917 research outputs found
Achieving Cohesiveness in Healthcare with Music, Motion, Technology, and Accountability: Novel Approaches for Music Therapy in the Digital Health Era
This paper addresses the importance of music in therapy and education, focusing on the population segments of children with special needs and Parkinsonâs patients. It also highlights the importance of rhythm in motion with the absence of music. It also address ways to measure and compare methods, as well as their impact and how technology can help us with that
Reproducing and resisting the exploitative structures of global migration, gender, and labour regimes: migrant domestic workers in Lebanon
"In an international division of reproductive labour, responsibilities over domestic and care work in many high and middle income countries have increasingly been shifted towards an exploitable migrant work force. Restrictive migration regimes, gender discriminations, and flexible labour markets allow for extreme exploitation and human rights abuses rendering working conditions at times akin to forms of unfree labour. In Lebanon, domestic workers from diverse Asian and African countries experience the consequences of these global trends, while attempts to improve their situation face obstacles constituted by the complex and far-reaching structures of exploitation. However, the agency of migrants and the civil society has recently led to an increase of initiatives aimed at mobilizing and empowering workers, most notably a union for domestic workers established in January 2015. In view of these developments, the article will present the structural challenges migrant domestic workers face on global and national levels and the internal divisions that constrain collective organisation and resistance. Particular attention will be paid to inequalities in the international division of reproductive labour and to the social relations and interests which perpetuate the continuous exploitation of migrant workers making a profound change of conditions without substantial collective and transnational mobilisation unlikely." (author's abstract)"In einer internationalen reproduktiven Arbeitsteilung werden Verantwortungen ĂŒber Haushalts- und Pflegearbeit in vielen LĂ€ndern mit hohem und mittlerem Einkommen zunehmend zu einer ausbeutbaren eingewanderten Arbeitskraft verlagert. Restriktive Migrationsregime, Geschlechterdiskriminierungen und flexible ArbeitsmĂ€rkte ermöglichen extreme Ausbeutung und Menschenrechtsverletzungen, durch die sich Arbeitsbedingungen teils Formen der Zwangsarbeit annĂ€hern. Im Libanon, erleben Hausangestellte aus verschiedenen asiatischen und afrikanischen LĂ€ndern mit zeitlich befristeten ArbeitsvertrĂ€gen, die Konsequenzen dieser globalen Trends, wĂ€hrend Versuche ihre Situation zu verbessern Hindernissen begegnen, die durch die komplexen und weitreichenden Strukturen der Ausbeutung gestellt werden. Jedoch hat das Engagement von Migrant_innen und der Zivilgesellschaft in letzter Zeit zu einer Zunahme von Initiativen gefĂŒhrt, die die Mobilisierung und das Empowerment von Arbeiter_innen zum Ziel haben, insbesondere die GrĂŒndung einer Gewerkschaft fĂŒr Hausangestellte im Januar 2015. Im Hinblick auf diese Entwicklungen wird der Artikel die strukturellen Herausforderungen mit denen Hausangestellte auf nationalen und globalen Ebenen konfrontiert sind, sowie interne Spaltungen, die kollektive Organisation und Widerstand erschweren, darstellen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird den Ungleichheiten in der internationalen reproduktiven Arbeitsteilung und den sozialen Beziehungen und Interessen zukommen, die die kontinuierliche Ausbeutung von mobilen Arbeiter_innen aufrechterhalten und weitreichende VerĂ€nderungen der Bedingungen ohne betrĂ€chtliche kollektive und transnationale Mobilisierung unwahrscheinlich machen." (Autorenreferat
Contingent Conjunctures and Infrastructures of Racial Capitalism: Activating and Confining Refugees after the \u27Summer of Migration\u27
The article retraces the institutional, legal, and societal developments that have accompanied the increasing interlocking of asylum and workfare policies in Germany since the âsummer of migrationâ in 2015. By analyzing the infrastructures, narratives, but also conflicts and contingencies that underlie politics for labor market activation as they are experienced by refugees in Berlin and Brandenburg, ongoing social and institutional struggles around them are illustrated. The article argues that differential and contingent access to workfare measures corresponds to attempts to selectively and logistically activate potential workers for precarious segments and sectors. Infrastructures involved in such differential and confining activation are examined as to the racializing and coercive effects that they have on labor market participation through their unequal distribution of resources and precarities. It is argued that through their logistified approach, current conjunctures of racial capitalism contribute to forging more and more precarious, stratified, and fragmented social rights and labor relations. In spite of these contingent and divisive tendencies in racial capitalism, manifold struggles against racism and in favor of equal labor market participation continue to be fought
