120 research outputs found

    Persistent genital arousal disorder. The case of a 35-year-old patient

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    INTRODUCTION: The Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder is a relatively recently described and rarely diagnosed sexual dysfunction. In the study of its causes, the role of vascular and neurologic factors is raised. In this article an attempt has been made to conduct a comprehensive case conceptualization of a 35-year-old female patient with PGAD, taking into account the opportunity of interaction of biological and psychological factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analysis has been made on the basis of diagnostic material including neuroimaging, gynecological and psychological examinations as well as data from medical history, observation and a resume written by the patient. RESULTS: A number of overlapping factors that can constitute the etiology of a disorder as well as exacerbate its the symptoms have been identified in the patient. They are: generalized atrophy in the CNS, mixed features of personality disorders of cluster B with hysterical and conversion mechanism of exacerbations and abundant venous plexus in the labia majora. CONCLUSIONS: The Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder and its symptomatic exacerbations can be complex as far as their causes are concerned and may require a broad diagnostic and therapeutic perspective. Interdisciplinary approach seems to have some potential in explaining individual mechanisms of the disorder.INTRODUCTION: The Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder is a relatively recently described and rarely diagnosed sexual dysfunction. In the study of its causes, the role of vascular and neurologic factors is raised. In this article an attempt has been made to conduct a comprehensive case conceptualization of a 35-year-old female patient with PGAD, taking into account the opportunity of interaction of biological and psychological factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analysis has been made on the basis of diagnostic material including neuroimaging, gynecological and psychological examinations as well as data from medical history, observation and a resume written by the patient. RESULTS: A number of overlapping factors that can constitute the etiology of a disorder as well as exacerbate its the symptoms have been identified in the patient. They are: generalized atrophy in the CNS, mixed features of personality disorders of cluster B with hysterical and conversion mechanism of exacerbations and abundant venous plexus in the labia majora. CONCLUSIONS: The Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder and its symptomatic exacerbations can be complex as far as their causes are concerned and may require a broad diagnostic and therapeutic perspective. Interdisciplinary approach seems to have some potential in explaining individual mechanisms of the disorder

    Pieczęcie miast księstw opolsko-raciborskiego i cieszyńskiego do roku 1740

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    Prezentując główne założenia pracy w pierwszej kolejności sięgnąć należy do definicji samej pieczęci będącej podmiotem poniższych rozważań. W ujęciu podręcznikowym jest ona znakiem rozpoznawczo-własnościowym określonej osoby fizycznej lub prawnej wyciśniętym za pomocą twardego stempla w odpowiedniej masie plastycznej lub farbie, pełniącym potrójną rolę: świadectwa wiarygodności i mocy prawnej, wykładnika woli właściciela oraz środka kontrolującego i zabezpieczającego nienaruszalność pisma lub przedmiotu10; dodać należy jednocześnie, że pieczęć pełni także funkcję informacyjną (propagandową)11. Ponadto terminem tym określamy zarówno pieczęć właściwą, wykonaną za pomocą typariusza, jak i sam tłok pieczętny12. Należy także pamiętać, że warunkiem sformułowania wyczerpującego kwestionariusza badań jest towarzysząca im pogłębiona refleksja nad istotą pieczęci jako źródła historycznego oraz poszczególnych jej typów13. Z drugiej jednak strony pamiętano, że nadmierne zindywidualizowanie badań pozostaje w niezgodzie z prawną wartością samej pieczęci, która przecież jako całość, tak tekstem legendy jak i pełnym wizerunkiem, tworzy pełnowartościowy instrument prawny14. W końcu niezmiernie istotne, wręcz kluczowe, wydaje się być stwierdzenie, że pieczęć nie jest źródłem w pełni samodzielnym, a tym samym potrzebne są studia interdyscyplinarne, łączące metody różnych specjalności po to, aby lepiej zrozumieć zawarte w niej treści15. Sfragistyka ma więc związek z innymi naukami a przykładowo wymienić można heraldykę, dyplomatykę, numizmatykę, genealogię, epigrafikę czy archeologię prawną. Ponadto wyobrażenia i napisy występujące na pieczęciach mają analogie w innych przekazach źródłowych, a w szczególności materiałem porównawczym i uzupełniającym stają się źródła ikonograficzne.16 Niemniej mimo ścisłej łączności sfragistyki przede wszystkim z heraldyką, ma ona również osobne problemy badawcze, rozwiązywane przy pomocy odrębnych metod opracowania

