137 research outputs found

    Influencia de las comunidades de aprendizaje en la evolución de las ideas de alumnos de Educación Infantil cuando aprenden ciencia mediante actividades experimentales

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en el diseño de una propuesta didácticasobre la electricidad y el magnetismo, basada en actividades experimentales, tanto de carácterindagador como más tradicionales. La propuestase implementa en dos colegios muy similares, que solo se diferencian en queuno de ellos cuenta con comunidades de aprendizaje. Nuestro objetivo principal es comparar los resultados de aprendizaje obtenidos porlos alumnos de 4 añosen el colegio que se trabaja por comunidades de aprendizajes frente a los delcolegio que no. El recurso metodológico de nuestra propuesta educativa han sido las actividades experimentales, tantode carácter indagador comono indagador, las cuales permiten a los alumnos manipular materiales,observary entender fenómenos,y fomentar capacidades científicas.Los resultados de la propuesta muestran la bondad de esta metodología innovadora, ya que en ambos colegios los niños, en su mayoría,no solohan adquirido los objetivos didácticos seleccionadoscon nuestra propuesta,sino quetambién han disfrutado muchísimo realizandoestasactividades científicas, mostrando interés por aprender. Por tanto, se corrobora la importancia que le dan muchos investigadores a incluir las ciencias en las aulas de educación infantil.Además,sorprendentemente,llegamos a la conclusión de que en el centro que no se trabaja por comunidades de aprendizajes, los niños adquirieronmayor conocimiento científico con las actividades experimentalesque los alumnos que trabajan por comunidades de aprendizajes. Creemos que esto ha sido debido a múltiples factores, tales como la complejidad de la temática para el alumnado, así como la menor autoridad o menor conocimiento sobre el recurso de las actividades experimentales de las voluntarias quelas tutoras y futuras docentes. Además, al ser las actividades experimentales un recurso que ya de por sí puede favorecer la poca concentración del alumnado de 4 años, el hecho de combinarlo con nuevos elementos (como presencia de nuevas personas en el aula) pudo favorecer la dispersión del alumnado. Por todo, no podemos establecer conclusiones concluyentes y extrapolables a otros ámbitos y contextos.This final degree is based on the design of a didactic proposal related to experimental activities, which is implemented in two similar schools, being theonly difference that one has learning communities. Our main goal is to compare the learning results given by scholars of four years old in both schools, one with learning communities against the other which does not have them.Our methodology resource has been based on experimental activities, both with researching features or not, which enables the pupils to manipulate materials, observe and understand phenomena, and increase their scientific abilities.The proposal results show the virtues of this innovative methodology because in both schools, most children have acquired the didactic goals selected by our approach. In addition, they have enjoyed a lot doing the scientific activities showing interest in learning. Therefore, the importance given by many researchers of including science subjects in pre-primary school is verified. Furthermore, we came to the conclusion that in the centre where there are not learning communities, children have acquired a higher scientific knowledge using experimental activities than those who work by means of communities of learning. We believe that this occurrence is due to two facts. On the one hand, children have different levels of concentration when they do different activities instead of only one. Moreover, because they are more interested in one activity than in another and they would prefer to do the one they like more. On the other hand, the other reason would be that the voluntary team taking part in this process did not possess the same level of authority as the teachers.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación infanti

    Identification and Characterization of White Grape Varieties Autochthonous of aWarm Climate Region (Andalusia, Spain)

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    The high sensitivity of one of the most important crops in the world, such as vine (Vitis vinifera L.), to particular changes caused by the phenomena associated with global warming, is encouraging the wine industry to place value on grape varieties that are autochthonous to each production area. These are generally conserved in germplasm banks and may pose a useful tool to counteract the effects of climate change. In order to determine the actual resource that such varieties constitute, this research has carried out a genetic identification, a morphological characterization, and an analysis of the grape musts obtained from four autochthonous varieties (Cañocazo, Castellano, Mantúo de Pilas, and Palomino Fino). This genetic analysis has allowed the identification of autochthonous varieties with different genotypes. However, all of them had similar phenotypic characteristics in terms of high hair density in adult leaves. With respect to the physicochemical composition of the musts, significant differences have been observed between the autochthonous varieties, with respect to the control variety of Palomino Fino. Nevertheless, all of them have exhibited an adequate physicochemical composition to produce quality white wines. For all of the above reasons, these local varieties should be considered suitable for cultivation in areas with warmer and drier climates, such as Andalusia (Spain)

