15 research outputs found

    Exposure to bioaerosols at open dumpsites: A case study of bioaerosols exposure from activities at Olusosun open dumpsite, Lagos Nigeria

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    Activities associated with the open dumping of municipal solid waste has the potential for greater impact on the environment and public health compared to other forms of waste-to-land treatment of such wastes. However, there is a lack of quantitative data on the exposure to bioaerosols from open dumpsites, hence impeding the development of effective interventions that would reduce the risk of respiratory symptoms among scavengers and waste workers at such dumpsites. This study investigated exposure to bioaerosols at Olusosun open dumpsite, Lagos Nigeria using three methodologies; (1) Conducting a cross-sectional survey on the respiratory health of the population on the dumpsite, (2) Measuring bioaerosol concentrations in the ambient air by measuring four bioaerosols indicator groups (total bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatus and total fungi) using a Anderson six stage impactor sampler, (3) Measuring activity related exposures to bioaerosols using an SKC button personal sampler. After a cross sectional health survey of 149 participants (waste workers, scavengers, middlemen, food vendors and business owners), smokers reported higher symptoms of chronic cough (21%) and chronic phlegm (15%) compared to non-smokers (chronic cough 15%, chronic phlegm 13%). Years of work > 5 years showed no statistically significant association with chronic phlegm (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.4–3.4; p > 0.05) or asthma (OR 1.8, 95% CI 0.6–5.2; p > 0.05). At the 95th percentile, the concentration of total bacteria was the highest (2189 CFU/m3), then gram negative bacteria (2188 CFU/m3), total fungi (843 CFU/m3) and Aspergillus fumigatus (441 CFU/m3) after ambient air sampling. A comparison of the data showed that the activity-based sampling (undertaken using body worn personal sampler) had higher bioaerosols concentrations (104 –106 CFU/m3), i.e. 2–3 logs higher than those recorded from static ambient air sampling. Bioaerosol exposure was highest during scavenging activities compared to waste sorting and site supervision. Particle size distributions showed that 41%, 46%, 76% and 63% of total bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatus and total fungi respectively were of respirable sizes and would therefore be capable of penetrating deep into the respiratory system, posing a greater human health risk. This study has shown that exposure to bioaerosols can be associated with activities undertaken at open dumpsites and may contribute to the high prevalence of the chronic respiratory symptoms among the workers in such environments

    Patterns of Structural and Functional Bacterioplankton Metacommunity along a River under Anthropogenic Pressure

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    Bacteria, an integral part of aquatic ecosystems, are responsible for the circulation of matter and flow of energy. Since bacterioplankton rapidly responds to any natural and human-induced disturbances in the environment, it can serve as a bioindicator of these changes. Knowing factors that shape the microbial community structure may help the sustainable management of the water environment. However, the identification of environmental signals affecting the structure and function of bacterioplankton is still a challenge. The study analyses the impact of environmental variables on basic microbial parameters, which determines the effectiveness of ecological processes in rivers. Measurements of bacterioplankton abundance (BA) and extracellular enzyme activity (EEA) were based on fluorescent markers. The bacterial community structure was determined by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing (Illumina). The results indicate spatial variation in bacterioplankton abundance. Temporal variation was not significant. Lipase and aminopeptidase had the highest level of activity. EEA was not correlated with bacterial abundance but was significantly correlated with temperature. Moreover, differences in lipase, α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase activity levels between spring and summer were noted. At the same time, the location of sampling site had a significant influence on aminopeptidase activity. The taxonomic analysis of bacterioplankton communities in the Brda River indicated that, although different numbers of OTUs were recorded in the studied river sections, bacterioplankton biodiversity did not change significantly along the river with distance downstream. Anthropogenically modified river sections were characterized by the dominance of Flavobacterium (Bacterioidetes) and hgcl clade (Actinobacteria) taxa, known for their ability to produce extracellular enzymes. PCoA analysis revealed that the sites located in the lower river course (urban area) had the most similar bacterial community structure (β-diversity). The study provides new insight into the changes in microbial communities along the river and emphasizes the potential impact of anthropogenization on these processes

