19 research outputs found

    Adverse reaction after transfusion of Red Blood Cells in a patient aged 97 years - case report

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    During hospitalization 97 years old patient had blood transfusion. This procedure lead to overload of cardiovascular system. Pharmacotherapy gradually improved the general condition of the patient. The patient was discharged in a stable state. Doubts arise; when blood should be transfused, in which cases should a blood transfusion be discontinued, what should be the recommendation for a blood transfusion for older people over the age of 90. There is a need for further research in geriatrics regarding the transfusion of blood and its components

    PD-L1-Positive High-Grade Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Patients Respond Better to Standard Neoadjuvant Treatment-A Retrospective Study of PD-L1 Expression in Relation to Different Clinicopathological Parameters.

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    Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is typically a high-grade breast cancer with poorest clinical outcome despite available treatment modalities with chemo-, immuno- and radiotherapy. The status of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is a prognostic factor closely related to programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expressed on T lymphocytes modulating antitumor immunity. Immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) are showing promising results in a subset of breast cancer patients in both neo- and adjuvant settings. Pathologic complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant treatment was found to be associated with better prognosis. We analyzed the prognostic and predictive significance of PD-L1 (SP142 assay) immunohistochemical expression on TNBC patients' samples as illustrated by pCR with regard to its relation to treatment regimen, stage, BRCA mutational status and outcome. Furthermore, we analyzed a few other clinicopathological parameters such as age, TILs and proliferation index. The study highlighted a positive role of PD-L1 evaluation for personalized pCR probability assessment. Although considerable research was made on comparison of PD-L1 level in TNBC with different patient parameters, to our best knowledge, the relation of PD-L1 status to pCR while taking treatment regimen and stage into consideration was so far not investigated

    Kulturowe aspekty przekładu operowego

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest wykazanie związków i zależności zachodzących pomiędzy przekładem opery a czynnikami kulturowymi właściwymi dla danej grupy odbiorców. Omówienie głównej problematyki pracy jest poprzedzone zarysem historycznym ukazującym rozwój gatunku w poszczególnych krajach oraz opisem istoty tłumaczenia operowego, które charakteryzuje się multimodalnością oraz wielowymiarowością. Autorka omawia, w jaki sposób tłumaczenia operowe są odbierane przez publiczność i w jakim stopniu odbiór ten jest warunkowany przez czynniki kulturowe i społeczne. Wnioski wysnute na podstawie źródeł zostały potwierdzone w badaniu przeprowadzonym wśród rzeczywistych gości teatru operowego. Autorka formułuje konkluzję, iż aspekty kulturowe mają istotne znaczenie dla odbioru dzieła przez daną grupę społeczną lub narodową. W swoich rozważaniach odnosi się do istotnych z punktu widzenia pracy teorii translatorskich, takich jak Teoria Skoposu Hansa Vermeera lub Teoria polisystemu Itamara Even-Zohara.The aim of this MA thesis is to present the influence of cultural factors on translation of opera, and to define the place of operatic translation in the modern cultural systems. The core discussion is preceded by the historical overview of opera development in particular nations and description of the multimodal and multidimensional nature of operatic translation. The main problem discussed in the thesis is how opera in translation is received by the audience, and how this reception may be influenced by social and cultural norms of a given group. The observations based on the sources were verified in the survey carried out among actual opera goers. The argument leads to a conclusion that cultural aspects play a vital role in the reception of a translated performance by a given social or national group. The author relates the issue of operatic translation to some relevant translation theories, such as Hans Vermeer’s Skopos Theory or Even-Zohar’s Polysystem Theory

    Diffuse textures. Service of textures

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    Niniejsza praca stanowi dokumentację projektu dyplomowego realizowanego w ramach studiów I stopnia na kierunku Elektroniczne Przetwarzanie Informacji na Wydziale Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Aplikacja oferuje możliwość pobierania i udostępniania tekstur koloru. Zawarte są w niej również informacje dotyczące tekstur koloru i pozyskiwania ich.Presented thesis is the documentation for the diploma project implemented under the Electronic Information Processing at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University. Application offers downloading and uploading diffuse textures. It contains informations about diffuse textures and getting them

    The problem of opera translation as exemplified by the Polish translation of Orpheus in the Underworld

