78 research outputs found

    Multi-level analyses of spatial and temporal determinants for dengue infection

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is now endemic in most tropical countries. In Thailand, dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever is a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children. A longitudinal study among 1750 people in two rural and one urban sites in northern Thailand from 2001 to 2003 studied spatial and temporal determinants for recent dengue infection at three levels (time, individual and household). METHODS: Determinants for dengue infection were measured by questionnaire, land-cover maps and GIS. IgM antibodies against dengue were detected by ELISA. Three-level multi-level analysis was used to study the risk determinants of recent dengue infection. RESULTS: Rates of recent dengue infection varied substantially in time from 4 to 30%, peaking in 2002. Determinants for recent dengue infection differed per site. Spatial clustering was observed, demonstrating variation in local infection patterns. Most of the variation in recent dengue infection was explained at the time-period level. Location of a person and the environment around the house (including irrigated fields and orchards) were important determinants for recent dengue infection. CONCLUSION: We showed the focal nature of asymptomatic dengue infections. The great variation of determinants for recent dengue infection in space and time should be taken into account when designing local dengue control programs

    The Sequence of Delta24-RGD and TMZ Administration in Malignant Glioma Affects the Role of CD8(+)T Cell Anti-tumor Activity

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    The conditionally replicating oncolytic adenovirus Delta24-RGD (Ad) is currently under investigation in clinical trials for glioblastoma, including in combination with temozolomide (TMZ), the standard chemotherapy for this tumor. Previously, we showed that the efficacy of Delta24-RGD in a murine model is primarily dependent on the virus-induced anti-tumor immune response. As observed with most chemotherapies, TMZ has pronounced immune-modulating effects. Here, we studied the combined effects of these treatments in a murine glioma model. In vitro, we observed a synergistic activity between Delta24-RGD and TMZ. In vivo, C57BL/6 mice bearing intracranial GL261 tumors were treated with TMZ for 5 days either prior to intratumoral Delta24-RGD injection (TMZ/Ad) or post virus injection (Ad/TMZ). Notably, the Ad/TMZ regimen led to similar tumoral CD8+ T cell influx as the virus-only treatment, but increased the ability of CD8+ T cells to specifically recognize the tumor cells. This was accompanied by improved survival. The TMZ/Ad regimen also improved survival significantly compared to controls, but not compared to virus alone. In this group, the influx of dendritic cells is impaired, followed by a significantly lower number of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and no recognition of tumor cells. Depletion of either CD4+ T cells or CD8+ T cells impaired the efficacy of Delta24-RGD, underscoring the role of these cells in therapeutic activity of the virus. Overall, we show that the addition of TMZ to Delta24-RGD treatment leads to a significant increase in survival and that the order of sequence of these treatments affects the CD8+T cell anti-tumor activity

    Pridopidine selectively occupies sigma-1 rather than dopamine D2 receptors at behaviorally active doses

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    Dopamine stabilizers have stimulatory actions under low dopamine tone and inhibitory actions under high dopamine tone without eliciting catalepsy. These compounds are dopamine D-2 receptor (D2R) antagonists or weak partial agonists and may have pro-mnemonic and neuroprotective effects. The mechanism underlying their stimulatory and neuroprotective actions is unknown but could involve sigma-1R binding. The present study examined sigma-1R and D2R occupancy by the dopamine stabilizer pridopidine (ACR16) at behaviorally relevant doses in living rats. Rats were administered 3 or 15 mg/kg pridopidine, or saline, before injection of the radiotracer C-11-SA4503 (sigma-1R) or C-11-raclopride (D2R). Some animals received 60 mg/kg pridopidine and were only scanned with C-11-raclopride. Cerebral C-11-SA4503 binding was quantified using metabolite-corrected plasma input data and distribution volume (V (T)) calculated by Logan graphical analysis. C-11-raclopride binding was quantified using striatum-to-cerebellum ratios and binding potentials calculated with a simplified reference tissue model. Cunningham-Lassen plots indicated sigma-1R occupancies of 57 +/- 2 and 85 +/- 2 % after pretreatment of animals with 3 and 15 mg/kg pridopidine. A significant (44-66 %) reduction of C-11-raclopride binding was only observed at 60 mg/kg pridopidine. At doses shown to elicit neurochemical and behavioral effects, pridopidine occupied a large fraction of sigma-1Rs and a negligible fraction of D(2)Rs. Significant D2R occupancy was only observed at a dose 20-fold higher than was required for sigma-1R occupancy. The characteristics of dopamine stabilizers may result from the combination of high sigma-1R and low D2R affinity

    Skin marker-based versus bone morphology-based coordinate systems of the hindfoot and forefoot

