65 research outputs found

    In the uncanny valley, transportation predicts narrative enjoyment more than empathy, but only for the tragic hero

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    The uncanny valley is a term used to describe the phenomenon that human simulations that are nearly but not quite realistic often give viewers an uneasy, eerie feeling. Given the prevalence of computer-animated human characters and a narrative framework in videogames, serious games, and health-related scenarios, it is important to examine how the uncanny valley influences narrative empathy and enjoyment. In a 2 × 2 × 2 between-groups posttest-only experiment, 738 participants took the role of a patient in a virtual consultation with a doctor; the consultation varied in the doctor's character (hero or villain), its subplot ending (happy or tragic), and its depiction (computer animated or real). The participants' posttest results showed greater emotional empathy and enjoyment in the hero condition and no significant difference in emotional empathy for the computer animation but greater narrative enjoyment and persuasion. Just endings (hero rewarded, villain punished) elicited much greater pleasure than unjust endings. In comparing computer animation with recorded video, emotional empathy was a significantly stronger predictor of narrative enjoyment than transportation only for the real hero with a tragic ending. The enjoyment and persuasiveness of the computer-animated doctor–patient consultation bodes well for the use of animation in interactive visual narratives

    Protosymbols that integrate recognition and response

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    We explore two controversial hypotheses through robotic implementation: (1) Processes involved in recognition and response are tightly coupled both in their operation and epigenesis; and (2) processes involved in symbol emergence should respect the integrity of recognition and response while exploiting the periodicity of biological motion. To that end, this paper proposes a method of recognizing and generating motion patterns based on nonlinear principal component neural networks that are constrained to model both periodic and transitional movements. The method is evaluated by an examination of its ability to segment and generalize different kinds of soccer playing activity during a RoboCup match

    The Influence of Holistic and Analytic Cognitive Styles on Online Information Design: Toward a communication theory of cultural cognitive design

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    Although studies have linked culture to online user preferences and performance, few communication researchers have recognized the impact of culture on online information design and usability. It is important to ask if people are better able to use and prefer Web sites created by designers from their own culture. We propose that to improve computer-mediated communication, Web site design should accommodate culturally diverse user groups. First, a body of research is presented that aligns East Asian cultures with more holistic cognitive styles and Western cultures with more analytical cognitive styles. Building on this contrast, a theory of cultural cognitive design is proposed as a means of understanding how cognitive styles that develop under the influence of culture lead to different ways of designing and organizing information for the Web

    Reducing consistency in human realism increases the uncanny valley effect; increasing category uncertainty does not

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    Human replicas may elicit unintended cold, eerie feelings in viewers, an effect known as the uncanny valley. Masahiro Mori, who proposed the effect in 1970, attributed it to inconsistencies in the replica’s realism with some of its features perceived as human and others as nonhuman. This study aims to determine whether reducing realism consistency in visual features increases the uncanny valley effect. In three rounds of experiments, 548 participants categorized and rated humans, animals, and objects that varied from computer animated to real. Two sets of features were manipulated to reduce realism consistency. (For humans, the sets were eyes–eyelashes–mouth and skin–nose–eyebrows.) Reducing realism consistency caused humans and animals, but not objects, to appear eerier and colder. However, the predictions of a competing theory, proposed by Ernst Jentsch in 1906, were not supported: The most ambiguous representations—those eliciting the greatest category uncertainty—were neither the eeriest nor the coldest

    Familiar faces rendered strange: Why inconsistent realism drives characters into the uncanny valley

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    Computer-modeled characters resembling real people sometimes elicit cold, eerie feelings. This effect, called the uncanny valley, has been attributed to uncertainty about whether the character is human or living or real. Uncertainty, however, neither explains why anthropomorphic characters lie in the uncanny valley nor their characteristic eeriness. We propose that realism inconsistency causes anthropomorphic characters to appear unfamiliar, despite their physical similarity to real people, owing to perceptual narrowing. We further propose that their unfamiliar, fake appearance elicits cold, eerie feelings, motivating threat avoidance. In our experiment, 365 participants categorized and rated objects, animals, and humans whose realism was manipulated along consistency-reduced and control transitions. These data were used to quantify a Bayesian model of categorical perception. In hypothesis testing, we found reducing realism consistency did not make objects appear less familiar, but only animals and humans, thereby eliciting cold, eerie feelings. Next, structural equation models elucidated the relation among realism inconsistency (measured objectively in a two-dimensional Morlet wavelet domain inspired by the primary visual cortex), realism, familiarity, eeriness, and warmth. The fact that reducing realism consistency only elicited cold, eerie feelings toward anthropomorphic characters, and only when it lessened familiarity, indicates the role of perceptual narrowing in the uncanny valley

    Sending an Avatar to Do a Human’s Job: Compliance with Authority Persists Despite the Uncanny Valley

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    Just as physical appearance affects social influence in human communication, it may also affect the processing of advice conveyed through avatars, computer-animated characters, and other human-like interfaces. Although the most persuasive computer interfaces are often the most human-like, they have been predicted to incur the greatest risk of falling into the uncanny valley, the loss of empathy attributed to characters that appear eerily human. Previous studies compared interfaces on the left side of the uncanny valley, namely, those with low human likeness. To examine interfaces with higher human realism, a between-groups factorial experiment was conducted through the internet with 426 midwestern U.S. undergraduates. This experiment presented a hypothetical ethical dilemma followed by the advice of an authority figure. The authority was manipulated in three ways: depiction (digitally recorded or computer animated), motion quality (smooth or jerky), and advice (disclose or refrain from disclosing sensitive information). Of these, only the advice changed opinion about the ethical dilemma, even though the animated depiction was significantly eerier than the human depiction. These results indicate that compliance with an authority persists even when using an uncannily realistic computer-animated double

