170 research outputs found

    À propos de quelques fautes de traduction entre le polonais et le français: już = déjà

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    About some mistakes of translation from Polish into French: “już” = “déjà” Generally speaking, this contrastive study of the Polish temporal adverb już and the French déjà is based around the idea that już and déjà have an invariant meaning but it is also true that they follow different idiosyncratic usages. The author analyzes two cases in which the Polish adverb już can’t be translated by the French déjà. This fact is explained by the conventionalization of deictic meaning of już, which is absent of déjà

    Note sur l’adverbe temporel już et ses correspondants français

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    A remark concerning the temporal adverb już and its French equivalentsGenerally speaking, this contrastive study of the Polish temporal adverb już and the French déjà is based around the idea that już and déjà have an invariant meaning but it is also true that they follow different idiosyncratic usages. This article has two parts. First, the authors show the usages of już which are equivalent to those of déjà. These usages appear when już and déjà are put in a specific verbal context. The authors describe the four cases in which już and déjà are equivalent: “precocity of event”, existential usage, iterative-continuative usage, experiential perfect usage. Secondly, the authors analyze four cases in which the Polish adverb już can’t be translated by the French déjà. These incompatibilities can be explained by either morphological idiosyncrasy or the conventionalization of deictic meaning of już, which is absent of déjà

    Comment traduire le futur périphrastique français en polonais?

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    International audienceThis article deals with the question of the translation of the French futur périphrastique (“aller” [present tense] + INFINITIVE) into Polish. The authors distinguish between several uses of this forward-looking, or ‘prospective’ tense in French, which are based on two main readings that can be described respectively as “reference to the preparatory phase” and “reference to the process phase”. Polish does not have any tense to convey the category of prospectivity. But in this language, reference to the preparatory phase can nevertheless be expressed. The verb “mieć” (‘have’) and its reflexive form, “mieć się”, are used in some constructions which, under particular contextual restrictions, can express the reference to the preparatory phase. Translations of other uses of the futur périphrastique are also examined here

    Bilateral preventive mastectomy as a preventive method of breast cancer in the opinion of women

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    Background Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Despite of the progress of medicine and develop of treatment, it is still the second couse of death among women. To reduce the risk of getting breast cancer, the more ofen teratement is "preventive mastectomies" which completely remove the breast gland by healty women that are in the "high risk" group. Material and Methods To conduct the research I develop a survey, written by my own. The study included 252 women from Poland over the age of 18. Results The opinion about the performance of preventive mastectomies in case of women in "high risk" was very diverse. Only 13% of interviewees were convinced that they would have the surgery and up to 29% could not give an answer. Most woman (86%) are convinced that breast cancer is genetically determined. That mastectomy can be a way to prevent breast cancer agrees 69% of respondents. More than half of respondents (52%) don't know if such surgery is in Poland available. Only half of the respondents could indicate the place where an examination of an increased risk of breast cancer can be made (49%). 81% of respondents examine there breasts at least with one method, and 19% did not check it at all. Conclusions The knowledge about the heredity of cancer and the availability of treatments is insufficient. Women are not convinced that they would have gone to radical preventive treatment, and they are afraid of many consequences connected with it. It is essential to educate the public including the medical stuff in this scope. It is also important that the patient together with his doctor examined all the possible options for limiting the risk of cancer

    Poziom wiedzy na temat dysfagii wśród pielęgniarek neurologicznych i internistycznych

