437 research outputs found

    Frictional decay of abyssal boundary currents

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    A theory is presented to explain the observed longevity of abyssal boundary currents flowing along sloping topography. Typically such currents are many Rossby radii wide, and their energy is dominantly potential, residing in the broad upturn of isopycnals near the slope. The rate of decay of energy, on the other hand, is governed by the much smaller kinetic energy of the flow absorbed by the bottom boundary layer. The spin-down time is thus increased by a (possibly large) factor of PE/KE times that required to dissipate the kinetic energy alone. The ratio PE/KE is calculated from data on two sections across the Deep Western Boundary Current in the North Atlantic, and is found to be 10 and 41 in those instances, consistent with the slow spin-down of the current in that region. The change in cross-sectional shape of the current during spin-down is predicted using a 1½-layer model. It is found that the upper tip of the current moves down the slope with a self-preserving shape, while the lower edge becomes thicker and broader. The along-slope transport of the current remains constant, even as the energy decreases. The spin-down time may be interpreted as that required for the Ekman transport to drain away the isopycnal displacement which defines the flow

    High Efficiency Twisted Leaf Blade Ceiling Fan

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    Twisted leaf shaped ceiling fan blades for low, medium and high speed operation of less than approximately 250 rpm. The novel blades twisted blades can be configured for 52, 54, 56, 60 and 64 diameter fans, and have less blades (3 for example) than conventional flat type bladed fans having 4, 5 blades and have greater air flow and less power draw results than the conventional flat 54 inch fans. Any of the novel twisted blades of 48, 52, 54, 56, 60 and 64 can be run at reduced speeds, drawing less Watts than conventional fans and still perform better with more air flow and less problems than conventional flat type conventional leaf shaped blades

    Alien Registration- Maccready, Hazel R. (Damariscotta, Lincoln County)

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    Sunraycer Odyssey

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    An innovative solar-powered car was created and built in just eight months; one of Sunraycer's creators describes its genesis and its victory in a race across Australia

    Community Based Global Learning

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    This panel explores frameworks for effective implementation and assessment of community-based learning. Relationships between universities and community partners must be just and reciprocal—meeting student learning outcomes and improving the capacity of the partner organizations. Case studies of both international and US-based community engaged learning will be presented

    Total exchange flow, entrainment, and diffusive salt flux in estuaries

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (2017): 1205-1220, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0258.1.The linkage among total exchange flow, entrainment, and diffusive salt flux in estuaries is derived analytically using salinity coordinates, revealing the simple but important relationship between total exchange flow and mixing. Mixing is defined and quantified in this paper as the dissipation of salinity variance. The method uses the conservation of volume and salt to quantify and distinguish the diahaline transport of volume (i.e., entrainment) and diahaline diffusive salt flux. A numerical model of the Hudson estuary is used as an example of the application of the method in a realistic estuary with a persistent but temporally variable exchange flow. A notable finding of this analysis is that the total exchange flow and diahaline salt flux are out of phase with respect to the spring–neap cycle. Total exchange flow reaches its maximum near minimum neap tide, but diahaline salt transport reaches its maximum during the maximum spring tide. This phase shift explains the strong temporal variation of stratification and estuarine salt content through the spring–neap cycle. In addition to quantifying temporal variation, the method reveals the spatial variation of total exchange flow, entrainment, and diffusive salt flux through the estuary. For instance, the analysis of the Hudson estuary indicates that diffusive salt flux is intensified in the wider cross sections. The method also provides a simple means of quantifying numerical mixing in ocean models because it provides an estimate of the total dissipation of salinity variance, which is the sum of mixing due to the turbulence closure and numerical mixing.T. Wang was supported by the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (Grant SKLEC-KF201509), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant 2017B03514), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant XDA11010203). W. R. Geyer was supported by NSF Grant OCE 0926427 and ONR Grant N00014-16-1-2948. P. MacCready was supported by NSF Grant OCE-1634148.2017-09-1

    Estuarine exchange flow is related to mixing through the salinity variance budget

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (2018): 1375-1384, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0266.1.The relationship between net mixing and the estuarine exchange flow may be quantified using a salinity variance budget. Here “mixing” is defined as the rate of destruction of volume-integrated salinity variance, and the exchange flow is quantified using the total exchange flow. These concepts are explored using an idealized 3D model estuary. It is shown that in steady state (e.g., averaging over the spring–neap cycle) the volume-integrated mixing is approximately given by Mixing ≅ SinSoutQr, where Sin and Sout are the representative salinities of in- and outflowing layers at the mouth and Qr is the river volume flux. This relationship provides an extension of the familiar Knudsen relation, in which the exchange flow is diagnosed based on knowledge of these same three quantities, quantitatively linking mixing to the exchange flow.The work was supported by the National Science Foundation through Grants OCE-1736242 to PM and OCE-1736539 to WRG and by the German Research Foundation through Grants TRR 181 and GRK 2000 to HB

    The coastal bottom boundary layer : a note on the model of Chapman and Lentz

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 37 (2007): 2776-2784, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3710.1.The bottom boundary layer of a stratified flow on a coastal continental shelf is examined using the model of Chapman and Lentz. The flow is driven by a surface stress, uniform in the alongshore coordinate, in a downwelling-favorable direction. The stress diminishes in the offshore direction and produces an Ekman pumping, as well as an onshore Ekman flux. The model yields an interior flow, sandwiched between an upper Ekman layer and a bottom boundary layer. The interior has a horizontal density gradient produced by a balance between horizontal diffusion of density and vertical advection of a background vertical density gradient. The interior flow is vertically sheared and in thermal wind balance. Whereas the original model of Chapman and Lentz considered an alongshore flow that is freely evolving, the present note focuses on the equilibrium structure of a flow driven by stress and discusses the vertical and lateral structure of the flow and, in particular, the boundary layer thickness. The vertical diffusivity of density in the bottom boundary layer is considered so strong, locally, as to render the bottom boundary layer’s density a function of only offshore position. Boundary layer budgets of mass, momentum, and buoyancy determine the barotropic component of the interior flow as well as the boundary layer thickness, which is a function of the offshore coordinate. The alongshore flow has enhanced vertical shear in the boundary layer that reduces the alongshore flow in the boundary layer; however, the velocity at the bottom is generally not zero but produces a stress that locally balances the applied surface stress. The offshore transport in the bottom boundary layer therefore balances the onshore surface Ekman flux. The model predicts the thickness of the bottom boundary layer, which is a complicated function of several parameters, including the strength of the forcing stress, the vertical and horizontal diffusion coefficients in the interior, and the horizontal diffusion in the boundary layer. The model yields a boundary layer over only a finite portion of the bottom slope if the interior diffusion coefficients are too large; otherwise, the layer extends over the full lateral extent of the domain.This research was supported in part by NSF Grant OCE-851086.00
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