1,040 research outputs found

    Interrupting the social amplification of risk process: a case study in collective emissions reduction

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    One of the main approaches we have for studying the progressive divergence of understandings around a risk issue is that of social risk amplification. This article describes a case study of a particular environmental contaminant, a chemical flame retardant that could be interpreted as having produced a risk amplifying process. It describes in particular how a group of industrial organizations acted collectively to reduce emissions of this contaminant, in an apparent attempt to avert regulation and boycotts—that is, to intercept the social amplification process and avoid its secondary effects. The aim of the study was to investigate the constitutive qualities of this collective action: the qualities that defined it and made it effective in the eyes of those involved. These include institutionalisation and independence, the ability to confer individual as well as collective benefit, the capacity to attract (rather than avoid) criticism, and the ‘branding’ that helps communicate what otherwise appear to be a set of unconnected, local actions. Although the risk amplification framework has been criticised for implying that there is some externally given risk level that is subsequently amplified, it does appear to capture the mentality of actors involved in issues of this kind. They talk and act as though they believe they are participants in a risk amplification process

    Characterizations of k-copwin graphs

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    AbstractWe give two characterizations of the graphs on which k cops have a winning strategy in the game of Cops and Robber. One of these is in terms of an order relation, and one is in terms of a vertex ordering. Both generalize characterizations known for the case k=1

    Anisotropic Distribution of SDSS Satellite Galaxies: Planar (not Polar) Alignment

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    The distribution of satellite galaxies relative to isolated host galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is investigated. Host-satellite systems are selected using three different methods, yielding samples of ~3300, ~1600, and \~950 satellites. In the plane of the sky, the distributions of all three samples show highly significant deviations from circular symmetry (> 99.99%, > 99.99%, and 99.79% confidence levels, respectively), and the degree of anisotropy is a strong function of the projected radius, r_p, at which the satellites are found. For r_p < 100 kpc, the SDSS satellites are aligned preferentially with the major axes of the hosts. This is in stark contrast to the Holmberg effect, in which satellites are aligned with the minor axes of host galaxies. The degree of anisotropy in the distribution of the SDSS satellites decreases with r_p and is consistent with an isotropic distribution at of order the 1-sigma level for 250 kpc < r_p < 500 kpc.Comment: ApJ Letters (in press); Discussion section substantially revised, SDSS DR3 included in the analysis, no significant changes to the result

    Mapping cumulative noise from shipping to inform marine spatial planning

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    Including ocean noise in marine spatial planning requires predictions of noise levels on large spatiotemporal scales. Based on a simple sound transmission model and ship track data (Automatic Identification System, AIS), cumulative underwater acoustic energy from shipping was mapped throughout 2008 in the west Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone, showing high noise levels in critical habitats for endangered resident killer whales, exceeding limits of “good conservation status” under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Error analysis proved that rough calculations of noise occurrence and propagation can form a basis for management processes, because spending resources on unnecessary detail is wasteful and delays remedial action

    The Firefighter Problem: A Structural Analysis

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    We consider the complexity of the firefighter problem where b>=1 firefighters are available at each time step. This problem is proved NP-complete even on trees of degree at most three and budget one (Finbow et al.,2007) and on trees of bounded degree b+3 for any fixed budget b>=2 (Bazgan et al.,2012). In this paper, we provide further insight into the complexity landscape of the problem by showing that the pathwidth and the maximum degree of the input graph govern its complexity. More precisely, we first prove that the problem is NP-complete even on trees of pathwidth at most three for any fixed budget b>=1. We then show that the problem turns out to be fixed parameter-tractable with respect to the combined parameter "pathwidth" and "maximum degree" of the input graph

    The Effect of External Power Output and Its Reliability on Propulsion Technique Variables in Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury

