19 research outputs found

    Analyse de l’effet des règles d’obtention d’un permis de conduire au Québec (1991) sur la sécurité routière

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    La réglementation de la sécurité routière a été l’objet de plusieurs études. Sa principale motivation est reliée aux externalités que certains conducteurs peuvent générer à d’autres individus (conducteurs, piétons) et qui ne peuvent être tarifées directement par différents marchés privés. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’évaluer l’effet des règles d’obtention d’un permis de conduire au Québec (1991) sur les taux d’accidents des nouveaux conducteurs. Il n’est pas toujours évident qu’un changement de réglementation affectera le niveau d’équilibre de prévention routière dans une société. Dans cette recherche, nous vérifions que l’effet de la réforme n’est pas significatif sur les taux d’accidents et ce, ni pour l’ensemble des nouveaux conducteurs, ni pour l’ensemble des nouvelles conductrices, et ni pour chaque groupe d’âge analysé séparément. Par contre, il y a clairement des effets d’âge sur les taux d’accidents. Les nouveaux conducteurs comme les nouvelles conductrices âgés de 20 ans et plus, sont moins à risque d’avoir un accident que ceux et celles âgés de 16 ans à l’obtention du permis. Les nouveaux conducteurs âgés de 17 ans et ceux âgés de 18-19 ans enregistrent des risques semblables aux 16 ans. Ces variations entre les groupes d’âges montrent une grande hétérogénéité des nouveaux conducteurs et conductrices même durant leur première année de conduite alors que la réglementation de 1991 des nouveaux conducteurs et conductrices les considérait comme homogènes. Nous avons également vérifié si l’expérience accumulée durant la première année affecte les taux d’accidents. Nous obtenons que les taux moyens d’accidents observés durant les trois premiers mois chez les femmes et les quatre premiers mois chez les hommes, sont plus élevés que ceux des périodes subséquentes de 30 jours.Road safety regulation has been the object of many studies. Its main motivation is related to externalities between individuals (drivers, pedestrians) that cannot be priced directly in different private markets. The object of this research is to evaluate the effects of the change in the regulation (Quebec 1991) on access to the driving permit on crash rates. It is not always evident that a regulation change will affect the equilibrium level of safety in a given society. We found that the 1991 reform had no significant effect on crash rates, be it for all new drivers, male drivers, female drivers, or any age group taken separately. However, there is an age effect on accidents. New drivers, male and female who are at least 20 years old, are at a lower risk than those 16 years old when obtaining the permit. Male drivers who are 17 or 18-19 years old have similar risks as the 16 year old. These differences between age groups show a great heterogeneity among the new drivers even in their first year, but the 1991 regulation treated all new drivers uniformly. We have also investigated the effect of experience during the first year on crash rates. Average rates for the first three months for women and for the first four months for men are higher than the rates for the subsequent months

    School teams' regulation strategies for dealing with school-external expectations for school improvement

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    School-external expectations regarding implementation of reforms and innovations often do not lead to successful school improvement processes in schools. To better understand these processes in schools, this paper aims to investigate school improvement processes on a deep level by focusing on cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational regulation strategies used by school teams and by exploring what school-external and school-internal factors are related to this strategy use. Principals, teachers, and specialist teachers ( N = 1328) at 59 primary schools responded to an online questionnaire indicating their school’s use of regulation strategies on school improvement. Results from descriptive, variance, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that school teams use all forms of school-based regulation strategies but that schools differ significantly in their strategy use. These differences were mainly explained more by school-internal deeper structures (e.g., task cohesion) and less by school-internal surface structures (e.g., school size) and not at all by school-external factors (e.g., governance systems)

    Preconditions of teachers' collaborative practice: new insights based on time-sampling data

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    Previous findings on the preconditions of teachers’ collaboration are inconsistent. This might be related to the research methods used to assess the teachers’ collaborative practice. Retrospective assessments by self-report on a relatively general level prevail. The validity of these self-reports is limited, however. In contrast, time-sampling methods have the potential to investigate collaborative practice specifically and longitudinally as a day-to-day process over time validly. But to date, no research on collaborative activities in schools based on time-sampling methods is available. In this study, we extended the current state of research by analysing the variability and preconditions of teachers’ collaboration at four secondary schools over three weeks based on time-sampling data collected by a newly developed online practice log. Recorded were collaborative activities outside of teaching with a focus on administrative and organisational tasks and on school subject-specific tasks. The results revealed that teachers’ collaborative activities varied significantly between weekdays, showing a linear decrease from Monday to Friday, regardless of the content of collaboration. Collaboration that focused on administrative-organisational tasks seemed to be quite stable over the weeks and was hardly influenced by teachers’ individual characteristics. Instead, collaborative activities that focused on school subject-specific tasks varied significantly between weeks; moreover, they were influenced by teachers’ leadership role and gender. The results indicate that rather stable routinised patterns of day-to-day collaboration over the weeks decrease the influence of teachers’ individual characteristics. Hence, by collecting data that is closer to content-specific day-to-day collaborative activities, time-sampling methods can be seen as a driver for new insights

