94 research outputs found

    Arab Women and Political Development

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    Although many measures have been taken by the majority of Arab countries to enhance women’s representation in decision-making positions, women’s participation in public life and positions of power have not been achieved the desired level. The Arab region ranks the lowest in the world in terms of women’s participation in parliaments. The objective of this paper is to examine the Political participation of women in the Arab countries and identify different challenges that impede Arab women participation in politics and decision making. Challenges include: cultural factors, the stereotyped image of women, women\u27s low self-confidence, lack of coordination among women\u27s organizations, effectiveness/efficiency of women empowerment programs, shortcomings in the institutional and legal frameworks, practices of political parties and election process, skepticism about the Agenda for Women empowerment, the process of development of Women empowerment strategies. Thus, challenges facing women in politics are immense. They require the consolidation of all efforts with great belief in women’s capabilities as human beings who are able to lead and shoulder the responsibility in the building of their nations

    Barriers Hindering Jordanian Women’s Advancement to Higher Political and Leadership Positions

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    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to identify barriers hindering Jordanian women’s advancement to higher political and leadership positions and to identify main actions/strategies to facilitate Jordanian women’s advancement to higher political and leadership positions. Methodology: A cross sectional survey was used where both quantitative and qualitative data were collected utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. A convenience sample of 500 Jordanian women was selected from women working in political and leadership positions in various settings including government, Non Government Organizations (NGOs), business, educational and academic institutions. The Study involved a self administered questionnaire with closed and open ended questions that include the demographic and personal questions, barriers hindering Jordanian women’s advancement to higher political and leadership positions and main actions/strategies to facilitate Jordanian women’s advancement to higher political and leadership positions. Findings: In their endeavour toward advancement in leadership positions in work and community, women face major obstacles and impediments. These barriers encompass a wide range of obstacles, which include political and legal, personal, family, socio-cultural, and economic barriers. Discrimination against women was a cross cutting issue for all barriers. Political and Legal support, awareness raising and empowerment of women were main issues suggested by women leaders to enhance to higher political and leadership positions. Women should work hard to stick to the heart of the Awakening and fight rather than demand by the name of democracy for their rights in politics and the building of their nation. Recommendations: The study suggests establishment of solid gender-sensitive policies, empowerment of women by strengthening their leadership abilities and capabilities, awareness raising of society about women role in development and involvement of women in the making of democracy and political reform to play an active role in all higher national committees and task groups of political reform

    Soil- Water Characteristic Curve Model-Silty Sand Soil

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    The implementation of unsaturated soil mechanics into engineering practice is dependent, to a large extent, upon the ability to estimate unsaturated soil property functions. The soil-water characteristic curve is the basis for estimating the permeability function for an unsaturated soil. The negative pore pressure measurement is costly, time consuming, insufficiently reliable and needs highly accurate techniques to be measured. However, a theoretical model can introduce a perfect solution to understand the behavior of unsaturated soil when testing is difficult. A theoretical model based on the microscopic forces is presented in this paper. The model describes the soilwater characteristic curve (SWCC) and how the water is held within a porous material with a relatively low degree of saturation. Experimental measurements of capillarity and negative pore water pressure were obtained for the columns of glass beads and soil within a narrow grading range. An estimated curve for the degree of saturation versus matrix suction is obtained and compared to a predicted theoretical curve using the model proposed in this study. The proposed method seems to provide a reasonable predictive tool

    The Role Of Leadership Styles On Staffs Job Satisfaction In Public Organizations

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     Job satisfaction is a very important factor among the employees of Public Universities. Job satisfaction is considered an internal principle created by various elements found within a work environment. Due to the influence of various items on job satisfaction, educational organizations should be conscious of implementing the right leadership styles. However, the lack of attention given to this organizational behavior has led to the rise of abnormal reactions among employees. Thus, the current paper focused on the essential role of leadership styles in improving job satisfaction among the employees of Public Universities. Substantial attention should be dedicated to the precise leadership style practiced in an organization. In the same way, specific leadership styles, as external factors, have an important impact on the job satisfaction of employees at Public Universities, because these styles can improve the employees' commitment to the organizations. This initiative involves enhancing satisfaction among employees and finding an effective leadership style, which is one of the main components of improving educational organizations

    Exame das ações prioritárias para o fortalecimento do papel das enfermeiras para conseguir a cobertura universal em saúde