    Microbial quality of water in the fountains in Bydgoszcz, Poland

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    Fontanny miejskie, będące elementem poprawiającym wizualne walory parków, czy skwerków w miastach często wykorzystywane są jako poidła przez zwierzęta lub kąpieliska przez dzieci i dorosłych. Jednoczesne korzystanie z fontann przez ludzi i zwierzęta może przyczynić się do transmisji chorobotwórczych mikroorganizmów i stanowić zagrożenie epidemiologiczne. Celem pracy było określenie stopnia zanieczyszczenia bakteriologicznego wody w czterech fontannach usytuowanych w śródmieściu Bydgoszczy. Analizę mikrobiologiczną, obejmującą oznaczenie liczebności bakterii psychrofilnych i mezofilnych oraz bakterii wskaźnikowych stanu sanitarnego, wykonano według Polskich Norm. W badanych wodach stwierdzono obecność wszystkich omawianych grup bakterii. Największą ich liczebność notowano w fontannie zlokalizowanej na Starym Rynku „Dzieci bawiące się z gęsią”. Biorąc pod uwagę liczebność bakterii psychro- i mezofilnych oraz bakterii grupy coli, najczystsza była woda z fontanny przy Filharmonii Pomorskiej. Najmniejszą liczbę bakterii Escherichia coli i enterokoków kałowych odnotowano w wodzie z fontanny „Potop”, znajdującej się w Parku Kazimierza Wielkiego. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że największy wpływ na liczebność bakterii miała pora roku, a największe skażenie bakteriologiczne odnotowano w sezonie letnim.Fountains, whose primary function is to decorate parks, squares and gardens, are frequently used by animals as a source of drinking water and by people as bathing facilities. Sharing water with animals promotes transmission of microbial pathogens and leads to an increase in water-related diseases. This study was aimed at evaluating microbial contamination of water in Bydgoszcz fountains. Microbiological analysis (based on Polish standards) were conducted to determine the number of psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria as well as the number of bacteria used as indicators of sanitary conditions. Water samples contained bacteria from all tested groups. The highest numbers were recorded in the fountain in the Old Market Square (“Dzieci bawiące się z gęsią” fountain). The lowest numbers of psychrophilic, mesophilic, and coliform bacteria were found in the fountain near the Pomeranian Philharmonic. The lowest numbers of Escherichia coli and faecal enterococci were recorded in the “Potop” fountain in Kazimierz Wielki Park. The results indicate that the number of bacteria depended mainly on the sampling date; the highest bacterial contamination was noted in summer

    Evaluation of sanitary and bacteriological condition of the “Balaton” water reservoir located in the center of Bydoszcz

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    Zbiorniki wodne coraz częściej stają się integralną infrastrukturą dużych miast, pełniąc ważne funkcje estetyczne i rekreacyjne. Nie są one jednak objęte systematycznym monitoringiem mikrobiologicznym. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena stanu sanitarno-bakteriologicznego zbiornika wodnego „Balaton” położonego w centrum Bydgoszczy. Analizy sanitarne obejmujące liczebność wybranych grup mikroorganizmów wykonane zostały zgodnie ze standardami Polskich Norm. Dodatkowo badania poszerzono o oznaczenie ogólnej liczby bakterii (OLB) oraz ocenę aktywności błony cytoplazmatycznej komórek bakterioplanktonu, wykorzystując w tym celu zestaw barwników fluorescencyjnych LIVE/DEAD® BacLightTM Bacterial Viability Kit. Wykonane badania wykazały, że zasadniczy wpływ na ilość drobnoustrojów miała pora roku. Największą liczbę bakterii psychrofilnych, mezofilnych oraz enterokoków kałowych odnotowano latem, a najmniejszą jesienią. Wyjątek stanowiły bakterie z grupy coli oraz Escherichia coli, których najmniejszą liczbę odnotowano w sezonie wiosennym. Podobne zależności stwierdzono na podstawie analizy ogólnej liczby komórek bakterii, wśród których aktywność błony cytoplazmatycznej wynosiła od 91,5% latem do 72,3% wiosną. Analiza taksonomicznego zróżnicowania dominujących szczepów bakterii wykonana metodą BIOLOG® wykazała, że wszystkie badane izolaty należały do klasy Gammaproteobacteria.Water reservoirs have become increasingly an integral part of infrastructure of big cities. They play an important aesthetic and recreational functions, but aren’t covered by systematic microbiological monitoring. The aim of this study was evaluation of sanitary and bacteriological condition of the “Balaton” water reservoir located in Bydgoszcz. Sanitary analysis includes the number of selected groups of microorganisms were made in accordance with the Polish Standards recommendations. The study was expanded to determine the total number of bacteria (TNB) and assessment the activity of cytoplasmic membrane of bacterioplankton. In this case was used fluorescent dyes LIVE/DEAD® BacLightTM Bacterial Viability Kit. The studies showed, that the season has a major impact on the distribution of bacterial populations. The highest average number of psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria and also fecal enterococci was recorded in summer. The exceptions were coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli, which the smallest average number was noted in spring. Similar relationship observed based on the total number bacteria, among which cytoplasmic membrane activity varied from 91.5% in summer to 72.3% in autumn. The taxonomic analysis of dominant bacterial strains prepared using BIOLOG® method showed, that all examinated isolates belonged to Gammaproteobacteria class