    Preconditions of teachers’ collaborative practice: New insights based on time-sampling data

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    Previous findings on the preconditions of teachers’ collaboration are inconsistent. This might be related to the research methods used to assess the teachers’ collaborative practice. Retrospective assessments by self-report on a relatively general level prevail. The validity of these self-reports is limited, however. In contrast, time-sampling methods have the potential to investigate collaborative practice specifically and longitudinally as a day-to-day process over time validly. But to date, no research on collaborative activities in schools based on time-sampling methods is available. In this study, we extended the current state of research by analysing the variability and preconditions of teachers’ collaboration at four secondary schools over three weeks based on time-sampling data collected by a newly developed online practice log. Recorded were collaborative activities outside of teaching with a focus on administrative and organisational tasks and on school subject-specific tasks. The results revealed that teachers’ collaborative activities varied significantly between weekdays, showing a linear decrease from Monday to Friday, regardless of the content of collaboration. Collaboration that focused on administrative-organisational tasks seemed to be quite stable over the weeks and was hardly influenced by teachers’ individual characteristics. Instead, collaborative activities that focused on school subject-specific tasks varied significantly between weeks; moreover, they were influenced by teachers’ leadership role and gender. The results indicate that rather stable routinised patterns of day-to-day collaboration over the weeks decrease the influence of teachers’ individual characteristics. Hence, by collecting data that is closer to content-specific day-to-day collaborative activities, time-sampling methods can be seen as a driver for new insights

    Analyse de l’effet des règles d’obtention d’un permis de conduire au Québec (1991) sur la sécurité routière

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    Road safety regulation has been the object of many studies. Its main motivation is related to externalities between individuals (drivers, pedestrians) that cannot be priced directly in different private markets. The object of this research is to evaluate the effects of the change in the regulation (Quebec 1991) on access to the driving permit on crash rates. It is not always evident that a regulation change will affect the equilibrium level of safety in a given society. We found that the 1991 reform had no significant effect on crash rates, be it for all new drivers, male drivers, female drivers, or any age group taken separately. However, there is an age effect on accidents. New drivers, male and female who are at least 20 years old, are at a lower risk than those 16 years old when obtaining the permit. Male drivers who are 17 or 18-19 years old have similar risks as the 16 year old. These differences between age groups show a great heterogeneity among the new drivers even in their first year, but the 1991 regulation treated all new drivers uniformly. We have also investigated the effect of experience during the first year on crash rates. Average rates for the first three months for women and for the first four months for men are higher than the rates for the subsequent months. La réglementation de la sécurité routière a été l’objet de plusieurs études. Sa principale motivation est reliée aux externalités que certains conducteurs peuvent générer à d’autres individus (conducteurs, piétons) et qui ne peuvent être tarifées directement par différents marchés privés. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’évaluer l’effet des règles d’obtention d’un permis de conduire au Québec (1991) sur les taux d’accidents des nouveaux conducteurs. Il n’est pas toujours évident qu’un changement de réglementation affectera le niveau d’équilibre de prévention routière dans une société. Dans cette recherche, nous vérifions que l’effet de la réforme n’est pas significatif sur les taux d’accidents et ce, ni pour l’ensemble des nouveaux conducteurs, ni pour l’ensemble des nouvelles conductrices, et ni pour chaque groupe d’âge analysé séparément. Par contre, il y a clairement des effets d’âge sur les taux d’accidents. Les nouveaux conducteurs comme les nouvelles conductrices âgés de 20 ans et plus, sont moins à risque d’avoir un accident que ceux et celles âgés de 16 ans à l’obtention du permis. Les nouveaux conducteurs âgés de 17 ans et ceux âgés de 18-19 ans enregistrent des risques semblables aux 16 ans. Ces variations entre les groupes d’âges montrent une grande hétérogénéité des nouveaux conducteurs et conductrices même durant leur première année de conduite alors que la réglementation de 1991 des nouveaux conducteurs et conductrices les considérait comme homogènes. Nous avons également vérifié si l’expérience accumulée durant la première année affecte les taux d’accidents. Nous obtenons que les taux moyens d’accidents observés durant les trois premiers mois chez les femmes et les quatre premiers mois chez les hommes, sont plus élevés que ceux des périodes subséquentes de 30 jours.