    Personality traits of partners in unconsumed relationships

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    Związek nieskonsumowany jest problemem rzadko opisywanym w literaturze medycznej. Przyczyny organiczne występują stosunkowo rzadko. Częstym powodem są przyczyny psychogenne, głównie pochwica partnerki. Dużą rolę w utrzymaniu tej sytuacji odgrywa osobowość dwojga partnerów. Badaniami osobowości objęto 62 osoby (31 kobiet i 31 mężczyzn) będące w związku nieskonsumowanym, leczone w latach 2002-2006 w warunkach ambulatoryjnych. Wyniki wskazują na wyższy poziom neurotyczności u kobiet, podwyższoną gotowość do reagowania lękiem. Mężczyźni wykazują wysoką sumienność i ugodowość.The unconsumed marriage is an issue which is touched on very rarely in medical literature. The main sources of those problems are psychogenic, mainly vaginismus, rather than organic. The main roles in such cases play personalities of partners. In this survey 62 (31 males and 31 females) persons were examined. All patients were living in unconsumed marriage and have been treated in ambulatory environment in the period of time from 2002 to 2006. The outcome identified higher level of neurosis and anxiety reactions in case of females, while males showed high levels of scrupulousness and amicability

    Rapid continuous microwave-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles to achieve very high productivity and full yield : from mechanistic study to optimal fabrication strategy

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    Systematic studies of silver nanoparticle synthesis in a continuous-flow single-mode microwave reactor using polyol process were performed, revealing that the synthesis is exceptionally effective to give very small metal particles at full reaction yield and very high productivity. Inlet concentration of silver nitrate or silver acetate, applied as metal precursors, varied between 10 and 50 mM, and flow rates ranged from 0.635 to 2.5 dm3/h, to give 3–24 s reaction time. Owing to its much higher reactivity, silver acetate was shown to be far superior substrate for the synthesis of small (10–20 nm) spherical silver nanoparticles within a few seconds. Its restricted solubility in ethylene glycol, applied as the solvent and reducing agent, appeared to be vital for effective separation of the stage of particle growth from its nucleation to enable rapid synthesis of small particles in a highly loaded system. This was not possible to obtain using silver nitrate. All the observations could perfectly be explained by a classical LaMer–Dinegar model of NPs’ formation, but taking into account also nonisothermal character of the continuous-flow process and acetate dissolution in the reaction system. The performed studies indicate an optimal strategy for the high-yield fabrication of metal particles using polyol method

    Toxicological assessment of pesticide contaminated soils with use of biotests

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    The paper presents the results of experiments on ecological toxicity assessment performed for 12 soil samples collected at 3 obsolete pesticide “tombs” in Poland, before their final disposal. Bioavailability of the main pollutants: p,p’-DDT, lindane and methoxychlor was assessed for selected samples by consecutive solid phase extraction using a Tenax TA sorbent. Several toxicity bioassays were also carried out, including: reducers (Microtox Soild Phase), producers (Phytotox) and consumers (tests of avoidance, acute toxicity and reproduction with use of the earthworm Eisenia foetida). Data from toxicity tests were discussed against the results of the chemical analysis of a wide range of pesticides determined by GC-ECD and GC-NPD. This part of the study enabled the evaluation of the applicability of the aforementioned bioassays in the assessment of pesticide soil pollution. Results of toxicity tests showed a slight to severe impairment of habitat function for all of the contaminated samples, which was only partially reflected by the analytical data. The most sensitive biotest was earthworm reproduction, followed by Phytotox and earthworm acute toxicity. Earthworm avoidance and Microtox tests were found to be of rather limited usability

    Depression - the first symptom of a brain tumor or a consequence of the process neoplastic process - a review of the literature

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    Introduction and objective CNS malignancies account for about 1.6% of all diseases today. In people diagnosed with abrain tumor with a poor prognosis, we often see disorders from the psychiatric spectrum,most often depressive disorders. In this paper, we want to focus on whether depression occursas a sequel to cancer or perhaps is the first of the symptoms of a CNS tumor. Review methods For the analysis, the PubMed medical database was searched, and articles containing studiesand case reports of people with CNS tumor and depressive disorders that occurred eitherbefore diagnosis or at any time during the course of the disease were selected Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge CNS tumors produce symptoms such as epilepsy, visual disturbances, paresis, but alsobehavioral disorders. This is determined by the location of the tumor. Depression is a mentaldisorder manifested mainly by lowered mood. This disorder can coexist with tumorsoccurring in the frontal lobe or be present regardless of the location of the tumor, in peoplediagnosed with a tumor with a poor prognosis. Summary Analyzing the selected articles, we see that in people who were diagnosed with a tumorlocated in the frontal lobe, often the first symptom was depressive disorders, which evenpreceded neurological symptoms. When depression is diagnosed, appearing suddenly andrefractory to treatment, one should consider whether there is an underlying pathologicallesion in the CNS. Unfortunately, there are no specific guidelines for imaging studies indepressive disorders. People who suffer from malignant tumors with a poor prognosis shouldbe cared for by a psychologist, because as the disease progresses, the symptoms worsen,affecting the prognosis