    The occurrence of b-haemolytic bacteria in pharmacies. An analysis of taxonomic structure and antibiotic resistance

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    Introduction. The air we breathe is the site of periodic occurrence of bacteria. One of the sources of bioaerosol is the gut microbiome. More and more frequently, microbes acquire resistance to antibiotics and can become a potential cause of infections. In recent years, this phenomenon is noticeable mainly in the health care facilities. Material and methods. Air samples were collected from five pharmacies located in Bydgoszcz. The impact method was used. The taxonomic analysis of culturable b-hemolytic bacterial strains was prepared using BIOLOG® technology. The susceptibility of identified staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, in line with the recommendations of the EUCAST. Results. The results showed that the highest average number of b-hemolytic bacteria was identified at a sampling site located directly in the hospital. Identification of b-hemolytic bacteria showed that the examined strains mostly represented Bacillus and Staphylococcus genera. Based on the antibiogram, it was found that staphylococci strains showed the lowest sensitivity to penicillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the air in pharmacies can be a source of potential pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic-resistant bacteria

    Mikrobiologiczne zanieczyszczenie powietrza na terenie oczyszczalni ścieków oraz antybiotykooporność bakterii z rodzaju Staphylococcus spp.

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    The study was aimed at evaluating microbial contamination on the premises of the sewage treatment plant by determining the concentrations of selected groups of airborne microorganisms. Another objective was to determine the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of isolated strains of staphylococci. The research was conducted in a seasonal cycle, by the impaction method using Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Samples were collected at six sites, each representing a different stage of sewage treatment. The susceptibility of isolated staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, following the recommendations of the EUCAST. The results indicate that the microbial population in the air of the investigated area was dominated by mold fungi, whose highest average concentration was recorded at site IV located near the final clarifier (7672 CFU•m-3). Heterotrophic bacteria and mannitol-positive staphylococci were the most numerous at locations where sewage undergoes primary treatment. In each subseuqent stage the number of microorganisms emitted into the air from the sewage was lower. Antibiograms show that more than 50% of Staphylococcus spp. exhibited resistance to penicillin and 20% to rifampicin. In addition, 90% of the analyzed strains were sensitive to other antibiotics. The fungal community included the following genera: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, and Acremonium.The highest air contamination with all studied groups of microorganisms was recorded at the locations where mechanical sewage treatment was performed. During the subsequent stages lower numbers of heterotrophic bacteria were emitted into the air. The air in the investigated sewage treatment plant did not contain multidrug-resistant staphylococci.Celem pracy była ocena stopnia mikrobiologicznego zanieczyszczenia powietrza na terenie oczyszczalni ścieków, określonego na podstawie liczebności wybranych grup drobnoustrojów oraz ocena wrażliwości wyizolowanych szczepów gronkowców na wybrane antybiotyki, co pozwoliło określić stopień ich antybiotykooporności. Badania przeprowadzono w cyklu sezonowym, przy użyciu metody zderzeniowej za pomocą próbnika MAS-100 Merck. Próbki pobierane były z 6 stanowisk badawczych zlokalizowanych w miejscach reprezentujących poszczególne etapy oczyszczania ścieków. Lekowrażliwość wyizolowanych gronkowców oceniano metodą dyfuzyjno-krążkową zgodnie z rekomendacjami EUCAST. Analizy wykazały, że wśród mikrobiota powietrza najliczniej występowały grzyby pleśniowe osiągając maksimum liczebności na stanowisku IV zlokalizowanym przy osadniku wtórnym radialnym (7672 CFU•m-3). Bakterie heterotroficzne i gronkowce mannitolododatnie najliczniej występowały w miejscach wstępnego etapu oczyszczania ścieków. Wraz z zaawansowaniem procesów oczyszczania, ścieki emitowały do powietrza atmosferycznego coraz mniejszą ilość mikroorganizmów. Na podstawie antybiogramów stwierdzono, że ponad 50% badanych szczepów Staphylococcus spp. wykazywała oporność wobec penicyliny i 20% wobec rifampicyny, natomiast 90% analizowanych szczepów było wrażliwych na pozostałe antybiotyki. Wśród grzybów pleśniowych w powietrzu na terenie oczyszczalni ścieków odnotowano grzyby z rodzaju: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium i Acremonium. Największym zanieczyszczeniem powietrza, w przypadku wszystkich badanych grup mikroorganizmów, charakteryzowały się stanowiska zlokalizowane w miejscach odpowiedzialnych za część mechaniczną procesu oczyszczania ścieków. Wraz z zaawansowaniem procesów oczyszczania, ścieki emitowały do powietrza atmosferycznego coraz mniejszą ilość bakterii heterotroficznych. Na terenie oczyszczalni ścieków nie stwierdzono rozprzestrzeniania się szczepów gronkowców wielolekoopornych

    Microbial air contamination on the premises of the sewage treatment plant in Bydgoszcz (Poland) and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus spp.

