39 research outputs found

    Dacryocystostomies par voieendonasale:indications et technique chirurgicale

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    Introduction : La dacryocystorhinostomie consiste à dériver le contenu du sac lacrymal directement vers la lumière de la fosse nasale correspondante en réalisant une large ouverture dans la paroi osseuse et muqueuse du sac, court-circuitant ainsi le canal lacrymonasal obturé. nous nous proposons, à travers cette étude rétrospective, de discuter les aspects techniques chirurgicaux de la dacryocystostomie par voie endonasale et de revoir les indications opératoires.Mots-clefs : dacryocystite ; dacryocystorhinostomie ; chirurgie endonasaleThe purpose of dacryocystorhinostomy is to derive the content of the lacrimal sac directly into the light of the corresponding nasal cavity by making a large opening in the bony wall and sac mucosa, by passing the blocked nasolacrimal duct. We intend, through this retrospective study, discuss the technical aspects of surgical dacryocystostomy by endonasal and review the indications for surgery.Keywords : dacryocystitis; dacryocystorhinostomy; endonasal surgery

    Child injury mortality in Iran: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Reducing child injury mortality is an important factor in directing national and international policy-makers to program appropriate cause-specific interventions. The systematic review and meta-analysis study was performed to provide a clear view of child injury mortality in Iran. Methods: A systematic electronic search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, SID, and Elmnet was performed to identify the Persian and English articles published between 2005 and 2018. All studies reporting child injury mortality were gathered according to our inclusion and exclusion criteria. After quality appraisal, data were extracted and analyzed. Results: Twelve studies with an overall sample size of 22,721 met our inclusion criteria. The prevalence of mortality due to road accident, falling, drowning, poisoning and other causes of death were 56.8, 11.3, 8.6, 5.7 and, 17.6, respectively. The proportion of injury in all-cause mortality in 0�19 and 0�6 age groups were 11.9 and 16.9, respectively. Conclusion: Our findings suggest a relatively high mortality rate for road traffic accidents, which should be taken into account seriously. Developing preventive policies is essential to achieve better standards of road transportation and reduce related mortality in Iran. © 201

    Splitting Arabic Texts into Elementary Discourse Units

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    International audienceIn this article, we propose the first work that investigates the feasibility of Arabic discourse segmentation into elementary discourse units within the segmented discourse representation theory framework. We first describe our annotation scheme that defines a set of principles to guide the segmentation process. Two corpora have been annotated according to this scheme: elementary school textbooks and newspaper documents extracted from the syntactically annotated Arabic Treebank. Then, we propose a multiclass supervised learning approach that predicts nested units. Our approach uses a combination of punctuation, morphological, lexical, and shallow syntactic features. We investigate how each feature contributes to the learning process. We show that an extensive morphological analysis is crucial to achieve good results in both corpora. In addition, we show that adding chunks does not boost the performance of our system

    Mesenchymal tumours of the mediastinum—part II

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    Spermiogenèse et ultrastructure du spermatozoïde de

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    La spermiogenèse de N. chantalae comparable à celle des autres Cestodes se caractérise par :

    Observations sur le developpement de

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    Le Bothriocephalidae Clestobothrium crassiceps possède un oeuf operculé et un coracidium cilié. La diagnose du genre est modifiée en conséquence

    CLIR for Informal Content in Arabic Forum Posts

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