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    Segment coordinate systems (CSs) of marker-based multi-segment foot models are used to measure foot kinematics, however their relationship to the underlying bony anatomy is barely studied. The aim of this study was to compare marker-based CSs (MCSs) with bone morphology-based CSs (BCSs) for the hindfoot and forefoot. Markers were placed on the right foot of fifteen healthy adults according to the Oxford, Rizzoli and Amsterdam Foot Model (OFM, RFM and AFM, respectively). A CT scan was made while the foot was loaded in a simulated weight-bearing device. BCSs were based on axes of inertia. The orientation difference between BCSs and MCSs was quantified in helical and 3D Euler angles. To determine whether the marker models were able to capture inter-subject variability in bone poses, linear regressions were performed. Compared to the hindfoot BCS, all MCSs were more toward plantar flexion and internal rotation, and RFM was also oriented toward more inversion. Compared to the forefoot BCS, OFM and RFM were oriented more toward dorsal and plantar flexion, respectively, and internal rotation, while AFM was not statistically different in the sagittal and transverse plane. In the frontal plane, OFM was more toward eversion and RFM and AFM more toward inversion compared to BCS. Inter-subject bone pose variability was captured with RFM and AFM in most planes of the hindfoot and forefoot, while this variability was not captured by OFM. When interpreting multi-segment foot model data it is important to realize that MCSs and BCSs do not always align.</p

    Loss-of-function variants in the schizophrenia risk gene SETD1A alter neuronal network activity in human neurons through the cAMP/PKA pathway

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    Heterozygous loss-of-function (LoF) mutations in SETD1A, which encodes a subunit of histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase, cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome and increase the risk for schizophrenia. Using CRISPR-Cas9, we generate excitatory/inhibitory neuronal networks from human induced pluripotent stem cells with a SETD1A heterozygous LoF mutation (SETD1A+/−). Our data show that SETD1A haploinsufficiency results in morphologically increased dendritic complexity and functionally increased bursting activity. This network phenotype is primarily driven by SETD1A haploinsufficiency in glutamatergic neurons. In accordance with the functional changes, transcriptomic profiling reveals perturbations in gene sets associated with glutamatergic synaptic function. At the molecular level, we identify specific changes in the cyclic AMP (cAMP)/Protein Kinase A pathway pointing toward a hyperactive cAMP pathway in SETD1A+/− neurons. Finally, by pharmacologically targeting the cAMP pathway, we are able to rescue the network deficits in SETD1A+/− cultures. Our results demonstrate a link between SETD1A and the cAMP-dependent pathway in human neurons.publishedVersio

    Targeted SERPIN (TaSER): a dual-action antithrombotic agent that targets platelets for SERPIN delivery

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    Background: Occlusive thrombi are not homogeneous in composition. The core of a thrombus is rich in activated platelets and fibrin while the outer shell contains resting platelets. This core is inaccessible to plasma proteins. We produced a fusion protein (targeted SERPIN–TaSER), consisting of a function-blocking V HH against glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) and a thrombin-inhibiting serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN; α1-antitrypsin 355AIAR 358) to interfere with platelet-driven thrombin formation. Aim: To evaluate the antithrombotic properties of TaSER. Methods: Besides TaSER, we generated three analogous control variants with either a wild-type antitrypsin subunit, a non-targeting control V HH, or their combination. We investigated TaSER and controls in protease activity assays, (platelet-dependent) thrombin generation assays, and by western blotting. The effects of TaSER on platelet activation and von Willebrand factor (VWF) binding were studied by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, in agglutination studies, and in ATP secretion experiments. We studied the influence of TaSER in whole blood (1) on platelet adhesion on VWF, (2) aggregate formation on collagen, and (3) thrombus formation (after recalcification) on collagen and tissue factor. Results: TaSER binds platelets and inhibits thrombin activity on the platelet surface. It blocks VWF binding and disassembles platelet agglutinates. TaSER delays tissue factor-triggered thrombin generation and ATP secretion in platelet-rich plasma in a targeted manner. In flow studies, TaSER interferes with platelet adhesion and aggregate formation due to GPIbα blockade and limits thrombus formation due to targeted inhibition of platelet-dependent thrombin activity. Conclusion: The synergy between the individual properties of TaSER makes it a highly effective antithrombotic agent with possible clinical implications

    A mutation in the kringle domain of human factor XII that causes autoinflammation, disturbs zymogen quiescence, and accelerates activation

