41 research outputs found

    Youth Help-Seeking Intention During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparison of Infection Rate In Living Area

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    The aim of this study was to compare help-seeking intentions among youth living in areas with different Covid-19 infection rates during the pandemic. Data was collected using demographical questions and the General Help-seeking Questionnaire from a sample of 1,340 adolescents (971 females, 369 males) between August 11th and 21st, 2020. Of these participants, 423 (122 females, 301 males) were eligible for analysis. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and ANOVA. The results showed that youth living in areas with low Covid-19 infection rates had higher help-seeking intentions than those living in areas with high infection rates or no Covid-19 cases. These findings suggest that the rate of Covid-19 infection in an individual's living area may impact their help-seeking intentions during the pandemic. Further research is needed to fully understand the factors that contribute to help-seeking intentions during times of crisis and to develop interventions to support individuals in need of help. It is also important to consider the potential impact of other factors, such as access to resources and support systems, on help-seeking intentions among youth

    Sources of Students’ Mental Health Help-Seeking during the Pandemic: a Descriptive Report from Indonesia

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    This article investigates the level of help-seeking among Indonesian students during the covid-19 pandemic. Using an online General Help-seeking Questionnaire, the author collected data from several provinces in Indonesia. A total of 411 (Perempuan = 308; Laki-laki = 103; M Usia = 15,61; SD = 1,57) participants were given their consent to be involved in the study. Results showed that 4 (four) primary sources of help will probably be accessed by students when they experience anxiety or fear during covid-19. Those are help from parents, doctors, family members other than parents, and mental health professionals. These findings imply that parents, doctors, family members, and mental health professionals play a significant role in supporting students. Furthermore, these findings also highlight the need for greater awareness and access to mental health services among Indonesian students. Finally, these sources of help should be prepared with first aid mental health skills to provide appropriate support for the students

    Anxiety in Pregnant Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    The prevalence of anxiety experienced by pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic could not be overlooked. This study aims to discover the various causes of anxiety experienced by pregnant women during the pandemic. After explaining the research objectives and obtaining informed consent, author interviewed seven pregnant women. All informant were married, majority of them were working, and all husbands of the interviewees also had permanent jobs. The data analyzed using an interpretive phenomenological approach. The study results show that four main themes cause anxiety in pregnant women amid a pandemic, namely immediate changes, health concerns, access to health services, and social isolation. This study highlights the prevalence of anxiety among pregnant women during covid-19 pandemic. It also emphasizes the importance of taking into consideration factors such as immediate changes, health concerns, access to health care, and social isolation while implementing intervention to reduce this issue. Furthermore, policymakers should prioritize these four main themes in arranging covid-19 mitigation guidelines or protocol specifically for pregnant women

    The Relationship of Religiosity towards Students’ Perceived Teacher Management Skills and Its Implications for Guidance and Counseling Practice

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    The present study aimed to examine the relationship between religiosity and students' perceived teacher management skills, and to explore the implications of this relationship for guidance and counseling practice. A sample of 102 participants was collected from a specific population and cultural context, and religiosity and perceived teacher management skills were measured using adapted and validated scales. Results of a regression analysis showed that there is a weak but statistically significant relationship between religiosity and perceived teacher management skills, with religiosity explaining a small percentage of the variance in perceived teacher management skills. These findings suggest that religiosity may play a small role in shaping students' perceptions of their teachers' management skills, but it is not the only factor. Overall, the study suggests that guidance and counseling practice should consider other factors such as the teachers' personal characteristics, teaching methods and environmental factors when working with teachers. It would beneficial to make an effective teaching for the teacher and learning for the students. Keywords: Teacher Management Skills, Students' Perceptions, Guidance and Counseling Practic