    Categorization-based stranger avoidance does not explain the uncanny valley effect

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    The uncanny valley hypothesis predicts that an entity appearing almost human risks eliciting cold, eerie feelings in viewers. Categorization-based stranger avoidance theory identifies the cause of this feeling as categorizing the entity into a novel category. This explanation is doubtful because stranger is not a novel category in adults; infants do not avoid strangers while the category stranger remains novel; infants old enough to fear strangers prefer photographs of strangers to those more closely resembling a familiar person; and the uncanny valley’s characteristic eeriness is seldom felt when meeting strangers. We repeated our original experiment with a more realistic 3D computer model and found no support for categorization-based stranger avoidance theory. By contrast, realism inconsistency theory explains cold, eerie feelings elicited by transitions between instances of two different, mutually exclusive categories, given that at least one category is anthropomorphic: Cold, eerie feelings are caused by prediction error from perceiving some features as features of the first category and other features as features of the second category. In principle, realism inconsistency theory can explain not only negative evaluations of transitions between real and computer modeled humans but also between different vertebrate species

    Measuring the Uncanny Valley Effect

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    Using a hypothetical graph, Masahiro Mori proposed in 1970 the relation between the human likeness of robots and other anthropomorphic characters and an observer’s affective or emotional appraisal of them. The relation is positive apart from a U-shaped region known as the uncanny valley. To measure the relation, we previously developed and validated indices for the perceptual-cognitive dimension humanness and three affective dimensions: interpersonal warmth, attractiveness, and eeriness. Nevertheless, the design of these indices was not informed by how the untrained observer perceives anthropomorphic characters categorically. As a result, scatter plots of humanness vs. eeriness show the stimuli cluster tightly into categories widely separated from each other. The present study applies a card sorting task, laddering interview, and adjective evaluation ( N=30 ) to revise the humanness, attractiveness, and eeriness indices and validate them via a representative survey ( N=1311 ). The revised eeriness index maintains its orthogonality to humanness ( r=.04 , p=.285 ), but the stimuli show much greater spread, reflecting the breadth of their range in human likeness and eeriness. The revised indices enable empirical relations among characters to be plotted similarly to Mori’s graph of the uncanny valley. Accurate measurement with these indices can be used to enhance the design of androids and 3D computer animated characters

    La critique théâtrale de Chikamatsu Monzaemon et sa relation à la Vallée de l’étrange

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    Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653–1724) is Japan’s most celebrated playwright. His only known contribution to theater criticism, an interview with Hozumi Ikan (1738), is translated here into French for the first time. It sets out his theory of realism, illustrated with examples from puppet theater and kabuki, as a guide to writing great plays. Chikamatsu partitions realism into four zones: the unreal, conceptual realism, surface realism, and the real. The unreal lacks authenticity; surface realism lacks soul; and the real lacks expressiveness. It is conceptual realism that captivates an audience. Conceptual realism evokes empathy through characterization to let unfolding events drive the emotions. In the commentary that follows, Chikamatsu’s theory is compared with Mori Masahiro’s (1970) concept of the uncanny valley. The uncanny valley predicts affinity for robots and humans but not for robots that appear too human. While both Mori and Chikamatsu probe anthropomorphism, Chikamatsu’s theory can also be used to design interactive technologies that delight

    La critique théâtrale de Chikamatsu Monzaemon et sa relation à la Vallée de l’étrange

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    Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653–1724) est le dramaturge le plus célèbre du Japon. Sa seule contribution connue à la critique théâtrale, un entretien avec Hozumi Ikan (1738), est traduite ici en français pour la première fois. Il présente sa théorie du réalisme, illustrée par des exemples tirés du théâtre de marionnettes et du kabuki, comme un guide pour écrire de grandes pièces. Chikamatsu divise le réalisme en quatre zones : l’irréel, le réalisme conceptuel, le réalisme de surface et le réel. L’irréel manque d’authenticité, le réalisme de surface manque d’âme et le réel manque d’expressivité. Pour lui, seul le réalisme conceptuel est capable de captiver le public. Le réalisme conceptuel provoque l’empathie à travers la caractérisation, pour laisser la trame de l’histoire qui se déroule, guider naturellement les émotions. Dans le commentaire suivant, la théorie de Chikamatsu est comparée au concept de la vallée de l’étrange développé par Mori Masahiro (1970). La vallée de l’étrange prédit une affinité pour les humains et les robots, mais pas pour les robots qui semblent trop humains. Alors que Mori et Chikamatsu se confrontent tous les deux à la notion d’anthropomorphisme, nous voyons que la théorie de Chikamatsu peut également être utilisée dans la création de technologies interactives capables de susciter l’émerveillement.Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653–1724) is Japan’s most celebrated playwright. His only known contribution to theater criticism, an interview with Hozumi Ikan (1738), is translated here into French for the first time. It sets out his theory of realism, illustrated with examples from puppet theater and kabuki, as a guide to writing great plays. Chikamatsu partitions realism into four zones: the unreal, conceptual realism, surface realism, and the real. The unreal lacks authenticity; surface realism lacks soul; and the real lacks expressiveness. It is conceptual realism that captivates an audience. Conceptual realism evokes empathy through characterization to let unfolding events drive the emotions. In the commentary that follows, Chikamatsu’s theory is compared with Mori Masahiro’s (1970) concept of the uncanny valley. The uncanny valley predicts affinity for robots and humans but not for robots that appear too human. While both Mori and Chikamatsu probe anthropomorphism, Chikamatsu’s theory can also be used to design interactive technologies that delight
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