    No loss, no gain? COVID-19 school closures and Swiss fifth-graders' competencies and self-concept in mathematics

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    COVID-19-related school closures in spring 2020 interrupted learning routines and posed a great challenge for students' competencies acquisition and self-concepts. Concerns about possible learning losses due to school closures, especially for disadvantaged students, are justified, but the currently available empirical evidence is still scarce, varies greatly with regard to context, and neglects reciprocal effects of competencies and self-concept. To address these shortcomings, this paper first provides insights on the effect that the 8 weeks of school closures had on Swiss primary school students' math competencies. IRT-based math tests were used to cross-sectionally compare data from 1,299 students in Grade 5 in late spring 2020 shortly after the reopening of schools with data from a previous year's cohort (n = 11,314) using propensity score matching. The results revealed no significant differences in math competencies and no evidence of an increase in inequality when children with not German (vs German) as their first language were studied. Second, changes in math self-concepts in the school year 2019/20, when the pandemic first hit, as well as reciprocal effects of math competencies and math self-concept were assessed longitudinally (n = 1,299) using random intercept cross-lagged panel models based on three measurement points. Results showed that higher math self-concept and positive change in math self-concept over the time of school closures were related to higher learning gains. Different development trajectories for children with German (vs not German) first language emerged. The study therefore fosters a better understanding of the effect that pandemic-induced school closures had on learning and relativizes the feared negative effects on math competencies caused by short school closures

    Young adult survey. Theoretische BegrĂĽndung und empirische Befunde zur Validierung eines Indikatorensystems zu ĂĽberfachlichen Kompetenzen

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die theoretischen Grundlagen, den methodischen Zugang und ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Vorstudien zum «Young Adult Survey (YAS)» dar. Ziel des YAS ist die Entwicklung eines Indikatorensystems zu «überfachlichen Kompetenzen» junger Erwachsener zwecks periodischer Anwendung im Rahmen der neu konzeptualisierten «Eidgenössischen Jugend- und Rekrutenbefragungen ch-x». Zwei empirische Teilelemente der Entwicklungsarbeiten werden vorgestellt: die Bestimmung der relevanten Bereiche von überfachlichen Kompetenzen auf der Basis einer Lehrplananalyse und die Überprüfung der Qualität der Operationalisierung in Form von Kennwerten zu den psychometrischen Skalen sowie einer übergeordneten explorativen Faktorenanalyse. Insgesamt weisen die Befunde in Bezug auf Objektivität, Reliabilität und Validität auf eine adäquate Realisierung der Zielvorgaben für die Instrumentenentwicklung hin. (DIPF/Orig.)This article describes the theoretical and methodological basis and presents some of the results of the pretests of the «Young Adult Survey (YAS)». This project is within the frame-work of the newly conceptualized «Eidgenössische Jugendund Rekrutenbefragungen ch-x» which aims at the development of an indicator system for «cross curricular competencies» («überfachliche Kompetenzen») of young adults in Switzerland. Two empirical elements of the developmental work will be presented: First, the identification of relevant dimensions of «cross curricular competencies» by analyzing cantonal curricula, and second, information on the quality of the operationalisation. This will take place in the form of reliability indices of the psychometric scales and of an exploratory meta-factor-analysis. The results with regard to objectivity, reliability and validity suggest that the objectives of the development of the in-struments have adequately been met. (DIPF/Orig.

    A Profile of Adolescents who Attend Driver Education for the Insurance Discount: Are Insurers Rewarding Bad Risks?

