Comment traduire le futur périphrastique français en polonais?


International audienceThis article deals with the question of the translation of the French futur périphrastique (“aller” [present tense] + INFINITIVE) into Polish. The authors distinguish between several uses of this forward-looking, or ‘prospective’ tense in French, which are based on two main readings that can be described respectively as “reference to the preparatory phase” and “reference to the process phase”. Polish does not have any tense to convey the category of prospectivity. But in this language, reference to the preparatory phase can nevertheless be expressed. The verb “mieć” (‘have’) and its reflexive form, “mieć się”, are used in some constructions which, under particular contextual restrictions, can express the reference to the preparatory phase. Translations of other uses of the futur périphrastique are also examined here

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