5 research outputs found

    A robotic reporter still lacks creativity, but it can already replace human journalists in several areas

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    Automated journalism is experiencing rapid advancements, prompting concerns among certain journalists who fear potential job displacement by robotic reporters. Conversely, there is a cohort of journalists embracing this progress, viewing the involvement of robotic reporters as a time-efficient measure and an avenue to engage in more creative forms of journalism. This article aims to explore topics in Czech Republic news that lend themselves to automation based on perplexity. Currently, the robotic reporter can generate articles in few domains (e.g., stock market news, fuel prices news, and traffic accident reports), while further exploration is underway for other areas. However, generating e.g. cultural news through automation remains challenging due to its less recurrent nature, as evidenced by perplexity measurements reflecting text complexity. Perplexity method can be used to determine which journalistic area is suitable for automated text. In this article, we focus on the Czech environment and the possibilities of automation and the reaction of selected Czech journalists who encounter automated texts in newsrooms. While automated journalism demonstrates superiority over human journalists in certain aspects, it still falls short in terms of creativity, an aspect where artificial intelligence remains unable to replace humans. Nevertheless, the robotic reporter can serve as an invaluable assistant to editors and reporters in their work. Consequently, the newsroom landscape is evolving, accommodating the integration of automated content editors


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    This article presents the processing of radiographic data acquired using the position-sensitive hybrid semiconductor pixel detector Timepix. Measurements were made on thin samples at the medical ion-synchrotron HIT [1] in Heidelberg (Germany) with a 221 MeV proton beam. The charge is energy by the particles crossing the sample is registered for generation of image contrast. Experimental data from the detector were processed for derivation of the energy loss of each proton using calibration matrices. The interaction point of the protons on the detector were determined with subpixel resolution by model fitting of the individual signals in the pixelated matrix. Three methods were used for calculation of these coordinates: Hough transformation, 2D Gaussian fitting and estimate the 2D mean. Parameters of calculation accuracy and calculation time are compared for each method. The final image was created by method with best parameters

    Tree-Based Genealogical Graph Layout

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    Tree-Based Genealogical Graph Layout

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    Intermodality in air transport

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na intermodalitu v letecké dopravě. První část práce je věnována obecné charakteristice a rozdělení intermodality v osobní a nákladní dopravě. Druhou část práce jsem věnoval legislativnímu prostředí intermodality v rámci Evropské unie a České republiky, jejímu financování a mezinárodním leteckým organizacím, které toto prostředí spoluutvářejí. Ve třetí části jsem se věnoval návaznosti letecké dopravy na ostatní druh dopravy a na příkladech několika velkých evropských letišť uvedl její řešení. Čtvrtá část práce je věnována intermodalitě a možnostem jejího dalšího rozvoje na Letišti Václava Havla v Praze - Ruzyni.My bachelor thesis is focused on the intermodality in air transportation. The first part of my thesis deals with general characterization and the division of intermodality into personal and cargo transportations. The second part is dedicated to legislative regarding intermodality within the European Union and the Czech Republic, its funding and to the international air organizations, which jointly form this environment. In the third part I adress the connection between air transportation and other modes of transportation and on a few examples of large European airports I have shown its solutations. The fourth part talks about the intermodality and its other possible ways of development at the Václav Havel Prague Airport.Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyStudent dokázal svou bakalářskou práci vcelku dobrým způsobem objasnit. V problematice se orientoval s menší jistotou a pohotovostí. Na doplňující otázky odpověděl s určitými nepřesnostmi. Student v diskuzi zodpověděl otázku ohledně dopravního spojení letiště Praha s centrem města