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    Problem: The overrepresentation of adolescent drivers in crashes is a robust phenomenon. Driver education (DE) is a popular countermeasure, and in most North American juridictions, insurers grant automobile insurance premium discounts to DE graduates. However, over the past 20 years, evaluations have consistently demonstrated that DE does not reduce, and may even increase, crash risk among adolescent novice drivers. Providing premium reduction incentives to DE graduates may possibly increase crash risk in two ways. One, by reducing the overall cost of licensing and car ownership, insurance may increase driving exposure. Two, insurance may increase morale hazard, a careless attitude toward prevention. The human and financial losses resulting from adolescent crashes are a serious problem for public health and for insurers. Insurance is also known to increase moral hazard, a tendency to make dishonest claims - losses due to fraud are a significant problem for insurers. Therefore, the DE insurance discount may not be optimally efficient for reducing insurers' losses or for improving the public health. One approach to invesligating the effects of the DE insurance discount is to study the characteristics and the driving records of adolescents who are insurance-motivated, i.e. those who attend DE partly or entirely for the insurance discount.Method: A cohort of 1,804 novice drivers 16- to 19-years of age of both sexes completed an extensive questionnaire on learning methods, including motivation to attend or not to attend DE, risk taking, and lifestyles. Questionnaire data were linked on an individual basis with government records on exam performance, violations, and crashes. Among the participants who attended DE (N = 1,536), the importance of the insurance discount in their motivation to attend DE was studied in relation to violation and crash records during the first 450 days of unsupervised driving and explanatory variables from the questionnaire.Results: Insurance-motivated participants, compared to those who were not motivated by the insurance discount, were more likely to have: greater violation risk, more tolerant attitudes towards speeding and risk taking, and less financial support from family for all licensing and driving related expenses. Insurance motivation was also associated with the likelihood of presenting fraudulent DE certificates and expressing a willingness to defraud insurance companies.Discussion: Increased violation and crash risk associated with insurance-motivation may possibly be due to greater morale hazard. The data also indicate thar insurance motivation may be associated with greater moral hazard and potential future losses for insurers. Alternative methods for insuring adolescent drivers are suggested with the aim of decreasing insurance losses and injury risk by attempting to decrease both morale and moral hazard.Problème : La surreprésentation des conducteurs automobiles adolescents impliqués dans des collisions est un phénomène robuste. L’éducation routière (ER) est une intervention populaire et, dans la plupart des juridictions Nord Américaines, plusieurs assureurs donnent des rabais sur les primes d’assurances automobiles aux nouveaux conducteurs ou conductrices qui présentent une attestation de complétion d’un cours de conduite. Cependant, depuis 20 ans, les études ont démontré que le fait de suivre un cours de conduite ne réduit pas, et même pourrait augmenter le risque d’être impliqué dans une collision chez les jeunes conducteurs. Les rabais sur les primes d’assurances automobiles pour les nouveaux conducteurs ou conductrices avec des attestations ER peuvent augmenter leur risque d’être impliqués dans une collision principalement pour deux raisons. Un, en réduisant le coût total d’obtenir un permis de conduire et de devenir propriétaire d’une voiture, le rabais d’assurance pourrait augmenter l’exposition au risque. Deux, l’assurance peut augmenter le risque d’une attitude négligente envers la prévention. Les pertes humaines et financières provoquées par les collisions routières impliquant des jeunes conducteurs et conductrices posent un grave problème pour la santé publique et les assureurs. Il est aussi connu que l’assurance peut augmenter le risque moral, une tendance à faire de fausses réclamations - les pertes provoquées par les fausses réclamations sont un problème important pour les assureurs. Par conséquent, le rabais ER n’a pas nécessairement une efficacité optimale pour réduire les pertes des assureurs ou pour améliorer la santé publique. Une approche pour évaluer les effets du rabais ER est d’étudier les caractéristiques et le bilan routier des nouveaux conducteurs et conductrices qui étaient motivés à suivre un cours de conduite partiellement ou complètement dans le but d’obtenir un rabais d’assurance.Méthode : Une cohorte de 1 804 nouveaux conducteurs et conductrices ayant moins de vingt ans a répondu à 149 questions réparties sur trois volets : les méthodes d’apprentissage de la conduite automobile, incluant les motivations pour suivre ou non un cours de conduite, la propension à prendre des risques. et le style de vie. La SAAQ a fourni les dossiers de conduite, et toutes les données ont été anonymisées et jumelées aux fins d’analyse. Pour les participants qui ont suivi un cours de conduite (N = 1536), le niveau d’importance accordé au rabais d’assurance a été étudié et sa relation avec leurs bilans routiers pendant les 450 premiers jours de conduite sans supervision ainsi qu’avec d’autres variables explicatives du questionnaire.Résultats : Les participants motivés par un rabais d’assurance, relativement aux participants non motivés par un rabais d’assurance, avaient plus de chance d’avoir plus d’infractions de la route, des attitudes plus tolérantes envers la conduite à haute vitesse et la prise de risque, moins de support financier de la part de leur famille pour les coûts associés à l’obtention du permis de conduire et les autres dépenses reliées à la conduite. La motivation au rabais d’assurance était aussi associée avec une probabilité plus élevée de présenter des attestations erronées de complétion d’un cours de conduite et d’exprimer une volonté de pratiquer un acte de fraude à l’égard des compagnies d’assurances.Discussion : Le risque plus élevé d’avoir des infractions et des collisions qui est associé avec la motivation d’obtenir un rabais d’assurance pourrait être expliqué par une attitude négligente pour la prévention. Les résultats indiquent aussi que la motivation pour un rabais d’assurance peut être associée avec un risque moral plus grand et le potentiel de pertes pour les assureurs dans l’avenir. Quelques politiques d’assurances alternatives pour diminuer les attitudes négligentes et le risque moral sont suggérées dans le but de réduire les pertes pour les assureurs et le risque de collision

    Ăśberfachliche Kompetenzen: Theoretische Grundlegung und empirische Erprobung eines Indikatorensystems

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