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    Objetivo: explorar las acciones prioritarias para el fortalecimiento del papel de las enfermeras con práctica avanzada para el logro de la Cobertura Universal de Salud según la percepción de informantes clave de la salud en Jordania. Métodos: se utilizó diseño cualitativo exploratorio, utilizando una encuesta semi-estructurada. Una muestra intencional de diecisiete informantes clave de diversos sectores de enfermería y cuidados de la salud fue reclutada para el propósito de este estudio. Se utilizó análisis de contenido usando el método del marco de cinco etapas para el análisis de datos. Resultados: los resultados revelaron que la política y la regulación, la formación de enfermería, la investigación y la fuerza laboral fueron identificados como los principales elementos que influyen en el papel de la enfermeras con práctica avanzada para contribuir a la consecución de la Cobertura Universal de Salud. Las acciones prioritarias fueron identificadas por los participantes para los cuatro elementos principales. Conclusión: los hallazgos del estudio confirman la necesidad de fortalecer el papel de la enfermeras con práctica avanzada para lograr la Cobertura Universal de Salud a través de una transformación importante en la formación, la práctica, la investigación, el liderazgo, y el sistema de regulación. Las enfermeras deben unirse para alcanzar competencias consistentes de enfermería relacionados con la enfermeras con práctica avanzada, la Atención Primaria de Salud , Cobertura Universal de Salud, liderazgo y formulación de políticas, para fortalecer su posición como actores principales que influyen en el sistema de salud y la generación de evidencias.Objetivo: analisar as ações prioritárias para o fortalecimento do papel da enfermeira em prática avançada na Cobertura Universal de Saúde , segundo a percepção dos informantes-chave na Jordânia. Métodos: foi utilizado desenho qualitativo exploratório, com um questionário semiestruturado. A amostra intencional de dezessete informantes-chave de vários setores de enfermagem e de saúde foi recrutado para o propósito do estudo. A análise de conteúdo utilizando a abordagem do quadro de cinco estágios foi utilizada para a análise de dados. Resultados: os resultados revelaram que as políticas e regulações, educação em enfermagem, pesquisa e força de trabalho foram identificados como os principais elementos que influenciam o papel da enfermeira em prática avançada em contribuir para a realização da Cobertura Universal de Saúde. As ações prioritárias foram identificadas pelos participantes para os quatro principais elementos. Conclusão: os resultados do estudo confirmam a necessidade de reforçar o papel da enfermeira em prática avançada para alcançar Cobertura Universal de Saúde através de uma grande transformação no ensino de enfermagem, prática, pesquisa, liderança e sistema regulatório. A Enfermagem deve unir-se para obter competências consistentes relacionadas com a enfermeira em prática avançada, atenção primaria de saúde, Cobertura Universal em Saúde, liderança e elaboração de políticas para reforçar sua posição como atores principais que influenciam o sistema de saúde e a geração de evidências.Objective: to explore priority actions for strengthening the role of Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) towards the achievement of Universal Health Converge (UHC) as perceived by health key informants in Jordan. Methods: an exploratory qualitative design, using a semi-structured survey, was utilized. A purposive sample of seventeen key informants from various nursing and health care sectors was recruited for the purpose of the study. Content analysis utilizing the five-stage framework approach was used for data analysis. Results: the findings revealed that policy and regulation, nursing education, research, and workforce were identified as the main elements that influence the role of APNs in contributing to the achievement of UHC. Priority actions were identified by the participants for the main four elements. Conclusion: study findings confirm the need to strengthen the role of APNs to achieve UHC through a major transformation in nursing education, practice, research, leadership, and regulatory system. Nurses should unite to come up with solid nursing competencies related to APNs, PHC, UHC, leadership and policy making to strengthen their position as main actors in influencing the health care system and evidence creation

    Impact of Social Media Usage on Organizational Performance in the Jordanian Dead Sea Cosmetic Sector

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    Due to the current debate on the positives and negatives of social media, most of the organizations are in an unclear state regarding the adoption of social media. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to extend previous research on social media use comprising three variables: social media for marketing, social media for customer’s relations and services, and social media for information accessibility and its impact on organizational performance in terms of rapid adaptation, time to market, cost reduction, and innovation in Jordan. The paper analyzed data obtained from a sample of 169 managers working at 23 different organizations in Dead Sea cosmetic sector in Jordan using a quantitative approach. Structural equation modelling used to test the hypotheses. Results showed that there is a strong positive impact of implementing and using social media on organizational performance in terms of rapid adaptation, cost reduction, and innovation. Also, social media usage is different among the companies’ characteristics in terms of type, age, and size. This paper offers a clearer understanding of the importance of social media and its benefits. Also, this paper is one of the first studies conducted in Jordan and especially within the Dead Sea cosmetic sector by demonstrating the different areas of organizational performance that can be enhanced by using social media in different ways. Keywords: Social media, social media marketing, customer relations, organizational performance, rapid adaptation, cost reduction, time to market, innovation, Dead Sea cosmetic, Jordan. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-2-0