Special issue on emerging COVID-19
It will come as no surprise that this is a challenging time to start a new public health journal. However, current events have also made it evident that a journal such this one has arrived just in time to help the public health community in Morocco and Africa as it works hard to uncover the secret of this emerging SARS-CoV-2 virus and its associated COVID-19 pandemics. Our first special issue carries a variety of information on this new coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic management, from the virus genome structure, function and evolution, disease clinical manifestations and co morbidity complications, diagnostic methods and test kits, therapeutics strategies and vaccines, human host genetic susceptibility, virus zoonotic origin, to the social and economic impact...
AnĂ©vrysme de la veine de Galien rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© Ă lâĂąge adulte
L'anévrysme de la veine de Galien est une affection congénitale rare, représentant moins de 1 % des malformations artério-veineuses intracrùniennes. Il résulte de l'absence de différenciation en systÚme artério-veineux mature, entre 7 et 12 SA, d'une veine embryonnaire primitive, médiane qui draine les plexus choroïdes primitifs. La majorité des cas de malformation anévrysmale de la veine de Galien sont diagnostiqués en périodes anténatale, néonatale ou post- natale, le diagnostic à l'ùge adulte est exceptionnel. Le tableau cliniqueà tout ùge peut inclure: insuffisance cardiaque, retard psychomoteur, hydrocéphalie et crises d'épilepsie. Le traitement de référence est l'embolisation réalisée à quelques mois de vie mais le pronostic reste redoutable. Nous rapportons le cas d'un homme, ùgé de 38 ans, admis aux urgences dans un tableau d'état de mal épileptique avec un syndrome méningé à l'examen clinique. Une TDM cérébrale a objectivé unemasse de la région pinéale, présentant des calcifications périphériques, rehaussé intensément aprÚs injection du produit de contraste en rapport avec une volumineuse dilatation anévrysmale de la grande veine de Galien. L'IRM cérébrale a montré cet anévrysme qui mesure 50 x 50 x 40 mm, associé à une dilatation du sinus droit et de multiples dérivations veineuses péri-anévrysmales avec épaississement et rehaussement dure-mérien régulier et diffus en rapport avec une méningite bactérienne confirmée par le bilan biologique. Vu qu'il n'y avait pas de signes d'hypertension intracrùnienne ni d'hydrocéphalie, le patient a reçu un traitement médical de sa méningite associé à un traitement antiépileptique avec une bonne évolution clinique
Leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique révélée par une atteinte du sinus caverneux chez un jeune homme
L'atteinte du sinus caverneux au cours des leucémies aigues est rare et peut se faire par extension directe ou via une dissémination hématogÚne. L'aspect en imagerie n'est pas pathognomonique mais reste évocateur : le scanner montre une infiltration tissulaire du sinus caverneux, l'IRM est plus performante montrant un hypo signal T2 de cette infiltration, avec restriction de la diffusion et prise de contraste aprÚs injection du Gadolinium. Nous rapportons le cas d'un jeune homme, ùgé de 22 ans, admis aux urgences dans un tableau d'HTIC évoluant depuis 10 jours avec diplopie horizontale. Une TDM cérébrale a objectivé un aspect élargi des 2 sinus caverneux qui sont spontanément hyperdense rehaussés de façon modérée aprÚs injection du produit de contraste. La NFS a montré une thrombopénie avec un taux de plaquettes à 33000/mm3, une hyperleucocytose à 16700/mm3, le taux d'hémoglobine était à 13.7g /l. Nous avons complété le bilan d'imagerie par une IRM cérébrale qui a montréune infiltration tissulairedes 2 sinus caverneux se présentant en hypo signal T2, avec restriction de la diffusion et prise de contraste homogÚne aprÚs injection du gadolinium. Une atteinte lymphomateuse a été évoquée sur cet aspect. 2 jours aprÚs le patient a présenté des hématomes à chaque point d'injection. Une NFS avec frottis ont montré un taux de plaquettes à 21 000/mm3 et des blastes à 25%, ensuite un myélogramme a été réalisé revenant en faveur d'une leucémie aigue lymphoblastique. L'évolution a été fatale par hémorragie digestive
Predicting the Future is like Completing a Painting!
