the detections and upper limits are presented. The morphological estimators namely, centroid shift (w), concentration parameter (c) and power ratios (P_3/P_0) derived from the Chandra X-ray images are used as proxies for the dynamical states of the GRHS+EGRHS clusters. The clusters with radio halos and mini-halos occupy distinct quadrants in the c-w, c-P_3/P_0 and w - P_3/P_0 planes, corresponding to the more and less morphological disturbance, respectively. The non-detections span both the quadrants.Comment: 24 pages, 5 tables, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The neurochaperonopathies: Anomalies of the chaperone system with pathogenic effects in neurodegenerative and neuromuscular disorders

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    The chaperone (or chaperoning) system (CS) constitutes molecular chaperones, co-chaperones, and chaperone co-factors, interactors and receptors, and its canonical role is protein quality control. A malfunction of the CS may cause diseases, known as the chaperonopathies. These are caused by qualitatively and/or quantitatively abnormal molecular chaperones. Since the CS is ubiquitous, chaperonopathies are systemic, affecting various tissues and organs, playing an etiologic-pathogenic role in diverse conditions. In this review, we focus on chaperonopathies involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems: the neurochaperonopathies (NCPs). Genetic NCPs are linked to pathogenic variants of chaperone genes encoding, for example, the small Hsp, Hsp10, Hsp40, Hsp60, and CCT-BBS (chaperonin-containing TCP-1-Bardet\u2013Biedl syndrome) chaperones. Instead, the acquired NCPs are associated with malfunctional chaperones, such as Hsp70, Hsp90, and VCP/p97 with aberrant post-translational modifications. Awareness of the chaperonopathies as the underlying primary or secondary causes of disease will improve diagnosis and patient management and open the possibility of investigating and developing chaperonotherapy, namely treatment with the abnormal chaperone as the main target. Positive chaperonotherapy would apply in chaperonopathies by defect, i.e., chaperone insufficiency, and consist of chaperone replacement or boosting, whereas negative chaperonotherapy would be pertinent when a chaperone actively participates in the initiation and progression of the disease and must be blocked and eliminated

    Shock acceleration as origin of the radio relic in A521?

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    We present new high sensitivity observations of the radio relic in A521 carried out with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 327 MHz and with the Very Large Array at 4.9 and 8.5 GHz. We imaged the relic at these frequencies and carried out a detailed spectral analysis, based on the integrated radio spectrum between 235 MHz and 4.9 GHz, and on the spectral index image in the frequency range 327-610 MHz. To this aim we used the new GMRT observations and other proprietary as well as archival data. We also searched for a possible shock front co-located with the relic on a short archival Chandra X-ray observation of the cluster. The integrated spectrum of the relic is consistent with a single power law; the spectral index image shows a clear trend of steepening going from the outer portion of the relic toward the cluster centre. We discuss the origin of the source in the light of the theoretical models for the formation of cluster radio relics. Our results on the spectral properties of the relic are consistent with acceleration of relativistic electrons by a shock in the intracluster medium. This scenario is further supported by our finding of an X-ray surface brightness edge coincident with the outer border of the radio relic. This edge is likely a shock front.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    An elusive radio halo in the merging cluster Abell 781?

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    Deep radio observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 781 have been carried out using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 325 MHz and have been compared to previous 610 MHz observations and to archival VLA 1.4 GHz data. The radio emission from the cluster is dominated by a diffuse source located at the outskirts of the X-ray emission, which we tentatively classify as a radio relic. We detected residual diffuse emission at the cluster centre at the level of S(325 MHz)~15-20 mJy. Our analysis disagrees with Govoni et al. (2011), and on the basis of simple spectral considerations we do not support their claim of a radio halo with flux density of 20-30 mJy at 1.4 GHz. Abell 781, a massive and merging cluster, is an intriguing case. Assuming that the residual emission is indicative of the presence of a radio halo barely detectable at our sensitivity level, it could be a very steep spectrum source.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table - Accepted for publication on Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letter

    153 MHz GMRT follow-up of steep-spectrum diffuse emission in galaxy clusters

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    In this paper we present new high sensitivity 153 MHz Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope follow-up observations of the diffuse steep spectrum cluster radio sources in the galaxy clusters Abell 521, Abell 697, Abell 1682. Abell 521 hosts a relic, and together with Abell 697 it also hosts a giant very steep spectrum radio halo. Abell 1682 is a more complex system with candidate steep spectrum diffuse emission. We imaged the diffuse radio emission in these clusters at 153 MHz, and provided flux density measurements of all the sources at this frequency. Our new flux density measurements, coupled with the existing data at higher frequencies, allow us to study the total spectrum of the halos and relic over at least one order of magnitude in frequency. Our images confirm the presence of a very steep "diffuse component" in Abell 1682. We found that the spectrum of the relic in Abell 521 can be fitted by a single power-law with α=1.45±0.02\alpha=1.45\pm0.02 from 153 MHz to 5 GHz. Moreover, we confirm that the halos in Abell 521 and Abell 697 have a very steep spectrum, with α=1.81.9\alpha=1.8-1.9 and α=1.52±0.05\alpha=1.52\pm0.05 respectively. Even with the inclusion of the 153 MHz flux density information it is impossible to discriminate between power-law and curved spectra, as derived from homogeneous turbulent re-acceleration. The latter are favored on the basis of simple energetic arguments, and we expect that LOFAR will finally unveil the shape of the spectra of radio halos below 100 MHz, thus providing clues on their origin.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Molecular chaperones and thyroid cancer