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    Coagulation factor XII (FXII) drives production of the inflammatory peptide bradykinin. Pathological mutations in the F12 gene, which encodes FXII, provoke acute tissue swelling in hereditary angioedema (HAE). Interestingly, a recently identified F12 mutation, causing a W268R substitution, is not associated with HAE. Instead, FXII-W268R carriers experience cold-inducible urticarial rash, arthralgia, fever, and fatigue. Here, we aimed to investigate the molecular characteristics of the FXII-W268R variant. We expressed wild type FXII (FXII-WT), FXII-W268R, and FXII-T309R (which causes HAE), as well as other FXII variants in HEK293 freestyle cells. Using chromogenic substrate assays, immunoblotting, and ELISA, we analyzed expression media, cell lysates, and purified proteins for FXII activation. Recombinant FXII-W268R forms increased amounts of intracellular cleavage products that are also present in expression medium and display enzymatic activity. The active site-incapacitated variant FXII-W268R/S544A reveals that intracellular fragmentation is largely dependent on autoactivation. Purified FXII-W268R is highly sensitive to activation by plasma kallikrein and plasmin, compared with FXII-WT or FXII-T309R. Furthermore, binding studies indicated that the FXII-W268R variant leads to the exposure of a plasminogen-binding site that is cryptic in FXII-WT. In plasma, recombinant FXII-W268R spontaneously triggers high-molecular-weight kininogen cleavage. Our findings suggest that the W268R substitution influences FXII protein conformation and exposure of the activation loop, which is concealed in FXII-WT. This results in intracellular autoactivation and constitutive low-grade secretion of activated FXII. These findings help to explain the chronically increased contact activation in carriers of the FXII-W268R variant

    NFIA Haploinsufficiency Is Associated with a CNS Malformation Syndrome and Urinary Tract Defects

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    Complex central nervous system (CNS) malformations frequently coexist with other developmental abnormalities, but whether the associated defects share a common genetic basis is often unclear. We describe five individuals who share phenotypically related CNS malformations and in some cases urinary tract defects, and also haploinsufficiency for the NFIA transcription factor gene due to chromosomal translocation or deletion. Two individuals have balanced translocations that disrupt NFIA. A third individual and two half-siblings in an unrelated family have interstitial microdeletions that include NFIA. All five individuals exhibit similar CNS malformations consisting of a thin, hypoplastic, or absent corpus callosum, and hydrocephalus or ventriculomegaly. The majority of these individuals also exhibit Chiari type I malformation, tethered spinal cord, and urinary tract defects that include vesicoureteral reflux. Other genes are also broken or deleted in all five individuals, and may contribute to the phenotype. However, the only common genetic defect is NFIA haploinsufficiency. In addition, previous analyses of Nfia−/− knockout mice indicate that Nfia deficiency also results in hydrocephalus and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Further investigation of the mouse Nfia+/− and Nfia−/− phenotypes now reveals that, at reduced penetrance, Nfia is also required in a dosage-sensitive manner for ureteral and renal development. Nfia is expressed in the developing ureter and metanephric mesenchyme, and Nfia+/− and Nfia−/− mice exhibit abnormalities of the ureteropelvic and ureterovesical junctions, as well as bifid and megaureter. Collectively, the mouse Nfia mutant phenotype and the common features among these five human cases indicate that NFIA haploinsufficiency contributes to a novel human CNS malformation syndrome that can also include ureteral and renal defects

    Blood coagulation and beyond:Position paper from the Fourth Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis

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    The 4th Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis (MCCT), included the following themes: Theme 1: The coagulome as a critical driver of cardiovascular disease Blood coagulation proteins also play divergent roles in biology and pathophysiology, related to specific organs, including brain, heart, bone marrow and kidney. Four investigators shared their views on these organ-specific topics. Theme 2: Novel mechanisms of thrombosis Mechanisms linking factor XII to fibrin, including their structural and physical properties, contribute to thrombosis, which is also affected by variation in microbiome status. Virus infections associated-coagulopathies perturb the hemostatic balance resulting in thrombosis and/or bleeding. Theme 3: How to limit bleeding risks: insights from translational studies This theme included state of the art methodology for exploring the contribution of genetic determinants of a bleeding diathesis; determination of polymorphisms in genes that control the rate of metabolism by the liver of P2Y12 inhibitors, to improve safety of antithrombotic therapy. Novel reversal agents for direct oral anticoagulants are discussed. Theme 4: Hemostasis in extracorporeal systems: how to utilize ex vivo models? Perfusion flow chamber and nanotechnology developments are developed for studying bleeding and thrombosis tendencies. Vascularised organoids are utilized for disease modeling and drug development studies. Strategies for tackling extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) associated coagulopathy are discussed. Theme 5: Clinical dilemmas in thrombosis and antithrombotic management Plenary presentations addressed controversial areas, ie thrombophilia testing, thrombosis risk assessment in hemophilia, novel antiplatelet strategies and clinically tested factor XI(a) inhibitors,both possibly with reduced bleeding risk. Finally, Covid-19 associated coagulopathy is revisited.</p