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    Niniejsza praca przedstawia problematykę związaną z tłumaczeniem utworów wokalnych, a konkretniej tłumaczeniem opery i operetki. Gatunki te mają szczególny charakter ze względu na równoczesne współdziałanie różnych warstw: literackiej, muzycznej, aktorskiej, wizualnej itp. Z tego względu tłumaczenia operowe są szczególnie wymagające, gdyż muszą równocześnie współgrać z wieloma aspektami dzieła. Autorka pracy omawia poszczególne problemy tłumaczeniowe na przykładzie polskiego tłumaczenia operetki „Orfeusz w piekle” i analizuje je w kontekście różnych teorii przekładoznawczych, w szczególności „Teorii pentatlonu”, której autorem jest Peter Low. Ważnym punktem odniesienia jest też „Teoria skoposu” Hansa Vermeera, która pozwala uwzględnić cel tłumaczenia oraz jego funkcjonowanie w kulturze docelowej. Wnioskiem płynącym z tych rozważań jest podkreślenie wyjątkowego charakteru tłumaczeń operowych, w których najważniejszym aspektem nie jest ekwiwalencja semantyczna (jak w przypadku większości tłumaczeń), lecz współgranie warstwy tekstowej z warstwą muzyczną dzieła.This bachelor’s thesis presents problems related to the translation of vocal works, or, more specifically, the translation of opera and operetta. The special character of these genres derives from the fact that they employ various modes of artistic expression at the same time: literature, music, theatre, visual arts, etc. For this reason, opera translations are particularly demanding, as they must harmonise with many dimensions of the work at the same time. The author discusses particular translation problems, as exemplified by the Polish translation of the operetta “Orpheus in the Underworld”. She analyses them in the context of various translation theories, in particular the Pentathlon Theory proposed by Peter Low. Another important point of reference is Hans Vermeer’s “Skopos Theory”, which takes into account the purpose of translation and its functioning in the target culture. The author concludes her discussions by emphasising the unique character of opera translations, whose major goal is not semantic equivalence (as is the case with most translations), but a harmonious balance between various dimensions of the work.Ce mémoire présente les problèmes liés à la traduction d’œuvres vocales, notamment à la traduction d’opéra et d’opérette. La particularité de ces genres provient de leur caractère multimodal (réunissant des enjeux littéraires, musicaux, mise en scène, travail d’acteur, arts visuels, etc.). C’est pourquoi les traductions d’opéra sont particulièrement exigeantes ; elles doivent en effet s’harmoniser avec plusieurs dimensions de l’œuvre en même temps. L’auteur du mémoire présente des problèmes traductologiques particuliers, illustrés par la traduction polonaise de l’opérette « Orphée aux enfers ». La question est analysée dans le contexte de diverses théories de la traduction, en particulier la « théorie du pentathlon » proposée par Peter Low. Un autre point de référence important est la « théorie du skopos » de Hans Vermeer, qui prend en compte l’objectif de la traduction et son fonctionnement dans la culture cible. L’auteur du mémoire conclut son propos en soulignant le caractère unique des traductions d’opéra, pour lesquelles l’objectif majeur n’est pas l’équivalence sémantique (comme dans la plupart des traductions), mais un équilibre harmonieux entre les différentes dimensions de l’œuvre


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    Tematem pracy jest wpływ ciągłego ruchu biernego na usprawnianie pacjentów po całkowitej endoprotezoplastyce stawu kolanowego. Jej celem było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie czy ciągły ruch bierny wpływa na usprawnianie pacjentów po alloplastyce stawu kolanowego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród pacjentów szpitala Św. Łukasza w Końskich poddanych zabiegowi endoprotezoplastyki usprawnianych za pomocą szyny do ciągłego ruchu biernego (CPM) w Przychodni Kompleksowej Rehabilitacji i Fizykoterapii.W badanej grupie osób przeważającą część stanowiły kobiety, a główną przyczyną całkowitej wymiany stawu kolanowego była choroba zwyrodnieniowa co potwierdziły przeprowadzone badania. W ich wyniku można stwierdzić, że wprowadzenie ciągłego ruchu biernego do usprawniania chorych we wczesnym etapie leczenia pooperacyjnego istotnie wpłynęło na poprawę jakości chodu, zmniejszyło stopień natężenia bólu w operowanej kończynie, zwiększył się zakres ruchomości w stawie kolanowym. U większości pacjentów został osiągnięty kąt zgięcia 90o w stawie kolanowym, co jest istotne dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania stawu kolanowego.Ciągły ruch bierny zastosowany we wczesnej rehabilitacji pacjentów po endoprotezoplastyce stawu kolanowego wpływa na przyspieszenie procesu usprawniania i jest godny polecenia jako dodatkowa metoda kinezyterapii obok standardowych programów rehabilitacji.The subject of this work is influence of continuous passive motion on improvement of patients after total knee arthroplasty. Its aim was to find the answers to the question if continuous passive motion have an influence on improvement of patients after total knee endoprosthesis.Research was made in St. Lukasz hospital in Konskie among patients who were subject to treatment of total knee endoprosthesis being reinforced by splint to continuous passive motion (CMP) in Complex Clinic of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy. To describe results of research questionnaire was prepared. Interviewees were informed about the aim of research and they agreed to give honest answers. Among the tested group, women were most numerous and the main reason of total replacement of knee-joint was osteoarthritis, what was confirmed by research. In can be concluded that introducing continuous passive movement in the early stage of postoperative treatment had a big influence on improvement of quality of gait, reduced degree of pain intensity in operated limb, increased range of motion in knee-joint. The majority of patients achieved right angle in knee-joint, what is important for proper functioning of knee-joint.Continuous passive motion adopted in early rehabilitation of patients after total knee endoprosthesis have an influence on speeding up the process of improvement. This method can be recommended both with conventional rehabilitation programs