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    Thyroid cancers are the most common of the endocrine system malignancies and progress must be made in the areas of differential diagnosis and treatment to improve patient management. Advances in the understanding of carcinogenic mechanisms have occurred in various fronts, including studies of the chaperone system (CS). Components of the CS are found to be quantitatively increased or decreased, and some correlations have been established between the quantitative changes and tumor type, prognosis, and response to treatment. These correlations provide the basis for identi-fying distinctive patterns useful in differential diagnosis and for planning experiments aiming at elucidating the role of the CS in tumorigenesis. Here, we discuss studies of the CS components in various thyroid cancers (TC). The chaperones belonging to the families of the small heat-shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 and the chaperonin of Group I, Hsp60, have been quantified mostly by immunohistochemistry and Western blot in tumor and normal control tissues and in extracellular vesicles. Distinctive differences were revealed between the various thyroid tumor types. The most frequent finding was an increase in the chaperones, which can be attributed to the augmented need for chaperones the tumor cells have because of their accelerated metabolism, growth, and division rate. Thus, chaperones help the tumor cell rather than protect the patient, exemplifying chaperonopathies by mistake or collaborationism. This highlights the need for research on chaperonotherapy, namely the development of means to eliminate/inhibit pathogenic chaperones

    Immunomorphological Patterns of Chaperone System Components in Rare Thyroid Tumors with Promise as Biomarkers for Differential Diagnosis and Providing Clues on Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis

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    Hurthle cell (HC), anaplastic (AC), and medullary (MC) carcinomas are low frequency thyroid tumors that pose several challenges for physicians and pathologists due to the scarcity of cases, information, and histopathological images, especially in the many areas around the world in which sophisticated molecular and genetic diagnostic facilities are unavailable. It is, therefore, cogent to provide tools for microscopists to achieve accurate diagnosis, such as histopathological images with reliable biomarkers, which can help them to reach a differential diagnosis. We are investigating whether components of the chaperone system (CS), such as the molecular chaperones, can be considered dependable biomarkers, whose levels and distribution inside and outside cells in the tumor tissue could present a distinctive histopathological pattern for each tumor type. Here, we report data on the chaperones Hsp27, Hsp60, and Hsp90. They presented quantitative levels and distribution patterns that were different for each tumor and differed from those of a benign thyroid pathology, goiter (BG). Therefore, the reported methodology can be beneficial when the microscopist must differentiate between HC, AC, MC, and BG

    NF-kB Regulation and the Chaperone System Mediate Restorative Effects of the Probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum LF31 in the Small Intestine and Cerebellum of Mice with Ethanol-Induced Damage

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    Probiotics are live microorganisms that yield health benefits when consumed, generally by improving or restoring the intestinal flora (microbiota) as part of the muco-microbiotic layer of the bowel. In this work, mice were fed with ethanol alone or in combination with the probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum (L. fermentum) for 12 weeks. The modulation of the NF-kappa B signaling pathway with the induction of Hsp60, Hsp90, and IkB-alpha by the probiotic occurred in the jejunum. L. fermentum inhibited IL-6 expression and downregulated TNF-alpha transcription. NF-kappa B inactivation concurred with the restoration of the intestinal barrier, which had been damaged by ethanol, via the production of tight junction proteins, ameliorating the ethanol-induced intestinal permeability. The beneficial effect of the probiotic on the intestine was repeated for the cerebellum, in which downregulation of glial inflammation-related markers was observed in the probiotic-fed mice. The data show that L. fermentum exerted anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects in both the small intestine and the cerebellum, by suppressing ethanol-induced increased intestinal permeability and curbing neuroinflammation. The results also suggest that L. fermentum could be advantageous, along with the other available means, for treating intestinal diseases caused by stressors associated with inflammation and dysbiosis

    Heat-shock protein 60 kDa and atherogenic dyslipidemia in patients with untreated mild periodontitis: a pilot study.

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    Identification of predictors of cardiovascular risk can help in the prevention of pathologic episodes and the management of patients at all stages of illness. Here, we investigated the relationships between serum levels of Hsp60 and dyslipidemia in patients with periodontitis by performing a cross-sectional study of 22 patients with mild periodontitis without any prior treatment for it (i.e., drug naïve) and 22 healthy controls, matched for age and body mass index (BMI). All subjects were evaluated for periodontal status, gingival inflammation, and oral hygiene. Levels of circulating Hsp60, C-reactive protein (CRP), and plasma lipids were measured, and small, dense low-density lipoproteins (LDL) were indirectly assessed by determining the triglycerides/high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol ratio. We also assessed by immunohistochemistry Hsp60 levels in oral mucosa of patients and controls. No difference was found in CRP levels or plasma lipids between the two groups, but subjects with periodontitis showed, in comparison to controls, higher levels of small, dense LDL (p  = 0.0355) and circulating Hsp60 concentrations (p < 0.0001). However, levels of mucosal Hsp60 did not change significantly between groups. Correlation analysis revealed that circulating Hsp60 inversely correlated with HDL-cholesterol (r  = -0.589, p  = 0.0039), and positively with triglycerides (r  = +0.877, p < 0.0001), and small, dense LDL (r  = +0.925, p < 0.0001). Serum Hsp60 significantly correlated with the degree of periodontal disease (r  = +0.403, p  = 0.0434). In brief, untreated patients with mild periodontitis had increased small, dense LDL and serum Hsp60 concentrations, in comparison to age- and BMI-matched controls and both parameters showed a strong positive correlation. Our data indicate that atherogenic dyslipidemia and elevated circulating Hsp60 tend to be linked and associated to periodontal pathology. Thus, the road is open to investigate the potential value of elevated levels of circulating Hsp60 as predictor of risk for cardiovascular disease when associated to dyslipidemia in periodontitis patients