    La evaluación por competencias en Educación Plástica en Primaria: Un estudio de caso

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    El Trabajo de Fin de Máster que presentamos constituye un proceso de investigación aplicada a la Educación cuya metodología se articula bajo una aproximación cualitativa. El objeto de estudio se centra en analizar si la evaluación de los aprendizajes que se está realizando en el área de educación artística, en la educación Primaria, refleja las directrices curriculares enfocadas a la evaluación por competencias en ese área. Para su análisis se ha optado por utilizar el método del Estudio de Caso, dado que nos interesa comprender en profundidad la realidad que nos ocupa. En la fase de recogida de datos se han empleado técnicas como la entrevista, la observación, el cuaderno de campo del investigador y la autoetnografía. Todas ellas con el objeto de obtener información relevante y profunda de los informantes (profesionales de la educación artística) que han participado en el proceso, ayudando así a iluminar el objeto de estudio. Las conclusiones obtenidas son diversas, destacando principalmente los desajustes que existen entre la concepción de la evaluación de los profesionales de la educación artística, su práctica evaluadora diaria y sus conexiones con el currículo oficial.Departamento de PedagogíaMáster en Investigación Aplicada a la Educació

    La educación patrimonial en Castilla y León: evaluación de programas y evaluación de aprendizajes en Secundaria y Bachillerato

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    Esta tesis tiene como núcleos temáticos la educación patrimonial y la evaluación. Estos dos núcleos temáticos mencionados comparten un desarrollo histórico controvertido, por lo cual se ha profundizado en las raíces teóricas, mediante análisis diacrónicos de ambos. La educación patrimonial evoluciona en la tesis como área pujante, para adquirir carta de naturaleza en un currículo de asignaturas clásicas y en unas estructuras legislativas y organizaciones con gran inercia. Esta evolución del área discurre paralela al trabajo de puesta en valor, que llevan haciendo numerosos grupos científicos universitarios en todo el territorio nacional, de los que se ha querido hacer una reseña interpretativa acerca de la perspectiva teórico-práctica que aporta cada uno. La evaluación es, por definición, un concepto polisémico que en sus múltiples concepciones y praxis veremos también reflejarse en estas páginas. Específicamente, más adelante, se elabora metodológicamente una selección de programas idónea de educación patrimonial en Castilla y León, en segundo lugar, se hace una revisión de la evaluación de aprendizajes en alumnos de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. Respecto de la selección de los programas de educación patrimonial a través de estándares, hemos hecho una traslación de las aportaciones teóricas de los grupos nacionales, buscando aquellos estándares que reflejen las distintas perspectivas que nos aporta cada grupo. Esta investigación se realiza a través del método mixto, predominando el proceso cualitativo, inspirándonos en eximios teóricos como Stake y su paradigma constructivista e interpretativo de la evaluación, a través de una serie diversificada de entrevistas bilaterales y multilaterales, observaciones en aula y cuestionarios, para validar nuestro estudio de caso. Las conclusiones se engloban en una invitación a la diversidad en varios sentidos: equilibrio de aprendizajes junto a didáctica de los mismos, sus técnicas, y evaluación multiforme. Diversidad de competencias a desarrollar por los alumnos amplificando lo dicho en el currículo. Diversidad y amplificación de la participación de todos los agentes implicados en el hecho educativo. Diversidad en las fuentes de motivación del profesorado: intrínsecas, institucionales e informales. Diversidad en los contenidos de educación patrimonial y profundización en la transversalidad, pero compaginándola con dar carta de naturaleza al área como asignatura con horas significativas de docencia.Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y CorporalDoctorado en Investigación Transdisciplinar en Educació

    Caracterización físico-química de aguas de mar contaminadas por evacuación de residuos de empresas en Tarqui.