    Paradoxical intervention dalam bimbingan dan konseling untuk mengatasi kecemasan

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    AbstrakKecemasan adalah perasaan tidak menentu yang membuat seseorang merasa takut dan khawatir. Kecemasan pada tingkat tertentu mampu membuat seseorang menjadi lebih produktif, sebaliknya, kecemasan berlebihan dapat merusak. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi kecemasan adalah pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling, terutama menggunakan paradoxical intervention yang telah terbukti efektif untuk mengatasi gangguan kecemasan. Melalui artikel ini penulis mencoba menyajikan satu teknik intervensi unik yang bisa menjadi alternatif  bagi guru bimbingan dan konseling atau konselor untuk membantu konseli mengatasi kecemasan dan meningkatkan keefektifan layanan bimbingan dan konseling.Kata Kunci : Kecemasan, Bimbingan dan Konseling, Paradoxical Intervention. AbstractAnxiety is an uncertain feeling that makes someone fear and worry. Anxiety in a certain level able to makes someone more productive, in opposite, excessive anxiety can be obstructive. An effort that can utilize to reduce anxiety is guidance and counseling, particularly, paradoxical intervention which evidence-based shown highly effective to overcome the anxiety disorder. Through this article author is trying to present an unique intervention technique which can be an alternative for guidance and counseling teacher or counselor in order to help counselee coping with anxiety and promoting the effectiveness of guidance and counseling service.Keywords : Anxiety, Guidance and Counseling, Paradoxical Intervention

    The Influence of Stress and Resilience on Procrastination in Adolescents

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    Procrastination in adolescents does not happen immediately like me, there are several factors that trigger procrastination, including stress and resilience. This study aims to find out whether stress and resilience have an influence on procrastination. The type of research in this research is quantitative using a descriptive research design. The results of the study stated that stress and resilience can affect procrastination by 4.8%, which means that these two variables have very little effect on procrastination. While the significance value is 0.60 > 0.05, which means it is not significant. Specifically, there is a low negative correlation between stress and resilience (r = -0.017), meaning that the higher the individual's resilience, the lower the stress level. There is a strong positive correlation between stress and procrastination (r = 0.202), meaning that the higher the individual's stress level, the higher the procrastination. In addition, procrastination was found to have a small positive correlation with resilience (r = 0.081), meaning that high resilience in individuals can make individuals procrastinate, but with a small percentage. It can be concluded that there is an insignificant effect between stress and resilience on procrastination, which is 4.8% which tends to be small

    Bangkit Saja atau Sudah Berkembang: Perbandingan Resiliensi Pada Mahasiswa

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    Resiliency is a term to define about someone situation who has ability to bounce back ofter depressing psychological event. This research is describing and comparing between South Sumatera student and Lampung student resilience. It using analitical device concerning brief resilience scale (Smith et al., 2008). Toward analytical data engaging descriptive quantitative and T-Test to find out the differences between two samples. And The results showing that the score of Sig (2-tailed) 0,054 > 0,05 which means no differences between South Sumatra and Lampung students, however the resilience average of  Lampung is higher than South Sumatera student

    The Relationship of Demographical Factors on University Students’ Coping Strategy

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    This study examined the relationship between demographical factors and coping strategies in university students. A sample of 606 students from a large public university in the Indonesia completed an online survey that included measures of demographical factors (such as gender, age, living area, siblings, spending in a month, part-time job, and living arrangement) and coping strategies. The results of the study indicated that having a part-time job was significantly correlated with coping strategies overall, as well as with problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping in particular. Other demographical factors, such as gender, age, living area, siblings, spending in a month, and living arrangement, were not found to be significantly correlated with coping strategies. These findings have important implications for understanding the ways in which demographical factors influence coping strategies in university students and may inform the development of targeted interventions to support the mental health and well-being of university students. Future research could consider using a more diverse sample and a longitudinal design to more fully understand the complex relationships between demographical factors and coping strategies in university students. Keywords: Demographical Factors, Coping Strategies, Mental Healt

    Pengaruh Prokrastinasi dan Stres Terhadap Resiliensi Pada Remaja

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    Remaja cenderung mempunyai tingkat prokrastinasi (menunda-nunda) yang cukup tinggi. Prokrastinasi yang dialami remaja terjadi karena faktor seperti, stres dan resiliensi. Tujuan penelitian ini agar mengetahui seberapa tingkat pengaruh dari prokrastinasi dan stres terhadap resiliensi. Disini peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Responden di penelitian adalah 117, yang terdiri dari pelajar SMP dan Mahasiswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pengaruh dari prokrastinasi dan stres terhadap resiliensi sebesar 0,7%, artinya variabel prokrastinasi dan stres ini sedikit berpengaruh terhadap resiliensi. Untuk nilai signifikan sebesar .659 nilainya lebih besar dari 0,05 dan dikatakan tidak signifikan. Kesimpulan adanya ketidak signifikan pengaruh prokrastinasi dan stres terhadap resiliensi sebesar 0,7%, nilai yang sangat rendah