This article is an introductory work towards a larger research framework
relative to Scientific Prediction. It is a mixed between science and philosophy
of science, therefore we can talk about Experimental Philosophy of Science. As
a first result, we introduce a new forecasting method based on image
completion, named Forecasting Method by Image Inpainting (FM2I). In fact, time
series forecasting is transformed into fully images- and signal-based
processing procedures. After transforming a time series data into its
corresponding image, the problem of data forecasting becomes essentially a
problem of image inpainting problem, i.e., completing missing data in the
image. An extensive experimental evaluation is conducted using a large dataset
proposed by the well-known M3-competition. Results show that FM2I represents an
efficient and robust tool for time series forecasting. It has achieved
prominent results in terms of accuracy and outperforms the best M3 forecasting
methods.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure
Development of two monovalent antivenoms against two Moroccan viper venomsâ daboia Mauritanica and Cerastes Cerastes
Snake envenomation entails more than 5 million people bitten yearly, out of whom 100,000 died and more than 300,000 are permanently disabled. This prompted the World Health Organization to classify snake envenoming as a neglected tropical disease in 2017.
In North Africa, we have more than 400.000 cases of envenomation with 50 deaths per year. These numbers are underestimated with the Cerastes cerastes (Cc) and Macrovipera mauretanica (Mm)are the most medically important snake species.
To this day, the only medication for snake envenomation is immunotherapy. The lack of a specific antivenom against Cc and Mm venoms in North Africa, prompted us to develop two monospecific Fab\u272 antivenoms in collaboration with the Butantan Institute in Brazil: one is produced against Moroccan Cc venom and the other against Moroccan Mm.
While we determiated the paraspecific cross-reactivity of the antivenoms developped, the in vitro paraspecifity study surprisingly revealed a cross reactivity between the two monospecific Fab\u272 antivenoms developped towards Mm and Cc venoms
venoms from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia
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Global change impacts on forest soils: linkage between soil biota and carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus stoichiometry
orest ecosystems are subjected to global change drivers worldwide, such as increasing temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide, nutrient pollution, as well as changes in fire and precipitation regimes. These global change drivers have greatly modified the biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P), which has an impact on primary productivity in forest ecosystems and in turn, affect the quality and quantity of resources entering the soil food web. However, C, N, and P soil dynamics have been mostly studied without considering their coupling effects on soil organisms. This is of critical interest because changes in nutrient stoichiometry may have a strong effect on soil biota and the ecosystem functions they drive. Further, most studies have focused on global change effects on bacteria and fungi and their C:N:P stoichiometry, while neglecting other soil organisms at higher trophic levels. This has led to an incomplete understanding of how the entire soil food web drives ecosystem processes involved in organic matter turnover and nutrient cycling. Here, we review studies that investigated how global change drivers impact C:N:P stoichiometry of soil organisms at different trophic levels in forest ecosystems and identify important knowledge gaps. We propose future directions for research on global change impacts on the linkages between soil biota and C:N:P stoichiometry
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