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    The work presents a physical and chemical characterization of the marine waters of Tarqui – Manta beach, in the province of Manabí – Ecuador, considering the disposal of waste from industrial companies that have been operating in the city for several decades. Whereas industrial activity is one of the main pollutants in the environment; An analysis must be made to reduce its inoculation without harming the commercial and labor activity that benefits the inhabitants of the environment. Therefore, it was established that the location of these companies must be governed by the competent bodies of the country. For this, a quantitative methodology was used that allowed to measure physical and chemical parameters of marine waters. For the collection of samples was distributed in four sectors of 50m distance and these samples were taken for four weeks for their respective analysis. Among the main results was that this area maintains a high level of pollution due to industrial waste, managing to establish that the pH is at the limit and the TDS at a very high level compared to the recommended average. So it was concluded that waste emissions are totally high on this beach, which directly affects the marine and human food chain of the sector.El trabajo presenta una caracterización física y química de las aguas marinas de la playa Tarqui – Manta, en la provincia de Manabí –Ecuador, fundamentado en la evacuación de los residuos de las empresas industriales que funcionan en la cuidad. Considerando que la actividad industrial es uno de los principales contaminantes del medio ambiente; se realiza un análisis para reducir su inoculación sin perjudicar la actividad comercial y laboral del entorno. Por lo que, se utilizó una metodología de tipo cuantitativa que permitió medir parámetros físicos y químicos de las aguas marinas. Para la toma de muestras se distribuyó en cuatro sectores de 50m de distancia y por cuatro semanas consecutivas para su respectivo análisis. Entre los principales resultados fue que esta zona mantiene un nivel alto de contaminación a causa de los residuos industriales, logrando establecer que el pH está al límite (7 a 8,47) y el TDS (74,00ppm) en nivel muy alto en comparación al promedio recomendado (36,00ppm), el nivel de turbidez fue sumamente alto, en especial en la primera (42,47) y tercera semana (13,21) puesto que lo recomendado es de 5 NTU. Por lo que se concluyó que, las emisiones de residuos son totalmente altas, lo que afecta directamente a la cadena alimenticia marina y humana del sector

    Preliminary Study of Somatic Variants of Palomino Fino (Vitis vinifera L.) Grown in aWarm Climate Region (Andalusia, Spain)

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    Vegetative propagation ofVitis viniferacultivars over hundreds of years has led to the accumulation of a large number of somatic variants of the same grapevine variety. These variants are now considered a working tool to cope with changing environmental conditions as a result of, among others, global warming. In this work, three somatic variants of the major grapevine variety of the South West (SW) of Andalusia (Spain), Palomino Fino, have been genetically and morphologically characterized, as well as their grape musts from two different vintages. The genetic analysis at 22 microsatellite loci confirmed the identity of the three somatic variants that presented the same genotype as Palomino Fino, while the morphological study showed differences between the three somatic variants and Palomino Fino, highlighting the somatic variant Palomino Peluson. Regarding the physicochemical analysis of its musts, differences were also observed between the somatic variants and Palomino Fino. As a result of all of the above, the use of grapes from somatic variants can be a viable and natural alternative for the production of quality wines in warm climate areas. On the other hand, promoting the cultivation of the somatic variants could contribute to preventing the loss of Palomino Fino intraspecific variability

    Physicochemical and Nutritional Characterization of Winemaking Lees: A New Food Ingredient

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    Wine lees are defined as the sediment formed at the bottom of the tank or barrel after wine alcoholic fermentation. They have a heterogeneous composition and currently constitute 6% of the byproducts generated by each ton of wine grapes. However, it is the most under-researched of all the byproducts of the winemaking process. Therefore, with the aim of highlighting this byproduct, a physicochemical and nutritional characterization of winemaking lees from three different wine making processes (white, rose, and red winemaking) was carried out. In addition, the technological properties of these winemaking lees were also analyzed. The lees analyzed in this research demonstrated an interesting nutritional and heterogeneous composition. Moreover, wine lees showed high values of emulsifying capacity. Thus, winemaking lees could be considered, in a preliminary way, as a new ingredient to be included in new food formulations