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    The study was aimed at evaluating microbial contamination on the premises of the sewage treatment plant by determining the concentrations of selected groups of airborne microorganisms. Another objective was to determine the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of isolated strains of staphylococci. The research was conducted in a seasonal cycle, by the impaction method using Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Samples were collected at six sites, each representing a different stage of sewage treatment. The susceptibility of isolated staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, following the recommendations of the EUCAST. The results indicate that the microbial population in the air of the investigated area was dominated by mold fungi, whose highest average concentration was recorded at site IV located near the final clarifier (7672 CFU•m-3). Heterotrophic bacteria and mannitol-positive staphylococci were the most numerous at locations where sewage undergoes primary treatment. In each subseuqent stage the number of microorganisms emitted into the air from the sewage was lower. Antibiograms show that more than 50% of Staphylococcus spp. exhibited resistance to penicillin and 20% to rifampicin. In addition, 90% of the analyzed strains were sensitive to other antibiotics. The fungal community included the following genera: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, and Acremonium.The highest air contamination with all studied groups of microorganisms was recorded at the locations where mechanical sewage treatment was performed. During the subsequent stages lower numbers of heterotrophic bacteria were emitted into the air. The air in the investigated sewage treatment plant did not contain multidrug-resistant staphylococci

    Microbiological air quality in some kindergartens and antibiotic resistance of bacteria of the Staphylococcus spp. genus

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    Background: Microbiological contamination of the air and the acquisition of the antibiotic resistance by pathogenic bacteria is a growing phenomenon that has a substantial impact on the quality of our health. This problem applies mainly to public areas where we spend a large part of our lives. This study was focused on the microbiological analysis of the air in some kindergartens and antibiotic resistance of bacteria of the Stephylococcus spp. genus. The identification of the isolated mould fungi has been also made. Material and Methods: Air samples were collected from classrooms in the seasonal cycle in the mornings and afternoons using 2 methods, sedimentation and impact. Air samples collected outside the kindergartens served as controls. Air quality assessments were based on the groups of indicator microorganisms, according to Polish standards. The susceptibility of isolated staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, using 8 different classes of antibiotics, in line with the recommendations of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). Results: The analyses show that, regardless of the method, the total number of heterothropic bacteria and staphylococci in the air of the analyzed kindergartens exceeded the allowable limits. There was no air pollution with the fungal infection. Based on the antibiogram, it was found that Staphylococcus spp. strains showed the highest sensitivity to chloramphenicol and the lowest to penicillin and gentamicin. Among the fungi moulds of the genus Cladosporium predominated. Conclusions: The results of the analyses highlight the need for regular health checks and further research to help identify biological factors that may significantly affect the quality of health of people living in public spaces. Med Pr 2015;66(1):49–5

    Influence of Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors on Microbial Ecology and Sanitary Threat in the Final Stretch of the Brda River

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    Ecology of aquatic microorganisms depends on a number of environmental parameters. The additional influence of anthropogenic factors is connected with sanitary risk, particularly in urban areas. The study was aimed at assessing the impact of physicochemical and biological parameters on the abundance and activity of bacterioplankton under different spatio-temporal conditions in the urbanized section of the Brda River. The evaluation of sanitary pollution of water was accompanied by the assessment of antibiotic resistance of isolated faecal strains determined using the disk diffusion method. The results indicate that the location of sampling sites significantly affected by the distribution of faecal Escherichia coli and enterococci in the studied part of the river. On the other hand, there were no significant seasonal changes in respiratory activity or abundance of planktonic bacteria. In addition, the abundance of bacterioplankton was not correlated with all measured physico-chemical parameters, though it was correlated with the organic carbon oxidation rate. Depending on the sampling site, bacterial cells with damaged membranes constituted between 8% and 20% of the population. Antibiograms showed the absence of multi-drug resistant strains. Enterococci exhibited the highest resistance to imipenem (45%), while Escherichia coli, to cefoxitin (31%)