2,935 research outputs found

    Is sea-basing a viable method of providing logistic support to the UK amphibious force?

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    Maritime power has traditionally been a central part of the UK’s defence planning and is well suited to supporting a wide range of military operations. The littoral area has always created problems for naval planners as most landings historically have had to endure a tactical separation of the naval and land components, and hence an artificial seam between the Navy and the Marines. With the end of the Cold War, amphibious operations are going to be more difficult to conduct than in the past, and amphibious forces are going to have to adopt manoeuvre warfare capabilities in order to successfully complete their missions. It is very likely that amphibious forces will have to conduct operations against a numerically superior enemy, who is on his own terrain, and be surrounded by a neutral, if not hostile populace. As such, the concept of Operational Manoeuvre From The Sea (OMFTS) whereby the sea is used as a manoeuvre space, and command and control is fast enough to cope with large amounts of information, but at the same time allow subordinates maximum flexibility to use their initiative, is increasingly attractive. It will be important not only for the combat elements to be able to use this new concept, but the Combat Service Support (CSS) elements as well

    Are the Earth and the Moon compositionally alike? Inferences on lunar composition and implications for lunar origin and evolution from geophysical modeling

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    The main objective of the present study is to discuss in detail the results obtained from an inversion of the Apollo lunar seismic data set, lunar mass, and moment of inertia. We inverted directly for lunar chemical composition and temperature using the model system CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2. Using Gibbs free energy minimization, stable mineral phases at the temperatures and pressures of interest, their modes and physical properties are calculated. We determine the compositional range of the oxide elements, thermal state, Mg#, mineralogy and physical structure of the lunar interior, as well as constraining core size and density. The results indicate a lunar mantle mineralogy that is dominated by olivine and orthopyroxene ( 80 vol%), with the remainder being composed of clinopyroxene and an aluminous phase (plagioclase, spinel, and garnet present in the depth ranges 0–150 km, 150–200 km, and >200 km, respectively). This model is broadly consistent with constraints on mantle mineralogy derived from the experimental and observational study of the phase lationships and trace element compositions of lunar mare basalts and picritic glasses. In particular, by melting a typical model mantle composition using the pMELTS algorithm, we found that a range of batch melts generated from these models have features in common with low Ti mare basalts and picritic glasses. Our results also indicate a bulk lunar composition and Mg# different to that of the Earth’s upper mantle, represented by the pyrolite composition. This difference is reflected in a lower bulk lunar Mg# ( 0.83). Results also indicate a small iron-like core with a radius around 340 km.The Carlsberg Foundation, NER

    Quantum Non-Equilibrium Steady States Induced by Repeated Interactions

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    We study the steady state of a finite XX chain coupled at its boundaries to quantum reservoirs made of free spins that interact one after the other with the chain. The two-point correlations are calculated exactly and it is shown that the steady state is completely characterized by the magnetization profile and the associated current. Except at the boundary sites, the magnetization is given by the average of the reservoirs' magnetizations. The steady state current, proportional to the difference in the reservoirs' magnetizations, shows a non-monotonous behavior with respect to the system-reservoir coupling strength, with an optimal current state for a finite value of the coupling. Moreover, we show that the steady state can be described by a generalized Gibbs state.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Lung cancer in Hong Kong Chinese: mortality and histological types, 1960-1972.

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    Age-adjusted mortality from lung cancer rose rapidly in both males and females in Hong Kong from 1960-1972. The relative frequency of epidermoid carcinoma increased in male bronchial biopsies but not in lung biopsies, resections, or autopsies; there was a decline in small-cell anaplastic carcinoma. In both males and females the ratio of Kreyberg Group I (epidermoid and small-cell anaplastic) to Group II (adenocarcinoma and carcinoid) tumours did not increase, despite an 80% rise in mortality from lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma was the most common type in females, despite the high mortality from lung cancer. It is speculated that cigarette smoking might produce a different pattern of histological types among Hong Kong Chinese, or that additional aetiological factors may be operating there

    Latitude dependence of co-rotating shock acceleration

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    Energetic particle observations in the outer heliosphere (approx 12 A. U.) by the LECP instruments on the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft are discussed that show a definite latitude dependence of the number and intensity of particle enhancements produced by corotating interplanetary regions during an interval when no solar energetic particle events were observed. The particle enhancements are fewer in number and less intense at higher (approx 20 deg.) heliolatitudes. However, the similar spectral shapes of the accelerated particles at the two spacecraft indicate that the acceleration process is the same at the two latitudes, but less intense at the higher latitude

    Exploring the ‘middle ground’ between state and market: the example of China

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    Studies of housing systems lying in the ‘middle ground’ between state and market are subject to three important shortcomings. First, the widely used Esping-Andersen (EA) approach assesses only a subset of the key housing outcomes and may be less helpful for describing changes in housing policy regimes. Second, there is too much emphasis on tenure transitions, and an assumed close correspondence between tenure labels and effective system functioning may not be valid. Third, due attention has not been given to the spatial dimensions in which housing systems operate, in particular when housing policies have a significant devolved or localised emphasis. Updating EA’s framework, we suggest a preliminary list of housing system indicators in order to capture the nature of the housing systems being developed and devolved. We verified the applicability of this indicator system with the case of China. This illustrates clearly the need for a more nuanced and systematic basis for categorising differences and changes in welfare and housing policies