    Effect of Grape Over-Ripening and Its Skin Presence on White Wine Alcoholic Fermentation in a Warm Climate Zone

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    The current trend of rising temperatures and sun irradiation associated to climate change is pushing traditional grape-producing areas with a warm climate towards a very accelerated ripening, leading to earlier harvesting dates and grape must with an unbalanced composition. However, this climatic trend could be exploited to produce other types of wine. In this sense, the increase in temperature could be used to produce wines with overripe grapes. In this regard, the aim of this research work is to evaluate the influence of different degrees and techniques of grape over-ripening to produce wines with the presence or absence of its skins during alcoholic fermentation. To this end, a physicochemical characterization of grape musts and wines obtained from overripe grapes and the monitoring of their fermentation has been performed. Over-ripening grapes by sun-drying has been established as a viable technique viability, producing musts and wines with unique physicochemical and sensory characteristics. In view of the above, it is considered that the production of wines from overripe grapes and in the presence or absence of grape skins is a viable approach to make new white wines taking advantage of the conditions imposed by climate change in a warm climate zone and meet the trends and expectations of current wine consumers.This researchwas funded by PALOMINOSWINES research contract, fund number OT2018-093

    Influence of the Presence of Grape Skins during White Wine Alcoholic Fermentation

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    The production of white wines with the presence of grape skins is a historical technique used in different regions with winemaking tradition. However, the current trend is to maintain the presence of grape skins during white wine making only during the pre-fermentation phase in order to enrich and give greater complexity to the sensory profile of the wines. Given these precedents, this study is the first to consider the effect of the presence of different grape skins doses throughout the alcoholic fermentation process. To this end, the effect of 5 different doses of grape skins (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%) has been studied with respect to a control (0%) during alcoholic fermentation, the physicochemical composition of the final wines and a preliminary sensory analysis. The presence of grape skins has led to an increase in viable biomass and speed of fermentation with respect to the control. However, no differences have been observed in terms of the consumption of nitrogenous sources by yeasts. The wines produced have not shown great differences in their physicochemical composition, except for the volatile acidity. In addition, the preliminary sensory analysis showed differences between the different grape skins doses studied, where the wine produced with 20% grape skins has been the best evaluated by the tasting panel. In this sense, the production of wines with a 20% grape skins presence during the entire alcoholic fermentation is presented as a viable technique that would allow the diversification of the production of white wines and meet the trends and expectations of current wine consumers

    Bee Pollen Role in RedWinemaking: Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Tintilla de Rota Warm Climate RedWines

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    One of the main aspects that define wine quality is its aromatic profile. Nutritional deficiencies in musts can lead to olfactory defects and a decline in quality. Commercial activators and nutrients are usually added to the must in these cases. The natural composition of bee pollen can provide all the necessary nutrients for yeasts. This investigation aims to analyze the impact of pollen addition on the profile of volatile and sensory compounds in Tintilla de Rota warm climate red wines. Volatile compounds were measured by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Odorant Activity Values analysis to find out each compound's fragrant participation, and sensorial analysis was conducted for a qualified panel of wine-tasters. As a result of the chromatographic analysis, 80 volatile compounds of different chemical families were identified and quantified. Bee pollen increased mainly isoamyl alcohol, esters, and terpenes compounds families in wines. Odorant Activity Values analysis showed an increase in fruity odorant series mainly, followed by floral, for all wines with pollen addition. The sensory analysis showed that low pollen doses (0.1 g/L and 0.25 g/L) increased tasting notes of fruit and floral attributes and fruit and floral odorant series as well, highlighting an increase in red and black fruit notes mainly. On the other hand, high doses deviated the sensory profile towards fleshy stone fruit, and raisin fruit, mostly. In addition, high bee pollen doses produce an increase in the odorant category responsible for the chemical, fatty, and grassy aromas mainly, and high and intermediate dose (1 g/L) an increase in the earthy notes in the aromas. Therefore, low bee pollen doses (0.1 and 0.25 g/L) can improve both the aromatic compound profile, as well as the Odorant Activity Values levels and the sensory profile in Tintilla de Rota red wines.Universidad de Cádi