19 research outputs found

    Regular oscillations and random motion of glass microspheres levitated by a single optical beam in air

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    We experimentally report on optical binding of many glass particles in air that levitate in a single optical beam. A diversity of particle sizes and shapes interact at long range in a single Gaussian beam. Our system dynamics span from oscillatory to random and dimensionality ranges from 1 to 3D. The low loss for the center of mass motion of the beads could allow this system to serve as a standard many body testbed, similar to what is done today with atoms, but at the mesoscopic scale

    Toward Transformable Photonics: Reversible Deforming Soft Cavities, Controlling Their Resonance Split and Directional Emission

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    We report on reversible and continuously deformable soft micro-resonators and the control of their resonance split and directional emission. Assisted by computerized holographic-tweezers, functioning as an optical deformer of our device, we gradually deform the shape and change the functionality of a droplet whispering-gallery cavity. For example, we continuously deform hexagonal cavities to rectangular ones and demonstrate switching to directionally emitting mode-of-operation, or splitting a resonant mode to a 10-GHz separated doublet. A continuous trend of improving spatial light modulators and tweezers suggests that our method is scalable and can control the shape and functionality of many individual devices. We also demonstrate optional solidification, proving the feasibility of transformer-enabled applications, including in printing optical circuits and multiwavelength optical networks

    Flying Couplers Above Spinning Resonators Generate Irreversible Refraction

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    Creating optical components that allow light to propagate in only one direction - that is, that allow non-reciprocal propagation or \u27isolation\u27 of light - is important for a range of applications. Non-reciprocal propagation of sound can be achieved simply by using mechanical components that spin 1,2 . Spinning also affects de Broglie waves 3, so a similar idea could be applied in optics. However, the extreme rotation rates that would be required, owing to light travelling much faster than sound, lead to unwanted wobbling. This wobbling makes it difficult to maintain the separation between the spinning devices and the couplers to within tolerance ranges of several nanometres, which is essential for critical coupling 4,5 . Consequently, previous applications of optical 6-17 and optomechanical 10,17-20 isolation have used alternative methods. In hard-drive technology, the magnetic read heads of a hard-disk drive fly aerodynamically above the rapidly rotating disk with nanometre precision, separated by a thin film of air with near-zero drag that acts as a lubrication layer 21 . Inspired by this, here we report the fabrication of photonic couplers (tapered fibres that couple light into the resonators) that similarly fly above spherical resonators with a separation of only a few nanometres. The resonators spin fast enough to split their counter-circulating optical modes, making the fibre coupler transparent from one side while simultaneously opaque from the other - that is, generating irreversible transmission. Our setup provides 99.6 per cent isolation of light in standard telecommunication fibres, of the type used for fibre-based quantum interconnects 22 . Unlike flat geometries, such as between a magnetic head and spinning disk, the saddle-like, convex geometry of the fibre and sphere in our setup makes it relatively easy to bring the two closer together, which could enable surface-science studies at nanometre-scale separations

    Microspheres with Atomic-Scale Tolerances Generate Hyperdegeneracy

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    Degeneracies play a crucial rule in precise scientific measurements as well as in sensing applications. Spherical resonators have a high degree of degeneracy thanks to their highest symmetry; yet, fabricating perfect spheres is challenging because even a stem to hold the sphere breaks the symmetry. Here we fabricate a levitating spherical resonator that is evanescently coupled to a standard optical fiber. We characterize the resonators to exhibit an optical quality factor exceeding a billion, 10  μm radius, and sphericity to within less than 1 Å. Using our high quality and sphericity, we experimentally lift degeneracies of orders higher than 200, which we resolve with optical finesse exceeding 10 000 000. We then present our experimentally measured degenerate modes as well as their density of states next to our corresponding theoretical calculation. Our contactless photonic resonator is compatible with standard telecom fiber technology, exhibits the highest resonance enhancement as defined by (quality factor)/(mode volume), and the modes populating our cavity show the highest order of degeneracy reported in any system ever studied. This is in comparison with other settings that typically utilize the lowest-order twofold degeneracy

    Visualization 3: Cavity optocapillaries

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    Listening to droplet thermal fluctuations (soundtrack) while sweeping the laser via two resonances (movie). The fluctuation in droplet radius is converted to audio as-is and with no signal processing or frequency conversion. Originally published in Optica on 20 May 2016 (optica-3-5-552