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    The purpose of this study was to assess 1) how treadmill slope variance affected external power output (PO) and propulsion technique reliability; and 2) how PO is associated with propulsion technique. Eighteen individuals with spinal cord injury performed two wheelchair treadmill exercise blocks (0% and 1% treadmill slope, standardized velocity) twice on two separate days. PO, velocity, and 14 propulsion technique variables were measured. In a follow-up study, N = 29 performed wheelchair treadmill drag tests. Target and actual slope were documented and PO, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and smallest detectable differences (SDD) were calculated. Within and between visits, the reliability study ICCs were perfect for velocity (1.0), weak for PO (0.33-0.46), and acceptable (>0.70) for five (0% slope) and 10 (1% slope) propulsion technique variables, resulting in SDDs of 35-196%. Measured PO explained 56-90% of the variance in key propulsion technique variables. In the follow-up, PO ICCs were weak (0.43) and SDDs high. Bias between target and actual slope appeared random. In conclusion, PO variability accounts for 50-90% of the variability in propulsion technique variables when speed and wheelchair set-up are held constant. Therefore, small differences in PO between interventions could mask the effect of the interventions on propulsion technique

    Classification of Construction Projects

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    The final publication is available at World Academy of Science via https://waset.org/Publication/classification-of-construction-projects/10001697 © 2015, This unmodified version is made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/In order to address construction project requirements and specifications, scholars and practitioners need to establish taxonomy according to a scheme that best fits their need. While existing characterization methods are continuously being improved, new ones are devised to cover project properties which have not been previously addressed. One such method, the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI), has received limited consideration strictly as a classification scheme. Developed by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) in 1996, the PDRI has been refined over the last two decades as a method for evaluating a project's scope definition completeness during front-end planning (FEP). The main contribution of this study is a review of practical project classification methods, and a discussion of how PDRI can be used to classify projects based on their readiness in the FEP phase. The proposed model has been applied to 59 construction projects in Ontario, and the results are discussed

    Cloning and analysis of a cDNA coding for bovine prothrombin.

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    The Opacity of Nearby Galaxies from Counts of Background Galaxies: II. Limits of the Synthetic Field Method

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    Recently, we have developed and calibrated the Synthetic Field Method (SFM) to derive the total extinction through disk galaxies. The method is based on the number counts and colors of distant background field galaxies that can be seen through the foreground object, and has been successfully applied to NGC 4536 and NGC 3664, two late-type galaxies located, respectively, at 16 and 11 Mpc. Here, we study the applicability of the SFM to HST images of galaxies in the Local Group, and show that background galaxies cannot be easily identified through these nearby objects, even with the best resolution available today. In the case of M 31, each pixel in the HST images contains 50 to 100 stars, and the background galaxies cannot be seen because of the intrinsic granularity due to strong surface brightness fluctuations. In the LMC, on the other hand, there is only about one star every six linear pixels, and the lack of detectable background galaxies results from a ``secondary'' granularity, introduced by structure in the wings of the point spread function. The success of the SFM in NGC 4536 and NGC 3664 is a natural consequence of the reduction of the intensity of surface brightness fluctuations with distance. When the dominant confusion factor is structure in the PSF wings, as is the case of HST images of the LMC, and would happen in M 31 images obtained with a 10-m diffraction- limited optical telescope, it becomes in principle possible to improve the detectability of background galaxies by subtracting the stars in the foreground object. However, a much better characterization of optical PSFs than is currently available would be required for an adequate subtraction of the wings. Given the importance of determining the dust content of Local Group galaxies, efforts should be made in that direction.Comment: 45 pages, 10 Postscript figure

    The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey: III. The Sample

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    The ESO Slice Project (ESP) is a galaxy redshift survey extending over about 23 square degrees, in a region near the South Galactic Pole. The survey is ~85% complete to the limiting magnitude b_J=19.4 and consists of 3342 galaxies with redshift determination. The ESP survey is intermediate between shallow, wide angle samples and very deep, one-dimensional pencil beams; the spanned volume is ~ 5 x 10^4 Mpc^3 at the sensitivity peak (z ~ 0.1). In this paper we present the description of the observations and of the data reduction, the ESP redshift catalogue and the analysis of the quality of the velocity determinations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 encapsulated figures, uses A&A LATEX; A&A Supplements in press (June 1998 issue