    A case study of Al-Karak, Jordan

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (under PhD scholarship of Yasmine Ayed [UI/BD/150894/2021]. The authors would like to thank the Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences for providing the HOMER licence. Funding Information: This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (under PhD scholarship of Yasmine Ayed [ UI/BD/150894/2021 ]. The authors would like to thank the Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences for providing the HOMER licence. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsThe aim of this research is to examine the techno-economic viability of both off-grid and on-grid hybrid renewable energy systems for Jordan's Al-Karak governorate. Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) Pro software was used in this article to evaluate the carry feasibility to maximize the renewable energy (RE) integration in hybrid energy systems based on different configurations, grid-connected and stand-alone systems of the wind turbine, biogas plant, photovoltaic (PV) panels, flywheel, and batteries while minimizing the net present cost, the Levelized cost of energy and CO2 emissions mitigation. The results showed that the PV/Wind system, connected to the grid with batteries for storage is the optimal configuration for sustainable Al-Karak governorate electrification whilst achieving environmental benefits and guaranteeing reliable and continuous energy access with the lowest net present cost and the Levelized cost, 298,359 USDand0.024USD and 0.024 USD/kWh respectively, and high RE share, 71.8% of electricity is generated from wind and 28.2% is purchased from the grid and emits 220 tons of CO2 per year, 53% less than a grid alone system. Such a system would provide advantages in terms of energy independence and improved environmental quality.publishersversionpublishe

    Effect of wall cooling on the stability of compressible subsonic flows over smooth humps and backward-facing steps

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    The effect of wall cooling on the two-dimensional linear stability of subsonic flows over two-dimensional surface imperfections is investigated. Results are presented for flows over smooth humps and backward-facing steps with Mach numbers up to 0.8. The results show that, whereas cooling decreases the viscous instability, it increases the shear-layer instability and hence it increases the growth rates in the separation region. The coexistence of more than one instability mechanism makes a certain degree of wall cooling most effective. For the Mach numbers 0.5 and 0.8, the optimum wall temperatures are about 80 pct and 60 pct of the adiabatic wall temperature, respectively. Increasing the Mach number decreases the effectiveness of cooling slightly and reduces the optimum wall temperature


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    En esta Tesis de Doctoral, se ha estudiado el posible aprovechamiento de los efluentes líquidos de almazaras, procedentes de decánter de dos salidas, y las aguas residuales urbanas (procedentes de tratamiento secundario) en la producción de biomasa de la microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa, y que la biomasa generada en este bioproceso pueda tener una aplicación en la generación de compuestos energéticos; paralelamente, se trataría estas aguas residuales y se reduciría la concentración de dióxido de carbono procedente de procesos de combustión. Las condiciones de operación más favorables para la producción de biomasa, se han fijado considerando los valores más elevados de la velocidad específica máxima de crecimiento y productividad, junto con la composición bioquímica de la biomasa. Estos objetivos se cumplen en el cultivo realizado con temperatura de 25ºC, caudal de aire 1 v/v/min, pH=8, 50% aguas de lavado de aceitunas, 30% aguas de lavado de aceites mezcladas con aguas residuales urbanas y 10% de CO2 de adición al air de entrada al fotobiorreactor.In this Doctoral Thesis, we have studied the possible use of olive mill wastewaters generated from olive oil production processes using decanter with two outlets and urban wastewater (secondary treatment) for biomass production of the Chlorella pyrenoidosa microalgae, and that biomass generated in this bioprocess may have an application for generation of energy compounds; in parallel, these wastewaters would be treated, and the concentration of carbon dioxide from combustion processes would be reduced. The most favorable operating conditions for the biomass production of microalgae have been established, considering the highest values of the maximum specific growth rate and the volumetric biomass productivity, together with a balanced biomass composition. These objectives are met in the cultivation carried out with temperature 25ºC, air flow 1 v/v/min, pH=8, 50% of olives washing wastewater, 30% of olive oils washing wastewater mixed with urban wastewater and 10% CO2 of addition to the air of entrance to the photobioreactor.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento en Ingeniería Química, Ambiental y de los Materiale