    Rheumatoid arthritis treatment with TNF inhibitors and alternative procedures in case of its failure – results of the Polish survey in the context of EULAR recommendations

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    Introduction : According to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment aims to achieve remission or low disease activity (LDA) within 6 months. In Poland, despite the existence of the National Health Fund Drug Program (NHF-DP), data on the effects of treatment with biological agents in patients with RA are not publicly available. Also we cannot compare registers from other countries with the Polish results because the rules of the therapeutic program in Poland impose restrictions that do not exist in other countries. For this reason, the data will not be comparable, but the results of the currently used regimen for biological treatment in Poland should be analyzed and compared with the recommendations of the European EULAR as a contribution to further discussion. Objectives: To determine the tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) inhibitor treatment patterns in RA patients in Poland, to evaluate the frequency and causes of treatment failure as well as post-failure recommendations, and to compare Polish clinical practice enforced by the therapeutic program with the EULAR recommendations. Material and methods: The data on 895 RA patients were retrospectively collected from routine medical records. A questionnaire was completed only once for each patient. Results : After 3 months of treatment with a TNF-α inhibitor, the therapeutic target was achieved in 72% of patients: 4% in remission, 8% LDA, and 60% with moderate disease activity (MDA); after 9 months, 46% had reached the target: 16% in remission, 30% with LDA. An average of 49% of patients presented with MDA or high disease activity (HDA), thus requiring treatment modification. Treatment failure was confirmed in 14% of patients and a modified therapy administered: rituximab (72%) or adalimumab (20%). The most common cause of failure was inefficacy of treatment (70%). Conclusions : In the Polish therapeutic program, despite the persistence of MDA or HDA, the treatment with TNF inhibitors rarely qualifies as ineffective and therefore is seldom modified by switching to another biologic drug. As long as the initiation of treatment and its modifications are enforced by the NHF-DP and not the recommendations of EULAR, treatment may be less effective and paradoxically cost-intensive. Therefore, it seems obvious that it is necessary to change and adapt the NHF-DP requirements to European standards

    Incidental Diagnosis of Urothelial Bladder Cancer: Associations with Overall Survival

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    Background: We investigated whether an incidental diagnosis (ID) of bladder cancer (BC) was associated with improved survival. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed data of consecutive patients with no prior diagnosis of urothelial cancer who underwent a primary transurethral resection of bladder tumor (pTURBT) between January 2013 and February 2021 and were subsequently diagnosed with urothelial BC. The type of diagnosis (incidental or non-incidental) was identified. Overall, relative, recurrence-free, and progression-free survival rates (OS, RS, RFS, and PFS) after pTURBT were evaluated using the Kaplan–Meier curves and long-rank tests. A multivariable Cox regression model for the overall mortality was developed. Results: A total of 435 patients were enrolled. The median follow-up was 2.7 years. ID cases were more likely to be low-grade (LG) and non-muscle-invasive. ID vs. non-ID was associated with a trend toward an improved 7-year OS (66% vs. 49%, p = 0.092) and a significantly improved 7-year OS, if incidental cases were limited to ultrasound-detected tumors (75% vs. 49%, p = 0.013). ID was associated with improved survival among muscle-invasive BC (MIBC) patients (3-year RS: 97% vs. 23%, p < 0.001), but not among other subgroups stratified according to disease stage or grade. In multivariable analysis, only age, MIBC, and high-grade (HG) cancer demonstrated an association with mortality. PFS and RFS among non-MIBC patients did not differ in regard to the type of diagnosis. Conclusions: Incidental diagnosis may contribute to an improved survival in BC patients, most probably in the mechanism of the relative downgrading of the disease, including the possible overdiagnosis of LG tumors. Nevertheless, in the subgroup analyses, we noted marked survival benefits in MIBC cases. Further prospective studies are warranted to gain a deeper understanding of the observed associations