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    Introduction. Dysphagia is defined as swallowing disorders which causes malnourished, aspiration pneumonia andincreased number of deaths. The best method to diagnose dysphagia are screening tests. Due to the tests it is possibleto introduce an accurate therapy and make a team of therapists to participate in. According to the information theknowledge about this kind of dysfunction is important among nurses.Aim. The main goal of my diploma project was to measure the level of knowledge about dysphagia among thenurses from neurological and internal wards.Material and Methods. The scientific method, which has been used to make the research was diagnosis soundingincluding the surveys. Research tool which has been used while the research was especially made and dedicated formy project own questionnaire of surveys.Results. In the research have taken a part 70 nurses in the age over 22 year-old, who are active in their jobs andwork at neurological and internal wards in the hospitals of Gdańsk. The research has proved higher knowledge levelof the nurses working at neurological wards. All the surveyed people showed the knowledge about the definitionof dysphagia as well as about the food which every sick person should consume and avoid.Conclusions. Own research has shown that the garden of respondents does not affect the level of knowledge aboutdysphagia. The age of the respondents shows no relation to the level of nurses’ knowledge about dysphagia. In turn,seniority affect the knowledge of nurses in this area. The greater the seniority, the higher the level of knowledge ofthe topic in the field of dysphagia. Similarly the workplace. Neurological nurses were characterized by a higher levelof knowledge about dysphagia than nurses from internal medicine departments, while the level of knowledge aboutdysphagia does not depend on the education of the nurses surveyed. (JNNN 2021;10(1):10–17)Wstęp. Dysfagia to zaburzenia połykania powodujące niedożywienie, zachłystowe zapalenie płuc oraz zwiększająśmiertelność. W celu szybkiego rozpoznania dysfagii, pomocne są przesiewowe testy do wykrywania zaburzeń połykania.Dzięki nim, można wprowadzić odpowiednią terapię, w której uczestniczy cały zespół terapeutyczny. Dlatego niezwykleważna jest wiedza pielęgniarek na temat zaburzeń połykania.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy na temat dysfagii wśród pielęgniarek oddziałów neurologicznychi wewnętrznych.Materiał i metody. Metodą badawczą, która została wykorzystana do przeprowadzenia badania był sondaż diagnostycznywraz z techniką ankietową. Narzędziem badawczym, jakim się posłużono podczas badania był autorski kwestionariuszankiety.Wyniki. W badaniu wzięło udział 70 pielęgniarek w wieku od 22 roku życia, które czynnie pracują w zawodziew gdańskich szpitalach — oddziałach neurologicznych i wewnętrznych. Badanie wykazało wyższy poziom wiedzywśród pielęgniarek zatrudnionych w oddziałach neurologicznych. Wszystkie badane osoby wykazały wiedzę, dotyczącądefinicji dysfagii oraz pokarmów jakie powinien spożywać pacjent, a czego powinien unikać chory z dysfagią.Wnioski. Badania własne wykazały, że płeć respondentów nie wpływa na poziom wiedzy na temat dysfagii. Wiekosób badanych nie wykazuje związku z poziomem wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat dysfagii. Z kolei staż pracy rzutujena wiedzę pielęgniarek w tym obszarze. Im większy staż pracy, tym wyższy poziom wiedzy badanych w zakresiedysfagii. Podobnie miejsce pracy. Pielęgniarki neurologiczne charakteryzowały się wyższym poziomem wiedzy na tematdysfagii niż pielęgniarki z oddziałów internistycznych. Natomiast poziom wiedzy na temat dysfagii nie zależyod wykształcenia badanych pielęgniarek. (PNN 2021;10(1):10–17

    Kawasaki disease: a comprehensive review

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    Introduction and purpose: Kawasaki disease is an acute, self-limited vasculitis of medium arteries, and it affects children under 5 years old. It can lead to coronary artery aneurysms. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease is unclear. The diagnosis is based on the clinical findings. The characteristic symptoms are polymorphous skin rashes, conjunctivitis, erythema, dryness, cracking and bleeding of the lips, erythema and swelling of palms and soles and cervical lymphadenopathy. Kawasaki disease is defined as a fever for 5 days accompanied by 4 or more of the diagnostic symptoms described above. The classic diagnosis is based on the exclusion of other diseases too. The diagnosis of incomplete Kawasaki disease is suggested if less than 4 main clinical features are found.  It is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children. Kawasaki disease can lead to coronary artery aneurysm, myocarditis and pericarditis so it is very important to treat this illness correctly. Basic treatment is a single infusion of intravenous immunoglobulin and high-dose aspirin. Recurrent Kawasaki disease (persistent fever after first line treatment with IVIG and aspirin) requires the same treatment as used for the first episode. Corticosteroids and immune-modulating therapies can be used as second and third line options. Quick recognition and early treatment result in a reduction of coronary artery abnormalities. Conclusion: This article reviews basic informations, history, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, complications and treatment of Kawasaki disease

    New water soluble polymeric photosensitizers containing porphyrin chromophores

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    Przedstawiono porównanie właściwości fotochemicznych dwóch amfifilowych polimerów: statystycznego i blokowego kopolimeru styrenosulfonianu sodowego i 5-(4-akryloiloksy-fenylo)-10,15,20-tritoliloporfiryny [odpowiednio: PSSS-s-Po i PSSS-b-Po]. Wykazano, że oba kopolimery są efektywnymi fotosensybilizatorami, przy czym wydajność kwantowa fluorescencji chromoforów porfirynowych w przypadku PSSS-s-Po jest znacznie większa niż PSSS-b-Po. Mogą one wpływać na reakcje fotochemiczne zarówno w wyniku przekazu energii, jak i na drodze przeniesienia elektronu. W roztworze wodnym zawierającym kopolimer oraz 1,1-dipropylosulfonian wiologenu (PSV) osiągnięto trwałą separację ładunku. Zbadano również kinetykę reakcji fotoutleniania wielopierścieniowych związków aromatycznych (na przykładzie rubrenu) zsolubilizowanych w wodnym roztworze kopolimeru

    Total pain in a patient with lung cancer diagnosis

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    Pain is experienced by most cancer patients. According to the definition of the International Society forthe Study of Pain (IASP), pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resemblingthat associated with, actual or potential tissue damage. This very “medical” definition indicatesthat pain is a mental, subjective, sensual, emotional, and unpleasant phenomenon. In palliative care, thereis often a need for a better and deeper understanding of what “total” pain can be. The case of a youngpatient with lung cancer diagnosis presented an opportunity to describe characteristics of such pain, whichencompasses physical, mental, social and spiritual suffering